Video Reacts 1

"Ok, let's begin."

(Uhh the defects know that Manabu is Horikita's older brother)

Ayanokoji vs Manabu

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Manabu pins Horikita on the wall.

Sudo: "Oi, Suzune why is your brother doing that to you?"

Matsushita: "Yeah, I know you guys are siblings and all, but it's wrong to do that

Ichinose: "Even if you guys are siblings, it's wrong. I won't even do that to my little sister."

Horikita: "Don't worry, he is doing it for me."

Sato: "What do you mean by that Horikita-san?"

Horikita: Just watch the video and you will find out

Kiyotaka: So it's that time. Sigh, why does this have to be shown first

Manabu: "My little sister, assigned to class D. And I'm the one who bears the shame of it. Leave this school right now."

Horikita: "Brother... I..."

Nagumo: "Looks like senpai feels ashamed that his little sister is in Class D."

Sudo: "I know that she is in class D, but she had done many things to our class."

Kushida: "Are you okay Horikita-san?" Leave this school you bitch

Hirata: "I didn't know the President can be like this."

Shinohara: "Yeah, she helped us a lot and made us where we are."

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, defectives as always."

Ryuen: "Kukuku, I don't remember her doing that."

Ike: "You guys are jealous that she has beaten you many times."

Hondou: "Yeah, stop crying about it!"

Sakayanagi/Ryuen/ Amasawa/ Hosen: Fufufu/Kukuku/Hahaha. "She is nothing but a puppet leader!"

Ishizaki: "Ryuen-san is right, she didn't do anything."

Sudo: "What did you say bastard!"

Horikita: "Sudo-kun, calm down. They are just provoking you."

Ryuen: "Better listen to your owner, you dog"

Sudo: "Say that again bastard!" Sudo got up from his seat

Horikita: "What did I just say Sudo-kun."

Sudo sat back down

Ryuen: "Kukuku, what an actual dog."

Sudo: "Tch"

Manabu: "You have neither the right nor the ability to aim something higher. You must learn."
Manabu was preparing to hit Horikita

Kushida: Yes, go hit that bitch!

Sudo: "Suzune, how can your brother do something like that?"

Nanase: "This is going a bit too far."

Shinohara: "Yeah, he doesn't know what you had done in the class for us to where we are right now."

Defects: "Yeah!"

Sakayanagi/Ryuen: "Fufufu/Kukuku, no wonder you guys are truly defective."

Koenji: "Don't get me mixed with them Little girl and Dragon boy. I am the perfect existence after all."

Sakayanagi and Ryuen glared at Koenji for calling them with those nicknames.

Everyone: "Narcissist"

Ayanokoji grabs Manabu's hand

Horikita: "A-Ayanokoji-kun?"

Everyone: "Ayanokoji!?"

Ryuen:"Kukuku, the monster is fast"


Ibuki: "Tch" of course it's that bastard.

Hiyori: "I didn't know my book buddy is that fast"

Hosen: "That beast, I didn't even see him"

Amasawa: "Ayanokoji-senpai, that was so cool"

AFC: "ahh~ senpai~"

Kiyotaka: "Who are they suppose to be?"

Jaden: 'Their your fan club and Amasawa is the founder' Jaden told him telepathically

Kiyotaka: Why am I not surprised... and why is Kei staring at me like that?

Kei: Mou, Kiyotaka why do you have to be so cool. Now they're going to pay attention to you.

Kushida: That bastard, why did he have to save her

Nagumo: I didn't even see him, and he came out of nowhere. He will be an interesting person to toy with. (Please, don't embarrass yourself)

Manabu: "I was surprised back then because someone had grab my arm and I wasn't able to sense him" He was even faster than the race. He really was holding back.

Now everyone was whispering how the former SCP was surprised and that he didn't see him

Ayanokoji: "You really were going to drive that in, weren't you? Let her go."

Horikita: "Stop it, Ayanokoji-kun."

Sudo: "But why Suzune? Ayanokoji was helping you."

Defects: "Why is that?"

Ike: "Ken is right, why do you want him to stop?"

Horikita: "I have my reasons." Horikita glared at them coldly.

