Special Chapter (The Angel and The Demon 2)

{Arthem: "Pst... Ayanokoji.}

{Ayanokoji: "Is there anything you need from me?}

{Arthem: "In this part, you will reveal a lot of things about the white room, so I was hoping you can explain it to them. I don't really want to explain. Don't worry explaining the details to everyone, I already have a plan.}

{Ayanokoji: "Fine, but I should get something out of this?"}

{Arthem: "You already are, but fine I guess I'll give you a tub of ice cream before I make you guys go back to your own world}

{Ayanokoji: "Ice cream you say? It better be chocolate}

{Arthem: "I get it."}

Arthem: "I hope you guys enjoyed your break and we'll watch the rest of the video. Get comfy since we only watched a small part of the whole video."

Ichinose: "So, how much time is left?"

Arthem: "To be honest, I don't even know myself. All I'm going to say it's up to author-san if he wants to continue."

Ichinose: "Author-san?"

(Hey, you can't break the fourth wall)

Arthem: "Did I say that? I guess I'm spouting random words."

The screen begins to play

As soon I heard those words come out of his mouth, I was confused. Why should he ask something like this?

"Why do you ask that?"

"Just tell me if you remember the person or not."

Ayanokoji: "He sure is insistent."

Haruka: "Kiyopon, I know this is the future and all, but do you have a slight idea of what he's asking this?"

Ayanokoji: "I can only guess that it may connect to the deal that he was talking about earlier."

Haruka: "That makes more sense."

Yes, I know who this man was referring to. It certainly has been a long time since I had last seen her back then in the white room. Despite being a long time since I last saw her, I still remember what she looks like and how she acts.

"Yes, I know the person well if that's what your saying."

Ike: "Wait, it's a she?!"

Ayanokoji: "Yes, is there any problem with it?"

Ike: "N-Nothing, is she cute?"

Ayanokoji: "Who knows, it's been along time since I last saw her."

Sudo: "Kanji, you can't be jealous. Ayanokoji can be with a girl if he wants too." Yes, my chances will increase dating Suzune if that girl likes Ayanokoji and is cute.

Ryuen: "How strong is she?"

Ayanokoji: "She was second after me, so even she can beat all of you like I did with no efforts at all."

Ryuen: "Kukuku, I guess that place is full of monsters."

I remember how she was able to overwhelm her opponents with no trouble when I visited back then, fufufu - Sakayanagi

Ike: "You can have her, Ayanokoji. I'm good."

Ayanokoji: "What do you mean by that?"

Akito: "Don't tell me you don't know what it means?"

Ayanokoji: "I don't."

Haruka: "I think it's better if you don't know, Kiyopon, hehe." I wonder what Airi would do? Right now she's in a state of panic.

Ayanokoji: "If you say so."

He sure is dense - Kei

She was different from everyone and it's in a good way actually. I would be lying if I said I didn't envy her.

When we first started our training back in the white room, I was in so much pain. I always cry every day because of how hard we had to push ourselves. I was weak at that time and I always had the thought I would not survive back in that place, but one day, when I was crying back in the corner, she approached me.

Everyone looked at Ayanokoji with pity.

Haruka: "Kiyopon..."

Ichinose: "Ayanokoji-kun... are you okay? Just what did the white room do to you and the other people..."

Ayanokoji: "It's okay. It's in the past."

Horikita: "Are you sure you're okay."

Ayanokoji: "Wow, Horikita... I didn't expect you to worry for me."

Horikita: "I'm not that cold and it only makes sense for me to worry for you... since you were my first friend," she said the latter part in an inaudible sound.

Luckily, Ayanokoji was trained in the white room and was able to know what she was saying.

Ayanokoji: "Thanks, Horikita."

Ryuen: "You, crying? I have to see that for myself to believe you."

Ayanokoji: "It's true though."

What did you have to go through, Ayanokoji?- Manabu

Akito: "If you need help, Kiyotaka, you can just ask us even if you won't really need it. We can be there to comfort you."

Keisei: "I don't know if I can help you as much, but I'll try my best."

Haruka/Airi: Don't forget about us, Kiyopon/Kiyotaka-kun."

Hirata: "You did so much for us, Ayanokoji-kun, so we'll repay that by supporting you."

Ayanokoji: "Well then, I'll keep that in mind."

That was the first time we have talked to each other. I still can't forget the words she said to me back then.

'You shouldn't give up and always try again or else you'll lose sight of yourself.'

Ayanokoji: "That really does bring memories."

Manabu: "Ayanokoji, if I may ask, is she the reason as why you are as great now?"

Ayanokoji: "That's right, Horikita-senpai. I would have probably failed if it weren't for her to come up to speak those words to me."

Ryuen: "So monster wasn't a monster back then as he was close to failing."

I remember those words as clear as day. She said that while smiling at me. Ever since that day, we talked to each other from time to time, actually pretty much everyday when we had a bit of free timely. It might not be a lot of time we spend talking to each other, but it changed my life if I had to say so for myself.

I see, so I guess you did have a friend back in that place- Sakayanagi

Kei: "So she was someone that was able to make an impact on your life, huh?" I'm kind of sad that it's someone and not me.

Ayanokoji: "Well, it did change my life as she always talk to me and I fins that enjoyable."

"You might think that it might have been a weird question for me to say, but it's important. When you two were the only ones left, I saw that you guys talking to each other, and you were quite close with one another despite you throwing your emotions away."

Haruka: "Is that why you don't show any emotions, Kiyopon?! You threw it away?!

Ayanokoji: "It was a must to throw your emotions in order to survive in the white room. You're able to keep some, but that won't help you stay there for a long time."

Many people were sad to hear that the people had to throw their emotions away. Some had guilt for calling him gloomy without knowing the reason why he is like that.

Hiyori: "Kiyotaka-kun, are you sure you're okay?"

Ayanokoji: "Yes, I'm fine Hiyori."

Ryuen: "I guess that's why you didn't show any emotions during that fight, you emotionless bastard."

Hirata: "How cruel is this white room?!"

Mi-chan: "Please calm down, Hirata-kun."

Ayanokoji: "Hirata, I know it's something horrible, but nothing can be done. That's just how it works there"

Hirata: "Alright, but like I said, if you need some help then please don't hesitate to ask me."

Kei: "Mhm, you did save my life."

Horikita: "Ayanokoji-kun, I know I was cold, but after learning more about your past, I'll do whatever I can to help you"

Mashima: "I don't know such a facility like that exist? No one should go through something like that!"

Narumori: "It is inhumane, Mashima-san, but it is effective. I don't support the methods of the white room, but I appraise the results."

Now I understand when the Chairman said that he grew in a loveless environment- Chabashira

Looking at it back then, it was true. When I decided to throw my emotions away, that's when I started showing growth, slowly surpassing everyone at a rapid rate. Despite me being able to surpass everyone, I still talked to her. It also didn't stop her from talking to me, despite me not worrying about anyone but myself.

Ryuen: "So that's how you became a monster, all because you threw your emotions away."

Ayanokoji: "Like I said, it was necessary for survival, but also for growth. Whatever you need to throw away, you should not hesitate, but there is an exception, though."

Ryuen: "Exception, you say?"

Ayanokoji: "You'll find out anyways."

Akito: "So that girl still talked to you?"

Ayanokoji: "Yes, I didn't understand why, but it just made things livelier in that place. I actually enjoyed talking to her."

It's sad that he had to that just to get those abilities- Chairman Sakayanagi

I did hear from my father that there was someone in a facility that he invested in was trained beyond perfection that no one is able to reach his level. I didn't think it would be that man's son as well. - Koenji

Nagumo: "Now, I'm more interested in fighting you."

Ayanokoji: "No thanks, President."

Nagumo: "Well sooner or later, we will eventually face."

Manabu: "The outcome is already obvious, Nagumo."

Nagumo: "It seems you have no faith in me, Horikita-senpai."

Manabu: "Faith doesn't matter if it's obvious who will come on top from one's abilities."

I mean he topic of our generation was pure individualism, so it would make sense for us to only care for ourselves, but she wasn't like that. She still talked to people and worry about others, and yet she was able to keep her emotions. She was able to keep it and not broke down like others. That's something she has that no one would ever have back in that place.

