[38] Time

I wander my way to class. I spent so much time in the shower thinking about things [it auto-correct to thighs oh my lord–]

I forgot about time and am hella late to class. I mean sure, people are late all the time, but I don't wanna be late to Yagari's class. He is always the first teacher off and I am sure he has a gun under his teacher's clothes somewhere.

I walk through the empty halls, the sounds of my footsteps echoing off the stone floors. I pull around the corner and concentrate on listening for the voices in my class. It's been a while since I've spied on them.

"Will class be starting soon?" Kaname's voice rings out, making me confused.

"We can't start until everyone is here. That Niko K has not turned up yet."

I cringe at Yagari's reply, speeding up my pace a little to get to the class quicker. I open the door and wander in.

"Sorry I'm late, there was a man throwing rocks at my window," I mumble as I pass Yagari and walk up the step to get to my seat.

Oh, Akara is joining us today is he? I give him an odd look and raise my eyebrows before taking a seat beside him. He gives me an odd look back as I do. We speak to each other in odd-face-looks for a while before Yagari gets our attention.

"Everyone get yourselves ready, I'm not being set back any more than I already have." Yagari gives me a pointed look and I give a small hand wave back, cringing still. "Were you late to the last class as well?"

I look at him, blinking for a second before it hits me. I cover my face and sigh loudly. I missed the whole first lesson of the day. Oh, Kami please don't tell Kaien I don't wanna go shopping with a human. I look back up and pretend nothing is wrong as he starts to read out Shakespeare. I turn to Akara who seems to be preoccupied by something.

"Aido, do I need to report you to Dorm President Kuran?" He whispers to Aido, saying it dangerously low.

"What's happened?" I lean over towards the two, trying to look at what is happening.

Akara seems to be looking at Aido's workbook, which from what I can tell is covered in drawing.

"He's stalking Kaname." Akara laughs, glancing at me.

Oop, I knew he was a stalker but drawing out your victims, and in class. Aido you are an amateur you have to work harder than that if you want to keep it a secret. Unless you don't. I smirk slightly at Aido.

"I am not! I just happen to find him a good model for my—" Aido starts to protest.

"You lot," Yagari yells from the bottom of the class, staring directly at the three of us, "Is there something you would like to share with the class?"

I glance at Akara, my smirk widening more to become somewhat evil. I think Akara and I are a very evil match of people that could probably ruin the world if we are left alone for too long. I reach over and snatch Aido's book off the table in front of him. He reaches out to grab it back but Akara slams his hand down and covers his mouth so he can't shout out.

"Yeah, I thought you should have a look at this shit!" I lob the book over the heads of everyone in front of me and right into Yagari's hands, who catches it effortlessly and opens to the most recent page of drawings.

I grin back at Aido who tries to reach out and strangle me from the desk behind but I just lean forward and out of the way. Yagari's eyes widen a fraction, turning the page back and the one before, flipping through the notebook and what I can only assume are drawings of erotic pornography.

Aido starts to struggle against Akara but he holds him back effortlessly, Aido's strength not even measuring up to Akara's.

"I see he has a certain talent for art and," Yagari turns the book to the side, his face reddening, making him snap the book shut. "Capturing good 'bone' structure,"

"Oh, Aido you did not." I hear Akara mumble as I start to hold my cackles back.

"He fucking did." I choke out while covering my mouth.

Yagari lobs the book back up at us. I catch it quickly and open the book. I have to see it to believe it and I can not wait to see what has gotten the 'oh so amazing' Toga Yagari to go red in the face and lose his calm. I flick through a few pages of Aido ranting about how much he hates Zero and complementing cartoons, then I find the page.

I uncontrollably gag and cover my mouth, slamming the book shut so I don't have to see it. Yagari is right, nice 'bone' structure in that book. I pass the book to Akara before Aido can get it so he can see the satanic value of the book I have just read. He leans away so Aido's prying hands can't see it and he opens the book, immediately going stock still when he opens the page I was just on.

I can only imagine the words going through his head right now, something like.

'Oh my god.'

'Fuck me.'

'Kill me now.'

'The god of all fuckery.'

I'm feeling like they have a certain Akara flare to them. Akara gently closes the book and places it on the table in front of him. He stares at it, void of emotion before turning to look at me.

"Niko, snap my neck right now so I forget this, I'll wake up soon." He says to me, deadly calm.

"Only if you erase my memory first," I say back, ready to gauge my own eyes out.

"Is this something I need to see, Hanabusa?" Kaname asks, sitting up properly in his chair.

I choke on my own spit and launch forward towards the book, slamming it down with my hands.

"No!" The three of us yell.

"No Kaname, you don't need to," Akara adds, glancing at the said man before looking towards Aido with a demonic look in his eyes.

"Ahem, as I was saying,' Yagari starts, obviously trying to erase the image so kindly burned into his skull.

"So that's what you like?" Akara turns around to grin at Aido, who in turn hunches over and pulls his blazer over his head so he is hidden from the world.

I glance up at Kain who is shaking his head at Aido, making me laugh. I cover my mouth to stop laughing again and offer an air fist pump to Akara who sends me one back.

We pay attention to the teacher for a few minutes, knowing that if we are a constant nuisance there will probably be a punishment but if we give little intervals we might function better and not get into so much trouble.

Yagari finishes his rotation and leaves the classroom with a lasting glance of disgust at Aido. The other teacher walks in and starts his lesson, meaning Akara and I can do our thing once again.

"Hey, Aido~" Akara asks, turning back to the boy.

