[30] Old

I laugh loudly at Uta as we sit on the couches in the main entrance, sipping wine and having a good time. Yes, Uta brought multiple bottles, and yes I shouldn't be drinking. But here we are, and here we are drunk.

"But she's safe," Uta swishes his wine around, "Itori god out easy. She was caught in a ghoul den, not being a ghoul."

I giggle, "It's easy to get out of things these days, human rights and all." I sip my wine, "Wait." I burst into giggles again.

"You've really changed while you've been here, Niko." Uta says from the couch across from me, gulping down his glass."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I sit up slightly and look up at him.

"I just mean you're more . . . relaxed. Not so . . . . ghoul-ish." He grins slightly.

"Oh, how funny of you Uta," I roll my eyes and lean back on the couch, also finishing my drink.

He chuckles from the other couch but doesn't say anything, we just lay in silence and pour another glass every now and then. Uta stares at the roof for the most of it, looking at all the intricate designs and the immaculate chandeliers. Bets the day class don't get this, we get special treatment.

Maybe I should get in with Kaname? He could get me rich. Oof, that is definitely the wine talking, maybe I should have a little break? Pfft, nope. I gulp down my glass and sit up, a wide grin spreading across my face.

"Let's go have a fight." My eyes light up as I push myself up from the couch, wobbling slightly.

Uta looks at me as if I'm stupid before nodding and standing up, "It sure has been a while."

We walk towards the entrance to get outside, well Uta walks and holds my up as I stumble around.

"Say, Uta," I push on the doors, barely being able to open them in my state, "How did you get into the academy?"

"Easily. I opened the front gate, walked in and closed it." He shrugs as we wander onto the grass. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know, an open area? I need to let off steam, pretend to kill a few people."

"You mean me?"

"Yes, Uta. I shall pretend to kill you, but I won't actually, I actually like you." I grin and almost topple over as we go down a step.

"Maybe this isn't the best idea," Uta mumbles as he holds me up.

"What do you mean?" I whine, latching onto him, "Uta~ Don't you like me?"

"Niko, you are my best friend, but you are also drunk." he tries to turn us around, but I fight back.

"But, Uta~!" I whine loudly, stomping my feet lightly against the ground. "I wanna fight!"

He huffs, "Niko we don't have anywhere to fight."

"I will find one," I hiss, marching forward.

My RC cells are slowly eating at the alcohol because I'm not consuming anymore and it's making me slightly more coherent than before. Uta raises his eyebrows in surprise at my sudden ability to walk independently and follows silently. I glance around, trying to look for any open grounds.

I mean, we are on open ground, but it is also a path. Meh, I guess we can compromise.

"Uta, let's fight here!" I say, pointing to the floor.

He once again raises his eyebrows questionably but doesn't make an effort to stop me. But, it would seem other people want to ruin my fun.

"What is going on here?" A voice rings out from behind me, making me turn to it.

The first thing I see is the crazy bitch Maria but I choose to ignore it and turn to Aido who spoke.

"Uta and I are gonna fight!" I yell, the slur in my voice is obvious.

"Fighting is forbidden on school campus, read the rules." Ruka crosses her arms, scowling at me.

"Ah ah Ruka. The rules say, 'Fighting between students is forbidden,' Uta isn't a student, Uta is a friend." I giggle and stumble to the left slightly, making Uta rush forward and grab my shoulders.

"C'mon Niko, I don't think you are going to make it to the fight." He chuckles and tries once again to move me towards the dorms.

"But-" I start.

"Niko," Kaname calls out, walking forward. "You need to go to bed."

Confusion clouds my vision. "But it's such a far distance from here." I whine, looking to where the vampires came from.

"Niko it is literally twenty meters from here," Akatsuki walks forward to usher me forward but I shake my head.

"No, carrot-top!" I lean against Uta, "My room is across the country, it will take me ALL day to get there." I sigh loudly shaking my head. "Uta, are you here to take me home?"

"Wow, you really got drunk huh?" He asks, tightening his grip on my shoulders and forcing me to walk forward, "Your bed is in this building here. It is somewhere on the second floor."

"How did you know our room is on the second floor? Are you an Aogiri agent?" I look at him alarmed, I never knew this about Uta.

