Special Chapter (The Angel and The Demon)

This is special chapter as the characters here would be in the AU of this oneshot. Timeline would be after volume 8, but before volume 9 as the oneshot happened in volume 10.

Some characters might be OOC

Since '2' has won the cote from the poll, here is the chapter for '2'. This will just be part one of the whole story.


Third Person POV

It was 2 days after all the students had returned from their training camp trip. Everyone was currently doing their own thing trying to enjoy their day before they had to go back to school the following day.

In another world, there appears a being with a bored expression... a god to be more precise. He was sitting on his throne inside a... theatre room? Why was this god inside a theatre room you might say? Well the reason for that is he is the god of arts. Since he was bored, he had a great idea which was to teleport all the ANHS students and staff to the theatre room to react to a special something.

With the snap of his fingers, all of the students and the staff appeared, and each were occupying a seat. The students were all scared, excluding one person, because they were just doing their business and got teleported inside a theatre room all of sudden. As the students were panicking, the teachers helped the students in calming down.

Mashima: "Everyone quiet and don't panick. It's best if we do that and see why we were teleported here all of sudden."

Narumori: "That's right. For now we have to calm down."

Random student: "How can we calm down as we were all teleported here?!"

Some were still panicking while others began to calm down.

Horikita: "Do you know what happened, Ayanokoji-kun?"

Ayanokoji: "Hmm... why are you asking me? I'm very confused as everyone else."

Horikita: "Well it doesn't look like it, and why are we seated next to each other?"

Ayanokoji: "I'm not the one that did this. Although, based on where we are seating at, it looks like we are arranged by classes and years."

???: "Alright, everyone please calm down. I mean no harm and to answer your question, I was the person that teleported all of you here. Why? Well for entertainment."

Ryuen: "How is teleporting us into this place, entertainment!"

???: "Well for me, it's entertaining and you should calm down, Ryuen-chan~. You might become like a dragon, if you don't."

Ryuen: "You bastard! Come here!"

Ishizaki: "Calm down, Ryuen-san."

Albert: "Yes boss."

Ryuen tried to get up from his seat, but he couldn't move despite putting so much effort.

???: "Sorry, but you won't be able to get out of your seats unless I allow you. Also, don't worry about going to the bathroom, you won't need it."

Hiyori: "Anoo... may I ask a question?"

???: "Of course ang- ehem Shiina."

Hiyori: "Why did you teleport us here?"

???: "I was about to get to that. First you can all call me Arthem. Second, I did this so you could get an idea of what might happened in the future. In fact, it will affect everyone, and it will involve a certain someone."

Horikita: "And who is this someone?"

Arthem: "I'm glad you asked, Horikita. It none other than your classmate, Ayanokoji."

Ike: "Ehh?! Why him?"

Yamauchi: "Yeah, why him?!"

Shinohara: "I don't want to be rude, but why Ayanokoji-kun?"

Nene: "Shouldn't it be someone else that is popular like Hirata-kun or even Horikita-san?"

Haruka/Airi: "Kiyopon/Kiyotaka-kun?"

Keisei: "But how is the future going to be affected because of Kiyotaka?"

Akito: "I'm curious about what he'll do. Imagine he reveals himself that he was a spy all along and was investigating everyone for data."

Keisei: "Don't be ridiculous."

Ryuen: "So, monster was chosen to be it."

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, I look forward to this."

It would seem something big might happened if it involves Kiyotaka-kun -Chairman Sakayanagi

Akane: "Ayanokoji-kun? Shouldn't it be Horikita-kun?"

Many third years agreed with her

Nagumo: "So it'sSenpai's favorite kohai, huh? I guess this might be useful for me to why you are so interested on him."

Asahina: "Ayanokoji-kun? I also want to know why Miyabi is keeping an eye on him."

Manubu: "I don't have any favorites. I treat others as the same as I treat Ayanokoji."

Kiryuin: "It seems that kaichou had found someone interesting. I might as well also keep an eye out for him."

Amikura: "Ne Honami-chan, isn't he one of your friends in Class C?"

Ichinose: "Yeah, that's right."

Ayanokoji? If the former president found him interesting and the god had chosen him... and that name... -Kanzaki

Shibata: "Is something wrong Kanzaki?"

Kanzaki: "Oh nothing, I was just thinking about something. It's not important."

Shibata: "If you say so. Still, I didn't know Ayanoko- or I guess King was known by many influential people, hahaha!"

