Chapter 41 - To serve and protect

Lexie listened to the background music on the radio, drumming her fingers nervously against the side of the car door as she watched the images flash by outside. She was being awfully quiet and the Sheriff had taken notice. She was facing away from him, staring out the window and not wanting to think about what was going to happen. The Banshee had already had an experience with the trickster today, and he had warned her about the many things that were going to happen. 

So why wasn't she listening? She knew it was a mistake, that inevitably, the trickster had set a plan in motion. But she didn't want to burst the Sheriff's bubble, she didn't want to take away his hope because she wished she had his optimism. Hers had disappeared long ago and it scared her. Hope used to be the only thing keeping her going but it had been replaced by fear. Fear of the unknown, of the voices in her head, of everything around her, and most of all, of change. 

But then she remembered that there was a way to get rid of those fears, to have faith. Because hope is the only thing stronger than fear. And if she believes Stiles is still there, that he'll come back, that they can save him, the fear of him being lost forever will slowly dissipate into nothingness. 

Suddenly, the dial on the radio turned and she looked across to see that the Sheriff had turned down the volume, and it meant only one thing. He wanted to talk to her. About the one thing they had in common. Stiles. "I know you think he's gone. That there's no hope for getting him back. But I really need your help for this to work."

Lexie bit down on her lip and nodded slowly, "I'm just trying not to be afraid." Stiles' dad looked across at her, wondering what she meant and willing her to elaborate. "It's him, but it's not. And it terrifies me. That someone I once loved so much has turned into a monster. And then I realise that's what Stiles probably saw when it happened to me."

"'re not a monster."

"I may as well be." she answered, her fists clenched together as she just tried not to cry. "Guilt just seeps through me and sometimes I have to ask myself why. But I already know why. It's because I see one else does. And yet I can't do anything to stop it. I can't save anyone." she croaked out, looking over at the Sheriff warily as he looked back and forth between the road and her. "I'm not a hero like Scott or Sabrina or Allison even. I don't have fangs and claws and super senses. And I don't know how to use daggers, or a gun. I can't fight."

She swallowed the lump in her throat, "All I do is scream. All I ever feel like doing is screaming. Every second of every day, it just all builds up and I feel way too much. Then there's the voices. I don't know how to control it, any of it. I don't even understand what it is. How am I supposed to help Lydia understand when I've barely scratched the surface of my abilities?" it was a question, but it was rhetorical. She didn't expect him to answer because why would he have the answers to something so complex. He barely knows anything about the supernatural. 

"And the bestiary's no help." she laughed, folding her arms in front of her before quickly wiping at her eyes. " of the first people who knew about Banshees barely knows anything. The only one who seemed to understand us was Jennifer. And now she's dead. And I didn't even see that coming. I'm supposed to predict death but most of the time I'm literally just sensing pain. Pain and hurt and rehashing unnecessary emotions." she remembered how she intruded on one of Stiles' most vulnerable memories. The night his mom died. Why would she do that? "I ruin everything I touch. I'm a monster."

Suddenly, the car swerved and came to a stop. She glanced worriedly over to her boyfriend's father. He unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over to gather her in his arms. The affectionate gesture made a small smile slip onto her face as she collapsed her face against his uniform. A man much more caring and understanding than her own father, her own parents even. He didn't have the answer, but he knew how to comfort her and that's all that mattered. And she suddenly knew why Stiles was the person he was. Because of his father. 

She felt his hands circle across her back comfortingly and in that moment actually wished nothing more than to be in Stiles' arms. It was sort of a slap in the face, being able to hug one Stilinski but not the other. What if she never got to hug Stiles again? Feel his arms around her, holding her to his chest, feeling his heart beat erratically every time he held her. She wasn't gonna lose him, she couldn't. 

Eventually, she wiped at the tears and pulled away, spotting how quickly the sun was lowering beyond the horizon. "Thank you," she whispered as he settled back in his seat and buckled up. As the Sheriff started up the car again, Lexie sat upright, hands in her lap and facing forward rather than looking out the window like before. He took this as an opportunity to start up another conversation. 

"Do you remember when we were in the root cellar together?"

This caused her to let out a dry laugh, those memories of being down in that basement had never left her. It was some of the worst few days of her life, just awaiting her impending death. "I don't think I could forget."

