[26] Kaien

"Niko, did you harm Ichio?" Kaname stands on the stairwell, watching me walk into the dorm again.

I sigh and turn around, walking straight back out the door.

"Niko," Kaname warns.

"One second, Lord Kana-Me." I giggle lightly as a few hisses come out of a few lower vampires.

I wander towards the road where I tossed the asshole's arm. I sigh and rummage in the bushes, trying to get the limb quickly. I cringe when I feel it and quickly pull it up. I walk back to the dorm, carrying the hand by the pinky finger, swinging it back and forth as blood drips behind me.

I push the doors open and toss the arm as Kaname, not giving him any time to react. He steps to the side, not wanting to catch it. All eyes hone in on the arm which is bleeding out on the stairs.

"I don't appreciate when I'm supposed to be protected, and an old pervert is allowed to belittle me and pretend he knows shit about me. I would appreciate it if you would all stop pretending you know something about me. So don't because I'm not afraid to pull more arms out." I hiss, narrowing my eyes at the Dorm Leader.

I glance up when I see a figure pass across the upper level. I see a spitting image of Kaname walk right in front of everyone. My eyebrows crease, now they are playing tricks on me, how nice of them.

"Get out of my head, or I will give the Association a reason to shoot this place up." I hiss at the boy, grabbing my head lightly.

I notice Shiki wake up and glance at me from the couch.

"I'm not in your head, Niko." Kaname kicks the arm away and walks toward me, slowly.

"Oh yeah, and that's why I'm seeing two of you walking around?" A head-splitting headache sets in. "That fucking pervert, thinking he can attack me."

I grab my head with both hands and squat down, tears coming to my eyes and pain builds up behind them. A pair of feet appear in front of me. I look up at the person, my eyes widening.

The Kaname-double stares back at me. He reaches out and grabs onto my shoulders, pulling up towards them.

"What is this presence?" Aido stares at me, his eyes widening.

Obviously I'm the only one who can see this person, but the vampires can feel whoever this is.

"Niko . . ." He says, eyes softening.

"W-who are you?" I whisper, catching Kaname's attention.

He speeds up, walking towards me quickly now.

"It's me Niko," he smiles.

"I don't know you!" I try to pull back, but his hands tighten around my shoulders, holding me in place.

Shiki obviously can see my struggling against the person and stands up, also walking towards me. The double pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me tightly, hugging me to them.

"Niko, you aren't safe!" His voice echoes in my ears.

I look towards Kaname, silently asking if he can see the person, he shakes his head lightly.

"Niko, calm down." Kaname steps forward, but as he reaches out for me, his hand lands on this man instead, stopping his hand.

I struggle against him, my panic rising dramatically at the revelation that it's all on me to save myself.

"Niko!" The man's voice sounds like it is being cut off by something.

"Did you hear that?" Shiki takes in a deep breath.

I look at him quickly, nodding and still struggling.

"Help me!" I scream, now in hysterics.

Suddenly the man disappears and I fall backwards, landing harshly on the marbled floor. I suck in a deep breath, my eyes searching the room for the man, he can't just disappear. I jump when a hand comes in contact with my shoulder. My Ukaku snaps out immediately, trying to harm the person.

I look to the side and notice it is Kaname, the real Kaname. I shuffle back from him and try to calm down so my Ukaku retracts.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to attack you, it happens automatically sometimes," I mumble, grabbing my head lightly as the headache fades.

Kaname stares at me from his spot, eyes narrowed at me.

"Who was it?" Shiki wanders forward, towards me.

I shuffle back, scared that he will be attacked too. I'm not in control of my emotions so I'm not sure if I can control my ghoul side well. I shake my head to them.

"I'm not sure, but," I glance down at my hands, which are still covered in Ichio's blood. "He looked like you. Not a copy, but very close to you." I stare at Kaname, my hands shaking slightly as I do.

"I could hear him, but not see him." Shiki stares down at me, eyes only half open from his nap.

"I don't know who it is but he knows who I am . . ." I rack my brain for anything or anyone who could possibly know me.

"It felt like a vampire presence." Ruka shuffles forward, arms crossed.

"Mhm." Aido nods his head vigorously.

"But I don't know any vampires!" I shout, losing patients. "My mother cut all ties, I only once travelled this way and that was over a decade ago. I highly doubt some vampires going to remember m-" I freeze, my mind settling on one thing. "Kaien, I need to see Kaien."

I try to stand up, but as I do I tilt backwards. For some reason unknown to me, my Ukaku is very heavy and won't retract. Food, I need to eat more food. I glance at the arm on the stairs and shake my head. I roll forward and push myself onto my knees trying to stand up.

