[44] Day

So here we are, Akara and I sitting around during class. A week, it took almost a full week for Akara and I to be given the all-clear and put back into classes. So as I sit here, the first class on a Thursday evening, I realise that getting myself in trouble isn't so bad and I should do it more often and get out of class.

And from what I have heard, it's holidays this weekend and I'm going to have the lovely Moon Dorm all to myself and my thoughts. A bad idea if you ask me. Most of the class are going to Aido's place apparently, except Aido isn't. A little suss if you ask me.

"So you are leaving at the last minute so you can stay with Zero, yeah?" I look over to Akara who is watching the teacher.

He nods, "He's being allowed out tonight so I'm going to stay up Saturday and spend the day with him, then leave in the middle of the fucking night. Gotta get the most out of my boyfriend." He very sadly chuckles. This boy is not okay.

I nod, understanding the logic of his plan.

"Are you going anywhere?" He asks, pulling his eyes away from the teacher and looking sideways at me.

I shake my head, "I'm spending the holiday here with Kaien and Yuki. Hopefully Zero decides to love me because I need somebody else to talk to."

Akara chuckles and nods, leaning his chin on his palm and looking back to the board. I sigh and watch Yagari write across the blackboard and try to think of a way to annoy him, even slightly. I raise my hand so when he turns around to face be he has to speak to me.

"Yes, Niko?" He gives me a look of literal 'I will kill you when I get the chance.'

"Can I go to the toilet, sir? I'm about to explode." I keep a straight face as Akara gives me a weird look.

"Be my guest." He points to the door.

I smirk and skip down the classroom to the door, waving obnoxiously at him before slamming the door shut and leaving. I wander down the hall, stretching my hands above my head. I don't need to go to the toilet, I haven't eaten today, I have hunting rights tonight so I'm holding off so I don't be lazy and only get a little, I have to hit the jackpot tonight.

I glance out the expansive windows of the building and notice movement in the trees, a lot of it. I narrow my eyes in on the spot and listen carefully, trying to drown out Yagari's boring voice.

" . . . murder . . ."

Well that doesn't sound good, does it? I push the window open and hop out of it, onto the balcony and then to the ground. Wandering into the tree line and trying to distinguish what is going on without being seen. I poke my head around a tree and notice Zero standing with his gun pointed out at someone.

Wow, Zero, the day you get out and you are getting in trouble already. Sounds like me not gonna lie, Zero is my spirit animal. I let my Ukakau grow out slightly, hardening it and grabbing a crystal off the edge of it. I turn around and narrow my eyes, trying to pinpoint on the classroom windows.

I need to cause a scene but not kill anybody. I catch the edge of one of the expansive windows and slingshot the spike from between my fingers into the window. I turn around and make my guest appearance on the murder Zero show.

"Hello everyone, the rule handbook says no fighting on campus. I am going to have to ask you to leave. I apologise for any inconvenience." I smile at the men, ready to beat their asses.

I may not have eaten today, but I have eaten a shit tonne over the last week because I have been waiting for the inspection to happen and it hasn't. At this point, I think it's just never going to happen.

Unless this is the inspection. Nah gee, these are definitely vamps.

"I don't believe you know who I am. But I have been sent by the council to e-"

"I don't give two shits who you are," I step in front of Zero, my hands deep within my pockets and eyes hard, "Get off campus before I snap each and every one of you in half."

The vampire scowls at me, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"As you have gotten in my way, I am forced to eliminate you." He glares and shots towards me.

I roll my eyes and grab his neck with my hand easily. I lift his body from the ground before yanking it down onto my knee, definitely causing some serious damage. I look back up at the others.

"Wanna go?"

They all get into a fighting position, raising their arms around them, baring their fangs. I smirk and get ready to release my Ukaku and fight at full strength for the first time in weeks.

"I can take it from here, Niko." A hand grips onto my shoulder, pushing me back slightly.

Kaname steps in front of me, the rest of the class standing around within the vicinity. Akara steps back, letting Kaname do the talking. He just comes forward and grabs Zero, pulling him back and out of danger. I scowl, I wanted to get their attention, I didn't want them to steal my fun.

I step back towards Zero and Akara as well, leaning against a tree and crossing my arms.

"Zero Kiryu is under my protection. Killing him is going against me." Kaname says, deadly calm.

