Illustration Reactions 1

Jaden: "Ok people, let's take a break from reacting to videos, but instead react to illustrations of yourselves."

Hirata: "What do you mean by that Jaden-san?"

Jaden: "I mean what I meant, you guys will be reacting to photos of yourselves."

Jaden: "Alright here is the first one."

When: Cruise Exam

"You were bullied ever since you were little. You were a victim throughout elementary school and junior high. You wanted to act tough so you could stop being bullied. Am I right?"

"D-did you hear this...from Hirata-kun?"

"Hirata is everyone's ally, for better or worse. He'll help you, like he'll help anyone. Even if you got your position in Class D by pretending to be Hirata's girlfriend, he won't be of any use to you in situations like this. He isn't a good enough host for a parasite like you."

Kei's friends: "Ayanokoji-kun, what are you doing to Karuiza-San!"

Kei: Don't be mad at him, he was just helping me."

Jaden: "Yes, what Karuizawa said was true. Ayanokoji was just helping free from her shackles."

Sato: "It's that true, Karuizawa-san? You were a victim of bullying ever since elementary school?"

Kei just nodded and was being comforted by her friends.

Hirata: "Thank you for that Kiyotaka-kun, but I think you should tone down a bit with your methods even if it is effective."

Kiyotaka: "No problem Yousuke, but you do know that's not how I do things."

Hirata: "I guess your right."

I guess that's how he tamed her- Ryuen

I wish senpai~ does that to me, too~. That would be so hot -Amasawa/AFC

I seriously don't know why you would enjoy it. Well... since it's Ayanokoji, maybe every girl would like it also -Jayden

Mii-Chan: "Wait, so you guys were in a fake relationship the whole time?"

Kei: "Yes, I was a victim of bullying in the past, so I told Hirata-kun about my past and ask him to be my fake boyfriend because I didn't want that to ever be repeated again."

Matsushita: "So it's that the reason why you broke up with him, is because Ayanokoji-kun was able to help you stand back up again?"

Kei just nodded again and her friends thanked Ayanokoji.

Ayanokoji-kun/Kiyotaka-kun is very nice to be able to help Karuiza-San overcome her trauma - Ichinose/Hiyori

(Ye, that's right. I made Hiyori use Ayanokojiks first name because like he said, it doesn't make sense if one person calls the other person by their first name when the other calls them by their family name.
I'm pretty sure he said this during Vol 7.5, but let me know if he didn't and I'll change it.)

Haruka: "Your methods does work, Kiyopon, but atleast try to be a bit nicer next time."

Kiyotaka: "I'll try."

When: After the Sports Festival, Special Annex Building

It's been quite a long time, Ayanokouji-kun. Eight years and 243 days, actually."

Everyone: "Ehhh!!!! You two are childhood friends!

Hashimito: "Is that true, Hime? You and the King are Childhood friends?"

Sakayanagi: "Fufu, that's right."

Ryuen: "So you know about him abilities from the get-go, huh loli?"

Sakayanagi: "Yes, I already knew what he's capable off, and don't call me by that nickname Dragon Boy."

The two glared at each other and everyone can see the invisible sparks colliding.

Kamuro: "So I guess that's why you wanted me to call him to the building, huh?"

Sakayanagi: "That's right Masumi-san."

If she is saying that she is a childhood friend, did that mean she visited the white room when she was young? That must be it. - Yagami/Amasawa

Does Sakayanagi-Senpai know about the whiteroom if she is saying that she is referring herself as Ayanokoji- senpai's childhood friend. - Nanase

{Kei: You better tell me about this}

{Kiyotaka: I think it would be best is you don't know it for now.}

{Kei: Fine, but at some point, I'll figure it out from what Jaden-San is showing us.}

{Kiyotaka: I guess your right}

Haruka: "Kiyopon, I didn't know you were childhood friends with the leader of Class A"

Keisei: "Why, didn't you tell us you were childhood friends with Sakayanagi."

Akito: "Don't be mad, Keisei. We didn't ask if he had any childhood friends."

Airi: "Y-yeah, we n-never asked K-Kiyotaka-kun if he did h-ha-have one."

Nagumo: "So you lied to me when I asked if you know him?"

Sakayanagi: "Fufu, if I have to borrow someone's word, who knows?"

