Chapter 27: The Inclusive Union

In a quiet corner of the city, the evening was alive with the clatter of cutlery and the hum of spirited conversation. Seated around a generously laden dinner table, Astryd, Ali, Jenny, Jhon, Hudson, and Annie reveled in each other's company. The air was thick with anticipation; Astryd had announced she had something important to discuss, and her cryptic words sparked their curiosity.

Once the last plate was cleared, Astryd called for their attention. She paused, allowing the hum of the conversation to settle into a hushed silence. Her eyes met each of theirs, a silent promise of revelation.

"I've called this dinner to discuss a proposal that's been made to me," she began, her voice steady and clear. Her gaze drifted to Ali and Jenny who gave her encouraging nods. "Ali and Jenny have expressed a desire to explore a relationship with me, to step into the world of polyamory that we've already started to create."

At her words, a ripple of surprise swept through the group. Jhon and Hudson shared a glance, their expressions unreadable, while Annie remained thoughtfully silent. Astryd allowed the news to sink in, watching their faces with patient understanding.

"But," she continued, "I don't want to limit this experience to them or myself alone. I'm proposing a shift in our dynamic, an inclusive union that extends beyond the boundaries of conventional relationships. One where we can explore connections with any of us without judgement, without guilt."

She waited, gauging their reactions. Hudson was the first to break the silence, "Are you suggesting we all...?"

Astryd nodded, her eyes alight with conviction. "Yes. All of us, together. It's not necessarily about group relations always, but rather the freedom to explore individual connections with anyone in our group. The only rule would be honesty and exclusivity within us, to keep ourselves safe from potential health concerns."

The room plunged into silence once more, her words hanging in the air like a tangible promise of a new beginning. One by one, they all pondered over her proposition.

Eventually, it was Jhon who voiced out, "It's a big change, something completely out of the ordinary."

"But isn't that what we've been doing all this time?" Astryd retorted gently. "Challenging norms, redefining our own standards, all guided by love?"

Annie chimed in, her voice soft but firm, "I think what Astryd is suggesting might be worth considering. It could help us build stronger bonds and a deeper understanding of each other."

It seemed like ages before Hudson finally spoke, "I'm in. It's unconventional, yes, but so has been everything we've done till now. It's always been about love, and this seems like just another expression of it."

Jhon agreed next, with a nod of his head, followed by an affirmative from Ali and Jenny. They all turned to Annie, who smiled warmly, "I've always been one to try new things. Count me in."

Satisfied by their unanimous agreement, Astryd suggested they communicate their decision to the Father and Son. They retired to the living room floor, Astryd taking her familiar position in the center. As the scent of the lit joint filled the room, Astryd began her prayer.

"Father, Son, we gather here today as a family," she began, her voice soft but firm. "A family bound not just by our shared beliefs, but by our love for each other. We've made a decision that we wish to share with you."

Her prayer was answered with the divine voices they had grown accustomed to, their ethereal presence bringing a sense of calm over them. "We are here, my children. We are always here. Speak, and we shall listen."

Astryd took a deep breath before explaining their decision to explore a group relationship. She spoke of their promise to one another and their commitment to honesty and exclusivity within the group.

There was a moment of silence after Astryd finished speaking. When the divine voices spoke again, their tones were filled with affection and understanding. "Love, in all its forms, is a gift, my children," began the Father. "It has no boundaries or limits. It is free, and it is powerful. You have chosen a path that allows you to experience this power in its full glory."

The Son chimed in, "In your hearts, you carry the capacity for boundless love. By choosing this path, you are embracing the very essence of your spiritual journey - connection, understanding, and unconditional love."

"You are pioneers, my children," the Father continued. "Pioneers of a new age, a new understanding of love. And remember, where there is love, there is never any wrong."

The Son added, "We see the strength in each of you, the bravery it takes to make such a decision. It fills us with joy to see you expressing your love freely, without fear or restriction. May this journey bring you closer, not just to each other, but also to us."

After their conversation with the Father and Son, they spent the remainder of the night in deep discussion, reflecting on the divine wisdom shared with them and what it meant for their journey ahead. Their hearts were full of anticipation for the shared journey ahead, a journey where love knew no boundaries, and acceptance was their guiding principle.