Hirata: "Ayanokoji-kun, are you saying that she is the only one to keep her emotions."

Ayanokoji: "That's why I said I envied her. She was able to keep her emotions without breaking unlike anyone in the facility."

Ichinose: "Ayanokoji, do you know what happened to her?

Ayanokoji: I... actually don't know. I don't know where she is as of now. I think we'll get our answers if we keep watching."

Ichinose: "Thanks for answering my question, Ayanokoji-kun."

Horkita: "What do you mean by your topic is individualism."

Ayanokoji: "That's what our generation is about, individualism, meaning we only cared for ourselves and nothing else despite them being in the same room with us. So that's why my social skills are bad."

"What's your point then? Surely you didn't just say this without a reason."

"Do you remember back then when she wasn't back there anymore? What do you think is the reason why she wasn't there?"

Now that's something that I wasn't expecting nor him to say. This happened when I was 12 years old. When I didn't see her anymore, I always thought that she might have died due to the fatigue of those trainings. Though, that can't be the reason why since she didn't look exhausted or show any signs of fatigue. The other reason might have been killing herself since she had found out she won't get freedom. She always said that she wanted to see the outside world.

Sato: "K-Killing herself?!"

Ayanokoji: "Don't mind Sato, this is is just what I think after I didn't see her."

Matsushita: "So you didn't know what happened to her."

Ayanokoji: "No, I didn't see her in the room during that day, but my guesses are possible as those things are not a rare occurrence in the white room."

Mashima: "This is not normal for children to have these thoughts and dying to exhaustion?! Just what really is the white room?"

Hoshinomiya: "Please calm down, Mashima-kun."

Narumori: "Hoshinomiya-san is right. Like what Kiyotaka-kun said, there's nothing we can do.."

Katsuragi: "I would assume if you're able to die from exhaustion, then the training is something else."

Ryuen: "Who would have known Johnny. Of course it will be intense since Ayanokoji was from there."

Yahiko: "Hey, don't insult Katsuragi-san!"

Katsuragi: "Just let it go Yahiko"

Yahiko: "Well if you say so, Katsuragi-san"

Man, thats some gay shit not going to lie- Arthem

After she was no longer back in the white room, there was feeling within me. For a long time in years, that is when I realized I didn't want to be alone. She had changed my life. I didn't notice it back then because of how the white room taught us, but when I look back at it today, I could say this for certain, she was someone special to me. She was the only person that was still able to make me smile despite throwing my emotions away.

Haruka: "She was able to make you smile and not only that, she was the only person?!"

Ayanokoji: "I said it didn't I? She was the only person to make me smile despite me throwing my emotions."

Haruka: "Can you smile for us right now?"

Ayanokoji: "Sorry, but I don't think that's possible now."

Keisei: "Think Haruka, she is the only person that can make Kiyotaka smile, so even if we want to see him smile, the only person that can make that happen is the girl."

Haruka: "Here I thought we can see him smile."

I want to see Ayanokoji-kun/Kiyotaka(-kun) smile - Sato, Kei, Hiyori

Ichinose: "Ayanokoji-kun, you actually sounded so sad. I guess she was an important person to you."

Ayanokoji: "I... she really was an important person to me. She made things livelier back there, even for myself."

I'm happy to hear that you were able to experience human warmth- Sakayanagi

It might have sound impossible despite me throwing my emotions, but she still made me smile. It wasn't often, but I still smile when I was with her. So maybe, just maybe, she is an irreplaceable person to me that I can't see her as a tool. Just the thought of it makes me feel.... disgusted.

Horikita: "What do you mean by tool?"

Ayanokoji: "What the name implies, a tool. In other words, someone that I'll use for my own benefit. Everyone in the white room was taught to have a mindset like that."

Ike: "What?!"

This made many people afraid and mad for having a mindset.

How can someone have such mindset- Teachers

It can't be helped. That's what they drilled into their heads- Sakayanagis

Arthem: "Before you guys get mad at him, it's not his fault. That is what the white room teach to pretty much when they are born. The only person that you can trust is yourself."

Sakayanagi: "Although "tool" is an unpleasant word to use, we humans also use peoples like that as well. It's also part of the real world. No matter what, you're bound to be use by someone, it's inevitable."

Manabu: "Sakayanagi does make a point. It's part of peoples' nature to use someone. Are you telling that you have never used someone for your own benefits or thinking about doing so and vice versa. Even if you haven't, you're bound to use someone or be used by someone."

Nagumo: "I agree with senpai. Someone will be manipulated into doing things."

Ryuen: "Kukuku, I'm not a screwdriver you monster!"

Ibuki: "I'm sure you do need one since you have your screws loose."

Ryuen: "You hurt me Ibuki."

Ibuki: "Bastard"

Keisei: "Kiyotaka, you said you felt disgusted just by thinking of her getting used by you?"

Ayanokoji: "I still feel it to this day. She changed my life so that's why I couldn't think of her like that."

Kesei: "I see. She really must have been an important person to you."

Ryuen: "So monster was in love, huh?"

Ayanokoji: "It's up to you to interpret that, but like I said, I threw all my emotions and you can include feelings as well, so I don't know I like her or not. All I know was she was an important person to me."

Did Kiyotaka(-kun) already found someone? Am I too late - Kei, Airi

Is that why he rejected me. Ayanokoji-kun says he threw all of his feelings, but maybe he already found someone and that person is the person he is talking about- Sato

"No, I don't know the exact reason why, but I do have some guesses, but they could be wrong."

"I purposely separated her from you since she was the reason why it was stopping your growth and the same thing could be said to hers."

I wasn't expecting that at all. So, that's the reason why I wasn't able to see her. He separated us because it was stopping our growths? I should think about this later.

Ayanokoji: "So that's why he separated us."

Hirata: "I'm glad that she didn't commit suicide."

Hirata relieved a sigh. He witness firsthand how his friend tried to commit suicide and he was traumatized by that. He couldn't help but feel guilty that all of it was his fault and made a promise to himself preventing something like that from ever happening again.

Mashima: "I'm also relieved to hear she didn't actually die."

Horikita: "So why were your growths being stopped?"

Ayanokoji: "You could say we were slacking off there."

Well they were holding back in the white room since they had taken a liking of each other's company that they held back.

Horikita: "Is that really all?"

Ayanokoji: "Look I should not be doing this and I can always remain silent, but I'm doing this from a certain order." He looked at Arthem.

"But after 3 months passed by, someone had adopted her, and the person who adopted her is the man beside me right now."

So this person had adopted her. So that means, she was able to experience freedom. I guess her dream really did come true.

Ayanokoji: "That makes me glad to hear. She was able to experience freedom like she always wanted."

Hirata: "Ayanokoji-kun, if you don't mind answering, did you also wanted freedom?"

Ayanokoji: "That's the reason why I went to the school in the first place and experience what freedom actually is. I made a promise that if I ever got to go outside and she didn't, I'll try to experience what freedom is for her."

Hirata: "Thank you, Ayanokoji-kun. I know somewhere she's enjoying herself right now."

I hope so as well, but I can't help and feel that I'll actually know it for sure- Ayanokoji

"He's the actual reason why this deal is made possible."

That's surprising, but what does he want from me?

"I'll let him introduce himself, and tell the reason what the deal is about?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kiyotaka-kun. Let me first introduce you to myself, my name is Asahi Shiina."

"You might not know who I am, but I know you very well since I visited the white room once per year," he said.

So that's what his name is. It looks like he knew me very well since he visited the white room once per year. I guess that means he really is very well acquainted with my father.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Shiina. May I ask, what is the reason why you wanted to make a deal with me," I said in a polite tone or at least I try to sound like it.

"Ahh, you see my daughter talks about you most days actually pretty much every day. She said you were a good friend to her and that she feels guilty of leaving you."

Ayanokoji: "She didn't have to feel guilty?"

Haruka: "Hmm, why is that?"

Ayanokoji: "If it weren't for her, I would have not been here. So if anything, she should feel proud she was able to help someone like me stay there and become strong."

Akito: "It sounded like you were... never mind. I just remembered."

Wait, she thought of me as her friend. Well, I never knew what friends were before coming to this school, but since I know what it means now, I guess we were friends.