"Well, you were almost certain you were gonna die. And yet you cared about no one but Stiles. You wanted to tell him you loved him." she hung her head as she remembered every single word. That was the moment she knew she had to tell him, because it had come to a life and death situation and she realised, that if she were to live, she wanted to live with him, because she loved him. "If you were so set on thinking about him in that moment, just think about what he was doing."

Her mind wandered, wondering how panicked he probably was. His dad and his girlfriend, both taken. Both to possibly be ritually sacrificed. "He was probably running around, chasing lead after lead to somehow get you back. Now I'm not telling you how to feel, or how to act and you may think I'm being crazy but..." the man paused, sighing in defeat before turning to the teary-eyed girl. "that boy sacrificed his life for me and I'd be stupid to not do the same." 

A smile grew on the girl's face as she looked over at a brilliant father. A father who was willing to do anything to get his son back. And she respected that, in fact him saying those words gave her the utmost amount of hope. She wanted to help. She wanted to be there when he came back. She wanted Stiles. She needed him. "I know. And I'm gonna help, I promise."



Lexie slammed the car door shut, hurrying around and heading straight into Derek's apartment complex. The Sheriff followed in pursuit, the others were just pulling up but it was them two that were gonna go in first and try convince Stiles back to the surface, if that was even possible. Her feet carried her up the dozens of steps until she reached the top and immediately stopped in front of the steel door.

Doubts were circling around in her mind as she looked down at the brass handle. She didn't know if she could do this, it all seemed like way too much. But then a reassuring hand found its way to her shoulder and she looked to her side to see the Sheriff with a pretty much identical expression. This all felt way too real. But eventually, she gave in to her fears and she was first to reach forward and pull at the steel. The metal squeaked against each other as she heaved it across so the inside was completely in view. 

The blinding, slowly setting sun was shining in through the large windows across from them, and in the centre of the room was a figure. A figure the both of them recognised all too well. Stiles' back was facing them, and when the door sounded, he slowly turned around. The Sheriff was first to take a step forward, and he was probably gonna continue until Lexie stopped him, placing a hand in front of him. 

Just by the look on his face and the aura he was giving off, she could tell it wasn't him. Although it was gonna take the Sheriff a lot of convincing. "Hi dad." and at the sound of Stiles' voice, his father gave in to the persuasion, but there was something hidden within his voice that only Lexie seemed to pick up on. Mischief. More than the usual mischievous tone Stiles held in his voice. 

She couldn't let the Sheriff be convinced by him, she couldn't let him fall into another trap. Thankfully though, she didn't have to say anything because within a matter of seconds, the sound of metal jingling by his side caught her attention, and Stiles'. "You want to handcuff me?"

He approached the boy, Lexie following swiftly behind as she tried not to meet the evil spirit's deathly gaze. "If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others." they stopped in front of him, Lexie peering over to see that he looked like his usual self, contorted with different emotions. 

She spotted the tears in her eyes and couldn't help but look away. The handcuffs in the sheriff's hands clicked open and caused her to turn back, she immediately met his watery eyes. And for a second, just for a split second she thought she could see him. She thought she spotted the glimmer of hazel in his eyes. But as the cuffs clicked around his wrists and she caught sight of the anguish and despair on his face. There was a niggling feeling telling her it wasn't him.

Deciding to listen to her intuition, she took a tiny step back as she watched him look down at his cuffed hands. It was weird, she couldn't quite tell what emotion he was feeling, whether he was even able to feel any or if it was just an act, a disturbing ploy. Eventually, she watched as his head lifted up again, this time his mask off and the evil spirit underneath shining through the big cracks. 

The dark bags under his eyes had grown visibly since the last time she saw him, but the hint of a sadistic smile was still present. And as Stiles met both of their gazes once more, she knew this time for sure that it wasn't him. All signs of him had disappeared and his eyes were empty. He portrayed nothing but darkness and it made her hands shake in fear. He had quirked one of his brows playfully before twisting his head to the side. "You're not my son."

This was followed by Stiles pulling against the cuffs, causing them to break off in a swift movement and clatter to the ground. Lexie stared down at the split metal that rested by her feet, looking back up to spot a smirking Stiles staring back at her. She just shook her head before hearing footsteps pound behind her. Sabrina stepped in beside Derek, spotting a boy who looked like himself but in reality was far from it. 

