Chapter 33: Echoes in the World

The morning after the celestial intervention was a whirlwind for Astryd and her congregation. They had anticipated a quiet day of recovery and reflection. Instead, they awoke to the echo of their faith reverberating around the world.

The news had already spread like wildfire across every conceivable platform. Social media was awash with discussions, debates, and theories about the footage of the celestial beings. Overnight, the Church of Astryd had become a trending topic worldwide. It was, however, not only the internet buzzing with opinions and questions. Major news outlets had picked up the story, some playing the footage on repeat, while pundits and experts speculated about its implications.

Churches worldwide responded to the events. Some dismissed the incident as a hoax or an elaborate ruse. Others reacted with anger, viewing it as a sacrilegious stunt meant to deceive and manipulate the faithful. However, a few churches admitted their intrigue, if not their acceptance. The Vatican, for one, announced a desire to investigate the phenomenon impartially.

Online, reactions were as diverse as the users themselves. There were those who hailed Astryd's Church as the 'Second Coming', while others denounced them as heretics. Debates raged on in countless threads, ranging from theological discussions to conspiracy theories.

While Astryd and her congregation remained in their sanctuary, the world beyond their walls grappled with what they had shown them. Governments found themselves in a tight spot. They had to navigate the thin line between respecting religious freedoms and ensuring national security. In the U.S., where the church was located, legislators were debating the implications of the event and its potential legal ramifications.

Through all this, Astryd and her congregation maintained a serene calm, undisturbed by the turmoil they had unintentionally stirred up. They continued with their daily practices and teachings, sharing their faith with the world, and awaiting the guidance of their celestial guides on how to navigate this new phase of their journey.