Of course, it wasn't that long after that incident that took place back at the camp and many boys that were there had remember about it. They all were trying to hold their laughs, but Ryuen was  laughing like he had lost it.

Many were confused.

Hashimoto: "Shibata, why did... you... pft- have to mention that." he says while trying to hold his laughter.

Kamuro: "What's so funny?"

Hashimito: "Oh, nothing. Everyone here that doesn't know won't be able to believe it." As for the girls, they won't be able to handle the T-rex

Horikita: "It seems most of our classmates or I guess only the boys know about it. Care to explain?"

Ayanokoji: "It's just something not worthy to talk about."

Idiot trio: "Y-ye, what Ayanokoji said."

Koenji: "Nonsense, you should be proud of it, Ayanokoji-boy. Not a lot of people has something that you possess, however I still win though because of experience."

Kei: "What is Koenji-kun, talking about Kiyotaka?"

Ayanokoji: "It's just best that people shouldn't know about it." Better yet, can't the god erase their memories of it?

{Arthem: "That would change your timeline if I did. Also, I'm communicating through telepathy if you wanted to know how I can talk to you.}

{Ayanokoji: "I see, but is that really true?"}

{Arthem: "Well It's not that important to affect the timeline. Besides, even I wanted to, it's not like I can since I'm only a performance art god.}

{Ayanokoji: "Wow, I can't have my peaceful life anymore thanks to you}

{Arthem: "Well... you won't even have a peaceful life in the future because of the certain event that will happened in the future, which is what I'm going to show you. You will sacrifice your peaceful life for an agreement. At least you'll have time to prepare for that.}

{Ayanokoji: "If I had did that in the future, then I guess it might have something good for me}

{Arthem: "You're right, but I won't spoil any more details.}

Arthem: "Alright, you guys might be confused why I chose Ayanokoji for us to react, but I'll show you guys a video that might help you understand. Also, I'll be muting you guys until you finished watching the video before you could react. Any questions?"

Yamauchi rose his hands and so did Ike.

Arthem: "Alright no questions, then let's begin."

Ike/Yamauchi: "HEY, WE-"

Arthem snapped his hands snapped his hands making everyone unable to talk.

What's the point of asking that, if he doesn't even want to answer -Literally Everyone

It's not that I don't want to answer, I'm too tired of their antics -Arthem

After watching the video, they were all shocked. They weren't even able to talk...

Oh, wait... I forgot to unmute them. Ehem let me just uhh snap my fingers -Arthem

He snapped his fingers which allowed everyone able to talk again, but after a a minute....

Everyone: "What the hell was that!"

I knew he had engaged in a fight with them, but I never knew the degree of it. It seems this is what he can do when he actually wants to use violence. I'm pretty sure he wasn't even struggling against them and was holding back. -Manabu

So this is what he meant that he'll finish it once and for all - Chabashira

This kid was actually the one that made Ryuen dropped out from his position. I don't why they made a fabricated lie that Ishizaki and the others retaliated against Ryuen -Sakagami

How is a student in Class D is able to fight like an expert? -Mashima

Sae-chan is really hiding a special gem, and no one knew about it. Well played, but that doesn't mean I won't do anything to steal him- Hoshinomiya

I acknowledge that Ryuen is strong, but the opponent that he fought was someone that shouldn't be fought against- Chairman Sakayanagi

Is this why, Senpai was interested in him? I admit that I'm not able to handle many opponents at once, but he was able to defeat them all easily. I could tell that Ryuen and his group has experience with fighting, but Ayanokoji managed to defeat them like they were nothing. I'll admit, I'm not able to do such thing, but it seems I can still get a challenge even if Senpai leaves the school - Nagumo

Is this how he resolve the conflict between Ryuen-kun. He really is someone talented... he might be even better than Nii-san and even beyond anyone here. -Horikita

Haruka: "I-I can't believe it. Kiyopon was able to best Ryuen-kun and his group."

Akito: "Bro, Kiyotaka! I didn't know you were this strong, holy! You were able to defeat them so easily! Teach me some moves!"

Ayanokoji: "Uhm... sure I guess?"

Ike: A-Ayanokoji was able to....am I seeing things?"

Yamauchi: "Are we?"

Sudo: "I'm pretty sure we're not. I still can't believe Ayanokoji was capable of such thing."

Ike: "Oi, Ken. Hit me and Haruki on the head to make sure we're not in a dream or something."

Sudo just shrugged and hitted Ike and Yamauchi on their head.


Sudo: "Dude shut up or I'll hit you again, but this time much harder!"

