
author two more chapters after this ๐Ÿ˜ข but then we start cpd3 ๐Ÿ˜ I'm gonna try to update Dailey this weekend but its Thanksgiving for me so might be hard

Zoeys Pov

We fly until we get to this portal we land in front of it

"you ready?" Mom asks I nod and we step through the portal together I stare in amazement as we appear infront of a castle

"would you like a tour?" Mom asks as we step inside I nod. Mom shows me around the whole place its amazing! After we're done I hear a voice call

"Montana?" I recognise the voice from my dream the one where I set the statue free

"dad?" I whisper looking up to mom mom smiles and leads me to a room its like a throne room
"wow!" I whisper a man walks up to us I recognise him immediately the man stares at me

"Zoey?" He asks in shock I smile and nod

"dad!" I say dad drops to his knee's and hugs me

"welcome back my death princess" he says mom joins the hug and I smile finally I'm really home.

Time skip till morning


Slendermans povย 

I was in the middle of cooking breakfast for everyone when terror and night run into the kitchen

"yes children?" I ask

"Zoey is gone" they say in Union I drop the frying pan I had in my hands
"we need to find her I want every pasta in this household outside looking for her NOW!" I exclaim we need to find her before they get to her.

Author sorry its short last two should be long anyway bye!!!!!!!!