Haruka: "So Kiyopon, do you finally know what friends are?"

Ayanokoji: "Yes, friends are people that you are close to and are mutual. They are whom a person enjoys being with."

Haruka: "Very good. I'm glad to be friends with you."

Ayanokoji Group: "The same with us"

Hinata: "I'm glad to be friends with you, Ayanokoji-kun."

Ishizaki: "Ayanokoji, you can say we're friends right."


Ichinose/Hiyori: "I'm glad I can be friends with you, Ayanokoji-kun/Kiyotaka-kun."

Sudou: "I haven't been a good friend to you all this time, but if you need someone to play basketball with, call me anytime."

Manabu: "We don't really talk to each other, but I consider you as a friend as well."

Since Horikita-kun considers him as a friend, then I guess I'll do too -Tachibana

You had done a lot to be where you are Kiyotaka-kun, I'm happy for you- Chairman Sakayanagi

Ryuen: "Pass me a bucket, I don't like seeing too much sugar."

Arthem: "If you say so"


A bucket just appeared in front of Ryuen and surprisingly, he actually vomited.

Ibuki: "Weirdo"

"She always talk about if you will be alright back in the white room. She sometimes wished that she should have never left you."

"Since she was always worrying about you, I have talked to Ayanokoji-Sensei arranging to get you out of the white room, but that was when I learned you escaped and went here."

It's expected of her. She usually worry about other peoples' sake -Ayanokoji

Nene: "So technically, the actual reason why the deal was made possible was because of her."

Nishimura: "She's really sweet, isn't she?"

Ishikura: :Well, sweet to Ayanokoji-kun that is."

Maezono: Are you girls thinking what I'm thinking?"

Nene: "Yep, I know what you're thinking and I'm pretty sure most girls already know."

Most of the Class C girls smile and squealed and then look at Ayanokoji-kun.

Why am I getting those stares from the girls. It's uncomfortable- Ayanokoji

Why does it seems like he could get me out of the white room? I know that man very well that he wouldn't do something that involves me getting freed from the white room.

As if he was reading my mind, he began to speak. "If you're thinking about how I have the possibility of getting you freed from the white room, then I work for the government."

That would make sense. Mr. Shiina, has very much power, considering he works for the government. Also, my father can possibly get in trouble with the government if he goes against Mr. Shinna.

Manabu: "So it does seem that the white room is a secret educational facility where not even the government knows its existence and Ayanokoji's father is like the director for it.

Ayanokoji: "That's the reason why I said that statement earlier."

Ike: "Still are we going to be okay considering the government doesn't even know about it."

Arthem: "I already told you all, I'll do something about it."

Mashima: "Chairman, you're connected with the white room. How has the government not even found about it?"

Narumori: "Well the reason why is you could say it's somewhat connected, but there is more to it."

(A/N: Yeah, yeah,  the actual reason was because of Naoe since Atsuomi was gaining too much power, but he couldn't just reveal it that easily as he was also part of the project and it will cause him troubles if they found out he was part of it.)

"Okay, I think it's time to tell you what the deal is."

"The deal is you will be engaged to my daughter. If you agreed to it, then you will be free from the white room, but you also have to make your class to Class A and graduate as that class."

That was something I would never expected to hear. In fact, I was surprised to hear that I'll get freed from the white room if I accepted this deal which really didn't have any hard requirements.

Ike: "Did I just hear that, right?"

Sudo: "I think so as well, Kanji."

Ike: "I see, so Ayanokoji will get engaged..... What!? Ayanokoji is going to get engaged?!"

Everyone: "Huh?!"

Ayanokoji: "I'm surprise to hear that."

That's interesting to hear- Sakayanagi

Haruka: "Kiyopon, are you fine with it? It's your decision and you're free to do whatever you want, but being engaged to someone."

Kiyotaka-kun, engaged?!- Airi

Ayanokoji: "It's not like I have a problem with it, but there is one thing that should be taken into account."

Haruka: "And what's that."

Ayanokoji: "It's not that hard to figure the answer out."

Horikita: "There's also another requirement. That's to lead the class to Class  A."

Ayanokoji: "I really do want my freedom, so maybe I guess I'll try harder. Who knows?"

Is this finally the chance where I can reach my dream?- Chabashira

Ayanokoji: "But there is still a factor  whether if I'll agree to it or not and it's the engagement part. What's wrong if an engagement is part of a deal? This includes with any other deal that includes engagement."

Horikita thought about it and got the answer.

Horikita: "Then that person or both should..."

Arthem: "It looks like you got it Horikita, and It seems other smart students got the message, but refrain from saying it for now."

"Are you really okay about this deal considering it's you" I said this to my father.

"I don't really have a choice do I? But you heard him, you will have to raise your class to class A before graduation."

"Mr. Shiina if you don't mind answering, but why go through the trouble of getting me freed?"

"To tell you the truth, I never like what that facility does to children. I agree with Sensei's ideology, but not with his methods of how to achieved it," he said this and I could see Chairman Sakayanagi nod.

It would seem they respect that man's ideology of how to create a equal society, but they don't like his methods. I could understand why since what he did was very inhumane.

Narumori: "I do agree with Kiyotaka-kun's father's ideology on how to make the country be perfect or close to perfect, but the methods are just terrible."

Mashima: "It's cruel to torture kids just to achieve your goal."

Narumori:  "That's true, but what I said before, it's very effective and I can't deny that. I didn't want to be part of that project when I saw what it did, but I had no say."

Sakayanagi: "In the real world, you have to sacrifice something to get your goal. Anyone would do anything just to get what they want, that's how it works. It's like what they say; you win some, you lose some."

Keisei: "So Kiyotaka, do you agree with the methods used?"

Ayanokoji: "I never really cared as long as I was able to survive. In honesty, I also agree that it's very effective, but I don't know what to feel about it."

Keisei: "Right, you said you loss your emotions."

Ayanokoji: "I didn't lose all my emotion, okay? I was able to retain some."

Akito: "Alright let me rephrase what Keisei said. 'Right, you loss most of your emotions'. Much better."

Ayanokoji: *sigh*

"The reason why is because I wanted to see my daughter happy. Like what I said before, she was guilty over the fact that she left you alone to suffer back in that place and to be honest, the way how she talks about you seems she really cares about you, more than what you think" he said this with a smile.

I knew she was caring and all, but what does he mean by 'more than what I think'.

Nene: "See that basically confirm it."

Nishimura: "Umu, Umu"

Sotomura: "The protagonist already made someone fall for him."

Ayanokoji: "I'm confused as well. I knew she was caring, but is there something more behind those words.

Horikita: "Do you seriously not get it?"

Ayanokoji: "Not a slightest idea."

Everyone just looked at him, but they were reminded he was raised in a inhuman facility. Of course he wouldn't be able to know.

Ike: "I know he was raised in a facility, but I feel smart just knowing what it is."

Shinohara: "It's not his fault, Ike."

Ike: "I get that."

"Do you really think that she would agree of being engaged to me? I don't want her to get forced into marrying someone who probably doesn't see me in a romantic way, but just as a friend."

Ayanokoji: "That's what I mean. I can't force someone to marry me just for my sake. That's just like stealing freedom from them."

Haruka: "So that's what you meant?"

Ayanokoji: "Indeed. It won't be pleasant if it's not mutual, whether it is one sided or there isn't any romantic feelings at all. Both have to develop their feelings for each other and should not be forced or rushed. It takes time to do that."

Girls: "He sure has a way of words, huh? Even if he was raised in a facility."

Some blushed, and never thought a person like Ayanokoji could say something like that.

Hoshinomiya: "You're a quite knowledgeable about love, Ayanokoji-kun~."

Ichinose: "Ayanokoji-kun, are you did not have a relationship when you were freed from the white room?"

Ayanokoji: "No, I'm sure about that. It should be common sense. Plus, I was only able to get out of the white room when I was 14.

Ichinose: "So despite being not outside for a long time, you're already knowledgeable about that. It's impressive."

Ayanokoji: "I don't think it's that impressive."

I guess that was my mistake- Sato

Haruka: "But you're still dumb when it comes to yourself, Kiyopon."