Ike immediately closed his mouth.

Keisei: "Why... why did Kiyotaka fought them to begin with?"

Arthem: "Remember when Ryuen was trying to find the person he calls 'X', the person that's actually the master mind behind the class? What do you think is the reason why I showed this video for to all of you?"

Keisei: "X... don't tell me that Kiyotaka was actually the mastermind?"

Arthem: "You got it right."

Keisei: "If he's X... then that means he is our."

Someone had cut him off and finished the sentence.

Matsushita: "Actual leader and Horikita-san was just a disguise."

The truth has been dropped and everyone in class C was shocked that the person that barely interacts with anyone in their eyes and considered 'gloomy' is their actual leader.

Ryuen: "Kukuku, it looks like you just figured it out! I mean it was pretty obvious since Suzune is not able to do such thing. I know how she works and there's no way she thinks like that person over there." He said as he points to Ayanokoji

Koenji: "Don't capare me to them as I already know that Horikita-girl was just a disguise for Ayanokoji-boy since I'm the perfect existence after all."

Ryuen: "No one asked you narcissist!"

Sudo: "Is this true, Suzune? Ayanokoji is actually our true leader?"

Horikita: "Yes, he is actually the leader of the class and uses me as a get away."

Sato: "If he is our leader, then the reason we have win the Island exam was because of..."

Horikita: "Ayanokoji-kun. He was the person that was behind that victory and the reason why we are at Class C now."

Katsuragi: "So Ayanokoji was the actual mastermind. I thought what Ryuen was looking for didn't exist."

Ryuen: "What did you thought of me Katsuragi? I knew what I was doing."

Hiyori: "Is that why you dropped out as our leader, Ryuen-kun because you were defeated by Kiyotaka-kun in fight? I never like violence, but I'm impressed that my book buddy was very strong."

Ryuen: "Kukuku, you're right Hiyori. That's the reason why I dropped out from my position and it's all because of your book buddy."

Ibuki: "Why are you so proud that we got beaten, huh?!"

Ishizaki: "I mean, I respect Ayanokoji now after he had beaten us since he is very strong."

Albert: *nods*

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, so that's what Dragon boy's face looks like after facing Ayanokoji-kun. It's very funny, actually."

Ryuen: "Shut up loli! I might have been beaten by him, but I could always break your crippled legs if you aggravate me any further."

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu."

Hashimoto: "Hime, so you knew that Ryuen stepped down as the leader because of Ayanokoji."

Sakayanagi: "That's right."

Hashimoto: "Do you think you can beat him? In academics and mental abilities, of course."

Sakayanagi: "I don't think I even hold a candle against his mental capabilities."

Kamuro: "Is what you're saying true?"

Sakayanagi: "I have no reason to lie, but at the same time, I want to beat him just once to prove that natural geniuses will be one step ahead than artificial geniuses."

Even Hime said that she can't beat Ayanokoji. I should probably make some connections with him just in case. Better yet, we could make him transfer to our class and we could be unbeatable  - Hashimoto

Arthem: "Yes, he is in fact your true leader and controls behind the scenes."

Sato: "Why not show it to everyone then?"

Arthem: "That's because if he did, then he might as well become a target in the whole school, although it wouldn't really matter if he becomes one, he is still able to make up a plan and beat all of them."

Nagumo: "That's a lie. There's no way someone is able to beat everyone even if he is exceptional."

Arthem: "That is true..."

Nagumo had smirk from what he said.

Arthem: "For normal humans. However, Ayanokoji is someone that's not normal."

Ryuen: "Dam right he isn't!"

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu." Yes, he isn't normal. He may act like one, but he can never become one .

It's sad that he isn't. It might sound like a good thing for being very exceptional... no that's an understatement. Everyone can only dream of having abilities like Kiyotaka-kun's, but he was forced into getting it - Chairman Sakayanagii

Horikita: "What do you mean by not 'normal'? I know that Ayanokoji-kun is smart and strong, but just like the rest of us, he should also have limits."

Sakayanagi: "You won't get it, Horikita-san."

Horikita: "Are you saying that he has no weakness?"

Sakayanagi: "Indeed, but I won't disclose on how I know that?"

Ayanokoji, you truly are someone beyond what I initially though. I'm really curious on how much you can do. The real question is, why do you truly hide it? -Manabu

Arthem: "Alright, we'll start reacting to the video and how it will impact the future of the school. This will give everyone in what's to come and maybe prepare themselves."

Everyone nodded their heads and began to prepare themselves to watch the movie.

