Chapter 13: Confessions in the Moonlight

The decision to host a girls' night came to Astryd on a whim. She texted Jenny and Annie, inviting them over to her apartment for movies, snacks, and long overdue honesty. She promised a judgment-free environment, a space where they could discuss their fears, dreams, and everything in between.

Jenny was the first to arrive, her unease palpable as she stepped into Astryd's living room. Astryd greeted her with a warm smile and a glass of red wine, hoping to alleviate some of the tension. When Annie arrived a few minutes later, her face held a stoic but friendly expression.

Astryd decided to dive right in, broaching the topic she'd been dancing around since her confession. She asked Jenny and Annie about their own desires, their own fears. She didn't push, but she probed, offering them a safe space to share.

Jenny was the first to confess, admitting to feelings for Ali that had been lingering in her heart. She spoke of the struggle she'd been facing, wrestling with feelings she had been told were inappropriate within the church's parameters. There was a hint of jealousy when she mentioned Astryd's relationship with Ali, but also a note of relief in finally voicing her feelings.

To this, Astryd offered a supportive response. She told Jenny she would help her, promising to speak to Ali and see if he felt the same way. This was uncharted territory for all of them, but Astryd was willing to guide them if she could.

Annie was next, her confession less straightforward. She admitted she was torn, curious about Astryd's experiences but scared about what it could mean for her faith. She confessed to being terrified that exploring these feelings would distance her from the church.

Astryd listened, understanding Annie's fears. She encouraged her, gently probing about what exactly sparked her curiosity. After a moment of hesitancy, Annie finally dared to ask her questions. "Does it... does it hurt?" she asked first, blushing at her own boldness.

"Not if it's done right," Astryd replied, keeping her tone gentle, "And not if it's with someone who respects you and cares about your pleasure."

Annie nodded, digesting this information. "And what does it feel like?" she continued, her voice trembling slightly.

"It's like... a kind of euphoria," Astryd answered. "It's a connection, both physical and emotional. It's intimacy, vulnerability, and strength all at once."

Annie's eyes were wide, her attention fixed on Astryd. "And what about... their bodies?" she asked, her voice dropping to a whisper.

Astryd chuckled softly, remembering her own curiosity. "It's different, but in a good way. Their bodies are strong, yet gentle. And as for the other thing you're wondering about," she added, seeing Annie blush furiously, "it's not the size that matters. It's about how they use it."

The night was filled with confessions, shared secrets, and a sense of camaraderie that Astryd hadn't expected. Instead of driving them apart, their shared fears and desires seemed to bring them closer together.
