Chapter 13 - Not a psychic


"Hey," I smiled as I watched Stiles re-enter my hospital room. After going up in flames, I was admitted to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, not with any excessive burns, but definitely with some smoke inhalation. My lungs needed to rest and they needed to bandage up some minor burns I had gotten. 

Mostly though, Sabrina protected me from it. She got the worst of it, but healed in no time, now she's just dealing with the fact that she's an Alpha. We found out Derek was alive and well, and Sabrina has been dreading telling him what happened and what she was now. 

Me on the other hand, I've been ordered to stay in bed since the other night, by Stiles. He won't let me out of his sight and I've found his need to take care of me, adorable. "Hi," he grinned, closing the door behind him and hurrying over, a few vending machine snacks in his hands. 

I looked him in the eye and raised an eyebrow, "I really hope you didn't break it this time," he laughed and collapsed on the edge of my bed. 

"Ha-ha, very funny," he narrowed his eyes at my joke as I chuckled and ripped open the packet of chips he got me. 

"So, are you gonna try stop me from being discharged again tonight?" 

Stiles shrugged as he looked down at his snack and pretended to not understand what I was talking about."I have no idea what you're talking about,"

"You think you're so sly." I muttered jokingly, pushing him on the shoulder slightly as he sent me a goofy grin. "I know you convinced the doctors to get me to stay another night. I was supposed to go home yesterday." I reminded him and he jumped up from his space on the bed to dispose of the empty packet in the nearest trash can. 

He just shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged, "And I think you were long overdue for some rest," 


"Lexie, you didn't see what I saw. You lit up like a freaking firework. I thought you were dead." he dragged his hands over his face and I sighed, reaching my hand out and willing him to take it. Thankfully he did and I pulled him over and sat him down. 

"I know, I know. But I promise you, I'm fine." I smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. Then I shifted to the side and patted the space next to me so he could lie down beside me. Once he did, I nestled my head in the crook between his neck and shoulder and inhaled his scent. "And I want to help," I added and he sighed, tightening his grip around me to keep me safe. 


"Stiles." I mirrored his stern voice and then looked up at him. "Come on, you guys can't do this without me. I mean Sabrina's dealing with becoming an Alpha, Scott's dealing with the Alpha pack. The only people that are gonna get to the bottom of this whole 'Darach' thing, is us." 

He placed his head back against the soft pillow and sighed, he didn't like me getting involved in all this 'dangerous' stuff, especially with me getting burned and what not. I know he wants to protect me, but I can protect myself. "And possibly Lydia," I added as an afterthought, making sure that he knew we weren't gonna be alone.

"I heard my name," of course that's when Lydia's head popped through the door, a huge smile on her face as she waved a bag in front of her. "I got you your things,"

"Thanks Lydia," I smiled pushing myself up from the blissful lying position I was once in and getting to my feet. Stiles immediately jumped up and came to my side, helping me but I just squinted my eyes at him. I can walk. 

"Stiles, as much as I love that you want to help, I can get dressed by myself." he let go of my arm and I instantly felt bad, I sighed before reaching up and planting a small pack on his lips. I watched his face turn a slight red as I stepped away and grabbed the bag from my sister's hands. "I'll just be a minute." 


Once we I had gotten dressed and headed outside, Lydia had my bags in her hand, and I spotted the several police cars scattered around. I also spotted the Sheriff and Stiles and Scott. What was going on? "Um, I'll meet you at the car," I told Lydia as she nodded and strutted away. 

I joined them just in time to hear the last of their conversation, "No, dad, they're trying to tell you that it was two separate kidnappings, okay? Two doctors, both gone."

"What?" Stiles spun around at my voice and noticed my concerned expression, but thankfully he was about to be honest rather than dance around the truth. 

"Two more sacrifices," he whispered, 

"So whose car is this?" the sheriff interrupted our conversation, as he turned back to the car behind him. It had no driver in it and the door was open. I was wondering the same thing. Who's car is this?

"Dr. Hilyard, the on-call doctor." Melissa cleared up to the Sheriff, before continuing. "The E.R. attending is the one that never made it in."

"Let me just focus on getting your story first, all right?"


"Could you guys give us a second." we nodded and the three of us stepped away from Scott's mom and Stiles' dad. 

"These are definitely sacrifices, right?" Scott asked and I worriedly fumbled with the fabric of my joggers. Two more. Two more. It just means that there's one person, one more sacrifice and it's gonna be harder to find. Any person in this hospital could be at risk. What were we supposed to do?

"Yeah, it's the one Deaton said...Healers." Stiles shifted on the balls of his feet as he looked over at his dad, slightly distracted at the fact his dad is way too overwhelmed. 

"What about Danny?"

My eyebrows scrunched together as I turned to Scott. Danny? What happened to Danny? "What about him?"

