Meeting Jennifer

 author- I know I haven't updated in forever I'm sooo sorry! I was at summer camp anyway here is chapter 3

Zoey's Pov

I just sit by the lake crying not knowing what to do should I hide? Should I tell someone I don't know really. I hear twigs snapping I spin around and see a girl with black hair,black leggings, and a purple checkered hoodie she see's me and throw's a knife at me I quickly throw my hand out and catch it surprised at what I had just done I throw the knife back at her she quickly dodges it and runs towards me she grabs me and pins me to a tree,scared and angry I ball my hands into fists. Suddenly a circle of fire forms around us the girl let's go of me in shock which gives me an advantage I grab her arm and flip her she screams in pain I smile at her.
"Jennifer!" I hear a voice scream suddenly a wolf runs up to the circle the wolf jumps over the flames and growls at me

"wait beth she's one of us" the girl I had flipped says the wolf transformes into a girl and looks at her

"you sure Jennifer?" She asks the girl named Jennifer nods I calm down and the circle of flames disperses.

"come on we should take you to slendy I'm Jennifer by the way" Jennifer says

"and I'm beth" the other girl says I nod slowly

"I...Im Zoey" I say

"well come on Zoey" Jennifer says and her and beth start to walk farther into the woods I hesitate but slowly fallow them.

Author- here it is hope you like it!