Sudo/Ike: gulp

Ayanokoji: "I've never heard her speak that way"

Ryuen: "Suzune, I didn't know you could act that way. It looks cute kukuku."

Sudo: "Don't say that to her you bastard!" I admit it was certainly cute

Ike: "Hahaha, I didn't know Horikita-san can act like tha-

Before Ike was able to finish his sentence, a compass was sent towards him and he barely dodged it.

Horikita: "Ike-kun, say something stupid and I'll kill you"

Ike: "Y-yes"

Ayanokoji let go of Manabu's hand. Manabu tried to hit him backhandedly. Ayanokoji step backwards dodging it. Manabu sent a kick towards his left side.

Ayanokoji: "Close call"

Manabu tried grabbing him, but Ayanokoji just slapped his hand away.

Everyone is speechless right now

Ryuen: "Kukuku, oi monster why did you just dodged?"

Ibuki: Tch, this guy, why does he have to act like an idiot, but it was still coo-, wait what the heck am I thinking

Hosen: "I agree with you Skinny guy, that's boring"

Amasawa: "Senpai just didn't want to hurt the president, how thoughtful."

AFC: "Senpai~ you're so amazing."

Yagami: What is so special in that? I can also do that easily.

Nanase: Senpai is really good at fighting and he didn't fought back. I really regret of what I did to him.

Hiyori: "I didn't know Ayanokoji-kun knows martial arts. My book buddy is so amazing."

Kiryuin: "Bravo Kohai-kun, you were able to dodge Senpai's attacks easily."

Asahina: "Wow, even Miyabj has a hard time doing that while Ayanokoji-kun was able to do it.

Nagumo: What the hell, I have a hard time dodging Senpai's attack and that guy is able to do it! I can't accept that! Just you wait Ayanokoji, I'll defeat you and show you I am more superior

Tachibana: Is this the reason why Horikita-kun payed attention to him. I wonder if I can make him pay attention to me?

Manabu: "Is there something wrong Tachibana."

Tachibana: "Nothing at all"

Hirata: "I didn't know you can fight, Kiyotaka-kun."

Kiyotaka: "Well, I only know a bit."

Akito: "Kiyotaka, I didn't know you know martial arts and here I thought I was the only one that can fight."

Haruka: "Kiyopon that was amazing, why didn't you tell us that you could fight."

Airi was nodding her head

Kiyotaka: "Well no one really asked and I never thought it was important."

Keisei: "Kiyotaka, I know that everyone has their secrets, but I don't think that can be kept in secret." Kiyotaka really never talked about himself and I just found out that he could fight. Just how much more are you hiding from us.

(Yes I made Yukimura more understanding.)

Kiyotaka: "Well I suppose."

Kei: Why do you have to be so amazing my dear boyfriend, I might get some competition

Matsushita: So he can fight, now this is useful information. I wonder what else he can do.

Ichinose: Wow, he was able to defend himself, he really is amazing.

Kanzaki: "Ichinose, we didn't know he could fight. He is a dangerous enemy!"

Ichinose: "Don't say that to my friend Kanzaki-kun."

Akimura: "Are you sure he is just your friend~?"

Shirinami: "He is the only boy that you talk about Honami-chan."

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, as expected of you Ayanokoji-kun."

Kamuro: Ugh that creepy laugh, but I do admit that was cool

Hashimoto: "King, those were some awesome moves."

Now the boys that were with them were laughing while the girls were confused.

Sakayanagi: "What do you mean by that Hashimoto-kun."

Hashimito: "Uh... well I just can't tell you princess."

Shibata: "Yeah, it's just a topic that only the boys should know."

Katsuragi: "I don't want to remember it ever again."

Sudo: "It should only remain with the boys."

The boys nodded their head while the girls got more curious

"Don't worry, that will be reveal soon." Jaden says

Ryuen: "So you plan revealing the T-rex kukuku."

"Of course, that is very important."

Now all of the boys were feeling nervous.

Manabu: "You move well. Do you practice something?"

Ayanokoji: "Piano and Calligraphy."

Everyone: "How does that even make sense."

Ike: "I might be dumb, but I know you're not able to fight like that just by learning piano and calligraphy."

Sudo: I'm not surprised, he was able to stop Hosen when hand was stabbed.