Allison was first to attack, she lifted her taser gun in the air before pulling the trigger. The electricity flowed through the wire and whirred towards him, but he grabbed the wire effortlessly and pulled against it, the blue crackling electricity lighting up his face and spinning around his hands. His face hardened as he pulled harder and wrenched the gun from Allison's hands sending it flying against the ground in bad shape. He turned to the others, awaiting another one of them to beat. 

Sabrina threw out her claws before feeling her fangs dig through her gums and go on show. Her eyes glowed a deep red before she let out a deafening roar and lunged forward. The next few seconds went by in what felt like slow motion, Sabrina pushing past the Sheriff and Lexie and lingering in the air for what felt like minutes with her claws at her sides. Feeling the anger race through her, and the longing for Stiles back, she let the fury take over and seep through her veins. 

Her heart pounded against her chest when she finally came in contact with the nogitsune, trying to swipe forward at him but being met by a hand to her throat. Stiles clenched tightly, so tightly that her feet were no longer on the ground and he was holding her up in the air. She just bared her teeth and stared him down with her authoritative eyes. But it was no use, his hand tightened and then he punched her in the stomach but she managed to compose herself and get in a few deep breaths before lifting her feet up and pressing them against his chest so she could break out of his grasp. 

She was successful and ended up swinging backwards, landing perfectly on all fours after a graceful backflip. Her head rose in the air and her teeth thrashed in her mouth, but as Stiles smirked at her, she heard a howl to her left. Derek shot forward, but was met by the Nogitsune being prepared once again. She heard the bones crack in Derek's arm before Stiles slammed his head down against the desk, then he swung him across the room so that the overpowering werewolf flew across at one of the wooden pillars, bones in his back letting out a loud crack before he fell to the ground.

 This angered her even more and fueled her next attack. Her claws retreated and her hands formed a fist, she let out a loud battlecry before charging forward and sending the fist to his face, but at just an inch away, he caught it and then twisted her arm backwards. Panting and in pain, she stared into the eyes of a literal monster. She grabbed at the fabric of his shirt with her good hand and pushed him backwards. 

She pressed firmly, growling under her breath, until he hit the desk behind him. Stiles let out a small laugh as she placed her knee on his stomach, keeping him sandwiched in and unable to move. Sabrina was immediately thrown by his lack of cooperation, or response. But as she stared into his darkened eyes with her teeth out, she spotted a sneaky plan. 

Just like the sly fox he was. 

Then out of nowhere, his head flung towards her and slammed against hers. She recoiled, gripping onto her nose and finding that it was dripping with blood. 

One of her arms was already broken, she knew that from the snap she heard when he had broke it. Now her nose was definitely broken. He cocked his head to the side, a grin on his face as she took in a sharp intake of breath. With a loud yell, she kicked him in the stomach but he gripped onto her ankle, his fingers drumming against the fabric of her jeans teasingly. Before she could try to pull her foot away, he did the same thing he had done to Derek. She flew from his grasp, and Lexie watched as the girl landed with a thud at her feet.

"Hey," she crouched down, checking if she was okay and wincing when she saw the blood flowing from her nose. But the sound of a gun clicking caught both of their attention, the two stunned girls looked up to see Argent holding his silver gun out in front of him, pointed right at Stiles. "No," the girl whispered, clinging to the fabric of Sabrina's shirt and trying her best to help her up.

"Argent, listen to me. Don't do this."

"Why not? I've done it before." he answered the Sheriff, not bothering to take an eye off the evil spirit before him, one that was hidden beneath the exterior of an innocent boy. "Werewolves, berserkers. I can easily add a nogitsune to the list." they were all stood around watching, eventually Derek stood up strolled over and helped Sabrina to her feet as Lexie followed. 

As they waited to see if Argent was actually gonna act on his threat, another click went off, causing more shocked faces around the room, including one from Stiles. His mouth forming an 'o' shape teasingly. "You're not going to shoot my son."

"You said it yourself, Sheriff. That's not your son."

"Put it down. Put it down."

