[49] Chat

Zero smacks my bedroom door open. I glance up at him in shock, I'm trying to get ready for today here and you're getting all up and in my space here.

"Yes?" I ask, looking at him carefully.

"Get you stuff, you are moving into my room." He turns around and walks out, assumably going towards his room.

I look around. "What the fuck??" I whisper, grabbing some of my stuff and heading to his and Akara's, ahem, domain.

I wander in, giving Zero a weird look.

"What?" I ask as he places a pillow on the other side of the bed, Akara must have taken his with him

"You are not being alone with the ghost guy around." He says in monotone, looking at me and daring me to object to him.

I just nod and place my stuff on the floor in the corner. I sit on the floor and watch him make up a barrier between the two halves of the bed.

"You know that will fall over in the night right?" I ask, rubbing my eye slightly as I yawn, still waking up.

He glares at me and gives the pillow a harsh smack and surprisingly it doesn't fall over. I raise my eyebrows and nod to him, impressed with his work.

"Impressive." I nod along and stand up, stretching. "What are we going to do today?"

Zero doesn't reply. I didn't expect him to, let's be honest, this is Zero Kiryu we are talking about. He can't speak to one person for more than three sentences without ignoring at least one question. I shake my head slightly and head to the bathroom. I just need to get ready for the day and then we can start the festivities.

I don't want it to count as festivities for Zero but I'll find something. I close the door and lock it, I feel like some people just forget to knock and I just hope no one does for me. I am not having awkward moments with people during the holidays, I have the holiday's to deal with.

I feel like a broken record. I open the shower door and turn the water on. I close the door and let it warm up while I'm getting undressed. Work smart not hard people. I stretch right above my head and yawn, getting into the shower and welcome the warmth as the water washes across my skin in large running sheets. I sigh loudly and scrub myself clean. The three of us are sharing the one bathroom and I'm pretty sure Yuki gets up half an hour after Zero and I so that means we have little time to have a shower.

Kaien told me that Yuki has a half an hour shower in the morning. I mean, I understand half an hour shower at night, but in the morning, what? I roll my eyes And huff, it's no time to be judging. I turn off the shower and jump out, grabbing the towel on the rack and drying myself off.

I look up into the mirror and freak out, my heart rate increasing. My eyes are different colours again. One blue and one brown. I don't move, I just stare dead straight into the mirror at the eyes. What did I do last time? I blinked yeah?

I take a deep breath and blink, opening my eyes quickly, waiting to see the lilac but instead it's still the same brown and blue. I swallow deeply and try to calm myself. If I can just get my clothes on and get to Kaien I'm sure he can figure out what is going on. I quickly pull on my clothes for the day, my outfit very similar to what I used to wear around Tokyo.

Black jeans with a black top, my shoulders a little exposed but not completely bare.

I glance at the mirror one last time before walking out of the bathroom and towards Kaien's office. I really want the eyes to go away but I also want them to stay so I can show Kaien. I open his office door to see him not in there.

Oh, Kami, where could he be. As I turn down the hall to look for him I feel the pain behind my eyes disappear and I can tell my eyes have gone back to normal. I sigh in relief and annoyance. I need someone else to see it otherwise people are just going to start to think I am going insane.

I shake my head and walk down the hall, back to Zero's room. I knock once and walk in.

"The shower is all yours." I drop all my dirty clothes in a pile in the corner with the rest of my stuff. Zero nods and heads out, moving faster when noise starts to come from Yuki's room. "Oh shit, Zero run!" I whisper shout, laughing slightly when he closes the door just in time for Yuki's to open.

"Oh, good morning Niko." Yuki rubs her eye as she talks to me, it's obvious she just woke up.

"Good morning Yuki, sleep well?" I ask, leaning against the door frame.

She yawns and nods, rubbing her eyes still as she walks past me and into the kitchen. Wow she really is incoherent in the morning, isn't she. I push off the door frame and follow her into the kitchen. Today is the day we figure out if Yuki has a strong stomach or not because Kaien has given me permission to eat in the kitchen.

