Scarlett's pov
Sunday, October 17 2021 9:32 am
I woke up remembering that Lizzie fell asleep with me last night. I tried to get her off of me but it wasn't working. All she did was snuggle up to me even more.

"Morning" she said with her head snuggled up in my neck.

"Good morning" I said playing with her hair.

We laid there enjoying each others present.

9:49 am
"We should probably go down now" i said getting up and Lizzie whined.

"Can't we just stay in bed?" She whined. "Your my best friend so you would do anything for me" she gave me the puppy eyes and I looked away knowing if I looked at her, I would cave.

"Come onnnn" I dragged her out of the bed and downstairs to the kitchen.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, seeing Chris talking to Hailee about a baseball game that he wants to take her to next week.

"Sounds like fun" I heard Hailee's raspy voice.

"Good morning" said walking towards them with Lizzie behind me.

"I see Lizzie stayed the night" Chris winked at me and I blushed. He knows that I have a crush on her.

"Why are you here?" I said coldly since I was still kinda mad at him from last night.

"I want to talk to you" he said dragging me into my office.

Hailee's pov
After Chris pulled Scarlett aside, Lizzie sat down next to me. Lizzie wasn't really in her mind set. I could hear her talking to herself.

"I don't know if she likes me or not" Lizzie said forgetting that I'm sitting right next to her.

"She does" I blurted out and she just looked at me.

"What did i say?" She asked confused.

"You said 'I don't know if she likes me or not'" I replied and she nodded her head. "And the answer is yes" I knew who she was talking about. I mean it's obvious.

"How do you know?" She turned around to face me and I did the same thing.

"Because I know what love looks like. And even though I've been staying with her for like two days, I can tell by the way she talks about you and how she gets flustered when someone says your name"

"Wow" that's all she said and I got up and hugged her. She didn't expect that but she still hugged me.

"I'm a hugger so expect a lot of hugging from me" i said walking around the kitchen island.

"Just like your father" she said laughing and I sighed. "Thanks for talking to me" she said getting up and helping me find a bowl for my cereal.

"That's what family is for" I said and she smiled at me.

"How old are you?"

"13" I replied.

"Wow for someone that young, you sure act much older" she said handing me a spoon and I thanked her.

"It's a gift" I sat down and Lizzie got some cereal and sat down next to me.

We then talked about movies that she's been in and she was curious about what I'm doing in school and stuff like that.

Chris pov
I dragged Scarlett to her office and shut the door behind us. "What do you want?" She asked standing there with her arms crossed.

"I want to apologize for yesterday" I said and she sighed. "I'm sorry for the way I acted"

"No it's my fault. I shouldn't have yelled at you" she told me walking towards me and hugging me.

"Here I got you something" I said breaking us apart and reaching for something in my back pocket. "I know how much you always wanted to go there so I got you a gift card" I said handing her a gift card for the place she always wanted to go.

Not going to lie, I'm not sure what she likes about this place. I mean there is go karts and stuff like that but still. I guess that's Scarlett for ya.

"Thank you!" She squealed and hugged me again.

"So, you and Lizzie?" I asked her and she immediately blushed and looked away.

"I like her but I don't know if she likes me back" she told me and I knew that Lizzie liked her back. I remember her telling me that one day on set.

"Trust me, she does" I told her and that made her look up.

"How do you know?"

"Ah ah ah snitches end up in ditches" she rolled her eyes at me.

"But what about Hailee?" She asked looking worried.

"Just because we have a child together, that doesn't mean you have to stick with me" I said opening the door. "Now leave" i said pushing her out of her office and I followed behind her.

Elizabeth's pov
I saw Scarlett from the corner of my eyes and I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"So what are we doing today?" Hailee ask Chris and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I know what I'm doing today" i said getting up and putting my dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

"Which is?" Scarlett sat down where I was sitting before.

"Robbie is taking me out on a date" I said and Hailee looked confused.

"Oh" that's all Scarlett said while looking down.

"Wait! Robbie Arnett?!" Hailee asked jumping out of her seat.

"Yes" I replied and she squealed.

"I love his music" she told me. "Can i meet him one day?"

"Actually you can meet him today. He's picking me up in" I looked at the time on my phone. "10 minutes"

"Bet" Hailee said and I was confused to what that meant.

"What does that mean" I asked and she face palmed herself.

10:00 am
*knock knock* "ah that must be Robbie" I said walking to the door with a shy Hailee behind me.

"Morning cutie" Robbie said as I opened the door.

"Morning" I gave him a kiss and invited him inside even though it's Scarlett's house. "This is Hailee... Chris and Scarlett's kid" I whispered the last part.

"Huh?" He looked at her. "Oh yup I can totally see that" he said shaking Hailee's hand and she blushed.

"Hi I'm Hailee Smith" she said proudly. Smith? Did she not change her last name?

We walked back into the kitchen and we started talking. I did notice that Scarlett looked a bit jealous about something. I'm not sure what about though.

Hailee's pov
After a while, Lizzie and Robbie had to leave. Kinda wish they stayed longer but they had other things to do.

I was talking to Chris when Scarlett's phone rang. She picked up and left the room.

Scarlett's pov
I got a call from our movie director saying that Chris and I had to come in and work on some scenes.

"Chris they need us" I said walking back in and he nodded his head.

"What about Hailee?" He asked getting his coat on.

"Um" I looked over at her. "Would you like to come with us or stay here?" I asked her getting my keys.

"Um I can stay here" she whispered.

"Okay" I said walking to the door with Chris. "You know where the food is and help yourself to anything" I told her and she nodded her head.

Hailee's pov
After they left, I sat on the couch thinking about what I should do. I then heard a knock on the door and I went to get it.

"Mail for Ms. Johansson" the mail man said and I took it from him and thanked him.

Before I could close the door, I heard people shout from behind the mail man.

'Look! That's Chris and Scarlett's kid!" Someone said running over to us.

"Um bye" I said closing the door on the mail man. I made sure I looked the door and quickly ran to the living room to look out the window.

I could see more and more people come towards the house and I started to panic. I could hear people banging on the door and I jumped at the loud noise.

"What do I do?" I told myself when I looked around for something to defend myself just in case they break in.

I could hear more loud banging and I ran to the kitchen and took a sharp long knife and my phone and ran upstairs in Scarlett's room and locked the door.

As soon as I locked the door, I heard the door open and people shouting and breaking things.

"Shit" i said holding on the knife even tighter and dialling Scarlett's number.