Ayanokoji: "What did I do?"

Haruka: "For being dumb."

As if I said something funny, Mr. Shiina and also Chairman Sakayanagi looked at each other, and began to chuckle.

Did what I really said was something worth chuckling for? After, they finished, they gave me a weird smile and looked at each other again and both nodded, as they were saying it's to be expected from me.

Again, did I really say something funny?

Haruka: "Yes, you said something dumb, Kiyopon."

Sakayanagi: "I have to agree with her, Ayanokoji-kun

Every girl and some boys nodded in agreement

Ayanokoji: "Just explain it to me, so I won't make the same mistake."

Haruka: "No Kiyopon, this is for you to figure it out."

Hiyori: "I'm sorry Kiyotaka-kun. I want to explain it as well, but I think it us for the best."

Ayanokoji: "You too, Hiyori?"

"We understand what you're saying, Kiyotaka-kun since you were pretty much raised in a facility, but I never expected for you to be that.... uhm yeah ever since you've been here at this school," this time it was Chairman Sakayanagi who said this.

But, what was the word he was going to say?

Horikita: "if I am not wrong, then that word should be "dense".

Ayanokoji: "Dense?"

Kei: "To put it frankly, your an idiot that doesn't know that someone has feelings for you."

Ayanokoji: "Is that so? Then I don't think you be saying that to me Horikita."

Horikita: "What's the reason for you saying that?"

Ayanokoji: "There's someone that likes you and you don't even know even they are showing it to you."

Manubu: "Who is this person, Ayanokoji?"

Horikita: "Just what Nii-San said, who is this person?"

Ayanokoji: "Who knows, it could be someone in our class for all I know."

Sudo: "Ayanokoji, don't pressure Suzune. She should find out for herself."

Horikita: "You're wrong there Sudo-kun. I don't think someone likes me. Even if they did, I don't plan on having a relationship anytime soon."

Ike/Yamauchi: "That's so sad, Ken." They whispered

Sudo: "Shut up!" Is she really serious?

Ayanokoji: "Yeah, I can't be called dense. Although, did she really like me in that way?"

Kei: "You should know why?"

Ayanokoji: "I don't even know if she does. You guys might just be mistaking it."

Everone: *groan*

So both our leaders are dense. It's understandable if it's Ayanokoji-kun. Contrary, he's not dense at the same time, though. - Matsushita

I thought he could learn something about this topic from the time here, but I guess not- Chairman Sakayanagi

"I can assure you, that she won't be mad at all, in fact she would be glad actually. Like what I said, she cares for you more than what you think," said Mr. Shiina, which this time he emphasized the word 'cares'.

Ike: "C'mon Ayanokoji, you should know it by now."

Karuizawa: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Ike-kun."

Ike: "Huh, what's that suppose to mean?!

Shinohara: "Shut up idiot. You don't want to be on her bad side."

Ayanokoji: "Maybe she did, but I haven't done anything for her to like me in that sense."

Horikita: "That doesn't seem the case. You must have done something or else she wouldn't have fall for you."

"She can even talk to you about how she's good with it if you want, you know."

"Wait, what? So you're saying that she's here right now?"

"I'll let Chabashira-Sensei to get her right now. She's just in the other room with her," said Chairman Sakayanagi.

Chairman Sakayanagi went to get Chabashira-Sensei, who was in the other just across from us.

What am I feeling right now? Why do I want to see her as soon as possible? Is it because I haven't seen her for a long time?

This is a weird feeling for me. It feels like I'm excited to see her again. Why is she the only person that's able to make me feel like this?

Sotomura: "It's mutual it would seem."

Matsushita: "Not seem, Sotomura-kun. It is mutual."

Akito: "So you're excited to see her there aren't you Kiyotaka?

Ayanokoji: "I would be lying if I said I'm not right now from what I'm seeing in my future self's reaction"

Ryuen: "Ayanokoji, just admit you like her."

Ayanokoji: "I never thought you would say that, but I don't know.

Ryuen: "Stop being that type of person already. Your class already has one just like our class has one as well." He said looking at a certain cerulean haired person.

Ibuki: "Why the hell are you looking at me, you bastard?!"

Ishizaki: "It's because you're a tsun- ugh, why did you hit me for?!"

Ibuki: "Say that word and you're dead."

Ishizaki: "At least give me a warning."

Ibuki: "That was the warning."

Does Kiyotaka-kun really like her?- Airi

Soon after, Chairman Sakayanagi came back with. Chabashira-Sensei and her.

I can't believe this, it really is her. She changed so much. She looks more mature.

Everyone: "Wow, she really looks like an angel!"

Ike: "Dam, she's so- Ow! What was that for Ken?!"

Sudo: "It's true that she's good looking, buy remember who will she be engaged to. You don't want that person to get mad."

Ike: "O-Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding be. I don't want to get beaten to a pulp."

So that's her now. I can't believe it really is her. She changed so much - Ayanokoji

Sakayanagi: "What would you say, Ayanokoji-kun? She looks like an elegant, young lady now."

Ayanokoji: "Yeah, I can't believe this is her."

Akito: "Well I be damn. You found yourself a good partner, Kiyotaka. "

Keisei: "Agreed."

Haruka: "She's so beautiful. Is that what my daughter looks like?"

Ayanokoji: "Daughter?"

Haruka: "Yeah, is there something wrong with it.

Akito: "It's just her mother side taking over."

"I'll be waiting outside. Please excuse me," said Chabashira-Sensei.

No one was saying a word after that. I still find myself staring at her. I'm still contemplating if this is a dream or actually reality. I mean who wouldn't. I always thought she died, but today was when I found the truth about what actually happened to her.

Hirata: "I guess you were still shocked when finding out she was alive, right Ayanokoji-kun?"

Ayanokoji: "That's me in the future, but yeah. That's what my reaction would be if we weren't here."

"Kiyotaka-kun, here she is. You guys should greet each other. After all it's been some time since you guys have met," said Chairman Sakayanagi who broke the silence.

I don't know what to say. What I say to her? When I was thinking about what to say, she decided to speak to me.

"It's been some time since we saw last each other, Kiyotaka," she said in a gentle tone with an angelic smile

I remember that tone very well, it was very soothing to hear. Also, that smile, I also remember it very well. She always smile like that back in the white room when we were talking to each other. When I was remembering about these things, she sat next to me.

Many boys and some girls blushed due to how cute she was with the smile that she showed.

Ike: "I can have a good sleep if I hear that voice."

Sudo: "Dude..."

Ike: "Right, right. I'm just saying. Still, Ayanokoji is still a lucky bastard!"

Ayanokoji: "How am I lucky?"

Ike: "You're going to get engaged to someone to someone cute."

Ayanokoji: "We still don't know if she would accept."

Kei: "I think the answer is obvious to everyone, but you."

Ayanokoji: "You guys are just jumping to conclusions. What if I don't agree to it?"

Kei: "So you have someone else in mind?"

Ayanokoji: "Not exactly. I basically told you what my past was like so you can come to a conclusion why. Besides, I told you the reason during winter break."

Do I still have a chance with him - Airi

(A/N: Not even a chance tbh. Sorry, sorry... or am I? Okay, I'll stop.)

"It's also nice to meet you, Mahiru. Sorry, if I'm being awkward; looks like I haven't changed at all."

Hashimoto: "Hime, did you also knew about her name?"

Sakayanagi: "They were considered to be the best, so they were pretty popular back in that place."

Hirata: "You got better with socializing with other people, Ayanokoji-kun, and it's a big improvement."

Ayanokoji: "I'm still trying, though."

Hirata: "Is it a lie though? Remember what I told you back in the cruise ship? Do you have like a switch button."

Ayanokoji: "I don't."

Matsushita: "What do you mean, Hirata-kun."

Hirata: "Well back in the cruise trip, I told he Ayanokoji-kun he was weird, but not in a bad way. What I mean was he doesn't seem to be socially inept. Whenever situation calls for it, he usually takes action and is able to communicate with others like it's not a problem for him."

Kushida: "Oh yeah! I remember when we got those papers for the midterms,  Ayanokoji-kun talked to the senior without any problems at all."

Ayanokoji: *shrugs* It was just in the moment."

