Chapter 14

Vania POV

Today is the game against Iceland. I was nervous. I have seen them play. They're rough. As much as I love hockey. I wouldn't want to play against them.

"Hey Vania." Adam came up to me with a huge smile. I just gave him a weird face.

"Hey Adam" I reply

"I know that i don't talk a lot with you but i need help with something" Adam asked nervously. I just nodded for him to continue. "I think i like Charlie" Adam quietly

"You think" I asked

"it's just whenever i'm around him i get nervous" Adam explain

"What kind of help do you need from me" I asked

He waited for a minute and said "I honestly don't know . I just wanted it to get it off my chest and I know I can trust you to not tell anyone" Adam leans against the wall next to my somewhat locker.

"I won't tell anyone don't worry" I pat his shoulder. Adam just smiles and walks away.

I continue to put my clothes in my locker. When I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Hey Vania" Luis said standing where Adam was once standing.

"Hey Luis"I replied, smiling at him.

"I was wondering if you would like to hang out alone on the beach that's near the hotel. I mean unless you hate the beach then we can just go somewhere else..." Luis rant and I chose to stop.

"I would love to. The beach sounds nice" I answer and Luis just smiles.

"Well maybe we can get to know each other more" Luis asked. I just nod and smile at him. Coach Bombay came in with a nice style that we made fun of him.

'Live from Los Angeles, welcome to the Junior Goodwill Games.Tonight's match up, Team U.S.A. faces off against Team Iceland. We have with us Greg Goldberg, goaltender for Team U.S.A.Greg, what is it gonna take to beat these feisty Icelanders tonight?" I could hear Averman said to Goldberg

"I think it'll take a supreme individual effort by me, Greg Goldberg." Goldberg said

"Let's play hockey, gentlemen." A ref told them

"Okay, cut it." Averman said to the camera man

"Hi, everybody.Welcome to today's game.This is a very important match-up,Team U.S.A. against what could be a preview of the championship game. Iceland, coached by Wolf"The Dentist'"Stansson. He'll be taking on Gordon Bombay." The speaker said

As the game began Dean got kicked out "You're throwing him out? You can't do that! It's three seconds into the game!" Coach Bombay yell out

"Missing big Dean Portman, it's one-nothing Iceland. Iceland outhitting and out skating Team U.S.A... all over the ice in the first period. Here's Gunnar Stahl again for Iceland. Team U.S.A. can't stop him. On the backhand, saved by Goldberg. Captain Adam Banks has it for U.S.A. He gets knocked head over heels. Team U.S.A. still with the puck. Luis Mendoza, he can really fly. Mendoza across the blue line. He gets tripped, slides into the boards." The speaker said. Luis skate hit the wall he came and sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"I'm fine, don't worry" Luis said and smiled weakly at me. I just patted his back.

"We're in trouble, Ken. What can you do for us?" I heard Coach Bombay said to Kenny

"Let's see.Uh, a triple aerial with a Double Hamill Camel...that should split the D, then a pirouetting half-toe-touch for the goal." Kenny answer

"Show it to me, son." Coach pat his back

"Come on, Kenny. Get us back in the game."

"I'm sure you can do it, Ken." After everyone yell out for Kenny

But sadly. Ken got tackled. That got to hurt. He came back looking very hurt. He came back looking very hurt

"Was that it?" Coach Bombay asked and Ken just nodded.

Coach called for time out.

"Where's our concentration? You guys are runnin' around like a bunch of chickens with your heads cut off!." Coach Bombay yell out angry

"We're doin' our best." Jesse answer

"Well, your best isn't good enough anymore. Blow this game and we are one loss away from elimination.You guys might want to go home early, but i sure as heck don't." Coach Bombay walked away.

"My, that was inspiring." Averman sigh out

"Four-nothing, Iceland, as we head for the final period. I hope Bombay's got some magic up his sleeve, because he's getting manhandled tonight." The speaker said.

"You're off, Goldberg!" Coach Bombay yelled but that didn't last long. Julie hit two of the other players

"Vania, you are on" Coach Bombay said

"What?" everyone in the bench yell

"Coach , Vania will get crushed out there. She can hurt her wrist again. Probably even damage it for good this time." Charlie stand up looking worried

"Charlie, she is part of the team. She must play. If she doesn't then why is she in the team" Coach Bombay reply

"It;s fine. I will be careful" I said, putting on my helmet.

"Vania Nobel in the ice for Team USA" I can hear the speaker person said

Adam skated towards me. "You ready" he asked

"I don't know this is a heavy team" I sigh looking at the other team.

"Stay behind me at all times unless I get tackled." Adam order and i just nod

The whole team knew about my wrist and how it's so easy to get hurt.

I looked at Adam. I just nod

"Here's Banks, starts onto the ice... moves along the left wing side, now moves into the center, but-A spinning move.! A great move to the blue line. Banks give it to Noble and all alone. She scores" I skate to Adam and high five. But it was cut short since one of the others hit Adam wrist but when Adam put his hand very quickly he managed for me to also get hit.

"Adam, are you fine." I asked worry

"I'm fine but are you fine? You also got hit" Adam asked worriedly. I just nod even if it hurts like they just took my hand out. Luis and Charlie skate over at us.

"Are you guys fine?" Charlie asked, looking at our wrist.

"Vania that looks bad. Here I will take you guys to the nurses" Luis offered. Adam shakes his head.

"V you have no choice. That wrist looks very bad." Charlie said, taking Adam to the bench since Luis has his arms around me. I nod

Luis took me to the nurses. She checked and did X-rays very quickly. She checks "Well since you were wearing the pad. It just cost a huge bruising. Other than that, You're fine just don't play hockey for a bit. and rest that wrist a lot." Nurse orders and we just nod.

We head towards the locker. Where everyone was. They all stood up when they saw me walk in.

"I'm fine just bruising that's all. Nothing broke or anything. Thanks to the pad." I said sitting next to Charlie

"You did good V" Charlie said

I saw the coach come in

"Twelve to one.You know what word comes to mind when you think of that? Hmm?Pathetic.! You guys were brought here to play hockey." Coach started to yell at us.

"What about you?" Jesse asked

"What about me,Jesse?" Coach reply

"Coach Stansson knew everything about us. They were ready for us." Julie explain

"And you spend your time driving around in convertibles talking to those sponsor fools. " Luis butt in

"Or hanging with the iceland lady.We saw you two Saturday night." Fulton said

"Eating ice cream with the enemy, huh, coach?" Dean continue

Everyone was just in shocked and hurt

"Hey. Hey, what i do is none of your business. is that clear?"

We all just about take off our pads. But apparently, we have practice.
