Chapter 39 - You're safe now

"Has she contacted you?" Sheriff Stilinski asked the Alpha as she just paced his office. Both Stiles and Lexie went missing from Eichen House only a night or two ago, and worry was still fresh in her mind. I mean her best friend could be dead by now, she had no idea. She knew it was a mistake putting her in there, it was such a big mistake. 

"No, no she hasn't. And if she was able to, she would." Sabrina bit down on her nails as Stiles' dad collapsed in his desk chair, reaching for his phone. 

"Well, we're going to have to alert her parents."

"What?" Lydia knew that Lexie was missing, they had told her and that's why the strawberry blonde was out looking for her, with the help from the twins. But her parents, if they found out, Stiles would probably just kill her instantly. 

"She's missing...she could be dead and they need to know."

"Sheriff, wait. Just give me a little more time, please. Look, Malia said they weren't long gone, she could smell Lexie's scent. And she also said that there was a drill there, if the Nogitsune was going to kill her, he would've already done it." Sabrina went over the conversation she had with the werecoyote, telling her things about Lexie and her becoming friends, how the redhead had promised to teach her control. 

Sabrina barely had time to think about helping Malia. First she had to make sure her friend was okay, and then they had to defeat an evil spirit. The werecoyote had to wait, and it seemed like the girl was okay with that. The female Alpha stopped in front of the Sheriff's desk, placing her hands firmly down on the wood as her mind wandered, "Its like he needs her alive or something."

"We're gonna track them down, okay? And I'm going to need your help." thankfully, he put the phone back down and got up from his seat, head turned and looking out the office window and towards the front desk. "And theirs." she followed his gaze to see Argent and Derek finally being released. With a faint nod, Sabrina agreed to whatever plan he had in mind. 

"This property belongs to me and the charges were dropped. Although, I'm not exactly sure who's responsible for that." they heard Argent mutter under his breath once they had emerged from the Sheriff's office and towards the front desk where the two innocent men were now being freed.  

"I am." this caused them both to look their way, staring at the Sheriff with raised brows. "I'll take care of this, Parrish."

"Sheriff, I'm not kidding. This thing's a few watts from being a lightsaber." Sabrina smiled once she saw one of Argent's electricity rods in the deputy's hands, something he used when hunting werewolves, maybe it should be taken off of him. 

But the Sheriff just took the rod out of Parrish's hands, "I said I'll take care of it." And from the stern tone of the Sheriff's voice, his deputy quickly complied and scuttled off. Argent and Derek sent each other a glance before turning back to the Sheriff. Due to the fact he still had the 'lightsaber' in his hands, the experienced hunter could tell he wanted their help. So without hesitation, the werewolf and the hunter followed after the girl as they entered the Sheriff's office. A place they could all talk about the Supernatural privately. 

Sabrina took a seat against the desk, her arms folded as she watched Stiles' dad round the desk and pace slightly before looking down at some papers scattered across the surface. "The specialist I saw in LA told me the thing that every doctor says when he's trying to avoid a lawsuit. 'We can't say for sure' And then I spoke with Melissa. These are brain scans." curiously, the girl took them from his hands, looking over the two and not understanding what she was supposed to be seeing. "My wife's and Stiles'."

And that's when she realised they were identical. Placing on top of each other, Sabrina's brows furrowed in amazement. How was this possible? "I knew they were similar. But those are the same. Exactly the same."

"And I'm guessing this isn't possible?"

"Not even remotely." the Sheriff shook his head, sighing in defeat as he took the scans from Sabrina. At least now they knew nothing was wrong with Stiles, except obviously the evil spirit that had wove it's way into his mind. 

"So the trickster is still playing tricks."

"But why this trick?" she asked, looking over to her father figure and waiting for him to respond. Why would the Nogitsune want to play a trick like this? Wasn't it obsessed with pain? And if so, why wouldn't it just go on a murdering spree?

"When I was in the Army, an officer told me, "If you want to defeat your enemy, "you don't take away their courage. "You take away their hope."