Yes, Mahiru was the name of the person that made an impact of my life. We called each other by our first names since she or any other white room students didn't have last names but me.

Shibita: "What?! No one had last names, but you Ayanokoji?"

Ayanokoji: "They were either abandoned or their parents just gave them away."

Hirata: "Do those parents not care about their own children?!"

Arthem: "I mean isn't there a saying where all children deserves parents, but not all parents deserves children. It's like this here."

Akito: "So what about you, Kiyotaka?"

Ayanokoji: "I wasn't abandoned or something. Well I guess I could be considered abandoned in a way. I was just used as a lab rat and my father just manipulated many people thinking that they would even let his own child go through the white room to see how serious he was. Before you start pitying me, I never really cared to be honest as you may know why."

Keisei: "Still... you had such a rough childhood and I usually complain over the smallest things."

Ayanokoji: "It's in the past. What happens in the past stays in the past or else you won't move on."

But the problem is, you can't really move on from your past -Sakayanagi

"That's fine, it actually makes you look cute."

When she realized what she said, her cheeks started turning red.

"F-Forget what I s-sa-said" she said while covering her face.

Haruka: "She's so into Kiyopon!"

Ike: "Ayanokoji, please man! How do you do it?"

Ayanokoji: "Do what?"

Ike: "How to make a girl like you. We need some tips on getting a girlfriend and it looks like you're an expert at these."

Ayanokoji: "How so? I have no experience whatsoever, but if you really want one, get closer to the person and treat her nice. Be honest with your feelings and stop pretending you don't or else nothing will happen."

Karuizawa: "Plus, personality is what matters."

All the girls agreed.

"I appreciate the compliment, and I think you look cute with that dress as well."

When I said that, her cheeks started to become more red and how she turned her face away from me. All I did was complimented her.

Hashimoto: "Smooth, Ayanokoji, smooth."

Ike: "Cmon dude, teach us the ways."

Ayanokoji: "All I did was complimented her. There should be no problem."

Horikita: "Do you seriously not know?

Ayanokoji: "I do know some people get embarrassed if they get complimented."

He can't be this dense, can he? - Everyone

Ichinose: "Ayanokoji-kun, I thought you were an expert, but I suppose you're not if it involves yourself."

Ayanokoji: "An expert in what?"

Shirinami: "I know what you're talking about, Honami-chan. It was during that day."

Amikura: "That day?"

Ichinose: "Don't worry about it, Mako-chan. Everything was solve."

Hirata: "Ayanokoji-kun, what you said was true, but there are many ways someone's face can turn red."

Kei: "It would seem you don't know what we're talking about."

Ayanokoji: "I'll figure it out eventually."

Chairman Sakayanagi and Mr. Shiina looked very pleased from our interactions. Surprisingly, my father was also looking at me with a curios expression(?). I really don't know since it doesn't show it in his face.

Ryuen: "I suppose the saying 'like father, like son' is very accurate.

Sudo: "Man, is your father always like this?"

Ayanokoji: *nods* He never really changed his cold demeanor   as far as I remember.

Shibata: "Well I'm glad I dont have parents like that. I pity you.

Amikura: "You're parents are probably happy go lucky like you."

Shibata: "Is that a compliment?"

Amikura: "It's up you to interpret it."

"Despite you guys being separated, it looks like your bond between each other hadn't changed, I'm glad," said Mr. Shiina.

"Well then, let's continue in where we left off. Mahiru, I'm pretty sure you already know about the deal I'm discussing with Kiyotaka-kun here, right?"

When Mr. Shiina said this, Mahiru nodded, and she didn't look disappointed, but in embarrassment.

She's not disappointed?- Ayanokoji

Sudo: "Ayanokoji, you're a lucky guy."

Hashimoto: "He's right you know. You're practically living most guys' dreams here."

So she actually has feelings for Kiyopon. I'm convinced Airi doesn't have a chance. Oh well, she is adorable- Haruka

Akito: "Something wrong? You've been quiet."

Haruka: "Oh, it's nothing."

"Kiyotaka-kun just wanted to confirm something with you. Will that be ok?"

"That would be fine, father" she said while smiling.

Mr. Shiina gesture me to tell her my question.

"Mahiru, since you know about the conditions of the deal, are you ok with being engaged to me. I don't want to force you to marry me if that's what you don't want."

"I don't mind, Kiyotaka. Actually, I'm actually gla-, ahh forget about the last part" she said the last part in a light tone.

"What she wanted to say is she's glad or even more than happy to marry you," Mr. Shiina said with a chuckle.

"OTO-SAN!!" shouted Mahiru and her face was red again.

"I'm just teasing you," he said that with a smile.

Sakayanagi: "So it's been like that from the beginning. I'm not surprise in all honesty."

Nishikawa: "Ehh? Sakayanagi-san, you already knew that she had feelings for Ayanokoji-kun."

Sakayanagi: "She seemed happy when I visited the white room and it's been revealed that it uses inhumane methods to teach all of the children that's there. It's inhumane that Ayanokoji-kun has to throw his emotions away to survive. I know it was very cruel, but despite that, I was curious to why she was still happy in the white room."

(A/N: he didn't throw his emotions way, but shh... it's a ff, anything goes. Even before volume 0 exist, I never thought of him being emotionless as he always express it in his mind in the light novel, but he just doesn't know how to express it on the outside.)

Nishikawa: "You said you saw both of them when you visit the white room. I'm assuming you guess that she was happy because she was by Ayanokoji-kun's side."

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu."

Just let me get away from this girl - Masumi

Ike: "You really are a lucky bastard, Ayanokoji!" he said while fake crying.

Akito: "Congrats Kiyotaka, you're going to be engage to a beautiful girl."

Keisei: "As you're friend, I guess I'll also congratulate you."

Haruka: "You're gonna be alright, Yukimu. You'll eventually find the girl that's for you."

Keisei: "I'll focus on studying than trying to get a girlfriend."

"Anyways, do you agree with the agreement, Kiyotaka-kun. Remember your father also agreed to this, so you don't have to worry."

"I agree, but will you not be mad for losing your masterpiece," I said to my father.

Ryuen: "Masterpiece, ay? Are you that great based on what the name suggest?"

Sakayanagi: "It's a fitting title for him, wouldn't you say so Ayanokoji-kun?"

Manabu: "If Ayanakoji's title is 'masterpiece' in the white room, I would infer that he is the best person there."

Arthem: "Not just the best, former president, but no one can really be compared to him as Ayanokoji is beyond them."

Nagumo: "so you're telling me that no one can beat him?"

Arthem: "Indeed. Remember, the white room is a place where its goal is to mass produce exceptional people. Let's say that the average results there is very high achievements outside of the white room."

Ryuen: "Kukuku, so those average people are much better than us. So they're also monsters, but the monster we have right now is someone of a demon."

Ibuki: "And you just had to mess with the strongest one."

Ryuen: "That makes it even better. Who knew that someone that looks very average is actually a demon."

Nagumo: "I agree. It makes even better if I can beat him."

Kiryuin: "Save your energy, Nagumo. You don't even have a slightest chance of beating the kohai even if he doesn't try."

"I don't like it, but if you make your class reach Class A, the investors will see how capable you are and how the white room is able to produce someone like you, which means they will invest more to the project" he said.

"So basically it's a win-win for everyone. Alright here is the paper for the agreement. Everyone will sign their names for proof that that everybody has ageeed to it," said Mr. Shiina.

"And I'll be the witness," said Chairman Sakayanagi.

Everyone began to sign to the agreement. I can't believe this is happening. I'll finally get to be free, but more importantly...

"Mahiru are you really sure you want to do this. I think you could find someone better than me. I don't want you to this just for my freedom."

As soon as I said this, Mahiru frowned at me. Huh, did I say something wrong again?

Horikita: "You don't get it, do you?"

Ayanokoji: "I'm starting to... I think. Although, I do agree with my future self that Mahiru doesn't have to do it for the sake of my freedom."

Hirata: "Ayanokoji-kun, although I don't have any experience whatsoever, I'm pretty sure she's not doing this for the sake of her freedom" he said while rubbing his cheek with is finger.