Suddenly, Lexie spotted something wash across Stiles' features, a game, a trick, a ploy. "Dad, he's going to shoot me. He's going to kill me, Dad." and that was even worse to listen to because he was just pretending to be him. The redhead stared across at the spirit angrily, just as the two concerned fathers held their guns out threatening to shoot. 

"Don't listen." Argent warned, not believing a word that came out of the trickster's mouth.

"Put it down. Now! Do it! Put it down!" the Sheriff's voice was raising by the second and the authority he held loomed across the room but not scaring any of them one bit. 

"Pull the trigger. Come on."

Lexie's brows furrowed at the words coming out of Stiles' mouth, why would he want that? "Listen to me, you put the gun down now!"

"Shoot me!" 

"Put the gun down now!" both father and son's voices were echoing through the room, wanting to opposite things and causing the atmosphere around them to be racked with conflict and tension. Sabrina rested in Derek's arms, wiping at her nose and not understanding anything that was happening and just looking back and forth between Argent and the Sheriff. 

But for Lexie, something was clicking in her head. "Dad." Allison's warnings soon triggered everything to pull together in her mind. The yelling continued as her feet paced the ground, then her head shot up, and she met the Nogitsune's gaze, he was staring right back at her, knowing it had clicked.  

"Strife." she whispered as the shouting continued. Argent wasn't being affected by the Sheriff's warnings but Lexie's eyes immediately bulged out of her head when she not only spotted the sun finally setting, but also when she realised they were giving him exactly what he wanted. 

"Put it down! Put it down!" she swallowed the lump in her throat, watching Argent's finger press tighter against the sensitive trigger. Then without thinking, she did something entirely stupid. Lexie's feet rushed quickly and she stood in front of the dark spirit, protecting it like her chess piece was back in Stiles' room. 

"Stop, stop it! This is what he wants." she sighed, her back towards him so that the gun Argent was holding up was now aimed at her. "This is exactly what he wants." then a hand pressed on her shoulder and she flinched at the contact. He came out of hiding behind her, a smirk pressed onto his face as he looked down at her, 

"Not exactly. I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out. Because you're not here to kill me." suddenly, once she realised he was retreating and the room was getting darker, she soon understood what it meant, what he really wanted. Shadows formed all across the room. 

The Oni. 

And they were here for Stiles. "You're here to protect me." the powerless Banshee spun around in all directions, noticing that at least four Onis were here to kill the Nogitsune but they couldn't let that happen. They needed a chance to save Stiles.

She was too slow to act because eventually, Sabrina rushed forward, gripping onto the redhead's arm and dragging her towards the door, that was until they were greeted by the two dark masked figures. "Damn," she spoke calmly before pushing Lexie behind her, "stay behind me." she warned before Allison came to her side, daggers out at her sides. 

The Banshee once again felt powerless, she turned around to see Argent and the Sheriff pointlessly shooting the shadows and getting nowhere and then back around at the two werewolves and skilled huntress who were also trying their best. 

Eventually, after many hits and getting knocked down, the Onis disappeared into the shadows, leaving all of them out of breath. Lexie stood there uselessly before looking over and spotting Sabrina squatted behind Derek, examining the slice on the back of his shoulder. Just as she winced and then pulled against the fabric of his shirt, loud footsteps sounded and two figures rushed in. Scott and Kira. "What happened?"

"They disappeared. They literally just vanished."

The Sheriff nodded along at Allison's vivid description, "And so did Stiles."


"Still not healing?" Sabrina asked worriedly, sitting cross-legged on the wooden desk and looking down at the chessboard Derek had laid out. He stood across from her, wearing just a tank top and exposing the tender cut on his shoulder blade. 

"It'll be fine." he brushed her off, willing her to set up the pieces and help him get to the bottom of the Nogitsune's reasoning. She quirked a brow before reaching for the black pieces and setting up her side. She'd played chess on a few occasions, most of them being just because Lexie wanted to practice. Sabrina still honestly had no idea what some of the pieces did, or how to win a game. 

Once Derek set up the whites, he placed his hands on the desk and leaned forward, his eyes meeting hers, "So, you're staying here tonight?"

"Yup," she answered, popping the 'p' dramatically, her eyes still fixated on the pieces in her hands. "Kira's there, she didn't want to go home so she's gonna stay at ours for awhile. Which means she needs a place to sleep. So I offered up my bed." 