"You don't look like a man who gives up hope easily." Argent pointed out as the Sheriff just nodded. He had lost so much in his life, yet he's always been such a positive person. Sabrina wondered sometimes how he did it. How he got through his wife's death, and how he works with murders and gruesome crimes constantly. It was impressive. 

"But Stiles might. If this thing inside him, if it's using his mother's disease as some sort of psychological trick, then this isn't just a fight for his body. It's also a fight for his mind. Right?"

Sabrina nodded, determined to help Stiles and free him from the trickster once and for all. But, the other two seemed slightly more skeptical. "You know, he's left people severely injured."

"And others severely dead."

"Need I remind you that it's not him." the girl blurted out, causing raised eyebrows throughout. She just sighed, pushing herself off the desk and ready to prove her effective point. "Physically yes, that's Stiles' body. But mentally? Stiles is gone, and we need to try find a way to get him back." 

"That's why I need the three of you." now they were all looking over ast the Sheriff with raised brows. Mainly because it was an odd combination of people. They never really worked well together, or worked together at all. As they say, hunters and werewolves don't get along. "I need people who are experienced in this kind of thing. I need you to help me stop him."

"And by stop him, you mean trap him." Sabrina smirked, placing her hands down on the desk before looking up and already planning in her head. 

"Outsmart the fox." before she could relay the information and tactics swarming around in her head, the station was suddenly filled with a loud commotion. With confused expressions, the three quickly followed the Sheriff out of his office to spot a few deputies restraining what looked to be a crazy person. 

"Get off of me! I just need to speak to the Sheriff! Let go!" Lexie's hysterical voice filled the air and Sabrina just watched in bewilderment. It had been days since she had last seen her best friend and just within that short span of time, she had already changed so much. She was covered head to toe in an awful grey outfit. Something Sabrina guessed she had to wear whilst staying at Eichen House. 

"Hey, hey, hey! What's going on here?" the Sheriff's voice boomed, causing the deputies swarming the area to slow down. 

"Mental patient. Another runaway sir, don't worry we'll take care of this." 

"First of all, I'm not crazy." Lexie hissed, thrashing around in their grasp," And second..." suddenly she elbowed the deputy behind her in the stomach and stumbled forward, finally away from them before turning around and panting. "I didn't run-away. I was taken." she eventually spun around, wiping her messy hair out of her face and supporting a trembling lip.  "And he's coming." 


"So, she didn't know I was missing?" Lexie asked, storming into her room and immediately breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of normality. Plus, her bedroom was just how she left it. Everything neatly tucked away. The colour yellow splattered across everything, ranging from the odd decorative cushion to the sunflowers in a pot by her bedside. Even though they were drooping slightly from being unfed, they still looked like they were bursting with sunshine. Sabrina always felt like she was opening a door into Lexie's mind when she stepped foot in her humble abode. 

Tentatively following in after, scared she was about to be chided by her best friend. For leaving her in Eichen House, for letting the Sheriff send him there, for not telling her parents she was missing and possibly dead. Sabrina gulped down the tennis ball-sized lump in her throat. Lexie had every right to be mad at her, to hate her, but she was scared they didn't have time for the complexities of the situation. And apparently Lexie felt the same, because when Sabrina gave a faint nod, the redhead just let out a relieved breath, "Thank god."


The brunette watched as her best friend pulled the days-old shirt over her head, ridding herself of it by aiming it at the laundry hamper in the corner. Her skin was pale, and that's when she noticed the almost invisible scars on Lexie's back. But before the girl could address them, her friend spun around, deciding to give a reasonable answer. 

"They'd just get worried for no reason. I'm fine aren't I?"

"Are you?" she asked her friend, a concerned voice taking over. Another sigh left the Banshee as she ignored the Alpha and headed towards her closet, Sabrina following after her worriedly. "Lexie, just talk to me, okay? I left you in that place, you're allowed to be angry-"

"What do you want me to say Sabrina? That I hate you? That you're a bitch for doing that to me? That you've just brought back an onslaught of memories that I'll never forget?"