Could it be that she actually wants to do it, just like what her father says? If so, she should rather choose someone else that can fully take care of her and make her happy. There's no way she can be happy with me.  - Ayanokoji

"You shouldn't say that to yourself, Kiyotaka," she said and sighed.

"Actually I'm happy that I get to be your fiancé. I'll tell you why I'm fine with it, even if it's embarrassing," she said with a tint of red on her cheeks.

When she said that, everyone and I meant everyone in the room looked at her attentively to hear what she will say. There wasn't any noise in the room, and I'm not exaggerating this.

"Well the truth is, I had like you back, no, not like but love you since we were in the white room. After helping me in a task one day when I couldn't do it, I paid attention to you that I was developing feelings for you. It went from liking into love, but you didn't know since you were quite dense. I can't blame you though, it was impossible to fall in love in that facility, but somehow I managed to break that circumstance."

I wonder how sensei would react if he founds out that someone was able to have such feelings in the white room? - Chairman Sakayanagi

...She loves me? How was she able to feel those feelings for me in the white room. As far as I'm aware, you can't develop such feelings in that place. It seems impossible- Ayanokoji

Everyone: "He is very dense for sure."

Everyone also knew that it's not his fault. All the girls started squealing and everyone were happy that someone was able to like someone in such environment.

Girls: "Omg, I'm so happy for her. She was able to confessed her feelings."

Haruka: "So, she loved you when you were both kids, Kiyopon. Do you also now know why she doesn't mind being engaged with you?"

Ayanokoji: "I didn't think it would be possible, so that's why I ruled that out. 

Keisei: "I can't blame you though, Kiyotaka. In a place like that, I didn't think such normal human feelings can develop."

I don't know what to say. I did helped her in one of the tasks we were told to do in that day, and I knew after that she kept talking to me, but I didn't know she started to like me. It was true that falling in love in the white room is impossible, but if what she's saying is true, then she is the first person to be able to do it in that inhumane facility.

When we kept talking to each other, I guess we got closer, and I can certainly say without doubt that her presence was quite comfortable to comfortable to the point I missed her presence in the white room. I don't know the reason why I was able to feel that way and as of right now.

Manabu: "Given how the children are treated in the white room, it's no surprise that they can't feel love. They aren't loved nor can they love someone because of it."

Akane: "The girl was able to break that though and fell for that rude kohai."

Manabu: "Don't worry about it, he can freely speak to anyone casually and doesn't need to be formal given how superior he is."

Akane: "But Horikita-kun!"

Akito: "So maybe the feelings are mutual?"

Ayanokoji: "I don't have an answer. Right now, I can't feel anything for her yet." That's what I think that is, but somewhere says that I'm just denying it.

As shocked as I was, my father was the most shocked person. I can't blame him, since he didn't think it was possible for white room students to develop these type of feelings.

Katsuragi: "I don't think anyone could."

Kanzaki: "I never seen him like this before. He always had that serious look."

"That's why I'm glad I get to be with you from now on. I really liked getting freedom, but I regretted leaving you. With this we can be together," she said who was smiling.

When she said this, I could also see tears dropping from her eyes. That actually touched my cold heart, which I originally thought its only function for me is to pump blood and that's all.

I didn't want to see her like this. Seeing her cry makes me want to cheer her up. Why am I feeling like this just because of her? Even in the white room, she was to able to make me keep some of my emotions. I decided to speak after this.

Ryueen: "Well, what do we have here? Here I thought you don't have any emotions after what you told me during our fight."

Hirata: "I guess Ayanokoji-kun just have a soft spot for her." He smiled

Haruka: "It's so cute Kiyopon doesn't want to see her cry. He's so protective."

Sakayanagi: "In the end, I guess it's always been that way."

Nagumo: "So, Ayanokoji has some kind of soft spot for her it seems." He smirked

Please don't tell me Miyabi is thinking of something dumb. At this point, I'll pray for his soul- Asahina

He seems really caring for her, huh?- Kei

"I'm sorry I didn't notice because of the circumstances in the white room, but I'll tell you this though. Back in the white room, you were still able to help me feel emotions. You were still able to make me smile despite me throwing or maybe suppressing my emotions to survive."

"Ever since I came into this school, I have learned more about human emotions and feelings just by observing them. So, looking back at it right now, I can say that you were an important person to me, a person that I don't want to see unhappy, hurt, and as a tool. I want to see you smile often as it suits you" as I said this, my lips started curving upwards.

The crowd was speechless. This continued for a few more seconds until one person shouted in disbelief.

Haruka: "K-Kiyopon smiled?!" As she pointed at the screen

Ike: "Oi Ken, am I dreaming? Did I just see Ayanokoji smile right now?!

Sudo: "You're  not dreaming kanji, he really did smile." I hope Suzune didn't blush when she saw that.

He turned around to see the girl blushing a bit. He died after seeing her reaction.

Girls: "He's really handsome when he smiles!"

After that smile, he seems so handsome! -Kei, Sato, Airi

My book buddy looks very cute there, hehe- Hiyori

Ehh, why is my heart beating a bit faster?! No, don't think like that, he's your enemy! -Kushida

I have to admit, he doesn't have a bad face, but he's still not handsome as Horikita-kun!- Tachibana

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, well this was something."

Horikita: "it would seem you had a gather a lot of attention."

Ayanokoji: *sigh* I dodn't like it one bit." Although, it does feel weird seeing me smile.

Hashimoto: "Wait until they see the T-Rex!" He said laughing.

All the other boys who knew about it laughed.

Ryuen: "Kukuku, if that's ever shown, all the other guys won't find a woman!"

Koenji: "You're wrong there Dragon-boy, I can easily get multiple without trying." He flipped his hair.

Ryuen: "Tch, I'll get you back for that nickname."

Now, the whole room was silent again, and everyone was staring at me. Even my father was looking at me with disbelief? I really don't know because of how he looks. I can see Mahiru's cheeks getting redder and redder. Troubled by their gazes, I decided to say something.

"Uhm, why are you guys staring at me."

"It's nothing, Kiyotaka-kun, but it's just surprising seeing you smile. I believe your father is even shock about it" said Chairman Sakayanagi

"I guess I still can smile because of one person."

After I said this, Mahiru hugged me. I was surprised by this sudden action.

Hashimoto: "That was kind of smooth, if I have to say so for myself."

Akito: "If you were like this from the beginning, who knows how much girls you would have had right now?" He joked.

Ike: "Sometimes I forget how much I envy you dude!"

"I'm sorry Kiyotaka, I'll promise I won't leave your side ever again. Starting today, I'll follow wherever you go," she said.

I could feel my uniform getting wet from her tears. Right now I could feel her warmth, and it actually feels nice. I also hugged her thinking it was also the appropriate thing to do.

"Then I'm happy to be with you, Although, I might not start with being affectionate or something like that, I hope that I'm able to learn that from you."

Haruka: "She will definitely able to do it Kiyopon."

Keisei: "She was able to keep some of your emotions and the only person whom you can express it to. I agree, she'll definitely can do it."

"Don't worry about that Kiyotaka, I'll help you and you can take your time," she said with a determine look.

"Well looks like I was worried for nothing. You'll be attending classes tomorrow and I'm pretty sure Chabashira-san already told you how the school works," said Mr. Shiina.

"I arranged for you two to share the same room, well in Kiyotaka-kun's dorm actually. You can ask the receptionist about it, and she'll give a key card to Mahiru-san. Also, do it worry about points considering you guys will live together. You guys will receive 1 million private points each," said Chairman Sakayanagi.

Boy 1: Wait, what?! A million points each?!"

Boy 2: "They're so lucky!"

Katsuragi: "This is the power of having connections especially the chairman of this school."

Hashimoto: "I admit that's surprising and all, but I'm more focus on the first thing that was said. They'll be living in the same room together and that means..."  He smirked.

Ike: "Ayanokoji, you one lucky bastard! Being able to live with a girl alone."

Hashimoto: "Will the king finally unleash his weapon?!"

The boys laughed again. The girls were confused as always, but some were able to connect the dots.

