Meeting Montana

Author- hey guys here is chapter 12

Zoeys Pov

I was walking around the mansion thinking about last night questions flooding my brain "Who's Montana?" "Why do I keep having these dreams?" "And is Zalgo really my dad?".

"Hey Zoey its lunch!" Jeff calls he's been outside with me watching me something about protecting me

"coming" I call and start walking to the front of the mansion but then something grabs my hand and pulls me back I yelp and look at who is pulling me its a woman who looks like me. The woman pulls me until we're arms length from each other

"wh...who are you?" I ask the woman smiles

"Zoey I'm your mother my name is Montana" the girl says

"but if your my mother then why didn't I grow up with you?" I ask Montana sighs

"Zoey sweetheart I swear to you we would have taken care of you but the night after you were born slenderman kidnapped you and I couldn't find you anywhere" she says

"wh...what I swear when I see him I'm gonna kill him" I say Montana laughs

"that's my girl" she says.

"wait if your my mother then who's my dad?" I ask Montana laughs

" now that question you should know the answer to" she says

"Zalgo" I say Montana nods.

"Montana you get away from her right now!" Someone yells I turn around and see jeff running towards us

"Zoey run back to the mansion I'll come back tonight to talk to you" Montana whispers in my ear

"" I say then run to the mansion. I open the door and slam it shut I run upstairs ignoring everyone.

Beths pov

Terror and I are sitting on the couch watching a horror movie when Zoey comes inside and runs upstairs I  hear her slam her door

"Wonder whats up with her," I say terror shrugs and pulls me into a hug I smile
"You have no idea how much I've missed you," I say he smiles and our lips meet