"But Lord Kaname, the boy-"

A splitting headache drowns out their words. I close my eyes and turn away, walking away from the scene. I just need to get away from all this, my first day back and I can't get a break. I nod to Zero and sprint my way out of the campus. I may as well do my hunting now and get it out of the way.

I walk down the road, avoiding the headlights of oncoming cars by hiding in the trees. I look around for the bridge that Kaien told me about weeks ago. I just need to find that and I'm sure I can find some easy catches. I know not all will be as easy as finding the fresh dead person, but one easy catch is always a good catch.

I spot it a few hundred meters ahead and speed up my pace. I need a little meat now and the rest to keep. I glance around before pulling a bin bag out of my pocket and unrolling it. I follow the path down and under the bridge, noticing most of the bodies have fang marks on them, but there is a fairly large amount around.

Looks like I'm going to be eating second hand for a while. It's better than eating depressed people, they bring you mood down because of the hormones in their body, these people were most likely happy and just unfortunate. I listen around for any movement around me, I don't want to be going into a vampire's den while the vampire is still around, too much work for the one night.

I don't hear any movements out of the ordinary so I walk in, checking for anyone who is the most intact for if there are people who haven't been touched at all. I notice a few and get to work. Only taking what I need and making sure they are dead, I may hate human's and their set mindset but I don't really want to cause pain to them in this kind of way.

I need to eat and I want to find people who are within convenience to me, I don't want to be the one ending their life so I can eat. I might kill them if they are a CCG agent or annoy the shit out of me. But I won't kill you just to eat you, just so you know.

I pretty much fill up the bin to the brim and decide to get back to campus. I might need to empty out the freezer to make space for some of this. Should I categorise this into bags for each day? Too much? Probably. I just highly doubt this entire bag is going to fit in as a whole. Maybe I should make a detour to Kaien's kitchen and grab a few more lavender-scented bin bags.

We love the fact that lavender-scented bin bags are the only reason I am alive until this moment. Hooray. I notice a few cars coming right after each other and hide behind the tree line, looking for the closest point of the school boundary so I can just hop the fence and take some short cuts.

I wait for the cars to pass before speeding up my pace and trying to get back to campus quickly. The longer I'm off campus the linger I am in danger and the longer I have an unexplained absence. So the longer I have to explain why all that is happening which in turn gives me less sleeping time and time to enjoy myself.

So move quickly Niko, move your fucking patootie. I see the fence and grab one the spikes, hauling myself up and jumping over it, making sure my bag of food it's stabbed on the way over. That would be a big problem, then I would just be walking around with human flesh in my arms because I hate wasting things, it gives me severe OCD.

I make my way over to the headmasters building and more the first time, I am not one; yelling at Kaien, two; in trouble or three; getting my memories searched. Which by the way, I hope never happens again because it is not helping me in any way, shape or form.

My headache rears its head again as I enter the building, my eye pulsing harshly. Okay, didn't know headaches discriminate against ghouls but okay. I wander down the hall, passing all the bedrooms and making it down the hall to the kitchen. I just need to steal multiple of your bin bags, sorry but it has to be done.

Since Akara and Zero are both preoccupied with the prospect of murder. I may as well split up the backs in here. I stare at the nice white island bench before turning to the sink.

"I'll do it in the sink, don't wanna have to clean the white." I haul the bag into the sink and open it.

I open the cupboard under the sink and pull out of the bin bags. Ooh, a new roll, how nice. They knew I was coming. I open the bin bags and set them out on the counter so I can just pick up my shit and put them in separate bags. Yes, sir, my name is Niko and I am sorting my meals.

Sue me.

I manage to split them up almost evenly and tie all the bags up so the scent is contained. I don't have time for people to tell me that it's my fault the fridge smells like dead people. Okay, we get it, I eat dead people, you eat normal food, it's just as gross. I grab the five bags and loop them around my hand so I can get the hell out of here.

I glance out the window at the night sky, staring at the stars softly. Wow, I want a fucking star, like right now. I want a pet star, let's go. I don't want a bunny, nah gee, I want a star. I want one because they go away.

I don't like when they go away, I wanna look at them all the time, even in the day.


fact of the chapter:

niko does want a rabbit because she misses ayato, but she'll never admit it.



"Look at Akara being protective boyfriend number 1"-ZylikaZ