"So you are saying that none of you were in my head right now?" I ask, leaning back onto my heels and looking up at them as they slowly but surely move forward and towards me.

They nod to me, some people looking towards Ruka. She rolls her eyes at them.

"I can get into human and vampire minds and control them, not what they see. I can't get into her mind though, I've tried." She sits down on the couch, looking rather tired.

I huff and try to stand up, stumbling around a little. Shiki lunges forward and grabs my elbows, holding me up but also causing my wings to crystallize and shoot to the side. Everyone jumps as they embed themselves into the marble floor.

"Sorry," I mumble, trying to force them back away. "They are acting in protection, they can't tell the difference between two people." I shove my elbow back and try to knock the lilac shards away, but instead, it just harshly cuts up my elbow and makes me bleed. "Can you go away? I'm sick of you."

I look back and my eyes widen when they shimmer a little, reflecting bright purples and red to me. I blush harshly, my cheeks flaming. I bring my hand up and cover my eyes, looking to the floor.

"Why are they doing that, Niko?" Aido puckers up the courage to poke one of my wings, resulting in his finger almost being cut off.

My RC cells are trying to reach out. I mumble, shaking my head at my stupidity. "They remember the people I have ingested and are looking for a certain person."

Aido steps back, "Ingested?"

I roll my eyes at the boy, "Yes, Aido. I eat humans. I once," I pucker my lips out, embarrassment flooding my senses, "Had to eat from a ghoul. They are looking for the person, as they are protection."

"Someone with purple and red wings?" Akatsuki also pokes at the lilac shards, causing his finger to start bleeding.

"Okay, how many of you have to make the same mistake before one of you understands that poking it is a bad idea?" I roll my eyes at the boy, my elbow completely healing. "It'll chop off your finger next." Suddenly the wings retract quickly, causing me to stumble in pain slightly and lean against Shiki again. I hiss, my eye also turning back to its normal lilac colour. "Anyway, I need to see Kaien."

"I don't think that is wise," Kaname steps forward, eyes dull as ever. "You look like you need to rest."

"And get attacked by that dude again? I don't think so." I huff and try to move towards the door, but as I pass the Dorm President, my eye activates again. I freeze, my eyes wandering over to him. It's you it doesn't like. It can't tell the difference between you and the man. Hmph, not surprised.

I stubble slightly down the stairs, my eye flashing on and off as the smell of the sun dorm fills my senses. I sigh and turn back around, walking back into the dorm and ignoring Kaname's knowing gaze on me.

"I just need food," I mumble and try to move towards the kitchen.

But as I do, the world goes black.


I hiss as I open my eyes, my body aching. Did I roll out of bed or something? I look at the ceiling and realise that I am definitely not in my room. I sit up quickly and survey the room. Hm, maybe a sickbay?

I hear the familiar loud screaming all around me and realise that I am most definitely in the sickbay in the class building and the fact that the sun is shining means that the day class is taking classes now. Well, this sucks, how am I going to get out of here and to the moon dorm?

Or, hehe, I can go to Kaien now so I don't need to later. Hehe. I pull the sheets back, making sure no nurses are in the room before yeeting myself out of the bed and shoving my shoes on.

I slide the door open and peek down the hall carefully, making sure no one is present before slipping out and closing the door. I just need to look confident so no one knows I am low-key running away or they have any reason to stop me. I pass all the classrooms and faintly notice that they are all full.

So I need to get out of here before they get on break and I'm lost in the crowd. I'm just about out of the hall when I turn the corner and stubble slightly because of me picking up speed as I walk. I stumble to the right and put my hand out against the wall. But apparently, walls move.

Because as I place my hand out, the wall falls back and I stumble right into a classroom full of people. Oh, I landed on a door. I smirk as the whole room moves their attention towards me. I glance up at the teacher and bow lightly.

"My apologies, I have the wrong room." I look back up at the teacher, who seems to be sweat profusely with my presence.

I turn away from his and to the class, bowing lightly again, "I apologise for interrupting your class."

Gotta keep up the appearance for the humans, am I right? I make brief eye contact with Zero who is scowling at me. I smile at him lightly before heading out of the room and speed walking towards the exit. I really just need to get out of here.

I travel out of the class building and cover the small distance between it and the headmasters quarters as quickly as I can. I ignore the glance at me from the class windows and take cover inside the latter building.

I move quickly, I know where the office is off my heart now and just need to get there and hope that no one else is in there. I slam the door to his office open and slam it shut behind me, a large sigh leaving my mouth as I do. I am not having someday class students follow me around with their eyes.



question of the chapter:

anyone have any idea who that man is?


–@ZylikaZ 2020

"Kaname's alter ego, wait nvm kaname only has ego" –@ZylikaZ 2020