He laughs loudly, "No Niko, I am not."

I turn to him, stopping completely and pulling my eyebrows together, "Then how do you know where Ayato and I's room is?" I tilt my head to the side.

He freezes for a moment, the people behind him looking at me in interest.

"Niko shh, you are really drunk. You just need to sleep, and get a lot of it." Uta presses a finger against my lips and is just dragging me at this point.

I faintly notice the night class slowly following behind, most of them just keep walking and pass us, walking into the dorm and just leaving the top vampires hanging around.

"I am unaware who you are," Kaname turns his gaze to Uta.

"This is Uta! And for some reason, he knows where Ayato's and I's room is. How did you know it was on the second floor?" I whisper to him, thinking maybe he isn't telling me because the others are here.

"Niko, your dorm, here at the academy is on the second floor. I don't know where you and Ayato live." Uta wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me, taking small and quick steps towards the dorm entrance.

"Speaking of Ayato, why hasn't he called me?"

"You don't have a phone, Niko." Uta deadpans.

"No, there must be a proper reason." I ponder, my eyes going wide, "Uta! Is Ayato cheating on me?!"

Uta stops and sweat drops, "Niko why would Ayato cheat on you, he is only ever thinking about you. I don't think there is anyone he could possibly cheat on you with."

"It's that little bitch," I snarl, my sharp fang-like teeth showing, "That little piece of CCG meat."

Uta looks suddenly worried, "Who?"

"HINAMI!" I snarl my little fangs that usually show when I grin don't look so happy anymore. "I KNEW IT! I'M GONNA FEED HER TO THE CCG GHOUL SQUADS!"

Uta suddenly burst out in laughter, making me stop snarling and look over my shoulder at him. "Why are you laughing?"

He shakes his head at me, "Like Ayato, the bad boy of the century who literally bites you for fun, would drop to Hinami, the good girl of the century who cries when you mention Kaneki."

I stare at him for a second before my overthinking starts to take over my thoughts, "But that's exactly it Uta! The bad boy and the good girl, it's always the way! He's cheating on me with her!"

"Niko I think you need to call him or something or see him. Because I don't think you're coping on the inside." Uta hugs me tighter as we finally make it into the dorm, the only ones left following us being Kaname, Aido, Shiki, Ruka and Akatsuki.

"I'm coping fine and Ayato is cheating on me, why wouldn't he? I'm not around." I huff, somehow my RC cells are not helping me sober up so I can deal with the situation correctly.

"If I remember correctly," Uta places me down on the couch and squats in front of me, "You and Ayato spent what? Three? Four? Years away from each other and still kept it together, I highly doubt two weeks is going to do much." Uta snatches the wine away as I try to reach for it.

I whine at him as he holds it out of my reach. I huff and cross my arms.

"Uta," I whisper, my mood dropping to sad drunk mode, "I miss everyone. Anteiku, I miss Helter Skelter and," I sniff loudly, "I miss Ayato."

"I'm not surprised. They all miss you too. Ayato calls your phone three times a day from what I've heard. And Touka is constantly bugging Yomo. It's harder without you around, but you need to be safe. And getting drunk on blood wine and asking to fight isn't safe." Uta pats my head.

"Hey! You were the one that brought the wine!" I yell, smacking his hand away and pouting.

"Fine, I won't bring it again." He whines back at me and also crosses his arms.

"NO! Uta~ I love you~ Please bring me blood wine~!" I hug him tightly, making him chuckle into my shoulder.

"Yes, Niko."


"Ho-ly shit my head hurts," I whine as we walk to call, officially Tuesday everyone [*ahem* it is wednesday] and I am ready to die.

"I'm not surprised, you got drunk with that Uta guy last night," Akatsuki says, glancing at the boys as he says it.

I notice them glance around at the mention of it, "What did I do?"

"Nothing," Aido says quickly as we approach the changeover.

I scowl and put my earbuds in, we are going to have to have the rest of this conversation on the over end. The doors swing open and I pull a small onto my lips as we pass through the girls. I notice the three I ran away from earlier and avert my gaze. The three of them are scowling at me and I chose to just ignore it and look onto the other side of the path, waving at some boys.