Fufufu, as expected from the masterpiece- Sakayanagi

I wonder how big kohai-kun's is from that nickname- Kiryuin

Koenji: "A marvelous opportunity to use it, Ayanokoji-boy. Maybe then, you can compete with me."  He brushed his hair

"That concludes the meeting, you guys are free to go to your dorms and arrange everything. Kiyotaka-kun, don't worry about skipping class today, your class won't lose class points for that."

"Thank you Chairman Sakayanagi, Mr. Shiina, and father," I said bowing my head.

"Considering you're engaged to may daughter, you can also call me father," said M- I meant Oto-san.

"If that's ok with you, then I'll you Oto-san from now on."

He smiled and nodded when I said that.

"The same goes for you, Mahiru if you want to. I know what I did was wrong, and I won't ask for forgiveness, but please take care of Kiyotaka," surprisingly, it was my father who said that and I'm actually speechless he was able to say something like that.

"You don't have to worry about Kiyotaka, Oto-san. And I forgive you despite what you did because I'm finally able to spend my life with your son" she said and bowing down.

My father nodded and for the first time in my life, I saw him gave a small smile. I guess Mahiru really can make cold hearted people smile like that's her superpower. We waved our goodbyes and we saw Chabashira-sensei in the end of the hallway.

Who is this imposter? This is not him. He can't make a face like that. - Ayanokoji

That man, is able too make such a face. It seems Ayanokoji-kun is just as confused as I am- Sakayanagi

I haven't seen Ayanokoji-sensei like this. He's always been serious- Kanzaki.

Even I'm shocked to see sensei's face being like this. I know he feels emotions, but I didn't think he would ever show this- Chairman Sakayanagi

Horikita: "What's the matter Ayanokoji-kun? It seems you're pondering about lot."

Ayanokoji: "It's nothing. I'm just confuse and in disbelief."

Ike: "His father earlier seems so scary. Like he can just kill you with his eyes."

Everyone nodded.

I just can't believe it, but it is believable since it is Mahiru after all- Ayanokoji

"How did the meeting go?" she said.

"If I have to say so for myself, then I would say it would be surprising. Also..." I paused for a bit to let her know I would say something important

"Consider this your lucky day, as I will now help the class with my full abilities to reach Class A."

As soon as I said this, she was surprised and also I could see happiness on her face knowing I wasn't kidding.

Hirata: "We'll try to help you as much as we can, Ayanokoji-kun. It might not be considered help with what have you done, but we all want to help you."

Horikita: "I know every time you do stuff, it all goes your way. That's why, I need help from you so I can learn to do things without your help and act as the leader.

Ayanokoji: "Then don't be stubborn."

Sudo: "I'll also help as best as I can, Ayanokoji. You saved me many times. Although the only thing I'm good at are sports, if you need someone, then you can reach me out."

It really is happening. I can finally get to Class A with this- Chabashira

Sae-chan is so lucky he has Kiyotaka-kun in his class! I have to try to get him into my class- Hoshinomiya

Ryuen: "Kukuku, bring it on monster! I'll defeat you!

Sakayanagi: "You already lost, Dragon-boy. What makes you think you can defeat him? I'm already imaging what happened to your face."

Ryuen: "Shut up loli! I don't care if it takes years, I promise I'll defeat him."

Ichinose: "Lets do our best everyone!" She said to her class

Nagumo: "I want to see what you're all about Ayanokoji now that you're going to try."

Asahina: "Please. If he was able to promote his class by himself without trying and the fact he was unnoticed, what makes you think you can compete with him?"

Kiryuin: "The truth hurts, Nagumo."

Nagumo: "Tch."

The school will finally know who Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is. He might even become the school's legacy. *smirk*- Manabu

"And why is that? I thought you hated getting yourself in trouble."

"It was part of an agreement we made inside the room. I'll come out from hiding inside shadows and help the class with my full potential."

After I finally said this, she formed a grin on her face. I mean, her dream was to reach class A, and now she has the chance to do it. She did manipulate me into helping the class, and I said I won't help her as soon I had found the truth, but now that all changed and she still had hope once more.

Akito: "So when you found out you were being used, you stopped helping the class."

Ayanokoji: "Yes, that was the plan. I guess things have changed though from what was shown."

Hirata: "You're not going to be alone now, Ayanokoji-kun."

It seems there are more to this class than I thought. I want to see how it will go- Chabashira

Hoshinomiya: "You're so lucky, Sae-Chan. What if I steal Kiyotaka-kun?"

Chabashira: "I don't think he wants a teacher like you."

Shibata: "I have to partly agree with that."

Class B: *nods*

Hoshinomiya: "Even my students are agreeing?!" She pouted

"How are you going to tell Horikita about this? If you said you'll help without holding back she would be glad, but how about your classmates? How will she handle them?"

"I'll send her a message to meet me early and tell her about it tomorrow morning before school starts."

"Very well, I expect great results from you, but considering it is you, I know very well you will not disappoint me. Also, I got another question if you don't mind answering."

"If it is something within my capability to answer it, then go ahead."

"The person who's beside you right now is transferring to our class tomorrow and you two came out of the room at the exact same time. Does she have something to do with the deal you guys made inside the office?"

I nodded. "Actually, part of the deal was us to be engaged, so starting today, she is now my fiancé."

"I see, now that's interesting. I was first confused when the Chairman inform there will be a transfer student."

Manabu: "This is the first time a student will transfer during the middle of the school year. It's to be expected if you come from a powerful family. "

Asahina: "So does that mean if a student wants to join this school, they can do so as long they come from a powerful family?"

Narumori: "We just won't do that casually even if they come from a powerful family. Mahiru-san is just an exception with me knowing her background and other circumstances."

"Welcome to the school Shiina, and I hope you're fiancé here won't trouble you," she said who was now looking at Mahiru.

"Thank you Sensei and don't worry I'll take care of him myself if he does something."

Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen to me when she's here?- Ayanokoji

"If that's all, then I'll see you guys tomorrow and I look forward in seeing how you will lead the class from now on."

Mahiru and I both nodded and went straight to our dorms.

Once Mahiru got get her key, went went to my dorm. Once we got inside, I saw a different bed, 2 times larger than my old one. It seems Chairman Sakayanagi had all of this prepared.

"Kiyotaka are you a minimalist? There's nothing in your room; it looks so bland. You didn't even decorate the walls," said Mahiru who was observing my room, or I guess our room now.

Haruka: "Kiyopon, you're room looks basically the same thing from where we first arrived at campus.

Ayanokoji: "Well, I don't really know how to decorate. Plus, it's not a necessity to do it and I don't have any points to buy any stuff."

Haruka: "You're just a minimalist like what Mahirun said."

Ayanokoji: "Mahirun?"

Haruka: "It's her nickname. Don't you like it?"

Ayanokoji: "I don't know if she'll like it."

Haruka: "I bet she will!"

(A/N: Sorry Chitose. I have to borrow have the name for a bit :) )

Ryuen: "A single bed, ay?"

Hashimoto: "Looks like it might happen guys!"

Ayanokoji: "I assure you, it will not."

"Well I'm not the type of person who likes to do that. I don't even know how to decorate properly"

"Well, it's good a thing I'm here now, since I'm going to do it. We should be thankful for Chairman Sakayanagi since he gave us a million points each."

Oh, that's right, I forgot to check my phone if we have received the points.

I took my phone out, and I saw the points were already deposited.

Ike: "Hey Ayanokoji, you wouldn't mind- Ow!"

Sudo: "He doesn't have to give you anything. Be grateful he even helped the class."

Ike: Oh, my bad Ayanokoji."

"I guess we could do it tomorrow. I mean it would be weird if people see me considering I just transferred."

That was true. If any first years or in fact, if any student saw her, they would be confused and why I'm hanging out with such a person.

"Alright tell me Kiyotaka, how has your school life been?"

"Uh, it's been ok I guess. At first, I wanted a peaceful life, but I couldn't. Although, I was able to make good friends. I can introduce them to you tomorrow if you want."

"I'm glad your enjoying it, but I have something to talk to you in regards of this topic" Mahiru said in a serious tone.

Everyone felt a shiver run down at their spine.