The Alpha paused for a second, watching her friend struggle with pushing aside various hangers. She listened to them clack against each other, each shirt or pair of pants not good enough for an outfit Lexie had in mind. Then she glanced back at her friend, going over the outburst in her head and wondering if there was any truth to it. "If that's how you feel...then yes."

"Look..." she paused, her hand lingering on a grey vintage Levi's sweatshirt. Something so casual and simple compared to what she usually wore, but during a crisis like this, thinking about what she wanted to wear was the last thing on her mind. "I need you to stop making this about you for a second and try to think about Stiles." 

As she turned back to the matter at hand, that being getting the sweater of the hanger and putting it on, Sabrina stood there, her jaw dropped and her eyes burning into the sides of Lexie's skull. "How am I making this about me? I'm asking you how you feel."

"About you!" her friend screamed back, yanking the fabric over hand and smoothing it down. When the silence filled the air, the redhead sighed and reached down to pull open one of many drawers. She rifled through, immediately spotting a pair of comfortable mom jeans. As she struggled with replacing her pants, she looked up at her silent friend and sighed. She knew in an instant she pushed too hard. 

Lexie buttoned up her jeans before stepping forward and catching the Alpha's attention. "Sabrina I love you, okay? And yes I may have had a very traumatic experience, but I'm fine. I'm completely and utterly fine. So please, stop worrying about how I feel towards you, because it's never gonna change. You'll always be my best friend, no matter what we go through. Or what we put each other through...And instead just worry about Stiles."

"...okay." and after nodding slightly, the two embraced, a smile slipping onto both of their faces. Sabrina was just thankful her best friend hadn't held those things against her, and then she remembered Lexie wasn't the resentful type. So she vowed from now on to never hold anything against her. The both of them would remain friends no matter what. 

Lexie was the one to pull away, she hurried around her closet, finding some socks and a pair of sneakers before returning to her room, Sabrina in tow. "So...where's Lydia?"

"Um...I don't know. Do you want me to call her?"

"No!" Lexie answered abruptly, pausing the process of tying her laces, spotting Sabrina with her phone in her hands, eyebrow quirked in confusion. "Just tell her I'm okay, but don't tell her I'm home. She'll just come rushing back, and she'll stop me from helping."

"Well, she might have a point."

"You're going to find Stiles...and trap him. I'm coming with you. End of story." she stood up, head raised high authoritatively as Sabrina's lips turned upwards in amusement. Seeing her harmless best friend act like that was almost adorable, but if she told her that it would only bring on a whole new wrath. So she decided to keep her mouth shut and just nod. "okay then, let's go." 


"You sure about this?" Sabrina muttered quietly as the two of them stood side by side in front of the Argent's apartment door. Lexie rolled her eyes, staring straight ahead her eyes fixated on the white wood as she cleared her throat to answer, 

"I want him back. And if this is the only way, then so be it," she answered bluntly, her fingers playing with the zipper on her jacket, Sabrina nodded faintly, not bothering to question her friend further because she knew it's just get her riled up. Then the door flung open, Allison's face coming into view and softening once she spotted Lexie. 

Within seconds, she reached forward and bundled the girl into a warm hug. Lexie breathed in the girl's familiar scent, relieved that her friends were concerned about her. "I'm glad you're okay," she pulled away smiling, her hands rubbing up and down the redhead's arms and comforting her ever so slightly. "You sure you wanna do this?"

"Will everybody stop asking me that?"

This earned a collective glance between Allison and Sabrina, Lexie rolled her eyes again before pushing herself through the door, strutting past Allison and straight towards Argent's office. Most likely where they kept all his weapons. The two brunettes followed tentatively, watching as Lexie paused in the doorway. She spotted the many non-lethal objects scattered across the desk and faltered for a second. 

It had slightly slipped her mind what they were trying to do. But she just had to remind herself it wasn't him, it wasn't Stiles. Blinking back tears, the redhead stalked into the room with confidence, her gaze drifting from the rope to the taser gun. "All non-lethal?"

