Secrets Revealed

Lmao this was in my drafts and I completely forgot about and was feeling motivated to finish it. This is also works out for me since this chapter will be like the introduction for the future reaction I plan to make in this AU.

Jaden: "Alright, we will be reacting to another universe."

Ike: "Ehh, another universe?"

Jaden: "Yes, and guess who will be reacting about."

Manabu: "Based from most of the things we have reacted and from the last video, it should be Ayanokoji."

Jaden: "ding, ding, ding! 10 points for you, kaichou."

Nagumo: "Hey, I'm the student council president right now you know?"

Kiryuin: "Well I don't see you one to begin with."

Nagumo: "I don't care about your opinion."

Ryuen/ Hosen: "Oh wow, who would have fucking known!" They said sarcastically.

Mashima: "Ryuen and Hosen, watch your language!"

Jaden: "But first, let me show you some pictures that might help you before we watch the alternative universe. It could even give you good intel about Ayanokoji that you might never know."

As he said this, many had paid closely attention.

Finally, some information about him. This might help me defeat him - Ryuen, Nagumo, Hosen, Kushida

I guess some doubts might be answered- Katsuragi, Kanzaki

I'm curious about what it is about. I can learn more about Ayanokoji(-kun)/Kohai-kun/ Kiyotaka(-kun) as he doesn't talk much about himself - Horikita siblings, Matsushita, Kiryuin, Ichinose, Hiyori, Kei

It seems that some people are now paying more attention as they thing it might help them defeat Ayanokoji-kun/Senpai. It's quite funny - Sakayanagi, Amasawa, Yagami, Tsukishiro

Jaden: "Alright, let's begin."

Everyone, except the white room affiliates, felt shivers running down on their spines from the glare of Atsuomi. Some students were hugging each other trying to comfort one another.

I-I'm shaking. Who is this guy? That look... it's similar from the monster's look when we fought/ beast's eyes when he took that stab to his hand. That is his father, huh? I guess the phrase 'like father, like son' is true - Ryuen and Hosen

Everyone are scared to the core, and I can't blame them. Even I still feel unease from Ayanokoji-sensei's/ Professor Ayanokoji's gaze - Chairman Sakayanagi, Tsukishiro, Shiba, Yagami, Amasawa

That man's gaze is just as terrifying as ever. I'm scared even when he is not here. -Chabashira

Of all the things I have seen throughout my entire life, this is has to be the scariest thing I have seen -Teachers

That look is similar to Ayanokoji-kun/Kiyotaka(-kun). I can never forget something like that. This has to be his father, no doubt -Horikita, Kei, Hirata

It looks like he haven't change - Sakayanagi

No way. Is that really him? It really is. The god said this is related to Ayanokoji-boy. I never thought that would be his father- Koenji

I can't stop shaking my legs even if I wanted to. He said this is related to Kohai-kun/Ayanokoji. Without a doubt, this has to be his father -Kiryuin/Manabu

Kanzaki: "N-no way. That person... could it be...."

Ichinose: "Do you know him, Kanzaki-kun"

Kanzaki: "He is..." Kanzaki got cut of by someone

Koenji: "That is Ayanokoji-boy's father."

As Koenji announced this, most people were schocked from the news.

Ichinose: "Did what Koenji-kun is true, Kanzaki-kun? That that person is Ayanokoji-kun's father?"

Kanzaki: "It's true. No wonder why he was this powerful. It would make sense if that is his father, but this is the first time I'm finding it out that Ayanokoji is related to him."

Sakayanagi: "Did you just figured that out, Kanzaki-kun? Didn't Ayanokoji-kun's surname not ring a bell?"

Kanzaki: "I thought it was just a coincidence that his last name happens to be the same as Ayanokoji-sensei."

Ryuen: "So did you and that loli had known about the monster before coming here? Also, how do you two know each other?

Kanzaki: "No, this is my first time meeting Ayanokoji. As how I know Sakayanagi, you could say we were somewhat childhood friends, but not really."

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, what Kanzaki-kun said was true, though I had the opportunity of being able to see Ayanokoji-kun before coming to this school. I only got to reunite with him after the sports festival since he was hiding."

Horikita: "Is what Sakayanagi-san saying true, Ayanokoji-kun?"

Everyone turned their heads to him, waiting for his answer.

'Why did my peaceful life have to end like this- Ayanokojj

Ayanokoji: "Well what she is saying is true, but at the same time, not really."

Ichinose: "What does that mean, Ayanokoji-kun?"

Ayanokoji: "Well, I have never met her in my life except when attending at this school."

Ryuen: "How the hell does that even work?!"

Ayanokoji: "You could ask her for more information, if she is willing to that is."

Ryuen: "Tch, you know she won't say anything."

Hashimoto: "Hime, King said that he has never met you before coming here, but you have?"

Sakayanagi: "That's right and I won't say anything else."

Hashimoto: "Understood, hime."

Jaden: "Alright, moving on. You might see an actual similarity between his father."

As soon as the picture was shown, everyone trembled with fear. It was like they were being sucked into an empty abyss just by looking at his eyes.

