Chapter 16

Vania POV

" And hold, two, three-" Dean yell

" Coach isn't here. Why do we have to be? " Connie companies

" We have a game tonight. We have to work out. " Dean reply

" I say mutiny.Who's with me? " Goldberg stand up

" Goldberg, I'm too tired to mutiny. " Dwayne complain

" Come on, guys, it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning. " Julie said

" Speak for yourself, babe. " Dean reply

" Her name is Julie, not " babe. " " Adam butt in

" Don't tell me how to talk, rich boy! " Dean push Adam

" Hey, Portman, chill! " Fulton push Dean away

We all were trying to push them apart

" Yo, Team U.S.A. ,what are you going to do today, a million jumping jacks? " A guy scream from the fence

" This kid's crazier than me. Forget about him. Look, Fulton! " Dean started to turn around

" I'm gettin ' sick of you! " Jesse yell back

" I'm gettin ' sick of seeing the U.S.A. represented by a bunch of whining babies. " The boy reply

" Too bad you can't back up that mouth. " Jesse yell back

" Me and my boys can take you anytime ,anywhere. " He challenge

" I don't see no " boys. " Jesse looked around

" I got them waiting'. Grab your gear and let's go play some schoolyard puck.Or maybe you forgot what it's like to play for real pride. " The boy yell and got kick out

We all decide to play against them. So, we all went to where Russ took us. Luis was holding my hand. When we got there, he put me behind him.

" My little brother Russ here has been telling me that you have been chokin ' big time. " Mike said

" Your brother's got a big mouth. " Jesse reply and other boys just looked scared

" He does, doesn't he? " Mike lo

" We thought we'd call you all to see what you got. " Mike continue

" We know you can talk to the press and sign autographs. " Russ said

" We can do more than that. " Luis answer

" Yeah? We can teach you to play like the real Team U.S.A. " Mike said and we all just nod.

" What would you know about it? " Dean asked

" Hey, ain't no whistles out here either.You keep diggin ' until you score that goal! '' Mike yell out

" He scores! " Russ yell out excited

" All right, Russ! " Mike pat his back

" And then you take a few breaths, slug some water. ..and get out there and do it again! " Russ pat Charlie back

" Don't just stand there.Come and get it. " A random person said. He turn around to see Luis

" Don't mind if I do. " Luis answer and took the puck

" Yeah, Luis! " Everyone yell

" Whoa! Not again! " He yell seeing that he's not got stop

" Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Use the brakes, baby. " A guy comes and pick him

We continue to play until Fulton hit the puck and make it go of the place

" Eh, no sweat. It happens all the time. " Mike told Charlie

" Excuse me.Throw it back, please. " Charlie yell out

" Here, kid. Alley-oop. " The guy threw it back. After Russ, did this shot that was crazy.

I heard Mike say " Sweet move, kid. "

" All right" Ken yell

" Aw, you done messed up now. !Come here, I'm going to get you.! Come here, junior! Come here! No. I'm just messin ' with you, okay. Listen. When a guy comes at you like I just did, you do this : Stick, gloves. ..and shirt. " Mike shows him

" Okay? My turn.Stick, gloves, shirt. " Ken did the same

Afterwards, we took a bus back to our rooms. Charlie took me to his and Adam's room.

" Okay what happened? " Charlie sat me down in his bed.

" What " Adam asked, coming here looking very confused.

" Well if you didn't notice that Luis and V were holding hands during the day. " Charlie replied. I just sigh.

" Okay so we might have kissed " I whispered

Charlie and Adam just stared at each other for a moment and started to scream along jumping on the beds. I just laugh at their reaction.

" I called it," Charlie yelled.

Adam picked me up and spun me around the room. "Luania," Adam yells out. When he finally put me down.

Charlie picked me up. "Luania" Charlie yells also . When both have finally settled down.

" What is Luania?" I asked, sitting in a chair.

" Luania is your and Luis name together. " Adam sat down next to Charlie.

" I'm seriously considering our friendship right now, " I said, looking at them weird.

They just smile big at me. I just rolled my eyes and walked back to my room. 