"He threw up mistletoe." well, how is mistletoe poisonous to Danny? And why would it hurt him? I thought it only affected supernatural. 

"Well, that can't be coincidence," I added, there's gotta be a link between Danny being poisoned and the two sacrifices. 

"And if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would've died. Danny's not a healer. I..." Scott trailed off when he realised Stiles wasn't listening. Instead he was watching his dad on the phone. 

"Can you hear that?" 

Scott turned to look and squinted his eyes as he listened in. Then he turned to us, his eyes wide as he swallowed the lump in his throat. "They found a body."

"Which one?"


I went to see Derek yesterday, told him everything and couldn't even look him in the eye. Mostly because ever since I saw him when I freaked out at the motel, I've realised I'm still in love with him and I probably always will be. Once I showed him my red eyes, there was a very long awkward discussion after that. 

It mostly consisted of him telling me to lay low, since now the Alpha Pack was definitely gonna be out to get me, and also to train harder and be stronger. Just because my eyes glow red and I have the title 'Alpha', it doesn't mean I'll be able to fight and win against Kali or the twins. I need to get better and stronger. 

Right now though, I was laying low, staying home and not trying to bring attention to myself. Also after hearing that healers were now being targeted, my mom was at risk, so I was looking out for her. Or, well, the three of us were supposed to be keeping an eye on her. But it didn't seem to be going well. 

My head slipped off my arm and jolted me awake, I groaned and turned over, patting the space and realising my mom wasn't there. Yes, I slipped into bed with my mom when I found out she could be sacrificed. Thankfully even though she protested, I managed to convince her.

 When I realised she wasn't there, my head soared up and my eyes flung open, she was just sat up, thank god. I collapsed back onto the pillow and let out a tired groan, ugh it felt like my ears were being ripped out of my skull.

"Really, boys?" my mom muttered and I looked over to the corner of the room to see Scott sprawled out in an armchair with his head tilted back, and Isaac curled up in a ball on the floor. I rolled my eyes as my mom shouted again, "Boys!" they finally leaped up and stared in astonishment at us. They were too exhausted for this. "What do you think you're doing? 

"Uh, we were watching over you." Isaac scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as I sat up and rested my head against my mom's shoulder, I'm too tired. 

"We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice."

My mom raised an eyebrow at Scott's reasoning and looked between the two of them before her gaze landed on me. "But all of you were asleep."

"You were on watch last." Scott muttered under his breath as he glared at Isaac. 

"What are you talking about? Sabrina was on watch last."

I scoffed and shook my head, "No, you were definitely on watch last." Isaac sighed and dragged his hand across his face. 

"I might've been on watch last."

"My heroes." my mom beamed, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into a hug. She's been extra protective of me since I told her about being an Alpha. I wasn't gonna tell her at first but Scott pushed me to. "Wait, didn't you say that they were all doctors? I mean, I haven't had an M.D. Recently attached to the end of my name, so I think I'm in the clear."

"Yeah, but it could just come under any kind of healer, mom, and you were definitely a healer last night." Scott smiled proudly, he told me all about how mom saved Danny's life last night. We may be her heroes, but she's definitely everyone else's hero. 

"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be anyone's human sacrifice today, so all of you get your butts to school." she ordered, urging me to get out of bed and get some education. Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen. 


"Isaac you don't need to protect me," I reminded him as he pulled me into an empty classroom at school. I was just about to ditch school when he caught me and explained that he would get us out of here. Somehow without the twins seeing us. 

"I know, but I'm trying to make sure that the Alpha Pack doesn't find you," he hissed, looking at the door and making sure no one saw us. I scoffed and folded my arms before looking at him, his big plan was to take me to Derek's loft. 

"How? By taking me to the one place they're targeting."

He dead-panned, "There's safety in numbers, remember." of course he would throw Scott's words in my face. He loves to do that. It's like Isaac sucks up to Scott, I remember when he used to suck up to me. 

Not anymore, now he's moved on to worshipping my brother. "And besides, the only person who can protect you other than yourself, is...Derek." he gazed at me warily as I punched him in the arm, of course he would put me in this awful, uncomfortable situation. 

"I hate you for this,"

Isaac raised an eyebrow as he kept a smirk on his face, "Yeah, well I hate you too." I laughed and stepped closer to him, looking into his eyes and remembering that stupid thing we did. But for some reason I could never get past it. I actually enjoyed it. 

"Isaac, I thought we talked about this. You really need to up your game,"

"Shut up," that's when I reached up and pressed my lips to his hungrily. But before the kiss could deepen any further, Boyd's voice filled the room and we were temporarily interrupted. 

"Are you guys done?" I rolled my eyes at him before looking at Isaac and narrowing my eyes at him. 

"I still hate you."


