Chapter 27 - Mischief night

Sabrina and Isaac slammed their car doors shut almost simultaneously, and as if they were the same person, they pulled an identical face at the sight of the twins talking to Scott. "Ugh, what do they want?" he moaned following behind Sabrina as she took the lead, eager to know what her brother was promising to the two former Alphas. 

"Looks like we're about to find out." she replied before the conversation ahead of them flooded the two werewolves' ears. 

"You're back in school?" this came from Scott as he rested on his bike, sandwiched in between the two omegas. 

"No, just to talk."

Stiles appeared before the other two could and decided to chip in a sarcastic retort. "Oh. That's kind of a change of pace for you guys. Usually, you're just hurting, maiming, and killing."

"You need a pack. We need an Alpha."

Sabrina approached the four boys, Isaac in tow as she kept a smirk on her face and placed her hands on her hips, excreting a sense of dominance. "You're forgetting that my dumbass brother isn't the only one you should be begging. I'm the Alpha too. In fact, I have more say in who is and isn't in our pack."

"You want us to beg?" Aiden lifted an eyebrow, trying to guess whether she was kidding or not. Sabrina narrowed her eyes at him before sending the both of them a small nod. 

"Preferably on your knees." 

"You came to us for help. We helped."

"Correction, he did." Sabrina pointed to her brother, the one who couldn't pull of the Alpha roar if he tried. Then she glanced back at the twins. "And in the end we didn't really need the assistance."

"We still did what you asked."

"You beat his face into a bloody pulp." Stiles corrected Aiden and his idea of helping. "That's not helping. In my opinion, that's actually counterproductive."

"Why would we say yes?" Scott interrupted the bickering by taking control of this situation. Sabrina stared across at her brother, they were supposed to be making these decisions together, and personally she had already decided to say 'no', she hoped Scott had the same idea. 

"Scott shut up."

"We'd add strength. We'd make the both of you more powerful. There's no reason to say no."

"I can think of one." Isaac lifted his hand like he was in class before glaring across at the twins. "Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now."

"I second that." Sabrina smirked, but then Aiden stepped toward her and she found his confidence amusing, so she stepped up too. 

"You want to try?"

"Oh I think I could easily beat your ass." she hissed but then they were being pulled away. Aiden by Ethan, and Sabrina by Scott, the two still giving each other death stares. 

"Sorry, but she doesn't trust you. And neither do I."

Sabrina tried so hard not to show how much Scott agreeing with her made her happy. She knew that at some point they'd have to disagree and argue over decisions, that's just how it would be with two leaders. That's why usually there's only one Alpha, but Sabrina wasn't willing to do it all by herself, she knew she needed Scott's help, and she also knew they worked perfectly together. In fact they were more powerful than anything when the two fought side by side. 

As the rest of her pack walked off, Sabrina followed before turning back to the twins, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "That means 'no'." 


In class, Lexie sat at her desk, instantly feeling an odd sensation. She quickly looked over at Lydia to see if she was having the same experience. But her sister was just swiping across on her phone and swatting the air around her. Must be a fly, Lexie thought just as she heard the faint sounds of buzzing. 

As they were waiting for coach to come in and teach on one hell of a mischief day, Lexie stared down at her books. For some reason, she reached across and pressed her palm to the cover of her textbook but immediately pulled back when the instant contact caused an electric shock to ricochet through her arm. 

She shook her arm in order to cool the pain as she squinted down at her desk, why the hell would that happen?  Then she was immediately dragged away from her thoughts when she heard Coach yelling in his office. "Son of a bitch!"

Lexie stifled a laugh as she stared at the back of her boyfriend's head. Stiles was enjoying every minute of this, and yes she knew exactly what prank he had pulled off. Mostly because he was on the phone to her the whole time he was setting it up. It was just a box of nuts and bolts, but when Coach lifted it up, Stiles had planned for everything in his office to fall down. 

Then Coach came stumbling into the classroom, an unimpressed look seeping across his features as he examined every single student in front of him, before his gaze landed on the two mischievous boys at the front. Scott and Stiles. "Mischief Night, Devil's Night. I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil. You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A man's house is supposed to be his castle. Mine's a frickin' omelet. Oh, this?"

He spotted a gist wrapped neatly with a bow atop his desk and he eyed it warily. "We're gonna do this again? I don't think so." The class watched as he grabbed the present and threw it to the ground, causing a smashing sound to emit from the box. Lexie held in her giggles as she watched Coach kneel down and pick up the broken mug. He sighed before opening the note and reading aloud to everyone. "Happy Birthday.....Love, Greenberg."

Then a static sound flooded through Lexie's ears and she quickly looked around to see if anyone else had noticed it, but no one had. Her brows furrowed until she caught Danny's gaze across from her. He watched with a raised brow before nodding to something behind her. At the edge of the classroom, Lydia was still swatting the air with her hands. "What is she doing?" he whispered with an amused grin on his face. 

