
Author-so here is chapter two and this time it will be getting interesting so here we go oh and also please check out my minecraft fanfiction it would mean the world to me.

Zoey's Pov- just after cleverbot conversation

I sit down at the kitchen table thinking about what happened I look at the clock shoot its 8:30! I quickly grab my lunch and grab a piece of toast and run outside to my bus stop. I see my friends waiting for me there

"hey guys" I mumble my mouth full of toast

"oh hey Zoe did you do the cleverbot thing" my bff Angel asked I nod

"so what happened?" My other bff Gwen asked I told them everything that happened at the end they both gasped

"really?" They both asked I nod. Just then the bus came Angel, Gwen, and I got on and talked more about it. After the bus dropped us off we went inside and got ready for classes our first class was math my favorite mostly because I know everything and its supper easy we settle down with the other kids then class began. Just about half way through class I felt pain all over my body as if I was on fire my legs felt like jello and I felt like I was about to faint I quickly put my hand up

"yes ms Gates?" My teacher Mr jack ask

"uh I don't feel well" I say I then fall over and fall into darkness. I woke up in the nurses office

"how are you feeling ms Gates?" The nurse asked

"way better" I say and it was the truth I felt as if nothing had happened

"what time is it?" I ask

"3:20" the nurse says

"can I go?" I ask the nurse nods and I walk out of the office. I decide to walk home and just go to sleep and that's exactly what I do. When I wake up I wake up in pain I felt like my body was going to explore I try to scream but nothing comes out I start to cry and cry and after what felt like hours I fainted.

Author- so? How was it? I hope you like it I'll update again soon bye.
