Chapter 17

Vania POV

We were on the game waiting for Captain Blood as we are calling him.

"Hey, team.! Hey, team.We're gonna be great today, right? Where's Gordon?" Tibbles said from behind us

"You tell us." Luis answer

"I don't believe this." Tibbles walked away

"Team U.S.A. i'm sorry. Without a coach behind the bench,you'll forfeit the game." The ref info us

"But you can't do that." Adam yell

'We have one.Miss MacKay.!" Charlie reply and skate to Miss Mackay

We could hear Miss MacKay yell"What are you waitin' for, ice to freeze? Let's play!"

"Let's go.""Yes!" We all yell out

"Face-off at center ice. Germany wins the draw. Comes across the U.S.A. blue line.Germany on the right wing side.Down to big Klaus Stabias. He shoots.!And a save by Goldberg.Great save by Goldberg.As Germany is really throwing their weight around." the speaker person said

"Oh! We look tired.We need to, uh... trade places." Miss MacKay said

"What?" Charlie asked

"New players." Miss MacKay answer

"Oh, say, "Change it up. "" Charlie said

"Change it up." Miss MacKay order

"Scream it!" Charlie order

"Change it up!" Miss MacKay yell

"We're late in the period with a face off coming up." the speaker person said

Then suddenly we heard a weird noise coming from the crowd. We all turned and saw Captain Blood blowing a whistle that made duck noise. When he is on the bench, He yell. "Come on in!Let's go, come on!Thanks.Team.Guys.I was wrong.And i'm sorry. I forgot about the team. And the team is all I have. All I another chance. Just one more shot.i'm back. Okay?Believe me." The coach said. We just nod.

"Hall joined by his teammates behind the Team U.S.A. net in the third period.They start back out and they form a "V'; I've heard of this before but I've never seen it. It's the Flying "V ''"led byJesse Hall. Hall up to center ice. Hall with it toward the Germany blue line.Hall.Shot by Averman. He scores.!" The speaker person said and we all cheer

Coach Bombay told us to head to the showers and go outside. We went to the showers and went outside.

"I've had a lot of big distractions since i've been here in L.A.This is a distraction.This is a fire in a barrel.This is a distraction in a fire in a barrel. Any questions?" Coach Bombay asked and we all just cheer

"We've got a lot of work to do. We've gotta study our opponents and study ourselves.We have to learn from our mistakes.You all have special skills.Now we have to refine them." We all were in front of a tv. Watching the Iceland team playing.

Later, that day

Luis POV

"Luis, your speed is a great weapon.Now you must learn to harness it." Jan said putting some cans in a V line. Vania was here for support

After three failed times. We called it quits. I sat on the bench. When I felt someone sit next to me. I looked up and saw Vania.

"Hey," she said, smiling at me. I just weakly smile. "What's wrong?" Vania asked, running her hand over my hair. that made my smile huge.

"I'm just tired. Nervous about Iceland. You know" I lied. I don't want to tell her the real reason why I look like I'm ready to punch someone.

"Luis, I know when someone is lying. But I respect that you don't want to tell me. Just don't bottle things up too much" Vania kisses my cheek.

Thankfully I'm already red from the practice of stopping. "Well I promise Julie and Connie that we will have a girls hang out. So i got to go" Vania continue and stand up

I stopped her before she left. She turns around to see. "Thanks" It's all I can say. She just gave me a smile that gave me the butterflies

"No problem" She walked away.

You know that she likes you for who you are." I heard a voice behind me scaring me.

"What" I turned around and saw Adam on the bench behind me.

"I met Vania when we were 11. When I first met her. She was completely mute. She wouldn't even laugh to make a noise. The reason why she was being something that she needs to tell you. Anyways I thought that she was always like that. But recently I noticed this little shine in her eyes. I started noticing that it's because she was liking someone and she was with her friends again. "Adam explained. I just gave him a confused face.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

Adam leaned over and said "Vania is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She doesn't care if you stop or not. All she cares is if you are willing to like her for who she is. Let me tell you something about Vania. Her and Charlie were probably the first ones to accept me to the Ducks. Coach Bombay took us to watch a hockey game. They lend us the rink for two hours before the game. So, we skate around. Well they did. I doubt they wanted me to be with them. Vania and Charlie came over to me. They both said that they didn't see a Hawk. All they saw was a duck sitting alone. And that wasn't something they wanted. So for the rest time. They skate with me. Some of the others told me things but Vania and Charlie were quickly to shut them down. I never felt more accepted. Luis Vania accepted you for who you are" Adam stood up and walked away.  