Ryuen: "Oi, god! I'm getting hungry here! Give us something to eat will ya!"

Arthem: "Just think of what you want to eat and it will magically appear in front of you."

Ike: "Really?! Alright, I can think of anything I want to eat?! This might not be so bad after all!"

Yamauchi: "Y-"

Arthem: "We're getting nowhere if you guys continue to speak. Let us just begin."

Arthem snapped his fingers and the screen turned on. The video began to play and the title appears

The Demon and The Angel

Ryuen: "What kind of title is this? If this is related to Ayanokoji, then the demon part should be him."

Arthem: "You're right."

Kei: "Then who is this 'Angel'?"

Arthem: "Maybe if you guys watch the video, then you might find out."

I'm inside the classroom, with my head lay down on my desk during lunch break

Haruka: "Is that, Kiyopon's voice are we hearing?"

Akito: "Didn't you just hear what the god said earlier. He said that this video is about Kiyotaka."

Haruka: "No, I meant we're hearing Kiyopon's thoughts and his voice is being played."

Keisei: "It would seem that the video also shows us Kiyotaka's thoughts."

Arthem: "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that, but yes, you guys are able to hear what Ayanokoji is thinking."

Kiyotaka: "This is a violation of privacy you know?"

Arthem: "Who cares?!"

Kiyotaka: "Uhm... I do?"

Ryuen: "Well, I don't! This is great, I can get an idea of what you always think inside that head of yours."

Arthem: "I don't think you can't since the video won't show any of those thoughts that you might be thinking, but it will reveal some big stuff."

Ryuen: "I guess that's good enough."

I concur with him once- Horikita,

I was thinking all of the things that had happened during my time here at this school. There were many strange events that had happened to me. We had to do these things called special exams where it's the school's way of preparing the students in the future.

Nene: "I agree with you there, Ayanokoji-kun."

Ichihashi: "Me too."

Ike: "Uh huh, like spending a week at an island and say that it will help them prepare in the real world."

Chabashira: "If you guys have any complaints, go speak to the chairman."

Narumori: "It is to help you guys in the real world, but I can understand your complaints."

Manabu: "It is strange, but I can't deny that it is effective in preparing the students about the real world."

Nagumo: "I agree with you there, Senpai."

Akito: "Do you dislike it Kiyotaka?"

Ayanokoji: "I don't dislike it, but I also don't like it. I'm just neutral towards it."

Akito: "Yeah I might agree with you there."

I had gained an ally, Karuizawa Kei, who was a victim of bullying pretty much her entire life.

Mii-chan: "Is-is that true, Karuizawa-san?"

Kei: "I-It's true. I was bullied throughout my childhood, but I kept enduring it."

Sato: "T-That's horrible!"

Arthem: "Tortured would be the right word. Being slapped was like a reward for her."

Hirata: "I knew Karuizawa-san experienced that, but it still makes me mad the school didn't take any actions."

Arthem: "Hirata, do you think you also have the right say that?"

Hirata: "T-that's..." Hirata looked down and clenched his fist.

Arthem: "You know what you have done is wrong and you felt guilty about it, and now you're trying to make sure that something like that never happens again, but remember you can't be a pacifist forever. That's just how the world works."

Mini-chan: "What happened to Hirata-kun?"

Arthem: "It's something that should be kept confidential."

Mii-chan: "O-okay, but we'll do our best to help him."

Arthem: "That's something that he is only allowed to decide for himself."

I should talk to the school about this - Chairman Sakayanagi

Unexpectedly, Manabe and her group went up to where Kei was sitting.

Manabe: "Anoo.. Karuizawa-san. We know what we did was wrong and we hope you can forgive us."

Kei: "That's alright. I was at fault too. I hope we can be friends if you want."

Manabe and her group: "Sure, Karuizawa-san."

She was able to stand up despite those things. I guess that's why she didn't budge from the torturing we gave her at the rooftop back then when I asked who 'X' was. You have my respect, Karuizawa - Ryuen.

Ishizaki: "We're sorry too, Karuizawa."

Ibuki and Albert just nodded. Ryuen didn't want to apologize since he is not that type of guy.

Kei: "It's okay. Because of that, I was able to see guy get your butts kicked from Ayanokoji-kun."

Ishizaki: "You didn't have to remind us again."

I had met Sakayanagi, who apparently knew about me since she visited the white room when she was little.

So it's gonna reveal that? - Ayanokoji, Arisu, Chairman Sakayanagi

Horikita: "White room? Just what is this white room, Ayanokoji-kun and how does Sakayanagi-san know about it?"

