Scarlett's pov
11:15 am
I just finished a scene and now I was taking a break with some of my coworkers. I was with Chris, Robert Downey Jr and Chris Hemsworth.

"Um yeah I'll see if I can come" I told Robert. We were talking about a small gathering he's going to have next week.

"Okay so Scarlett maybe, Evans yes and what about-" Robert started to talk but got cut off by my phone ringing.

I looked at the caller ID and saw that Hailee was calling me. I look up at Chris and he looked worried so I quickly answered it on speaker so that Chris could listen.

"Scarlett" I heard Hailee's voice. In the background I could hear people shouting. That immediately got Chris and I's attention even the others around us.

"Hailee? What's going on?" I got up from my chair and got ready to leave just in case.

"People broke in the house because they saw me getting the mail from the mail man" she said crying a little.

"Who's Hailee?" Hemsworth asked.

"Not now" Chris Evans said.

"I'm coming, go hide somewhere and I'll be right there" I said panicking and get it myself stuff and Chris doing the same.

"We're coming" Robert said getting his keys and running to his car. "Even though I don't know what this Hailee person is"

We all ran to our cars, Chris drove with me and tried to get there as fast as we can.

Hailee's pov
I texted Chris saying that I was hiding is Scarlett's bathroom and he told me to stay there and lock the doors so that's what I did. I locked the bathroom door even though the bedroom door was locked.

I sat there listening to things being broken and hearing camera flashes. They were taking pictures of inside the house.

"Please hurry" I told myself getting ready for what's going to happen next.

I stayed like that until I could hear some commotion and new voices yelling for people to get out. Then I heard some police sirens.

Thank god the police were coming. I was listening to what was happening until I heard the bedroom door unlock, then Simone walking to the bathroom unlocking the door.

The person opened the door and I closed my eyes pointing the knife at them. "Don't come any closer" I told whoever was there.

Scarlett's pov
We finally got to my house and I quickly jumped out of my car with the blue behind me.

"No Scar wait" Chris said holding me back so that he can get in the house first just in case they are armed or something.

"Let's go boys" Chris said walking in the house with the boys and i stayed outside wishing I could just make them all disappear and hold my daughter in my arms making sure she's okay.

I could hear some police sirens and people starting running out of the house. That was my chance. I ran inside pushing past people and upstairs to my room.

I tried opening it but it was lock. Thank god I keep a key somewhere that I won't tell anyone and I unlocked the door. I walked in the room and I didn't see her anywhere but I notice that the bathroom door was closed.

I walked to the door and it was locked so I unlocked it. I walked in seeing Hailee pointing a knife at me. "Don't come any closer" she said with her eyes closed.

"Baby put the knife down" I told her and she opened her eyes and immediately put the knife on the counter and ran into my arms.

"I didn't know what to do" she cried into my arms and I rubbed her back. "So i called you"

"You did the right thing" I made her look at me and I whipped her tears away. "I knew it I shouldn't have left you here by yourself" I told myself.

"How bad is it?" Hailee asked me and I sighed.

"Bad but we can fix it" I replied. "But I don't want us to stay here" as soon as I finished my sentence, the door opened to reveal Chris.

"You okay Haiz?" He walked towards her and she hugged him.

"Yeah" she whispered.

"Everyone is gone but I don't want you guys staying here by yourselves" Chris told me and I nodded. "You can stay at my house for now"

"No, it's okay we will go to my moms" I said getting up and Hailee did the same thing and held my hand.

"Okay, I'll be back" he said leaving us alone.

As soon the door closed I sat down on my bed, so did Hailee. "I haven told my mom about you yet" I said and she just looked at me.

"That's okay" she smiled at me and hugged me. "I hope she likes me" she said and I brushed some hair out of her face.

"I hope she does too" i said. I was worried because of the things in the pass. I hope she changed a little.

"I'll go pack my bags" she said getting up and walking to her room leaving me there to pack my bag.

Chris pov
After I figured out that Hailee was okay, I went back downstairs to talk to the cops and stuff like that.

"Is Scar going to her moms?" Hemsworth asked and I nodded. "Oh boy"

Everyone knows about Scarlett's pass with her mother and let's just say, it's not good.

"Thanks guys for helping Scarlett" I told them.

"That's what family is for" Robert said patting my back. "We'll call if you guys need anything" he said walking out of the door.

"Take care of them" Hemsworth told me and I nodded. He soon left after.

After they left, I started to clean the house. Throwing some glass in the garbage and stuff like that.

Hailee's pov
I went to my room still shaking up but I managed. I packed some clothes and toothbrush and all that fun stuff.

Before I went downstairs, I texted Kaylee about what was happening and she told my that we need to hang ASAP so we can talk.

"Don't be scared" I told myself while going downstairs. "Oh hi Chris. I thought you left" I said seeing him cleaning up.

"Yeah I thought i would clean up a bit" he said and I put my bag down and helped him clean up. "You don't have to help me"

"Well I feel bad because I'm the one who caused all of this" I said gently picking up some picture frames that will definitely need some replacing.

"It's not your fault that people are crazy like that" he said getting a bit mad. "They could have hurt you" he sighed.

"I know" I mumbled and i just kept cleaning until Scarlett came down with her bags.

Scarlett's pov
I walked downstairs seeing Chris and Hailee clean. "Guys stop cleaning" I told them and they did. "You ready to go?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I'll clean up a bit more and lock up" Chris said and I thanked him. "Call if you need anything" I said giving them both hugs.

"I will" I said as we walked out the house and to my car.

We got in and I started to drive away to my moms house. I was getting nervous for what's about to happen. Again.