I guess the saying 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree' is also true. This is the person that I want to defeat. I still remember those eyes of his back then and it still gives me the chills. This is much darker compare to what he showed me. He really is a monster - Ryuen

This is the 'masterpiece' that I want to defeat. It may be impossible, but that is my dream - Sakayanagi

Those eyes of that guy. This is who I want to fight and beat his apathetic face, but this is already making me tremble, but this makes it more exciting once I fight with him - Hosen

He really is someone that's not human. He possesses many things that no one has and this is one of those. Comparing his eyes to Ayanokoji-sensei/Professor Ayanokoji, it's something that far surpasses from the person he inherited those eyes from -White room affiliates

There's no way I'm trembling right now! How can this be?! I have to prove that I'm better than him, but I already sense that he is someone better than I am if he can just scare me from looking at those eyes of his -Yagami

(Forget you have read volume 0. I know he may sounds like clown, but I'll try my best to give him a character development in the upcoming chapters. Maybe I'll let the god knows that he was given fake data about Ayanokoji in the future chapters.)

You're someone who is interesting, Ayanokoji. To make me feel something that I haven't feel for a long time - Koenji

That eyes is much more darker compare to what showed me back then - Horikita, Kei, Hirata

What happened to you Ayanokoji-kun, Kiyotaka(-kun), Kiyopon for you to get those eyes? -Ichinose, Hiyori, Ayanokoji group

This confirms it, he is someone that needs to be looked out for. I'm already shaking crazy just by looking at it - Kanzaki, Katsuragi

I don't even want to look at it anymore. It can be compared to looking at a demon. Should I just stop? I still want to beat him and prove my superiority, but maybe I should just make an agreement with him for us to have a battle with conditions -Nagumo

You keep getting interesting and interesting, Kohai-kun - Kiryuin

(Although it's true that Kiryuin doesn't call Ayanokoji, 'Kohai-kun' in the light novel, I just like using it after reading many fanfics. It also suits her personality)

You're really are person that I don't want to make an enemy out of, but I'm curious on how you got those eyes - Manabu

H-How is he even able to have such eyes? He is even more terrifying than his father - Teachers

Ryuen: "Kukuku, so you finally showed of how much of a monster he really is. This is great!"

Sakayanagi: "Ara, does this give you some traumatic memories, Ryuen-kun?"

Ryuen: "Shut up loli!"

Hashimoto: "H-Hime, did you also know about those eyes?"

Sakayanagi: "No, I didn't." Though, it wouldn't be that hard to imagine something like this.

It would seem that Ryuen-kun knew already about this side of Ayanokoji-kun. I guess this really confirms that Ayanokoji-kun has done something against Ryuen-kun, which he most likely fought him - Matsushita

Jaden: "Next picture will show some relations."

Horikita: "Amasawa-san and Yagami-kun?"

Ryuen: "Kukuku, it would seem this have confirm my suspicions about them being related in some way."

I guess my suspicions of Yagami-kun being the other white room student. The chances were already high of him being the other white room student. I also want to see how capable the other white room students are - Sakayanagi

Yagami... there was this feeling where I thought that he was the white room student because of how he acted - Ayanokoji

It was revealed that she knew about Kiyotaka very well, but we never knew how she knew of Kiyotaka - Kei

Horikita: "So how do you guys really know each other?"

Ayanokoji: "Uh... we went to the same... primary school all the way to middle and live in the same neighborhood."

Amasawa: "Yeah, yeah. I knew Senpai when I was a kid."

Yagami just nodded his head knowing it was for the best to play along

Well that isn't a bad way of saying it - Sakayanagi

Ibuki: "I guess that's why Amasawa knew more about Ayanokoji and speaks highly of him."

Horikita: "It would seem so."

Kei: "So Kiyotaka, does that mean they know a lot about you?"

Ayanokoji: "I mean... yeah. They know more about me than anyone at this school." As a student of this school that is. Tsukishiro and Shiba might know more about me than they do. I don't how much to the point and the data that they showed about me to the other white room students.

So the three of them are fucking connected? If I'm already being manipulated by those 2 kohais, does that mean Ayanokoji is also doing that to me? Fuck, if he wanted to, he could always expell me - Kushida

Kiryuin: "It seems all of our kohais are interesting. Why is it our year that's only boring?"

Ryuen: "That's because your year is pathetic compare to us. Now that I know there are more monsters, this year and next year would be interesting. I can't wait, kukuku."

Sakayanagi: "I agree with you there, Ryuen-kun."

Koenji: "It would be me that is more interesting since I'm perfect."

Ryuen: "Shut up you narcissist, you lost to the monster and that Kohai. I wouldn't even be surprised it that chick can beat you."

Nagumo: "Ryuen, you're going to regret for saying that we're pathetic."

Ryuen: "What are you going to do, Mr.NoticeMeSenapai, you're all talk but no bite."

Hosen: "Good one, Dragon-boy."

Ryuen: "Shut up you dam, gorilla!"