Ayanokoji: "I have the right not to tell you any about that. Besides, you might get your answer after the video ends."

Horikita: "Alright."

Hashimoto: "Hime, does that mean you knew Ayanokoji when you were little."

Many... no everyone in the theatre had looked at her.

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, that's right. That's why I said I don't hold a candle against him since I know what his abilities are. To a degree, that is. I don't even know the extent of his power. I did say I won't disclose how I knew about his abilities, but since this was revealed, I guess it won't harm confirming it."

Hashimoto: "If you say so, Hime?" Even Hime doesn't his true capabilities. Now it is more important than ever to make some connections with him.

Ryuen: "So you knew the monster from the beginning and his abilities, huh?"

Sakayanagi: "I didn't know he went here in the beginning as you may know why."

Ryuen: "And tell me what the white room is."

Sakayanagi: "Like what Ayanokoji-kun said, I have the right not to answer."

Ryuen: "Tch".

Giving a guess on what it is, it has to be some kind of school where he got those abilities - Mostly everyone

I saved Karuizawa from Ryuen and his gang and I made more enemies

Sudo: "Atleast we know how he did it and man, It's exciting and nerve racking at the same time."

Ike: "Yeah..."

Ryuen: "One of these enemies is me, just remember that."

Sakayanagi: "You're not worthy of being an enemy for him. You already loss, haven't you."

Nagumo: "I would also want to be his enemy to see if the abilities are not over exaggerated."

Famous last words- Those who knows Ayanokoji's abilities

Manabu: "I suggest you don't, Nagumo."

Nagumo: "It's fine, Senpai. I just want to test him, that's all."

I suggest you don't - Arthem

Kiryuin: "I just want to find more about this kohai as he already caught my attention."

Ayanokoji: "Uhm, you're welcome I guess?"

Lastly, that man had visited me before winter break. He told me to dropped out, but Chairman Sakayanagi was on my side and told my father I wouldn't drop out unless I wanted to. That is the time I had found out about the relationship between him and my father and how he said he admitted me into this school himself, and purposely assigned me to class D. That is also when I had found out my teacher was actually lying about telling she knew that man and how he came to this school very early. Of course, I remember how I promised to her that she will regret trying to use me.

After this information was played, many were trying to process their minds about this and many questions arose. Chabashira-sensei was sweating and the Chairman was looking right at her?

Oh, it was a mistake placing you into Class D, Kiyotaka-kun. I'll have a talk with Chabashira-san about this when we get back- Chairman Sakayanagi

Haruka: "Wait, wait, wait. Kiyopon, let me get this straight, your father was able to come into this school and forced you to drop out?!"

Airi: "H-How can he do such a thing?"

Keisei: "Not only that, you were purposely placed in Class D instead of Class A? Why would the school do that?"

Horikita: "Is that true, Ayanokoji-kun?"

Ryuen: "I always wonder how the monster was place in a class full of defects. I guess that explains why. I also got to found out why you were taking action because of your teacher blackmailing you. You know, I should thank her or I wouldn't have known about you."

Koenji: "You're mistaken there, Dragon-boy as I'm the perfect existence and my allocation to Class D was a mere mistake."

Ryuen: "You're lucky we can't move, blondy, or else I would have punch you for calling me that stupid nickname."

Koenji just ignored him.

Sakayanagi: "It's sad that he was assigned to Class D. I would have enjoyed him being our class, but at the same time happy since I'm able to fight against him"

Hashimoto: "So Ayanokoji was meant to be in Class A and not in Class D. They should be grateful that he was purposely placed there."

Ishizaki: "Isn't that cool, Albert? That means he was to powerful that they had to hold him back"

Albert: "Yes"

Ichinose: Didn't it mention that outside contact was prohibited?"

Kanzaki: "Then it must mean Ayanokoji's father is very powerful and have connections to be able to bypass that rule."

Hirata: "Calm down everyone, let's give him some space."

Kushida: "Yes, Ayanokoji-kun might be uncomfortable." Fuck, I messed with the wrong person if he was supposed to be in Class A and his father is very powerful. Maybe I should... no he knows my secret, but then again, I can also know some of his secrets, so I guess we can be even.

Ayanokoji: "Thank you for the help. To answer your question, yes my father was able to come to this school and the rules does not affect him since he has many connections with the government; Yes, I was purposely placed in Class D; Yes, Sensei blackmailing me into helping the class."