He saw me walking back and forth between the Moon Dorm and here every day and forced me to move my food into the spare fridge in the laundry. I mean I understand that people may be a little freaked out when I put the flesh in their fridge. I wander down to the laundry and open one of the bags. I grab a medium piece and bite into it, hanging it from my mouth as I close the fridge and walk into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

Oh sweet, sweet, coffee it has been so long since I have tasted your beautiful taste, which is probably why I keep craving meat but let's not talk about them. I'm not sure how stable Zero is so I'm going to finish the food before he gets out of the shower, just I just want to see how Yuki reacts.

I pour hot water into my cup and turn down, leaning against the counter. I pull the meat out of my mouth and sip my coffee, smiling slightly at the warm taste. Yuki kinda glances at me and then my hand and then back to me, trying to put two and two together.

It takes her a moment but it happens, her eyes go wide and her mouth drops over slightly.

"Is that?" She points to it as I sip my coffee.

I nod to her, watching her actions carefully. She just gulps and gives a frightened look.

"What? I'm not going to eat you Yuki, that's why I have this." I hold it up before taking a bite out of it.

She nods slowly and continues on making her breakfast, cereal I think. I tilt my head to the side. Not bad, definitely could have reacted worse than she did, but luckily she kinda stayed calm about it. That or when she is scared shitless she goes silent. Could be either but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. I think.

I shake my head and shove the rest of the food into my mouth, chewing it aggressively and swallowing it just in time to hear the bathroom door open and Zero's footsteps to come down the hall. I down my coffee and put the cup in the sink.

Wow, my life is so boring at the moment I literally have nothing to do but follow Zero around for the rest of my days.

"Oh," an idea pops into my head, "are there open spaces on campus?"

Zero gives me an odd look while Yuki just nods.

"The further you go down the campus to more open spaces, students aren't allowed down there." She says, a mouth full of cereal.

I grin, "well lucky I don't listen to the rules because I'm going to train and I dare you to stop me."

I disappear out the window as Yuki opens her mouth to say something. I grin as the air whips around me and messes up my hair. Oh Niko, thank Kami you were born with a brain that has training on its mind because otherwise, you would be a sad potato for the rest of your life.

I bounce around the campus, looking for a large open area for me to train. I don't really need an open area as such, I just need a space that people don't go so If I really mess the place up no ones going to come running and think aliens have landed at Cross Academy.

Not that I wouldn't trust someone who said that. With the things that have happened at this school so far, anything is possible. I reach a small little break in the trees, large enough for a small crowd to gather and decide to stay here. I may be determined but I am also lazy and don't want to have to find another one. There is also a nice little pond with some water so that's kinda nice.

I walk into the middle of the clearing and look around, gotta make sure there are no prying eyes, you never know out here could be people living in the woods of Cross Academy and no one would ever know. I'm seriously starting to doubt the security of this school and why I chose it to hide and take care of me.

I stand there for a moment, deadpanning to myself and how I am such an idiot, one; for making decisions and two; for later convincing myself that those decisions are bad. I know they are bad, but if I forget about them they aren't as bad as if I dwell on them. What I am about to do is definitely a bad decision. But I'm going to do it anyway because I'm running out of ideas on how to battle the fact that there are people all up in my mind.

"Oi, eye colour man, what's going on?" I ask out loud, looking into the pond at my reflection.

Nothing happens, my eyes don't change and I don't get a headache, I'm just staring randomly into a pond for no reason. I hiss at my own reflection, annoyed with myself.

"OI! You can't just keep freaking me out and then not coming when I want you to!" I sneer to the reflection in the water.

This would be really embarrassing if whatever is making my eyes change is a genetic thing and I am just automatically assuming someones in my head. That speaks volumes of how my life has been going recently. But also about the fact that I am not handling this shit well at all.

I sigh and move away from the pond giving up, "Fine, keep to you-"

I cringe as the head-splitting headache comes on my eyes start to pulse. Oh, here we are~

I lean forward towards the pond again and sure enough, my mismatched eyes are back. I stare into the water for a moment, waiting for anything to happen. Maybe a voice will speak out of my own mouth again, but after a few minutes of silence and no movement, I realise that I am in control here. Or at least it's letting me be.

"Okay bitch, let's have a little chat."


question of the chapter:

who is all up in niko's head?

hint: it may not be the obvious answer.



I love how the other two have just accepted life with Niko