I feel a disturbance -Kiyotaka

I didn't think Ayanokoji (-Kun) would have some connection with Sakayanagi (-San). He really is a mysterious person - Manabu/Matsushita

Shinohara: "Wait, does that mean he is betraying the class?!"

Miyamoto: "You're probably right!"

The defects were throwing insults at him saying he was betraying the class.

(Blah, blah, blah, you get the idea. It's the same thing in every reaction fic that most people have read.)

Keep insulting him! I want him to be expelled - Kushida

Ryuen/Sakayanagi/Koenji/Kiryuin/Hosen/Amasawa: "Kukuku/Fufufu/Hahaha, you truly are defectives."

Horikita: "How did you guys even get to that conclusion."

Hondo: "But, can't you see Horikita-San, he is hanging out with Sakayanagi-san."

Horikita: "There's nothing wrong with hanging out with someone from another class, unless a special exam is going to happened, and he won't do that isn't that right Ayanokoji-kun."

*nod* - Kiyotaka

Hirata: "I know Kiyotaka-kun won't do something like that. If he did, then he would have done it by now."

Sudo: "Just don't get tricked by her even if that's your childhood friend. Remember what she did to Haruki."

Kanzaki: "Ichinose, he even has a relationship with the leader of Class A. I tell you he is more dangerous than anyone here.

Ichinose: "There's nothing wrong with being childhood friends. They probably would fight each other if there is a special exam.

Kanzaki: "I guess your right, but we still have to be careful."

Akimura: "Kanzaki-kun, you sound like an overprotective parent."

Shibata: "Try to relax a bit."

Utomiya (Whispers): "Expelling Ayanokoji-Senpai won't be easy if they work together."

Tsubaki: "You're right." She must have been working with Ayanokoji-Senpai controlling the 2nd years during the island exam when we were planning to surround him. I guess that's the reason why the 2nd years had interfered with the plan of surrounding Ayanokoji-Senpai.

(Tsubaki's character is also mysterious. We have no idea why she wants to expel Ayanokoji, to the point she doesn't care about getting herself expelled. She is also to similar to Ayanokoji in some ways like pulling the strings of her class behind the shadows , she is more than she lets on as she also hides her abilities, and not really showing any emotion. I don't recall her changing any expression in the light novel.

If you want to comment your theories about her, then feel free. I'll try to read them. There has been some theories about her being a whiteroom student or being a sister of a whiteroom student (The girl in volume 0))

Where: Fortune telling

Everyone: "Ehhh!!"

Ryuen: "KUKUKU, what is this Ibuki, did you fall in love with monster after getting choked!"

Ibuki: "Shut the fuck up!" Although I won't mind getting cho-, ugh stop thinking about these things.

Hiyori: "But isn't the fortune telling for couples only?"

Ishizaki: "Hahaha, Ibuki went out with Ayanokoji-San, and here I thought you despise him. Don't tell me you fell in love with him?!"

Hashimoto: "This must be the power of the T-Rex!"

Of course all the boys that were with them were laughing or trying to hold it in.

Oh so it's like that, huh? After this, your dead to me Kiyotaka - Kei who was smiling that didn't reach her eyes

Oh no, I can see Kei looking at me with a murderous intent. Pls don't look at me like that, I'm already depressed about losing my peaceful life - Kiyotaka

I also want to go fortune telling with him/Senpai - Kiyo's toolbox/AFC

Horikita: "Do you mind telling why your with her, Ayanokoji-Kun?" she said who has a compass on her hands

Kiyotaka: That damn compass. "I had no one to go with, and coincidentally we happened to bump into each other and each of us wanted to get our fortunes, so we went there together."

Ike: "But man, I didn't think you would go with Ibuki."

Haruka: "Maybe we should go to fortune telling this year."

Keisei: "I'm pretty sure there won't be any this year."

Ryuen: "Kukuku, this must be heartbreaking for you Ibuki."

Ibuki: "All of you go to hell except for Hiyori!"

(Everyone loves Hiyori, right? :) )

When: Summer break, Horikita's dorm

Horikita slowly stood and turned to face me. Two radically different emotions coursed through me at the exact same time.

"I see. So. That's it, huh?"

"That's it, yes."

I felt some secondhand embarrassment as I looked at her right hand, which was completely stuck inside a small water bottle


Sakayanagi: Fufufu, oh my this is certainly embarrassing for the "leader" she said sarcastically.

