He's back

author here is another chapter for you guys!❤

Zoeys Pov 

(Zoey Jenifer beth and terror are eating breakfast the others are out killing)

The others are talking while I'm just sitting at the tabel barley listening after my dream last night I didn't go back to sleep now I'm really and I mean really tired. I decide to close my eyes just for a second next thing I know Beth is shaking me

"Zoey" she exclaims "hm?" I mutter "your face is in your oatmeal" beth says i jolt up my face dripping with oatmeal beth Jenifer and terror laugh and put away their dishes I quickly eat my oatmeal them do the same.

Jenifer's Pov

The four of us go to the living room and watch TV then we here the door open and slam shut we see Ben standing there breathing heavily

"Ben are you ok?" Zoey asks Ben stares at Zoey in fear

"j...just stay away from me" he says and runs upstairs. I look at the others and shrug the door opens again and in walks everyone els

"How is this possible?" I hear dad ask slender

"What's going on?" I ask dad looks at me then to slender

"should we tell her?" He asks

"she has a right to know along with everyone els" slender says dad nods then looks at me

"Zalgo is back" he says I stare at him in shock

"What!" I exclaim.

Beths Pov

"Zalgo is back" Jeff says I nearly faint he can't be he's dead right? If he's back surly that means Lou and mom are back to

"who's Zalgo?" I hear Zoey ask

"he's the ruler of the underworld and has been trying to destroy us for years" I say

"and he's very powerful and dangerous thats why I want you kids to stay inside for the day" slender says
"what about Zoey's training?" I ask

"we can leave it until tomorrow" slender says we all nod and go upstairs.

Terrors Pov

"Zalgo is back" Jeff says "oh no" I think and stare at Zoey dad told me about her and who her parents are will they come for her do they know she's here? My hands start to shake a bit  
"who's Zalgo?" Zoey asks

"he's the ruler of the underworld and has been trying to destroy us for years" beth says

"and he's powerful and dangerous that's why I want you kids to stay inside for the day" slender says

"what about Zoey's training?" Beth asks

"we can leave it until tomorrow" slender says we all nod and go upstairs.

Zoeys Pov

"Zalgo's back" Jeff says shit it wasn't a dream last night I really did bring that man Zalgo back to life what now? I decide to act clueless

"who's Zalgo?" I ask

"he's the ruler of the underworld and has been trying to destroy us for years" beth says

"and he's dangerous that's why I want you kids to stay inside for the day" slender says

"what about Zoey's training?" Beth asks

"we can leave it until tomorrow" slender says we all nod and go upstairs. I'm in big trouble now

Author oh he's back. How did you like the chapter? I'll update soon I promise❤