"Go back to school." that was the first thing Derek said when we slipped into the loft, our school bags plastered to our bags. I looked around the space and spotted the Alpha Pack symbol on the window. If this wasn't enough evidence that they were after not only Derek, but me, then I'm scared to think what might actually happen.

I kept my mouth permanently shut. I didn't want to look at him or speak to him, in fact I didn't want to think about him, but that was kind of hard to do. 

"Well, actually, we can't. Boyd, Sabrina and I are incredibly and unbelievably sick." Isaac lied dramatically and his sarcasm made me stifle a small laugh. 

"With what, brain damage?"

"Well, Sabrina is suffering from stomach cramps," 

"Shut up," I warned him but he decided to continue, I can't tell whether it's disturbing or just plain idiotic that he's finding this all so amusing. 

"I have a migraine, and, uh, Boyd here has explosive diarrhea." okay, I gotta admit he can be funny sometimes, just not all the time. Boyd glared at him unamused before turning to Derek.

"We're here to protect you." 

"You're here to protect me? Well, I'm in trouble then." Derek commented light-heartedly as I just rolled my eyes. Of course he'd think that we were so incapable of protecting him, he just thinks we're weak. Which is quite ironic because he was the one who trained us, all of us. 

"Also because she needs to be protected," Isaac jutted a thumb in my direction and I rolled my eyes again. This is starting to bore me. 

"I can protect myself, remember."

"That's exactly what a person who couldn't protect themselves would say." he remarked and I just shook my head at all of them. They can't keep me here. So I'm just gonna leave. I don't have to go to school, I could go home. Snack on some chocolate in my pajamas. 

"Screw this," I spun on my heel and headed to the door but Isaac hurried ahead of me and stood opposite, blocking my path of exit. "Isaac, get out of my way." I muttered angrily under my breath as I tightened my grip around the strap of my bag. 


I raised a questioning eyebrow as he stared me down, an annoyingly good-looking smirk plastered on his face. "What, you're just gonna keep me here? And what about when they come for us?"

"Four against three," he pointed out and I remembered he wasn't that good at math. 

"You mean four against four. Just because Deucalion's blind doesn't mean he's unable to move you idiot." I tried to step past him again but he just blocked me, and it was starting to get on my freaking nerves because if I wanted to, I could easily overpower Isaac and throw him at the nearest wall. 

"Okay so it's four against four," he shrugged as if it was no big deal, his calm demeanor was starting to get to me.

"Do you not remember that me, you and Scott couldn't even take on the Alpha twins by ourselves. I mean Derek has nothing on Kali. We're screwed." 

"Actually, Boyd here came up with a plan."

"A plan, really?" I was clearly not convinced. But surprisingly, Derek descended from the spiral staircase and stood there waiting to hear what they had to say. 

"Yeah, I thought about the time Gerard had me and Erica locked up, tied up with electrical wires pushing current through us. I was wondering how we could do something like that..." he had reached into his gym bag and pulled out a big ass roll of electrical wires. "But on a bigger scale." I stared at the wires with a quirked brow, maybe this plan could just work. 

"In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to 50 milliamps to kill a normal human, less than the power it takes to turn on a light bulb." this information Boyd was spitting out was slightly concerning and the three of us watched as he turned on the hose and started spilling water into the room.

"That's comforting." Derek sniped as he raised an eyebrow and kept his usual body language. Arms folded, back hunched. 

"If we disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room, the current will keep coming, and anyone who steps foot in here, they'll get a pretty shocking surprise." Boyd smiled wickedly and honestly, the idea of it made me want to jump up and down, because it sounded like it was gonna work. 

"Especially someone who's barefoot." Isaac added as he nudged me with his elbow. I nodded angrily, knowing that he was right and what not, but he wasn't gonna have the pleasure of getting to bask in being right. I wouldn't let him. 


I stepped into the Animal Clinic looking for Scott and Stiles, I just got his text about Deaton going missing, which means he's the third sacrifice, and if we didn't find him quick, he'd be killed. I immediately spotted the Sheriff talking to...Ms Morrell? 

That's when I watched Scott and Stiles pile out of the back room, the one where they keep all the sick dogs, they were watching this wide-eyed as well. What was she doing here? "Please, whatever you need, however you can help find my brother."

My mouth dropped open, honestly this is a very small world, who knew. I made my way over to Stiles and stood in between him and Scott as the Sheriff dismissed her. "Will you excuse us for a moment?" he walked off with his deputy as Ms Morrell approached us, looking back to see if they were watching. 

"Okay, listen closely, all of you. No sheriff, deputy, or Detective is going to be able to find him."

"You don't have to ask us for help." Scott interrupted her and she just rose an eyebrow in response. 

"Actually, I'm trying to help you, because, if you're going to find my brother, then you need to use the two people who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural." oh god, she looked directly at me and the two idiots by my side seemed clueless. 