Koenji: Fuhaha, It was an amusing sigh to see Puppet-girl hiding behind Elevator-Boy."

Amasawa: "Hahaha, you look funny in that picture Horikita-Senpai~!

Sudo: "Hey don't laugh at Suzune! She looks cute though

Class D wanted to laugh after seeing their leader in such a state, but Horikita was glaring at them

Ibuki was laughing crazy, even Albert laughed a bit

Is that really my sister- Manabu

Ike: "Hahaha, that's so funny on you Horikita-San!"

Horikita: "Ike-Kun, do you want to regret in suffering or regret in despair" she said while holding a compass

Ike: W-w-wa-wait Horikita-San."

My condolence to you Ike. I really hate that compass -Kiyotaka

Jaden: "Alright I'll tell you the contex."

Jaden: "Basically, Horikita got her hand stuck inside the water bottle and called Ayanokoji for help, but they couldn't get the bottle out. That's when they asked Sakura for water. She was stuck for more than 4 hours until they finally took it off."


Haruka: "That's really nice of you Airi."

Airi: "I-it's nothing m-much,

Wait now Jaden mention it, Suzune asked Ayanokoji for help. Man I'm very jealous right now, but I wasn't mature back then. I hope Suzune now calls me for help when she needs it - Sudo

Kiyotaka: "That certainly brings back, good memories. Well not for Horikita, I guess."

After he said that, more people were began to laugh and Horikita glared at him, but he decide to look at the screen.

Jaden: "Here is the next one."

"I wonder, which one should I break first!"

After taking the first step, the expression of Amasawa-san, who ran out at once, was full of passion. There is no stance or anything, just the desire of grabbing as she extends her hands toward us.

"Kuku! Kukukuku!!!" She was smiling so much that she looked distorted and inhuman

(Pretend that her eyes were leaking her darkness.)

Where: 2nd uninhabited island exam

After looking at the picture, all of the people, except the white room affiliates, had felt a chill in their spines.

Sudo: "W-what t-the hell! How can that K-kohai that was my partner be this scary."

Ike: "Y-yeah"

Ryuen: "Kukuku, now this a whole of fun." That chick.... who the hell is she? To think that she could send a chill in my spine and made me even scared for a bit. I never felt this before until that Monster teached me what fear is. Is she related to the monster?

That Amasawa chick made me feel scared. Who the hell is she? She always have that look that annoys me, but to think she hides something like this. First, that beast who let him get stabbed, then Yagami who was the 2nd powerful student before that beast, and now her - Hosen

I still can never forget about that situation - Ibuki/Horikita

Fufufu, maybe I'll go against her before Ayanokoji-kun -Sakayanagi

Why the hell am I shaking! -Nagumo

Jaden: "Ok people, I'll snap my fingers by transporting the memory into your brains and this will make it where you will know what was happening."

Jaden snapped his fingers and everyone was able to see what had happened.

Everyone: "What the hell was that!!"

Koenji: "I must say that was entertaining to see."

Ryuen: "Kukukuku, that chick was already injured, but she was still playing with Ibuki and Suzune! How the hell can't you two beat an injured person despite teaming up?!" She also mentioned what she knew about Ayanokoji. I was right, they are connected, but then that mean that they also are connected with that Yagami guy. They must be! More monsters are hiding around the school, huh?

Sudo: "We're you okay, Suzune? You weren't very injured right?" But how the hell is that Kohai able to do something like that? She was able to hold Suzune and Ibuki despite being injured. Suzune also mentioned that her strength was abnormal... just like Ayanokoji.


Interesting. This girl is different just like Ayanokoji. She did say that she knows a lot more than anyone. Just what my sister said, did they come from the same school and how are they this talented? - Manabu

That devil knows about Kiyotaka a lot more... maybe more than I do. Is that why that Kohai admires Kiyotaka. I want to more about him, but I don't want to pry his life. But still... it's so unfair that she knows more about him. -Kei

This rose a lot of questions. She knows a lot about Ayanokoji-kun and Horikita-says she has abnormal strength. I want to know more about his kohai's relation with Ayanokoji-kun -Matsushita

(Chill out Stalker-Chan)

Is she also from the place what the Acting director said? The white room? -Ichinose

Katsuragi: "Ayanokoji, she says she knows a lot about you. Is this true?"