Lexie smiled before squinting her eyes and realising that there actually wasn't a fly at all. There was nothing in the air whatsoever, Lydia must be hearing things. Then her sister caught both Lexie and Danny watching her. She sent them a smile before mouthing, "it's a fly." but Lexie noticed there nothing there. 

After class, she headed straight to her locker. As she put in her combination and unlocked the door, the buzzing started again. And she soon noticed that it sounded like a bee or a fly, as Lydia had said earlier. Lexie's confusion masked her face as her fingers lingered against the metal of the door. 

Wanting to forget about what she heard, she swung the door open and reached in to put away her books. Lexie had chemistry next so she reached for her notebook, but as soon as she touched the spine, the same thing happened. An electric shock resulted in a numbing feeling in her fingers. "Ow," she muttered glancing down at her hand before furrowing her brows at the contents of her locker. What's happening? 

Soon enough, her thoughts were averted when she heard Stiles' voice echo through the hallway. She quickly slammed her locker shut - not bothering to retrieve her textbooks because whatever she had experienced was far from weird - and came face to face with her boyfriend and his father. "Did you say William Barrow? As in the Shrapnel Bomber?" 

Stiles sent her a grin, the fact she knew who the criminal was just proved how obsessed the two of them were with true crime. "Yes, spotted nearby." 

Lexie's face should've been full of worry, but instead she was matching Stiles' stunned expression. They were way too obsessed. "No way!" she smiled latching onto her boyfriend's side as they walked together down the hallway, the Sheriff a few steps ahead of them.

"A little closer than nearby, actually." Lexie's brows furrowed but then a couple FBI agents, including Scott and Sabrina's dad rushed past them.

"How do we get down to the basement?" the hallway was now flooded with cops, Lexie and Stiles now shared an extremely concerned look. "I need to know where every entrance is. I don't want anybody coming in or out of the school."

"Dad, what's really going on here?" the Sheriff sighed, looking first between the two kids in front of him and then at couple deputies down the hall, making sure they couldn't hear. Then he began explaining everything. How Barrow bombed the school bus because he saw kids with glowing eyes. Supernatural kids. Lexie's grip on Stiles' wrist tightened as the buzzing got louder and louder in her head. Then she heard voices. Screams. But Lexie just sealed her eyes shut and breathed in, knowing that it was probably the screams of those who died on that school bus. 

After the school had been put on lockdown, and Stiles had asked Lexie a million times if she was okay, they regrouped with the others, knowing that they needed help. The corridors were empty as the five of them hurried down the steps. "Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? He said those exact words?"

"Yeah. And no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia." Stiles explained after answering Isaac's question. "Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome."

Suddenly the buzzing sounds made sense and Lexie stopped in her tracks before turning to Lydia besides her - who had also stopped. "Oh my god."

"Did you say flies?"

Allison sensed the worry radiating from the two Martins. "Lexie? Lydia?"

"All day I have been hearing this sound. It's like...this buzzing." the older sister explained, and Lexie glanced over at her. They had been hearing the same thing. 

"Same, but it didn't sound like flies. It just sounded like static. Just buzzing."

"But could it be like the sound of flies?" 

Lexie hesitated, she was sure that it was some kind of buzzing. Whether it was flies or static. She had no idea, so she let Lydia answer this one. And the older Martin girl was certain of what she had heard. "It was exactly like the sound of flies." Which meant he had to be here, and the police had to find


After the police decided to leave because they got a tip that someone spotted Barrow at the train station, both Lexie and Lydia sensed that he wasn't gone. So, the pack decided to search for him. With the help of Melissa who snuck in to give her two kids the hospital gown Barrow was previously wearing. 

The two Alphas took it in turn to sniff the gown and try catch a scent before passing it along to Isaac and then to the twins who - even though Sabrina was reluctant about - were there to help. They split up, Ethan and Aiden taking one half of the basement as the other three took th3e other They'd eventually meet back in the middle. 

The two Martins and Stiles started searching from the top and working their way down. Allison had slipped out of school earlier, heading straight to Lexie's to pick up the makeshift bestiary before going home and seeing if there was anything more she hadn't translated. 

To Lexie's knowledge, there was nothing in the bestiary about flies coming out of someone's chest. The only thing remotely close were fireflies. They flew out of the nemeton and could control a person. But other than that, nothing registered with her. That's when she started worrying that maybe they were thinking about this all wrong. But she couldn't think of an alternative idea. 

Back in the basement, where the red lights were illuminating the dark hallway, Sabrina took the lead, her brother and Isaac following close behind. She made sure to keep quiet, she wanted her senses to take over and find this guy. But obviously her wishes were crushed when Isaac started whispering. "So this is how it's gonna be now? We trust them?"