"How kind of you." Derek mocked as she looked up and raised a brow at his jokes. She didn't find it amusing in the slightest. 

"I'm a nice person."

"Okay," he admitted defeat, letting her know that he didn't believe it for a second. She glanced at him outraged, a smile playing about on his lips before looking down at the board, "Just play."

He had moved one of his pieces forward as she sighed and folded her arms. "Do you not remember the part where I told you I have no idea how to play?"

"I remember, I just chose to ignore it." he mentioned moving one of her pieces for her, and practically teaching her how to do. Which just earned another death stare from the Alpha. She didn't feel in the mood for a lecture. Of any sorts. "I've trained you before, I can do it again."

"Okay, and since when did you become a master in chess?" she asked, following his play and moving one of her random pieces, one that clearly wasn't allowed to move or something because Derek moved it back and made her play a different one. "Didn't you play basketball in high school?"

Derek let out a small laugh before rubbing at his chin and taking his turn. "My mom taught me how to play. Sort of like hunters against werewolves. Blacks vs whites." he mumbled as she looked up and met his determined eyes. There was something important about this chessboard and how it was set out. And since he wanted to get down to the bottom of it, she was gonna help him. "And yes, I did play basketball in high school."

"Sort of ironic huh?" she asked, placing a chess piece down on a random square and looking back up at him, "You basically warned Scott from playing Lacrosse at the beginning of the year, and yet you played a sport too. Did you have trouble controlling it?"

"Yeah," he admitted with a defeated sigh, his eyes scanning over the board once more and moving things around. He clearly hadn't done something right. But Sabrina was still curious about his past, especially his time in high school, so she continued her questioning. 

"And what helped."

"I did." when Peter's voice filled the air, she couldn't decide whether she wanted to throw herself off a bridge or stab herself with her own claws. Either way, Peter was a dick. But it was gonna be expected that he'd be lurking around. "I taught Derek to control it, just like he taught you. Now, what are you doing? And more importantly, why aren't you healing?" Peter asked, strolling over and turning his nose up at the sight of Derek's open wound. 

"It's from one of their swords. It'll heal."

"By playing chess?" Sabrina couldn't help but smile at Peter's sarcasm. Not once did she think she'd find him amusing, but she did, especially when there had been a lack of sarcasm in her life. It mostly all came from Stiles, and since he was gone, there was no one to fill that void.

"Back in his room, Stiles had a board with my name on one of the pieces. If this is a game to him, then I need to figure out the plays." Peter stood to the side, helping them set up the pieces once more so he could get it right. 

"Not so easy to do when it's a game without rules."

Sabrina's brow furrowed, she was pretty sure chess had rules. Probably more than any game in the freaking world. "What does that mean?"

"You're dealing with the kind of spirit that's lived too long to play by human rules. It's a fox spirit that chose to become human. And supposedly, that's something they can do only after about 100 years. If a kitsune is an annoying pain in the ass, then a nogitsune, which is a dark kitsune, is a freaking disaster."

"How the hell do you know all this stuff?" Sabrina asked as Peter gave them a small smirk, all whilst he pulled on his coat. Great, he was going. "And why don't you ever share it with the rest of us?"

He gave her an unamused look before turning back to Derek. "Besides, chess is Stiles's game. It's not the game of a Japanese fox. Do yourself a favor and put something on that. Before it gets infected." Derek rolled his eyes at his uncle, who eventually with a few long strides got to the sliding door and left, closing it tightly behind him. 

Sabrina let out a prolonged sigh before slipping off the table and padding barefoot into the next room, she collapsed backwards onto Derek's bed, her eyes wandering over the ceiling and her mind completely exhausted from the past few weeks. "Have you healed?" this was directed at her this time as she just let out a small laugh. 

"What? From Stiles? Yes, I'm fine. A few broken bones wasn't gonna stop me." she muttered, pushing herself up onto her elbows as she watched him give up on the chess board and follow her previous footsteps. "But I do have something in mind that could possibly rush the healing process." Sabrina's eyes twinkled playfully as a scoff escaped Derek's lips. In the end though, he did take her up on her offer, and it did eventually speed up the healing process. But neither of them were prepared for what had taken over his body.