Kiyotaka: "Yeah, I guess you could say we live in the same neighborhood and went to the same school."

Not a bad way to describe it -Sakayanagi

Katsuragi: "I see. Thank you."

Jaden: "Ok, one more. This is one is in the future."

When: Cultural Festival

When everyone saw the photo, there was silence.

More silence....

Until that was broken none other than


Jaden: "Well there will be a cultural festival in the future. Your class and Horikita's decided to do a cafe and competing with one another. Horikita's class chose a maid cafe and yours a more traditional one."

Class D Boys: "Wait that means the girls in our class.... will wear maid costumes. Now I want to see it."

The girls were disgusted.

Ibuki: "There is no way, I will wear something like that!" she said while pointing at the photo.

Jaden: "Well at first you didn't want to, but you lost a bet to Ryuen, so that's why your wearing it."

Ryuen: "Kukuku, you hear that Ibuki! You should never challenge me or else that should happened. Maybe you should try it once we come back so you won't be embarrassed."

Ibuki: "Shut up you bastard!"

Hiyori: "Calm down, Ibuki-san."

Kiyotaka: "I never expected for Horikita to even try something like that."

Horikita: "Now that I know what the future is like, I won't be wearing anything like that"

Jaden: "Well you were also in charge of the cafe. You didn't want to, but Horikita forced you."

Kiyotaka: "I see... Horikita I didn't think you would choose me to lead."

Horikita: "I must have a very good reason if I did."

Dang, Suzune looks so cute with that. I want to see her in that in real life - Sudo

Sakayanagi: Jaden-san, a question. Why would the school even do a cultural festival in the first place? After all, it's a school that prevents outsiders."

{Jaden: "Well you see, your father became the chairman again of the school after Tsukishiro dropped out being the chairman."}

{Sakayanagi: "First, I must say this is a convenient way to communicate with someone via telepathically. Second, why did Acting Director Tsukishiro dropped out? Didn't he want to expell Ayanokoji-kun because of his father's orders."}

{Jaden: "It's complicated actually. I think you might found out about why, though."}

{Sakayanagi: "I see. Thank you for answering my question."}

Hashimoto: "Hime, it seems like you have a satisfied face. Did he answer your question?"

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, yes he did."

Ichinose: Anoo... Jaden-san, was there a prize for winning the cultural festival."

Jaden: Yes, each class was competing. Class points were given to who wins. 1-4th place are technically the winners."

Ichinose gave Jaden a nod.

Manabu: "It's a sad thing that we never got to experience that."

Tachibana: "Indeed, but I wonder if it would be a normal cultural festival."

Jaden: "It actually is. They even allowed other people to come in, of course with permission. Though, they will be given points to spend it during the cultural festival."

{Jaden: "Ayanokoji"}

{Kiyotaka: "Is there something you need?"}

{Jaden: "Well, I'll tell you this. Since it allows outsiders, what do you think will happened."}

{Kiyotaka: "That would mean the white room would be..."}

{Jaden: "Exactly, but they won't be forcing you to dropped out. Your father would give you a choice.}

{Kiyotaka: "Why, though."}

{Jaden: "That is something I can't answer. Well, moving with that... I sent you a photo. Go check your phone."]

{Kiyotaka: "Ok?"}

When Kiyotaka checked his phone, it was something related to the picture Jaden showed.

Guess what it is...

It's Hiyori in a traditional outfit from the cultural festival.

I wonder what Hiyori would think if she sees this. Not going to lie, she looks cute. This was an angelic sight to see. -Kiyotaka

He looked to see Hiyori and it seemed she was also looking at her phone. She also had an embarrassed face.

I guess he also sent it to Hiyori, huh? -Kiyotaka

I also admit that she's cute too and an angel just like he said -Jaden

(Yeah, I like Hiyori. What are you going to do about it? Ehem...)

Jaden: "Anyways, that's all the pictures you would react for now."

I'm at my winter break and I could write a lot now. Reactions are hard to write, for me though. Writing oneshots are easier imo, so go check out my oneshots book, there is more to come.
I'll admit, I'm lacking motivation for writing reaction fics. That's why I'm not able to write a lot of chapters. With that, I'll be more focused on writing oneshots.