But no, these three think not.

As Akatsuki and I pass them one reaches out, and much like my first day here, grabs onto my blazer and yanks on it hard. But this time it is slightly different, she isn't trying to pull me towards her, she is literally trying to rip my blazer off of me.

I turn to her quickly to get her hand off of me but instead the other two step forward and grab onto my shirt with their sharp-ass nails to deal damage. I let out a little squeal to keep up the effect of being a weird weak idol thing.

Can't be killing bitches on Kaien's watch.

Akatsuki places both hands on my upper arms and makes the biggest mistake of his life. I repeat, the biggest mistake of his life. The people ahead turn around to see the commotion as Akatsuki yanks me backwards and away from the girls, noticing their intent.

But if you scroll upwards you will see that I mention that the two girls are clawing at my shirt with their sharp-ass nails. Which means, because Akatsuki is pulling on me, and three girls are pulling on me, there is a lot of force, which means someone has to break.

Or something.

In this case, my shirt.

Rips in two, straight down the back.

And is pulled right off me.

Leaving me exposed.

In front of everyone.

I stand still for a second, blinking at the shirt in the girl's hands before looking at her face.

Here we go mother fucker.

I pounce straight on top of her. Punching her straight in the face before bouncing up into the air and roundhouse kick the other two straight across the face.

"You wanna fucking go?! Because I will fucking go!" I scream as the three of them struggle on the floor.

Zero steps forward, flashing his gun at me, trying to make me calm down. But looky-who, my name is Niko. I do not calm down easily. I reach forward and calmly snatch his gun off him, snapping the chain that connects it to him. His eyes grow wide at my speed, but it's too late. I flinch at the lightning coming off the gun but right now all I care about is beating these shits into the ground.

I squat down and point the gun at the three, a smile pulling onto my face, my sharp teeth showing once again. I pull my earbuds out.

"Okay, let's get this straight." I flick the earbuds away, not looking away from them.

"Niko," Kaname warns, but as always, I ignore him.

"I have to listen to you scream at me every day. I have to deal with you reaching out and snatching my clothes off me and inflicting wounds with your nasty-ass fingers. Sure I ignored you, but doesn't that mean you can fucking undress me for the world to see?" I hiss, tossing the gun side to side and shooting Zero a warning glare as Yuki runs forward.

Hm, no Akara? This motherfucker never does his job.

"Here's how it's gonna go," I stare down at them, "You and the rest of the day class are going to stop coming to the changeover. You have a curfew and you break it to make my life harder. I don't care if you admire me, I want you to fuck off. Break another rule and I'll tell Uncle Kaien. Your parents won't be too happy when you get expelled will they?" I tilt my head to the side, the gun tingling against my fingers lightly.

"Now fuck off, or I'll bite your heads off." I hiss.

The three of them stand up quickly, the rest of the day's class clearing out quicker than I have ever seen. I give the gun back to Zero and notice red marks along my hands. I shrug, dusting them off. A blazer falls on me, covering me up finally.

Akatsuki pats my head and starts walking away as I button up the front.

"I swear to fucking Kami human's are so pitiful. I hope they get killed by someone on the way back to their dorms." I hiss, ignoring Zero's harsh gaze on me, "What? Sue me. Call my parents, see what'll happen."

Zero winces slightly, probably because he knows about my parents. I huff and follow the crowd to class, my mood worse than ever. I enter the class a little after everyone but the teacher hasn't arrived yet.

"Niko, you must control your anger," Kaname says from behind his book.

I lose it, "You try being stripped in front of people! That would cause ripples in the community wouldn't it?! 'Pureblood seen indecently by humans!' I bet my dick it would. I'm embarrassed."

"It sounds embarrassing but not as bad as last night." A voice calls from the back of the class.

"Wow Uta, they really have shit security to let you in here," I say, not even looking at him.

"Yep, but hey, everyone got to see your tattoo, there is a plus to everything." He shrugs.

"That is very Uta of you."



question of the chapter:

from one to ten, how much did you all cringe?


–@ZylikaZ 2020

"Hm, no Akara? This motherfucker never does his job." "no, not really." –@ZylikaZ 2020