Hosen: "What did you say, bitch?"

Ryuen: "You heard me!"

Now both of them are glaring at each other. If they wanted to throw a fight right now, they'll do it, but they're being hold back by Jaden.

Jaden: "Alright, you guys can continue you're argument once you get back, but not here."

Hashimoto: "Hime did you know about them as well since you knew Ayanokoji."

Sakayanagi: "No, but I know their abilities to an extent. We already saw that with Yagami-kun."

Hashimoto: "Okay, Hime."

Yagamk(-kun)... he must the one manipulating everyone and the person that expelled our classmate -Utomiya, Tsubaki

It would seem that more people like Ayanokoji would attend the school. I wonder where they got those abilities from -Manabu

Jaden: "Alright last one and be prepared."

(Pretend that this picture is in the form of a video where it shows him fighting the adults.)

It seems that everyone was trying to process what Jaden just showed. I mean I can't blame them. It's hard to believe that a 9 year old kid can defeat 6 professional fighters without any difficulty- Ayanokoji

Everyone: "W-What just happened?!"

Horikita: "T-there's no way... Ayanokoji-kun is this true?"

Jaden: "Like what I said in the beginning, what reason is there for me to show you guys fake stuff?"

Katsuragi: "A kid being capable of killing professional fighters... it's just..."

Jaden: "Hard to believe right?"

Man I knew he was strong, but this is just... unbelievable. There's no doubt he is the strongest one out of everyone in this school- Sudo

How is someone capable of doing this and a kid no less. Was I wrong about trying to defeat him? - Nagumo

We weren't even fighting professional fighters at that age - Yagami, Amasawa

(tbh, Idk about this one. Yagami and Amasawa were also trained in martial arts, but them fighting against professional artist at that age? Depending on the difficulty of the level of curriculum, the more brutal and harder it gets, right? The beta curriculum was first stated to be impossible for humans to even hope of surviving and completing the training. They were already getting beaten down at the age of 4 when practicing Judo. I don't think level 4 was getting that type of treatment and making them fight professional fighters at a young age, but maybe just the instructors. Just correct me if I'm wrong.)

So that's what he looks like when he was fighting. Truly a monster - Whiteroom affiliates

Is such person even able to exist- Teachers

Truly a mysterious existence - Koenji

Ryuen: "Am I seeing things right or did I just saw Ayanokoji as kid beating the fuck out of them like they are nothing?! You truly are a monster."

Kanzaki: "I know Ayanokoji would be capable, but this is just something else. He truly is a dangerous enemy."

What environment did he grew in to be able to do something like this? - Pretty much everyone

That place must be the white room from what I overheard from the former acting director - Ichinose

Ryuen: "So I guess that explains how the other two is powerful."

Yagami: "We were trained many martial arts, but Ichika and I weren't fighting professional fighters during that age."

This just makes it much better. As a kid, he can already defeat professional fighters. He truly is a monster - Ryuen/Hosen

Jaden: "To make it better, his heart beat was normal when fighting them. It was just beating regularly."

Ryuen: "That's pretty much saying that they are just bugs in front of him and that he doesn't need to try."

Jaden: "I mean, he didn't even actually go all out or tried."

Everyone: "HUH!?"

Jaden: "I know you're surprised, but what I said was true."

Katsuragi: "How can such person exist?"

Jaden: "Why don't you ask him? He goes to your school after all."

Well great. There goes more of my peaceful life. - Ayanokoji

Jaden: "Alright, that is the end. How did you guys like it?"

Ryuen: "I got to know more about the monster and defeating him is going to be worth it."

Nagumo: "I also want to see his downfall by me."

Hosen: "Amateurs, the person that is going to defeat him is me."

Not like they can defeat him - Whiteroom affiliates

Well here's this chapter. Part 1 for the chapter that won the poll is almost complete. I have no announcement else to say so let me just talk about Volume 0.

The students in the 4th gen were already learning advance courses ranging from high school level to college level at age 4/5. Kiyo already knew about the chemical composition of a carrot and how it affects the body and all of those things. So we can conclude that they have learn about many chemical composition of foods and it won't be far off to say the chemical makeup of the composition. They also learned about political science if I remember correctly, socio economics at O levels, and some type of math. In the mtl it says equality conditions if additive and synergistic averages, and I saw a person said equality of matrices. It might be a mistranslation, but either way they said that it was high level high school to college level.

Remember when Amasawa told him about what he supposedly learned during 10 years old and and 11 years old like the theory of relativity. I can't help  but feel that is false considering that they were given the fake data. It was most likely that Kiyo had learn those subjects much earlier. I don't know how you calculate iq and stuff, but what do you think his iq was considering he was already doing college level courses when he was 5.

Last question, is he emotionless or just expressionless? Imo, I think he's just expressionless since in the ln we can see what he wants to feel, but we know that in the outside, his expression doesn't change.

When he was embracing Kei, did he say he was smiling, I honestly can't remember, but if it did, I doubt it. That is just what he thinks he is doing, but he didn't express that in reality.

That's all. See ya next chapter.