Ike: "Shouldn't you be helping the class in the first place."

Yamauchi: "Y-"

Before he can finish to what he was saying, Sudo hit their heads.

Sudo: "You guys can't talk since he was the one that helped the class the most and he wasn't even suppose to be in this class, remember."

Hirata: "Yes, Ayanokoji-kun already helped us a lot. He doesn't need to help if he doesn't want to, but being blackmailed lime that and from a teacher no less shouldn't be allowed."

Ryuen: "It seems the monster is also famous outside."

Sakayanagi: "Not exactly. The right word would be infamous."

I always wondered why Kiyotaka was placed in Class D when he had extraordinary abilities. The only defect that I can think of is him not wanting to show his abilities, socializing, and lack to express his emotions, but that does really count as a defect?  

He really is someone special. I'm sad that he rejected me - Sato

It's unfair that Ayanokoji-kun was purposely placed on Class D and not with us. Sae-chan was also sly for using him like that - Hoshinomiya

That would explain why he was in Class D instead of Class A - Mashima and Sakagami

One of my answers had been answered. I was also confused why he wasn't placed in Class A as he has the abilities- Manubu

Akane: "So Ayanokoji-kun wasn't even supposed to be in Class D. Horikita-kun, did you knew about this?"

Manubu: "No, but I was suspicious into why he was placed in Class D despite his abilities."

Asahina: "Isn't that weird, Miyabi?"

Nagumo: "I suppose since it had never been happened before."

Horikita: "Why would they purposely put you in Class D in the first place."

Ayanokoji: "That's because... Chairman Sakayanagi can you help me with this one if you don't mind?"

Narumori: "I don't mind and this is my fault to begin with. The reason why I purposely place Kiyotaka-kun in Class D was because I know about his past and I thought he could experience a peaceful life and not worry about class competitions if he was placed in Class D. However, the opposite happened from what I had hope."

Ryuen: "So I guess that's how you're father was able to get in to this school since he also have some connections with the Chairman."

Ayanokoji: "Uh, yes."

Horikita: "But Ayanokoji-kun, are you not gonna help the class anymore?"

Ayanokoji: "I don't even know anymore. Maybe I will, but the bare minimum."

Horikita: "Well that's fine I guess."

The only person that comes to mind of being his father is... it must be -Kanzaki and Koenji

I never really expected this to happened, since I wanted a peaceful life, but nonetheless, I'm not disappointed since I made some friends. The reason why I never really had a peaceful life was because of my neighbor, Horikita Suzune. At first, she forced me to do things for the class, and she was quite arrogant, but overtime she is able to grow

Haruka: "Well I'm also glad that we became friends because of you, Kiyopon."

Akito: "I'm also happy that I got to know you guys or else I would have one been friends with Haka."

Kesei: "I actually got used to the company anyways, so being assigned to you guys during the study was group was fortunate."

Airi: "Y-yes, I-I'm happy as well."

Akito: "It seems you got soften, Keisei."

Keisei: "What, n-no."

Akito: "Whatever you say."

Horikita: "Sorry for that, Ayanokoji-kun, but since you had help a lot, I'll let that insult slide for now. Although, I should also be thankful."

Ayanokoji: "Uhh.. you're welcome I guess." It's so weird seeing her act like this

Horikita: "Were you thinking something rude about just now."

Ayanokoji: "No, not at all."

Thinking about all of this hurts my brain. Also, speaking of the devil herself, I noticed her gaze. I guess she might be wondering what I'm thinking about

Horikita: "Forget what I said, once we get back I'll stab you."

Ayanokoji: "Can't you give this poor soul a break?"

Horikita: "No since you like to insult me inside your head."

Why do my thoughts have to be shown? This is going to torture for me. Thanks a lot God - Ayanokoji

Arthem was just looking away while whistling

Ayanokoji-kun, it seems you're thinking about something since you're pretty quiet right there. Although, your always quiet, I can see how you have a trouble expression. Well not really since you always have that poker face of yours" she said.

Hey, it's true but that hurts you know.

Horikita: "You say it hurts, but it doesn't look like it to me."

Kei: "Yeah, you don't really change your face and all."

Everyone: "Umu"

I'm getting hurt you know, well I just say that to think that I'm getting hurt. - Ayanokoji

Ryuen: "You can get stab and not even flinch."

Ike: "There's no way someone is able to not scream after getting stabbed."

If  only you knew- Arthem

It's nothing. I'm just wondering what is going to happened to us since it's almost the end of the semester. Considering how this school works, I think we will have a special exam soon." I said.