Aido growls in return, just trying to pay attention to what the new teacher is saying

"Why don't you," He pulls his arm out of his blazer sleeve and wraps the sleeve around his next like a little scarf while blinking flirtatiously up at Aido. "Draw me like one of your french girls?"

I lose it. I absolutely lose it. I smack my hand against the table and cover my mouth quickly, lowering my face to the table to stop the cackles coming from my mouth. I glance back just in time to see Aido snap his pen in half while still staring at the teacher and his teachings.

A snort slips through my hand and I cackle loudly under my hand trying to keep it in. Akara turns to me, seemingly impressed with my ability to keep the laughs in.

"DrAw mE LiKe OnE oF yOuR fReNcH gIrLs," I whisper into the table, making sure I'm loud enough for Akara and the row behind us are able to hear so it reaches Aido.

Aido's face goes pale and I'm pretty sure his soul left his body in one go. Just the entire thing left in the one long soul and is probably waiting to haunt Akara and I for the rest of its days.


"Any of you got a date?" Akara asks as we shuffle out of the class and back towards the dorm.

"Akatsuki and I could never, see our one goal for this dance is to woo every Day Class lady, or man, and make them fall in love with us," Aido says, dancing to the weird steps of a dance as we walk.

"Speak for yourself," Kain mutters.

I look up at the titan and notice his gaze somewhere else. I follow his gaze to Ruka, who is walking with Kaname and Ichijo. I feel bad for my good man's Kain, maybe if I didn't make so many jokes about us being together non-platonically then she would be more interested.


I sigh and stretch my arms over my head, "Well I would have a date if there wasn't a stupid rule about outsiders." I huff, a little bit pissed about it.

But I highly doubt Ayato would come and be part of a ball anyway if there are humans he won't come unless he can eat them and if he has to dress up, he will definitely not come, but whatever, I can say what if.

"Ayato?" Akara asks airily.

"Yeah Ayat— you too?!" I snap, my eyes furrowing, oh yeah, he was hiding in a bush with Ichijo.

"Dude, you were drunk in the middle of the walk way and I could hear you from a mile away. I totally watched you embarrass yourself." He says, smirking to me slightly as he says it.

"Gee thanks for saving my dignity," I groan, trying to remember anything from the night.

Nope, nothing is coming back to me.

"And miss out on all the fun, who do you think I am?" Akara smirks widely at me this time.

"Well you can anchor you and your fucking fun so far up your fucking—" I start, bringing my hand up.

"Would you all like to join Kaname, Ruka and myself for some snacks whilst we talk about the ball and some other things?" Ichijo wanders over and cuts me off.

Ichijo you are so lucky that you are on my good side at the moment, because if you weren't I may have obliterated you just now with my words. Everyone follows him quietly, stretching and getting ready to sit down and eat. Okay Niko, all you have to do is get through the kitchen snack time. Just don't breathe in the food and you will be fine.

"Jesus, I'll cook us something, talk about peer pressure." Akara grunts as everyone turns to him when they realise there is no food ready to eat.

I sit down at the table next to Rima while Akara makes the food. I smile at her slightly. "So how do we go shopping? Do we go into town?"

She nods, "So we get to go into town because Shiki and I have modelling deals."

My mouth opens a little, "You're a model?"

She nods, Ruka scoffs from around the table.

"You didn't know?" She asks, a judging gaze on her face.

"No, Ruka. I was too busy trying not to get eaten by a cannibalistic ghoul that wanted to chomp my ears off for fun. I didn't have time to buy Vogue." I say, hissing quietly across the table as the smell of food fills my senses.

I cover my nose and gag loudly at the smell. Akara turns around to face me.

"Sucks to be you, huh." He says, picking up the food he had made and placing it on the table.

"I don't think I can be here, I'm about to puke." I turn away and groan before standing up and making my way out of the kitchen.

Another pang of smell makes it to my nose and I give up, I sprint out, holding my mouth for dear life. I hold the vomit back and just trudge over to the stairs and sit myself down on the bottom step as I stop my dry reaching. I hear footsteps coming closer and turn around to see Shiki.

"Akara told me to come out here so you won't be lonely." He says, sitting down next to me and placing his small plate of food away from the two of us.

"Thanks, Shiki," I mumble, resting my head on his shoulder as a few lurches make their way through my body.

"You seriously can't eat food?" He asks, watching me suffer.

I nod to him, closing my eyes and gulping, "I can eat it and swallow it and I've gotten pretty good and pretending to like it so I can mix with humans, but I have to throw it up later or it will make me sick."

"How sick?" Shiki asks, sneaking some food into his mouth.

"My body shuts down and I stop functioning, someone has to take care of me and flush my stomach out, it's bad," I mumble.

Shiki slowly pushes the food further away as I say this and just places a hand on my waist to hold me up.

"So, dress shopping?" He asks, glancing down at me.

I nod, "I have to go to Kaien first, he wanted to talk to me. I better do that now actually, I don't want to hold you back."

Shiki shakes his head, "I'll come with you." He picks up his food and sweeps it around, getting the plate kinda close to my nose. "I'll go put this away."

"You are a good cook," I hear Kaname mumble before I once again start to dry reach.

I place my hand on the wall and swallow multiple times to keep the vomit down. I stand up straight and smack my cheeks a little so I'm good for when Shiki comes back. He comes back around the corner, no food this time.

Thank Kami.

"C'mon, we are a little pressed for time."


question of the chapter:

do you think niko will ever be able to see tokyo again?



I think Akara and I are a very evil match of people that could probably ruin the world if we are left alone for too long. "PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTT" –@ZylikaZ

"Capturing good 'bone' structure," "heh heh heh, more like "boner structure"–@ZylikaZ