"Yeah, we don't want to kill him, we just want to trap him." Lexie nodded at Allison's explanation, her hands resting on the desk as she picked up one of Chris' electric rod. She smirked slightly before letting it buzz, watching the electricity protrude from the stick and dance around before her. " careful-"

"I know," she answered, turning it off and settling it down before catching both Allison and Sabrina's worried expressions. "Guys, I'm okay. We have to do it, it's the only way." 

"Yeah, but you know you don't have to."

"I know, but I want to. I wanna get Stiles back," and at the sound of her determined voice, the two nodded and looked between each other, before hearing the front door swinging open. They were here. Which meant it was time to execute their well thought out plan. The Sheriff, Argent and Derek came strolling into the office just as the three of them had looked towards the door. Allison gave her father a small smile, thankful he was now out of jail. 

"This is everything non-lethal I could find." her hands gestured to the desk as the three men surrounded it. 

"Take all of it." her father ordered as Lexie and Sabrina grabbed at the duffel bags, helping Allison stuff everything inside and making the process slightly faster. 

"What's the plan here?"

Argent sighed, turning to the Sheriff before gazing over everyone else, "Our best shot right now is for Derek or Sabrina to try to pick up Stiles' scent at Eichen House. Especially if he went through something stressful there." 

"He did." Lexie announced bluntly. Her eyeline shifted upwards, settling on the five curious eyes, she swallowed the lump in her throat before continuing. Just remembering that night at Eichen house sent shivers down her spine. "He gave into the nogitsune. He thought I was gonna he gave in. We won't find him there, but we could definitely get his scent." 

"Should all six of us be going to the same place?" Sabrina asked, clutching the rope in her hands before looking across at Argent for the answers. 

"Where else has Stiles been showing up?"

"School, the hospital." Allison listed, probably about to continue before Derek groaned with annoyance. 

"Okay, hold on. We did this already. He disappeared. We started looking for him. Then walked right into a trap at the hospital."

"He's getting us to repeat the same moves." Sabrina's brows furrowed, it had to be another trick. "So, what do we do? Wait for him to come to us?"

Derek sighed, shaking his head as he met their worried expressions. "We can't. Not if the oni find him when the sun goes down." Sabrina pinched the bridge of her nose, when did things get so complicated? The Oni were supposed to be getting rid of the dark spirit, but they couldn't let that happen because they'd just kill Stiles, it was a real big dilemma. 

"Scott's working on them right now, with Kira." the Sheriff reminded them as Sabrina thought back to her phone call with her brother this morning. Apparently they were having a long ass conversation with Kira's parents, specifically her mom who was also a Kitsune, one who was 900 years old and also the one who summoned the nogitsune. 

"That's the problem. We're all trying to outfox the fox."

Everyone had gone silent, and when the brunette turned to the side to look at her best friend, she noticed the paleness in her face and the worry etched across her features. Then the Sheriff's voice cut her from her deep analysing, "Listen. I'll understand if anyone wants to back out."

"I'm not gonna be the first wolf to run from a fox." Derek murmured as Sabrina nodded in agreement, helping him fill the last duffel bag and taking it from his hands before passing it to Allison.

"Apparently I'm carrying the lightsaber." 

Allison zipped up her bag before turning to her father, "Dad, you, Lexie and Derek hit Eichen House. Sheriff, Sabrina I will go to the hospital. We all meet in the school." it was a collective agreement. The Alpha took the lead, Allison and Stiles' dad following close behind, but then a timid voice filled the air and they all spun around. 

"Actually..." Lexie just stood by the desk, her fingers messing with her jacket as she reluctantly looked up and met the two brunette's eyes. "Allison, you were right. I don't think I can do this. I just-is it okay if I head to your house Sheriff? It's the one place I can feel close to him."

The Sheriff paused for a second before quickly nodding, his eyes showing nothing but sympathy for the trauma-filled Banshee. "Yeah, sure." and with that, she headed out with the group of three, planning on heading to the Stilinski household and do some dangerous digging of her own. 