"Your right about that. Considering we had special exams before the semester ends, it's most likely that we will get one very soon."

Ike: "At this point, I wouldn't surprised if the school gives us a special exam every month."

Horkita: "Arthem-san, when is this taking place?"

Arthem: "About 2 months from now"

Horikita: "I see. Thank you."

(Yeah, no. I'm not even going back to fact check this, but do tell me the actual time from volume 8 to volume 10.)

That was true, it's most likely we'll get a final special exam before spring break begins. As soon as we were talking about this topic, Chabashira-Sensei walked inside and called me.

"Ayanokoji, the Chairman wants to speak with you" she said in an anxiously tone.

"What did you do this time?" asked Horikita with a confused tone.

"I don't know, but I didn't do anything that would get the Chairman involved as far as I'm concerned" I said

Horikita: "What did you do, Ayanokoji-kun?"

Ayanokoji: "How should I know, and my future me said that I didn't do anything wrong."

Horikita: "Just don't do anything that will make us lose points even if you were the one that got the points."

Hoshinomiya: "Look Sae-chan~, you're quite nervous. It's look cute. You should act like that more often."

Chabashira: "T-That's because it involves with the Chairman." I can tell that I'll need to have a talk with the Chairman once we get back.

I wonder why I needed Kiyotaka-kun to come again - Chairman Sakayanagi

What does Chairman Sakayanagi want with me again? I know I didn't break any rules, but since Chabashira-Sensei was anxious, it might be something big. It hasn't been a long time since I last talked with Chairmain Sakayanagi, which was before when winter break began. I didn't question why I was needed, and just obeyed.

Haruka: "You had talk with the chairman before winter break?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes, and that's when I got to know how he knows about me plus other things. Although, I'm curious into what I got called again considering Sensei's face."

Keisei: "Chabashira-sensei seems really worried."

I was following Chabashira-Sensei to the principal's room, but I couldn't help but question her.

"Do you know why I was called? I know I didn't break any rules for the Chairman to get involved."

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble, you will have a talk again with that man."

When she emphasized the word 'man', I knew who she was referring to. What does he want with me again? Will he begged me to drop out since I wasn't obeying his orders? I really don't want to think about it.

Ayanokoji and Chairman Sakayanagi had theirs eyes widen. Well, Ayanokoji's was not really that visible.

Sakayanagi: "So you're father went back again it would seemed."

Ayanokoji: "Is he really that persistent into making me dropped out?"

Narumori: "Don't worry, Kiyotaka-kun. I'll try my best to prevent that again."

Matsushita: "Why would he want to make you dropped out from the best school in Japan."

Sakayanagi: "Let me rephrase that, Matsushita-san. It's the best school that is known in Japan."

Matsushita: "What do you mean by that, Sakayanagi-san?"

Sakayanagi: "Who knows? Fufufu"

Isn't that my line? I wouldn't even call the white room a school. - Ayanokoji

We have arrived at the principal's office, and Chabashira-Sensei gestured me to go in, which I did and I saw Chairman Sakayanagi and him, but this time there was another person with them, who was unfamiliar with me.

"I had gotten him like what you said. Please excuse me" said Chabashira-Sensei and she closed the door shut after she said that.

"Greetings Kiyotaka-kun. I know this a bit sudden and surprising for you, but your father here has important to tell you. Also, I suggest you have a seat since this might take a while" said Chairman Sakayanagi who greeted me.

Kanzaki: "So you really are that man's son?!"

Amikura: "Eh, you know Ayanokoji-kun's father, Kanzaki-kun."

Kanzaki: "I've only met him once during a party where many influential people were."

Koenji: "It would seem that you're father wants you to rule Japan, Ayanokoji. Fathers really are hard to handle."

Even Koenji knows about that man? I don't know how influential he is, but it may make sense considering Koenji said he was part of a conglomerate and his family might have been and an investor-Kiyotaka

Ayanokoji: "Yes, especially him. I wonder what he wants with me now."

Horikita: "Rule Japan?! What do you me by that, Koenji-kun?"

Koenji: "It's something only that knows this man would know."

Ryuen: "So you're old man wants you to rule Japan? I wonder how it will goes?"

Ayanokoji: "It's only his idea. Nothing else."

If you wanted to, than you could I suppose - Chairman Sakayanagi

I can't believe there is a person here that might rule the country - Mashima/Sakagami

Nagumo: "Interesting, but let me see your worth to judge if you are capable of ruling Japan."

