Chapter 29: The Celestial Lesson

The angel, with its androgynous form, had now become a regular fixture in the group's lives. One evening, as they all gathered in their communal space, Astryd kicked off what would become a lengthy discussion.

"A lot of societies view sex as something shameful, or dirty. Something to be hidden and not discussed," Astryd began, her voice thoughtful. "Why is that so?"

The angel replied gently, "Many cultures have associated sex with morality and have created taboos around it. It's a form of control, sometimes, but also a reflection of collective fears and misunderstandings."

Jhon chimed in, "And what about those who engage in sex work? Is there anything 'wrong' or 'immoral' in that?"

"There's no universal right or wrong," the angel responded. "What matters is the intention and whether it's a choice made freely, without coercion or harm. As for morality, it's subjective and often a societal construct."

As the discussion deepened, Jenny found the courage to voice a question she'd always wrestled with. "I've always felt... drawn to both men and women, and even those who don't define themselves within these categories. Is this normal?"

The angel gave Jenny a comforting look. "Absolutely. Sexuality is fluid for many people. It's a spectrum, not a binary. There's nothing abnormal about being attracted to people regardless of their gender."

Hudson, who had been listening intently, finally spoke. "I've always wondered... does the frequency of sexual activity matter? I mean, does it make you any less if you're not that into sex?"

The angel shook its head, "Everyone's sexual desire varies. It's called a libido, and it's influenced by several factors like stress, health, and emotional state. There's no 'normal' frequency for sex. What matters is that any sexual activity is consensual, respectful, and pleasurable for all parties involved."

Throughout the conversation, Annie had remained mostly silent, taking in the angel's words and the questions from her group. However, there was a question she'd been pondering. "What about... virginity?" she asked quietly. "There's so much importance placed on it, especially for women. Why?"

The angel gave a sympathetic nod. "Virginity has been used throughout history to control women's sexuality. The concept that a woman's worth is tied to her virginity is rooted in patriarchal values. Remember, one's value is never determined by their sexual experiences or lack thereof."

The dialogue went on, stretching into the night. It was a lesson, a profound sharing of knowledge that enabled them to understand their own and each other's sexuality better. The angel's wisdom enlightened them, helped them navigate their insecurities and doubts, and brought them closer together on their extraordinary journey.

The celestial lesson was a beacon in their lives. As they moved forward, the group felt more enlightened, more connected, and above all, more accepting of themselves and each other. The angel's time with them had added an invaluable layer to their shared journey, one of knowledge, understanding, and profound acceptance.