"Me." I announced breathlessly before continuing. Obviously if I can do it, then my sister could too. "and..."

"Lydia." Stiles finished as he looked down at me with a slightly perplexed expression on his face. And due to the fact he keeps looking over at his dad, I think that may have something to do with it. Okay, we just need to find him. I can do that. Simple. 


After finding Lydia in the Coach's office being threatened by an angry Cora, Stiles brought them to the empty science classroom I had camped out in. I sat on a stool opposite Lydia, my elbows digging into the surface of the chemistry desk. 

Stiles placed a ouija board in front of us and I raised an eyebrow at him questioningly. Really? "Stiles, are you kidding me?" 

"No?" he answered with a question and I just narrowed my eyes at him with a very annoyed expression plastered on my face. 

"You know that's not how it works."

"Honestly I have no idea how it works, and you've already said it doesn't work without a trigger, so maybe this will work," he shrugged taking the board out of it's box and placing the thing in front of us. 

"Yeah, if he's dead." I reminded him that Banshees only really deal with dead people, or people that are on the verge of death. Otherwise, it's gonna be hard to find him. 

"Really Stiles, a ouija board?" Lydia raised one of her plucked eyebrows as he placed the pointer on top. I turned it around so it was in the correct direction. 

"Also called a spirit board, and it's worth a shot."

"A shot in the dark." Lydia remarked as Stiles sighed and looked between the two of us. 

"Could you two just try it, please, okay? Let's not forget who this is for...Scott's boss, the guy who has saved our collective asses on more than one occasion."

"Oh, wait, should we all do this?" Cora asked as she sat to the side, I honestly had no idea what she was doing here, obviously she had a fun time threatening my sister, but to be fair, Lydia was risking her life being with Aiden. I mean what was she thinking. 

"Yeah, yeah. You guys ready?" we had all placed two fingers from both hands on the pointer and rested them there as Stiles waited for an answer from us.



He cleared his throat before speaking, "Where's Dr. Deaton?" I sat there looking across at Lydia and then noticed the other two were staring at us. 


"Aren't you gonna answer it?" he asked and I rolled my eyes. Does he really think a spirit is about to speak through me? 

Because that's just absurd. "Stiles, it doesn't work like that," 

"Yeah, I don't know the answer. I thought we were asking some sort of spirit." Lydia shrugged carelessly as Cora - beside her - raised an eyebrow whilst she looked between the both of us. 

"Well, do you know any spirits?" I placed my hand to my forehead and let out a groan. God what has my life come to? And why do I constantly surround myself with idiots? 

"Oh my god," I groaned as Lydia let out a dry laugh and looked between Stiles and I before pointing at Cora. 

"Is she for real?"

I had my hand rested under my chin, waiting to listen to whatever Stiles had planned next. "Okay, these are Deaton's keys for the clinic. Close your eyes, and I'm gonna put 'em in your hand, and then we're just gonna try and see if you can feel out for his location." 

"Stiles that's called psychometry." I corrected him as I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, I know he's trying his best to get this to work, but most often it happens or it doesn't. "Doesn't really work for people who aren't psychics."

"Yeah, I'm not a psychic." Lydia added and Stiles gawked at her before yelling, 

"You're something! Okay?"

"A banshee." I reminded them for like the millionth time, "God how many times do I have to tell you guys."

"Just, first Lydia, put out your hand, and..."

"Hmm." Lydia flinched her eyebrows pulling together and making all of us widen our eyes in surprise. 


"They're cold." she explained timidly as Stiles sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, he's really pissed off, I can tell. 

"Lydia, concentrate, please? Trying to save lives here, for the love of God."

"Stiles, it takes time to get these powers to work. I mean mine took months to get to where they are now and even now, they are not as advanced as they need to be," I shrugged and he snatched the keys from Lydia's hands and put them towards me. 

"Okay, so you try," I rolled my eyes before closing them and putting my hand out. When Stiles dropped them in my hand, my mind drifted away but it was like I couldn't see anything. 

I got a weird feeling as I tightened my hand around the keys, "Hold on," 

"Yeah, what is it? What do you see?" Stiles pushed as I tried to block out the excess noises. It's like my mind was blank. There was nothing here. Nothing at all. 

"Nothing." I shook my head before taking in a deep breath and trying to analyse whatever surroundings there were. "But, it's cold and dark, I think. And-and I feel like I'm floating. My wrists, I think they're tied." then suddenly the pain in my wrists became overbearing. 

My eyes flung wide open and the keys slipped from my hands. "Holy-ow!" Okay yeah, that was not normal. But now at least we know Deaton's hanging from some rope tied around his wrists. Rope that was digging so hard into his skin. It could easily cut off his circulation and kill him. So, time was running out. 