Sakayanagi: "Sorry president, but he doesn't need any judgement from anyone. Rather, it would be him doing the judging."

Nagumo: "I'll find more about him either way."

I nod my head and went to take a seat. Without wasting any time, I got to the point why he was here.

"I see you're here again. Don't tell me you want to force me to dropping out. I already told you my answer," I said in a serious tone.

Many people were surprised and scared to hear Ayanokoji speak in a certain tone. They only heard him talk with his monotonous voice until now.

What the hell was that! Just his voice is enough to make me tremble - mostly everyone

Kukuku, I'm already feeling fear once more and it was just from his voice no less - Ryuen

The voice that I heard from this side of him is nothing compared to what I'm hearing now- Horikita, Kei

"No, that's not why I'm here for. If I wanted you to drop out, I would have already done something and sent in a white room agent to do that. I'm here to make a deal with you."

This is what Arthem have meant, but to think he would send someone from the white room to expel me if it wasn't for this deal - Kiyotaka

{Well, not just only a white room agent, but also students from the white room - Arthem}

{He sure is insistent. Can't he just leave me for two more years and I'll be happy to experience what normal people do- Kiyotaka}

{...Well you'll be happy that's for sure - Arthem}

Matsushita: "It seems like Ayanokoji-kun's father is able to even send outsiders. Just how powerful is he?"

Ayanokoji: "I don't even know myself since it's not my business, and even if I did, he won't tell me."

Ike: "I pity you dude"

I raised my eyebrows from what he said. Considering him, he had never done this before, but I decided to urged him to say what this deal he is proposing. "A deal you say? What kind of deal is it that would make me accept it?"

"No need to be so cautious, it's something that you might like."

"But before I say what deal it is, let me ask you this. Do you know the other person that was with you during your training in the white room, when you two were the only ones left?"

Both Ayanokoji and Sakayanagi widened their eyes.

Why would he ask that question?  - Ayanokoji and Sakayanagi

Kei: "What happened, Ayanokoji-kun? Does it have to do with the person your father asked? " I have never seen  Kiyotaka make an expression like that before.

Ayanokoji: "You'll find out soon enough."

Ryuen: "Hey monster? Is this so called white room how you got your abilities?"

Ayanokoji: "Yes, but I won't disclose any information about it or else there's going to be major consequences." He said in the same tone that they heard earlier.

Since they were able to witness it firsthand, it made them really scared.

Ike: "W-what are these consequences?"

Ayanokoji: "Forget what I said. Just finding out about the existence of that place will cost your life."

Ike: "E-ehh?!"

Hirata: "I-Is that true, Ayanokoji-kun?"

Haruka: "K-Kiyopon, don't joke like that."

Ayanokoji: "But I'm not joking. If you did find out the existence about it without having any connections, it will cost your life."

Yamauchi: "W-what?! I'm too young to die! I haven't even got to have a girlfriend."

Ike: "I know, Haruki! We're going to die as virgins."

Everyone else looked at the two like they were idiots. Well they are one to begin with.

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, it was nice knowing you all."

Hashimoto: "Hime?! Are we really going to die?!"

Sakayanagi: "Just like what Ayanokoji-kun said, if you have found out without having any connections, then you are."

Ryuen: "Shut up you crippled! You know that you aren't going to die, so that's why you're happy!"

Sakayanagi: "It feels good to be privileged, am I wrong?"

Man, is she a sadist? Wait, Shiina is about to cry! Oh no, I got to fix this- Arthem

Arthem: "Calm down everyone, no one is going to die. I'll do something about it, so relax"

Many had began to calm down as he made this announcement.

Arthem: "Alright, I'll give you guys a break and then we'll continue watching the rest."

Ryuen: "It had to end with a cliffhanger. Im itching to know about this 'white room'

Arthem: "Just go eat or something for now, Dragon-boy."

Ryuen: "Tch, fucker."

I still want to know why that man ask me if I still know her. Does this have to anything anything the deal? - Ayanokoji

Holy, this took a long time to write and its only part 1. Alright, I guess it's time for me to write the next one, but expect to be it a bit longer. 

Another announcement. I didn't take into account about what I have to this summer because I will be busy with my volunteering and summer assignment. I barely begun with my summer assignment cause it's so boring. So, writing is gonna be very slow. 

Enough of that, yes. This reaction will be my oneshot of Cote x Otonari. If you haven't read it yet, go click on my profile and you'll see a oneshot fic. 

See you whenever 