Lexie stared at Stiles' bedroom door, tears spurting from her eyes as she just stood there, rooted to the spot, deciding whether or not to re-enter his mind. She closed her eyes for a second, letting every single memory of him drift through her mind and ease her worries. It transported her back to a time where she felt content, on top of the world almost. When he was just a boy and she was just a girl.

How she wished times could be simpler again. To be able to just go on a date and not worry about getting killed. With a sudden rush of anger towards her abnormal teenage life, her eyes flew open and she stormed into the room, recoiling slightly when she took in the sight. It looked like it usually did, exactly how it was at the beginning of the year. It held so many memories of the two, too many to count. There was one time, she remembered showing up here so the two could go over research about Scott being a werewolf.

The two of them were full of hyperactive emotions, Stiles rushing around, shoving paper after paper in her face as she matched his energy by reciting her notes hundreds of times. In fact, they had eventually passed out in his room from exhaustion. The memory came back to her and it made a sad smile grow onto her face as she looked at a distinct space on the floor. Gallons of coffee would not have been enough to keep them awake, so inevitably, their batteries ran out and they gave in to the fatigue. Lexie couldn't help but collapse on top of the papers, the papers that were situated across Stiles' lap.

Her memory from there was foggy, all she remembered was falling asleep. But for Stiles, it was a moment of utter thrill. He had been in love with the Martin girl for who knew how long and she had fallen asleep against him. He didn't dare move, and instead worked around her, work would be the wrong word to use because rather than paying attention to a solving a mystery, he was too preoccupied with taking in her features.

The way the loose strands of her red hair draped across her face, each dainty freckle that rested on the bridge of her nose, the occasional furrow of her brow as she dreamed. Each time he spotted them, the smile on his face grew 10x bigger. It was a moment he'd never forget, and eventually he carried her to his bed and let her sleep properly. All whilst he took the couch downstairs.

From Lexie's point of view though, she remembered waking up to the sound of the printer beeping loudly, alerting everyone in the vicinity that it needed more ink. And that was followed by Stiles cursing loudly before backtracking and spotting her awake on the bed. She asked him if he had slept or not, and to avoid awkwardness, he just answered with a simple 'no'. After that, they pushed past the odd moment and got back to the matter at hand.

Now, Lexie was crouched on the floor, her fingers brushing through the beige carpet and tears dropping from her face. Her hands pulled together, nestling together on her lap as she lifted her head and let out a shaky breath. Everytime she thought back to a moment of the two of them, it felt stained, as if she had to feel bad about it, as if those are the only memories they were gonna have. Because what if Stiles didn't come back from this? What if she couldn't save him?

Lexie heaved herself to her feet, stumbling slightly as she reached over to grip onto the desk for support. But it just meant she came face to face with a board of pictures. One ultimately disassociated from the crime board he had covering all four walls. No, these pictures...they were of everyone he cared about. Most of them being him, Scott and Sabrina when they were younger, wearing suncaps and supporting the cheekiest of grins. Lexie couldn't help but choke out a light-hearted laugh as her gaze rested on one photo.

Stiles and Sabrina had taken a selfie, Scott asleep in the background with pen drawn all over his face. One of many pranks the two had pulled on their brother. The three of them had some good times. Lexie couldn't help but feel that she messed up that dynamic. It was very rare to see the three of them hanging out like that anymore. Whether it was because they had grown up or just because of the irritating aspects of the supernatural.

But then her eyes drifted elsewhere, spotting the many pictures of her and Stiles. Them on their first ever date, a date she thought would be awkward and uncomfortable, but instead was the best day she had ever had. In the photo they were laying down against the ground, a picnic blanket beneath them as they laughed at nothing in particular. Most of the pictures were like that, including the one where they both had ice cream splattered across their faces, the same image Lexie had set as her lockscreen.

Except one, one she just found hidden beneath the rest. Pushing the others aside slightly, her heart expanded at the sight of a strip of photo booth photos. From the day at the ice-rink. She bit down on her lip, not realising he had even kept them. Carefully, she unpinned them from the wall, bringing it closer to examine in more detail. Her fingers grazed against the glossy surface, going over the four different pictures.