Sakayanagi: Fufufu, it looks like the masterpiece is bad at lying. But what he responded was also acceptable.

Ryuen: "You know how to fight and yet you lie bad."

Kiyotaka: "I don't know what you're talking about. I only know how to fight a little. It would have ended badly for me if I actually got hit."

Ryuen: "Whatever you say."

Manabu: "Oh, that's right. I'd heard that there was a new student who got 50s in every subject on his entrance exam. You got a 50 on the quiz the other day, too. Fifty, exactly half of 100. Was that intentional?"

Ayanokoji: "Coincidences can be freaky."

Miyamoto: "It's just a coincidence, right?"

Hondou: "Yeah, he is not able to that."

Matsushita: Now this is another good information. I was right when I did say he was holding back, but to be able to do this, you need manipulate your scores.

Katsuragi: "There's no way that can be a coincidence. It's low change to be able to do something like that, unless you manipulate your exams."

Sakayanagi/Ryuen: "Fufufu/Kukuku."

Koenji: "That's interesting Ayanokoji-Boy, but you still can't beat me because I am the perfect existence."

Kanzaki: "Ichinose, he is dangerous enemy. There is no way that can be a coincidence."

Ichinose: "Kanzaki-kun, I told you he is my friend not an enemy."


(Let's just let him continue.)

Keisei: "Is that true Kiyotaka, there is now way that is a coincidence!"

Haruka: "Don't be angry Yukimoo. Maybe, Kiyopon has a reason why he did it."

Okitani: "Wait, so does that mean he was holding back the class!

Miyamoto: "You gloomy bastard, why are you holding back the class!"

Class D was now badmouthing Ayanokoji for holding back.

Kushida: My classmates are so dumb, but I can use this to get him expelled.

"Alright be quiet! I'll tell you this, even if he is holding back, he has contributed the class the most."

Hirata: "Jaden-san is right, Kiyotaka-kun had helped me from breaking down during that time."

Mii-Chan: "Yes, he gives good advices."

Ike: "Yeah, he helped me during the Uninhabited Island exam."

Sudo: "I can also say the same thing. He helped me grow along with Suzune."

Horikita: "What Jaden-san said was true, he contributed to the class more than anyone else. Before, you say anything, I suggest you defects shut up. Jaden-san will probably show how he contributed to the class."

"I will probably tell it soon, but for now, we'll go back reacting to the rest of the video."

(Actually, don't know how I can show how he contributed in the first island  exam since I won't be writing the light novel texts here. Yes, there is a video of how he explains it so I think I might do that, or the most boring way possible, just tell it to them.")

Manabu: "You're a unique man I see. Suzune, I'm genuinely surprised to see you've made a friend."

Horikita: "He's... not my friend. He's just a classmate."

Manabu: "As usual, you've mistaken isolation for independence. Suzune, if you want to ascend to a higher class, struggle with every ounce of strength you have."

Manabu walks away disappearing from their sight.

Kei: "Horikita-san, that was kind of rude even when he helped you there." Kei was a bit irritated when Horikita didn't thank her boyfriend.

Kushida: "I agree with Karuizawa-san, Horikita-san. You should have thanked Ayanokoji-kun for helping you." What a bitch, this is why I hate her. She only cares about herself. You should die you bitch.

Hirata: "I know you changed Horikita-san, but I think you should thank Kiyotaka-kun for helping you early.

Hiratards: "Yeah, what Hirata-kun said."

Horikita: "I know what I did was wrong, so thank you Ayanokoji-kun.

Kiyotaka: "It's not a big deal. I was just helping you."

Nanase: Ayanokoji-Senpai really is a good person, I have mistaken him for being a bad person.

Manabu: Looks like Suzune had really changed thanks to Ayanokoji. I'm leaving things up to you Ayanokoji.

Kiryuin: "Looks like this is when Senpai started paying attention to Kohai-kun. Nagumo didn't even get this much attention from Senpai even when he wanted it so much. "

Koenji: "What I can I expect from Mr. NoticeMeSenpai."

Nagumo: "You'll regret saying that Koenji."

Koenji just ignored him while looking at his mirror making Nagumo even more mad.

So, here is the first reaction. Yeah, that's all
