Chapter 7: Attraction Amidst Chaos

In the quiet solitude of her apartment, Astryd reflected on the events of the past weeks. The image of the swimming pool, the glistening water under the afternoon sun, and the echoes of Jhon and Ali's hushed conversation invaded her thoughts. She was pulled in two different directions - a mix of revulsion at what she had overheard, and an undeniable attraction to Jhon that tugged at her.

She wondered what it was about Jhon that drew her in. Was it his boyish charm? His confident demeanor? His attentiveness? Or was it the danger and mystery that seemed to surround him? Astryd couldn't put her finger on it, but what she did know was that her feelings for Jhon were growing, despite everything.

The night had grown dark, and Astryd sat on her couch, lost in thoughts. In the silence, the past caught up with her. The memories of her earlier days, spent in self-destruction and numbness, started creeping back. She felt the familiar weight of despair pressing down on her, and she knew she was standing on the precipice of falling back into old habits.

Suddenly, she felt an impulse to shake off the heaviness that had settled within her. She walked towards her cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey, a remnant of her darker days. She poured herself a glass, and with the first sip, she could feel the liquor burn her throat and fill her with a bitter warmth. It didn't take long before she reached for the forgotten bag of marijuana tucked away in a corner of the drawer.

That night, Astryd gave in to the lure of oblivion. She allowed herself to drown in the waves of intoxication and smoke, to let go of the haunting thoughts and the growing attraction for Jhon. But even as she fell deeper into her old habits, a part of her knew that she couldn't deny from her feelings or the truth about the church for long.