The first one was just a normal, smiley pose, the second being a stupid goofy face. In the third they were looking over at each other, huge smiles on their face, and the four was the aftermath to that, them bursting into fits of laughter. It had truly captured the essence of their dynamic and Lexie immediately wanted a copy of the strip in her hand. Then she noticed something on the back and quickly flipped it over. Stiles' scribbly red handwriting was drawn across it, and when she inspected it closer, she couldn't help but let out a small gasp.

It read: 'I'll get her one day.' and then further down in a distinct color she spotted a response to the previous statement: 'And I did.'

The redhead dropped the picture back down onto the desk and turned away, collapsing onto his bed and placing her head in her hands. Sobs ricocheted through her body as she let his notes flow through her head. It was the sweetest thing ever, the most adorable thing anyone had ever said about her, or thought about her. And yet, love this strong was still not enough to get him back. All she could do was go over old memories and even though she loved doing so, it just reminded her he wasn't here. He might never return.

She wanted to find some answers, find something that could help the boy she loved and somehow bring him back, but all she could find was remnants of him, highlights of their relationship peppered around his room. It wasn't just the pictures, although there were hundreds more across his room, including a framed one at his bedside.

But everything else too.

Like her award-winning poem that she submitted into a competition right before Summer that eventually got noticed and won first place. She wasn't entirely pleased with it, but Stiles went on and on about how brilliant she was, eventually framing it and hanging it on his wall. Or her scrapped copy of the bestiary. She had to scrap it because the notebook she had bought to fill the pages, wasn't long enough. So she decided to re-do the entire thing, letting Stiles have the old copy, one he liked to flick through just to see her detailed sketches.

Or the professional grade telescope she had purchased him as a late birthday present. They had spent endless nights sat in the dark, taking turns looking up at the sky and marvelling at the sights. It was something he had appreciated so much, but recently it was just left sitting there, not being put to use and collecting dust. Something Lexie never wanted to see happen. On top of the many photos and the thoughtful gifts, he also had her old notebooks, old textbooks, basically using all of her old notes to study and get better grades. Not that he needed them since he was already doing exceptionally well at school, despite the chaotic lives they both lived.

Once the redhead had sniffed back the onslaught of tears, she swore she heard something. Her ears pricked in confusion as her sobs stopped immediately and she just looked over at the door. There was a sound downstairs, she knew it. And she also meant that someone was here. Possibly Stiles. And not the Stiles she had hoped.

Lexie reluctantly rose from the bed, instantly taking small quiet steps towards the door. She was trying to quiet her breathing, but the fear had taken over and was making itself heard every time it left her throat. Once her foot stepped out onto the landing, and she heard the wood creak beneath her sole, the intensity of the situation settled in and her heart started racing. If it was him, how would she protect herself. He let her go the first time, it didn't mean he wasn't going to kill her now.

She had finally descended onto the lower level, no sign of anyone being there. Her brows furrowed as she gingerly took steps into the kitchen. She swore she could've heard something. Then the sound rang again and it made her eyes widen in fear. Without thinking, the defenceless banshee rushed to the closest drawer, yanking out a small yet damaging kitchen knife. Her grip tightened around the handle, her knuckles turning white as she held it in the air and stepped towards the sound.

When she heard it again, her heart beating erratically, she courageously rushed forward, appearing in the doorway and ready to attack if needs be. But when the figure came into view, she knew it was a mistake to bring a knife to a gunfight. The smirk on Stiles' face said it all. And before she could comprehend anything, her hand moved forward, and he gripped onto her wrist tightly, causing her to squirm in his grasp.

"Ah!" she winced, his unearthly grip causing her to drop the knife, leaving her weaponless. She remained there, her lips forming a tight line as she breathed heavily out of her nose. His eyes squinted at her, a hint of mischief and chaos lining them. And any sane person who knew Stiles could easily tell this wasn't him.

"How about we play a little game?" 