What in the world was that?! My body is trembling right now and I can't seem to stop it. What the hell!- Nagumo

Interesting, even I can't stop myself from shaking- Manabu

Me, the perfect existence, shaken by that?! It's demon girl after all. -Koenji

(A/N: No Koenji. She's the opposite; she's a literal angel just like Hiyori-chan! Coincidentally, both have the last name Shiina)

Kukuku, another person like the monster. He said she's second after him, but why does it look like it's the opposite- Ryuen

I should not mess with her if I wanna live in this school- Kushida

So much for the nickname, masterpiece, if I also felt a chill run down at my spine- Ayanokoji

Ishizaki: "Uhm, good luck Ayanokoji." He showed a thumbs up.

I never knew she could be this scary. In fact, I felt a chill run down at my spine when I heard her with that tone.

"U-Uhm, sure."

That really made me stutter?! Now I can definitely say that her voice is as cold, if not colder than mines.

Ryuen: "Even the monster is afraid from his own fiancé. Is she more scarier than you?"

Sakayanagi: "Don't underestimate a woman, Ryuen-kun! Especially if they're angry."

Ryuen: "That doesn't include you though. You look like a child that got their candy stolen when you're angry." He smirked.

Sakayanagi: "You!"

Hashimoto: "Hime, calm down!"

Serves her right. She literally looks like a child- Kamuro

Horikita: "Yet, you still have that poker face. Are you sure you're not pretending"

Ayanokoji: " Of course I'm not pretending. Even I stuttered there. She's scary when she wants to be. I have no doubt not a single person can not be afraid of her."

Bull crap- People who knows of him.

"I'll make this quick. Has any girl fallen for you?

"Well, there was this girl that asked me for a date in Christmas, and then she proposed to me, but I rejected her."

Satou: "Oh, he's talking about that time," she said in a dejected tone.

Matsushita: "It's okay Sato-san. Ayanokoji-kun would reject anyone either way."

"Good. Now, don't go around wooing opposite sexes now that I'm here and I'm your fiancé. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am. I have no intention of doing that since we're engaged. Besides, why would I do that when I'm going to marry a beautiful girl and the person that is an irreplaceable existence for me."

Once I have said that, the atmosphere that she created, disappeared. Now I can see Mahiru looking down, smoke coming out from her head, which I don't how that's possible.

Hashimoto: "King, you got immaculate rizz. Look how she turned 180."

Ishizaki: "As expected of Ayanokoji! He can rizz anyone if he wants to."

Albert: "BRO IS HIM"

He has a way of words if he wants to- Kei

I've never heard of such word. Maybe I'll search it up later - Ayanokoji

"D-Do you r-really mean that?," she said in shy voice.

"Yeah, I'll keep saying it whenever you want me to," I said with a light smile.

People enjoyed their interaction... mostly the girls. Some guys were thinking how lonely they were just watching them.

"I'm guessing you're tired, so you want to take a nap?"

I'm pretty tired too after what just happened. When I said this, Mahiru looked at me with an embarrassed look, trying to say something.

"I'm tired too, but before that... c-can we anooo..."

Mahiru was having a hard time of what she wanted to say. Is it that embarrassing to say it out loud?

"S-since we're engaged, I wanted to say... c-can we k-kiss?," she said in a very light, embarrassing tone. O kawaii koto!

Girls: "She's so cute! She wants of his attention!"

Haruka: "My daughter is so cute! I can't wait to meet her!"

Akito: "Chill Haruka, your inner maternal instincts are leaking out."

Haruka: "It's not my fault she's that adorable!"

"If that's what my fiancé want, then I'll do it."

With what she wanted, I closed the distance between us. I put my hand on her cheeks, caressing it. Mahiru put her delicate hands on my chest. Right now, we were looking at each other's eyes and I could feel myself smiling. Our faces were getting closer and closed until our lips had met with each other. The sensation feels very soft, softer than I imagined. This was my first kiss and my heart was beating fast albeit a little.

After a minute, we parted our lips. We looked at each other after that.

Ryuen: "Your heart beating fast? Like hell I'll believe that! It's like saying the dog over there will get with his master."

Sudo: "Who are you calling a dog, Ryuen?!"

Horikita: "Don't get provoke, Sudo-kun!"

Ryuen: "Listen to your master, you obedient dog!"

Sudo: "Tch"

Hirata: "Congrats Ayanokoji-kun! I know your going to be the best person for her."

All the Ayanokoji group said congrats to Ayanokoji, but there was one person who had a hard time keeping herself from breaking down. I wonder who could it be?

Girls: "They did it! I'm so happy for them!"

Lonely boys: "When will it be me next."

"O-One more time, please," said Mahiru who was looking down at the floor. How can this girl look so cute? I put my lips on hers once more and this time it lasted for than 2 minutes.

"Are you satisfied?" I asked.

She gave me a nod and I decided to pat her head. She was making a cute face which made me pat her head for some time. After that, I was feeling tired and asked her to take a nap.

"We should rest up now. I'll cook dinner once we are done taking a nap."

"Well look caring how you are."

"Only for you." She covered her face with her hands after I said that.

Hashimoto: "King you might break her with your smooth talking."

Asahina: "You know Miyabi, you can learn a thing or two from Ayanokoji-kun."

Nagumo: "What are you talking about, Nazuna. Many girls already like me."

Asahina: "Yeah, only for your looks but that's about it. You don't even know how to treat one."

With that, we went on the bed. She must have been tired since I could already see her unconscious. I pulled her close to me and smiled.

I wonder how my school life will be now with her around. I promise that I'll do anything to protect her, so if someone mess with her or do anything that involves hurting her, they won't get away unpunished.

I think I'll take this into account and not do any funny business with her- Nagumo

Freak! I don't want to get involved with her nor him! But, what is she finds out I blackmailed him? I can't let that happened- Kushida

Ryuen: "I didn't know you were protective? You learn something new."

Sakayanagi: "If it involves Shiina-san, then he may or may not be like that. I hope you don't make the same mistake by messing with her or else the same thing might happened back in the rooftop. Never mind that, she can even beat you like what Ayanokoji-kun did without even trying, fufufu."

Ishizaki: "I have to agree with her, Ryuen-san. Please don't involve her or else we might get pummeled by both Ayanokoji and his fiancé."

Ryuen: "I wanna take on the challenge. Having stronger opponents is very entertaining."

Ibuki: "You sound like a masochist."

Manabu: "Things will get interesting this semester before the third years graduate." He chuckles.

Arthem: "I hope everyone enjoyed the video. I'll be taking you back to your world and everyone will not remember a single thing. Of course there's going to be exceptions."

Ryuen: "Playing favoritism as always."

Arthem: "It's guarantee the people that had connections with Ayanokoji before he came to the school and he himself will retain all the stuff they had watched. Without further ado, it's time to go back." He snapped his fingers and all the people vanished.

The theatre is once again empty.

Arthem: "I wonder how his life will change now. It seems he won't be living a peaceful life anytime soon. I may have also included Shiina in those batch of people that will remember what happened here except information about the white room. Ryuen is right about me playing favorites, but he honestly can't blame me."

(A/N: Manabu will also know what happened but the white room information. Why? Cause he's a chad)

Finally, it's finished. First, I want to say that I'm grateful for all the support this fic has gotten. I started this fic back in September of 2022 for fun, and honestly I enjoyed it. It's sad that I couldn't update it a lot which is inevitable as this is just a hobby.

Second, this will be the last chapter of this reaction fic and i know it's sad, but I already did say these two parts of the oneshot will be the last chapters before this fic will be finished.

So, now Idk when I plan to update my other fics, but it might get updated if I feel like writing. My motivation just goes on and off and writing seems like a pain to me now :)

Last, Happy New Years or Happy New Years Eve! This was the right time to update this fic to end it with a bang before the year is finish as it's still not new years for me. But if you're reading this in 2024, then happy new years to you guys! Yk if you think about it, from my perspective you guys are one year ahead of us :)).

Btw, the anime is almost here, so look forward to it. Maybe not for the light novel readers as they will cut a lot of stuff with having only 13 episodes. That's the problem though, there are many stuff that they can't cut with this patch (Volume 8-11.5). They can cut stuff from volume 8 and 9 ig, but not 10-11.5. If they only adapt 1 episode of 11.5, that's going to get hate from a lot of readers.

Well anyways, that's all I wanted to share, and may fortune and good health be with you all in 2024.