"Ah!" Lexie's head flung up off her pillow, hair still stuck to her face as she peered through half closed eyes. What was that noise? "You know, I don't think this bed is big enough for the both of us," Lydia moaned as the younger redhead rubbed at her eyes to see her sister's head poking up from being dropped on the floor.

The two Martins decided to share Lydia's bed after Lexie's uncontrollable night terrors last night. She couldn't put Stiles and the Nogitsune out of her mind. It went on and on until she could no longer sleep and had to bunk with Lydia. Thankfully, her older sister wasn't too fussed about having to share her king-sized bed, but it didn't really help when the two of them had the same habit. That being constantly tossing and turning. Most likely from the non-stop voices in their heads.

Lydia dragged a hand through her tousled hair before yawning and stumbling to her feet, the tiny, silk pajama shorts clinging to her hips tightly, showing of her curves. Lexie collapsed her head back against Lydia's pillow before pulling at the sheets so they would cover her face. "I just want to sleep." the girl whined, coming out slightly muffled through the fabric as her sister stood there rolling her eyes.

"Come on, we have things to do." the strawberry blonde pulled at the sheets, earning a tug of war between them. She huffed angrily before yanking hard enough that it eventually pulled away, leaving an exposed Lexie with her arms folded supporting a pissed off expression.

"Like what? We have no idea where Stiles is, we have no idea how to get him back. I'd rather stay in bed."

"When did you become so negative?" the girl quirked a perfectly plucked brow at her sister, mirroring her body language and folding her arms in front of her before jutting out her hip and looking like a freakin' supermodel, even after just waking up.

Lexie sighed, deciding to sit up and deal with her awful life, "After my life went down the toilet." Lydia cocked her head to the side sympathetically before crawling onto the bed and cuddling up beside her sister.

"C'mon, look I know everything at the moment is basically...the worst. But just know, we're gonna defeat him, and we're gonna get Stiles back. I promise."

"You shouldn't promise that." Lexie warned as her sister just smiled and shrugged.

"I'm promising it, because I can feel it. You have told me to listen to my instincts, listen to the silence, right?"


"So that's what I'm doing." Lydia grabbed onto her sister's hand, squeezing it tightly before inching back and crawling off her bed. "I can feel it Lexie, we're gonna beat this. We're gonna win."

"Wow, MIT will be pleased to have you." the younger sister mocked, the strawberry blonde spinning on her heel and letting out a laugh. The two had a five year plan set in motion and college was apart of it.

"And Harvard will be delighted to have such a bright student like yourself." this time it was Lexie laughing. Eventually she slipped off the bed, looking for some clothes to change into but being stopped by her sister, "That's the plan, right?"

"That's the plan. You go to MIT, I go to Harvard. Just imagine, we get an apartment together, study together-"

"Go on shopping trips," Lydia interjected, staring into space and imagining the amount of beautiful clothes and bags she could get. All whilst being with her sister. It was a win-win.

"Take that trip to New York that we've always wanted to go on." they both went silent, just imagining and praying for a life like that five years in the future. For a matter of fact, Lexie had been set on Harvard her whole life, it's like there was no other school for her. And some point as they were growing up, Lydia decided on MIT, she wouldn't admit it back then, but it was because she wanted to be close to her sister. "Live a normal life."

"We will." the older sister reassured her, a knowing look behind her eyes. But as much as Lexie loved dreaming about it, hoping their life would eventually go back to normal, she knew that the supernatural wasn't going to go away that easily, no matter where she went.

"If we can even get to senior year and graduate."

Lydia rolled her eyes once more before slipping a clean shirt over her head and pulling it down and across her chest, "Okay, just stop being so negative. And get dressed, because even though we can't help Stiles, we can help someone."

"Who?" Lexie quirked a brow, fumbling with the buttons of her overalls and ultimately, from lack of sleep, slipping her foot into the wrong leg.



"She won't wanna talk to you." Lexie expressed her worries from the passenger seat, all whilst Lydia gripped onto the steering wheel tightly, the panic evident on the girl's face. Ever since she found out about the werecoyote being Peter's secret child, the more curious she's been. Plus, the girl and the her father both deserve to know.


"Shut up!" both of the Martin girls' voice boomed through the car as they gave direct orders to a certain angered werewolf in the back. Lexie turned around and rolled her eyes before looking over at her sister who was too focused on staring ahead to meet her gaze. "And when you told me we had to pick up something on the way, I didn't think you meant a stray wolf."

