Chapter 18

Vania POV

We were in a game. We found that Adam was bench. Later Charlie found Russ to take his place.

"Them U.S.A. leading Russia two-to-one here in the third period. Russ Tyler, Team U.S.A. 's newest member from Los Angeles calling for the puck. He gets it.He winds up.He shoots.He scores.! Yeah!" We all just cheer.

After we were in the lockers.

"I told him no visitors, but he wanted to congratulate you anyway." Coach Bombay came in and we all just turn around and we're in shock

"That's Wayne Gretzky." Jesse said

We all went to shake his hand

"Say, hockey." The camera man said

"Hockey!" Everyone yell

The Next Day

Coach Bombay was taking us to our practice but he told us to not wear our gear.

"Coach, shouldn't we have our hockey gear on?" Luis asked

"Guys, this is our last team practice,which means-" Coach Bombay got interrupt

"The return of Captain Blood." Averman reply

Everyone just laughed.

"No. it means... let's have some fun."He threw a bench ball. And we all went to grab it. That was until someone threw it away but when we went to grab it. We all stop. There was the Iceland Team.

The coach pick the ball up and pop it

"Playtime is over.We have the ice now.You and your little rink rats must leave." He said

"We're right here,Coach." Dean said

"The only thing little was your career in the pros." Coach Bombay reply

"Gordon, no,let's go." Miss MacKay said

"Well, at least I had a shot. I was there." The Coach reply

"You were a disgrace.All right, team,we're outta here. Let's go, I said! Come on!" Coach Bombay yells. We were about to move

"Can you still move on the ice?Well, please, play a little with me.Show me the famous triple deke your daddy taught you.Or was it that old geezer over there? Marria." The coach said also he got two sticks

"Three bar. First one to hit both posts and the crossbar. Have to take it out past the blue line." Coach Bombay order

"I know the game." The coach reply

We all moved to the sides. Guy moved Connie behind him. Dean moved Julie behind him. and Luis moved me behind him. Since the guys would keep staring at us. I saw Coach Bombay talking

"One more post and you go home crying. By the way, Stansson, you owe me a beach ball." he skated away but the coach hit his bad knee. We all skate over him.

"It's all right." Coach Bombay said

"Get your coach off the ice. We have to practice now." the coach ordered.

We all just glare at them and skate away.