She knew he was referencing the evil twins, but just rolled her eyes as a response, letting Scott take this one and explain it so she could focus. "Just because we're letting them help, doesn't mean we trust them."

"Yeah, well, I don't trust them either." Isaac dead-panned before continuing. "Or like them. In fact, I hate them and just want them to die." Sabrina spun on her heel causing the two boys behind her to stop in their tracks. She gave Isaac a smile before her face turned serious.

"Well, if Barrow's actually here and he's got a plan, you might get what you want." but Sabrina went back to thinking about what Isaac was saying. Maybe their pack needed some more power, and if anything the twins were powerful. She was conflicted. She didn't trust them, no one did. But if the groups was going to encounter more supernatural creatures, they needed all the help they could get. So maybe it was worth thinking about. 

Upstairs, Lexie was slowly trailing behind Stiles and Lydia before she stopped completely and remembered the plan that hadn't been well thought out. Every single werewolf was down there. Maybe that's what he wanted. Stiles sensed she had stopped and turned to check if she was okay. "Lexie?"

"Oh no." she whispered to herself, suddenly understanding the danger of them all being together, all by themselves in a enclosed area. 

"What is it?"

"Sabrina, Scott and Isaac are in the basement, right?"

"Yeah, with Ethan and Aiden." Stiles' brows furrowed, he thought she knew the plan, why was she second-guessing it? "The plan is they meet in the middle, in the boiler room."

"All of the werewolves." she swallowed the lump in her throat before looking between her sister and her boyfriend. They weren't understanding her. "All of the ones with glowing eyes are in the basement at the boiler room."

"Oh, my God! An engineer could use a boiler room to blow up the whole school."

"We have to get them out of there." Lydia announced worriedly, 

"We have to get everyone out." Lexie corrected her as the three of them stalked quickly down the empty halls of Beacon Hills high school. 

"How do we do that?" Stiles answered Lydia's question by stopping and staring at something on the wall. He quickly ran over and pulled down on the fire alarm, causing blaring noises to set off around the school, alerting everyone and causing them to rush out of school. Stiles stood there with a small smirk on his face, knowing he probably just saved a bunch of people's lives. 

As Lydia and Lexie were watching him relish in his heroicness, they noticed something behind him and both immediately tensed up. Lexie justted her head to the side, trying to let him know that there was someone behind him. His brows pinched together, then he turned around and spotted Coach inches from him. He let out a small shriek before placing his hand on his heart. 

It wasn't long before Coach was pulling him by his ear and dragging him through the double doors at the end of the hallway. The two girls followed and once out in the open air, both could finally breathe properly. Stiles was wincing at the pain but then Coach soon let him go and pointed an angry index finger at him. 

"Wow. Pulling a fire alarm on Mischief Night is one thing. Doing it when there's a mass murderer spotted nearby is insane! If I was four years younger, I'd punch you." the three of them stared at their eccentric coach with confused expressions. Four years younger? What? 

"What? Coach, that doesn't make sense."

"Oh, well, it does to me!" he responded before walking off in a huff. Clearly he wasn't impressed by the drill and orders he now had to follow. Lexie looked at Stiles worriedly, knowing that he was probably going to get into a lot of trouble for purposefully pulling a fire alarm during a lockdown. 

He eventually broke her out of her thoughts when he pointed to the group of werewolves that came running out of the school. "We didn't find anything." Aiden announced as Ethan nodded along. They then turned to the other three, Sabrina just shook her head in disappointment. 

"Not even a scent." Lexie hung her head, knowing she was wrong. He wasn't there, they would've caught his scent. So why were the voices so adamant about him being here? she thought. 

"It's 3:00, so school's over. If there was a bomb, wouldn't he have set it off by now?"

"Does that mean everybody's safe?" they all turned to Lexie and Lydia for the answers. Mostly because they're the ones who sense death. And because they're the ones who sensed Barrow being here. 

"I don't know." Lydia answered, staring into space, her eyes glassed over before she looked to her sister for help. Lexie was more used to this than her. She had to have some answers. "I just-I don't know.

"Well I do." Lexie interrupted her sister and everyone's gaze fell on her, including Aiden who was the one who asked the question in the first place. "If you're asking whether someone died or not, then no, no one died." she would've felt it, she would've heard something. No one was dead. Not yet anyway. "But someone will,"

"What do you mean?" This was gonna be hard to explain, she knew that. She also knew that the majority of her group just thought she was an absolute psycho. But she could feel it. She didn't care what others thought, she knew someone was gonna get hurt or die if they didn't do anything to stop it. 

"He's not been caught yet. He could be anywhere, and he's gonna hurt someone. I can feel it. I just have no idea who." 