"Hello, I'm right here." Aiden chipped in, leaning forward in his seat and feeling rather put off for being brought along.

"Lydia, why is he here?" the redhead asked, but as her sister opened her mouth to answer, the only reply was from the automated voice on the GPS. 'Turn right onto Lincoln Road and continue for half a mile.'

"Yeah, um are you at least going to tell me where we're going?"

All of a sudden, Lydia let out a loud pissed off groan, she turned to the two whiny child-like teenagers in the car beside her, "I need to check on something."

Lexie gave up and fell back into her seat with a huff, there was no way Malia would want to meet someone new. She had trouble bonding with Lexie, and then that whole thing with her having to trust Stiles was pretty chaotic. So it wasn't like she was about to let them waltz in and tell her something so life-changing. "Who is Malia Tate?"

The sound of Aiden pronouncing Malia's name wrong caused the girl to spin around in her seat, spotting a crumpled up piece of paper in his hands. "It's Mah-leah. Now give me that." Lexie wrenched it out of his grip, giving him an angry death stare before turning back in her seat and folding up the piece of paper. Managing to get a look at the girl's last name and immediately tense up. She's actually Malia 'Hale', not 'Tate'.

"And you don't need to worry about it." Lydia added as the GPS sounded once again, 'Turn right onto Harmon Street and stay right' which caused the strawberry blonde to steer to the right, heading in the right direction.

It wasn't till Aiden cleared his throat in confusion that Lexie noticed something wasn't right. "Well, I'm actually a little worried we're totally lost."

"Why do you think that?"

"'Cause you just made your fourth right. And four rights make a circle." suddenly the logic of the situation sunk in and the redhead wondered why the hell the GPS would lead them in the wrong direction like that.

"I did not. Did I?" the two girls turned to each other, Lydia awaiting a response from her sister who just shrugged aimlessly.

"I dunno, I wasn't really paying attention. But it's a brand-new car."

"Yeah, the GPS was fine before." Lydia sighed gripping her hands tighter around the steering wheel as Aiden began to point forward,

"Maybe the GPS would work better if it was on." then in a matter of moments, the two banshees turned to the dash to see that there was no GPS, no map, no route, no automated voice. Just the radio, and the station.


Lexie swallowed the lump in her throat, leaning forward and wanting to press a few buttons but ultimately being scared out of her mind. "Holy-"

"shit." Lydia finished, looking across at her sister and meeting the girl's identical worried eyes. The both knew in that moment that whatever was happening to them was a banshee moment, or they were both just going insane. It was most likely a mix of both.

"Lydia. Lexie? You okay?"

"We need to stop." the redhead explained breathlessly, pulling against her seatbelt and resting her hand against the dash. She looked to her side to see that Lydia was in a shocked state, driving but not knowing what she was doing.


Lexie placed a hand on her sister's upper arm, begging the petrified girl to look at her, "We need to stop. You need to pull over right now."

"oh my.."

"Lydia. Pull over!" and soon her sister did as she said, taking a sharp right turn and pulling into a nearby parking lot, albeit going way to fast and swerving way too much, causing the two others in the car to sway side to side and possibly get whiplash.

"Lydia. Lydia, stop!" Aiden was yelling now, but that's when Lexie spotted something in the middle of the parking lot, her eyes widening when she spotted that it was a figure laying flat against the ground. "Stop!" eventually from the words of the younger girl, the strawberry blonde pressed on the brakes, causing the car to come to an immediate stop.

As Lydia and Aiden dealt with the aftermath of almost flying forward, Lexie unbuckled and stumbled out of the car, hurrying forward and trying to understand what was going on. Clearly their banshee powers had driven them here, which meant there was something important, or someone. After a few steps, Lexie spotted the spiky hair and the familiar Adidas shoes. It was Stiles.

The other two had spotted it as well, "Lexie, wait!" Aiden called, but she ignored him and rushed to the boy's side, immediately checking his pulse and realising with relief that he was alive. That was until she caught sight of the massive gash in his stomach, a sight that made her clamp her hand against her mouth and let out a gasp of pain. "Stiles? Stiles, it's me. Stiles?" 
