Hailee's pov

Saturday, October 16 2021 8:35 am (I know the math ain't right but let's just imagine real quick)
*chatter noises* "damn it!" I heard someone say from downstairs. I quickly look over and realized that Scarlett is not here with me anymore. Not here with me anymore?

"Shit!" I said getting out of bed and putting a random hoodie I found on my desk chair and I ran downstairs to see what was going on. "Scarlett?" I peaked into the kitchen and I saw her on the ground picking up broke pieces from a plate.

"Stay where you are" Scarlett told me but my parents always told me to help people in life.

"No let me help you" I said walking closer to her not really realizing that I'm walking in broke glass with no shoes on.

"Hailee don't move!" Scarlett practically yelled at me and I froze. I can be sensitive sometimes so this got me but I wasn't going to cave.

"Scarlett-" I said once again walking towards her, now this time trying not to walk on glass.

"Damn it Hailee just stay there!" She yelled again so I just stopped what I was doing. I could feel tears coming down my face.

I stood there, frozen, in some glass not caring if I have some in my feet now. I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. Tears just kept coming.

"Hello? Scarlett? Hailee?" I heard the front door open and shut then Chris say our names.

"In here" Scarlett said putting some glass in the garbage.

"What happened here?" Chris walked in but immediately stopped as he saw glass still in the floor. "Hailee?" He said and I turned around, carefully, whipping some tears.

"Y-yeah?" He looked down at where I was standing and quickly got into action.

He put some shoes on and walked towards me. "Is it okay if I pick you up so that you don't have to stay in the glass?" He asked extending his arms to me.

"Okay" i whispered and he gently picked me up bridal style and walked me back to the living room and set me down gently on a big beam bag.

"Can i check your feet for glass?" He asked me and I nodded and he lifted my feet up and gasped. "Stay here" he said leaving to get something.

I sat there not knowing what to do. From the living room, I could see the kitchen and where Scarlett is cleaning up. I feel bad that I couldn't do anything to help.

"Okay I'm going to need to take some glass out of your feet" Chris said coming back with a first aid kit and crouched down in front of me.

I nodded and he started to take some glass out but it wasn't much it was two small pieces. After that was all over, he gave me the remote and let me chose something to watch.

"Chris?" I whispered and he sat down on the couch.

"What's up Haiz?" He said then he noticed the face I gave him. "Is it okay if I call you Haiz?" He asked making sure. My parents used to call me that...

"I guess" I shrugged. I sat there playing with the strings on my hoodie which I now notice that it's not my hoodie. That's why it's big on me.

"Ah I see your wearing my favourite hoodie" Chris said pointing to the hoodie I was wearing.

"Sorry" I said taking it off.

"No, keep it. It looks better on you than me anyways" he said and I hesitated putting it back on. But eventually I did. "So what did you want to tell me?

"Is Scarlett mad at me?" I got up from the bean bag and sat on the other side of the couch.

"Why would she be mad at you?"

"Because she yelled at me when I tried to help her clean up the mess" i said looking down.

Chris sat there thinking of what to tell me. "She didn't mean to yell at you" he said and I looked up not believing him. "You know when people are scared, they would yell about whatever is scaring them?"

I nodded my head. "She was just scared that you would hurt yourself so that's why she yelled. But I promise Scarlett could never be at you, and of course me" he laughed and I laughed with him.

"Can i watch Squid Games?" I asked Chris and he looked at me weirdly. "What?" I got scared thinking I did something wrong.

"You don't have to ask to watch something" he said clicking play for me. "I'll go see if your mother needs any help" he said getting up and leaving me alone to watch my show.

"She's not my mom" I whispered.

As I sat there not really paying any attention since my mind was somewhere else. How did I manage to wear Chris's hoodie? Wait, I remember Scarlett wearing this when she came in my room last night. She must have took it off and placed it on my chair. That makes more sense.

"What are you watching?" I heard Scarlett's voice and I snapped back to reality.

"Um Squid Games" I whispered. Now I'm getting shy again.

"Can i watch with you?" She asked sitting down and I nodded.

We sat there for a while in silence. I can't take this silence anymore so I got up and went to the kitchen where Chris would be.

Scarletts pov
I sat down watching this show and not gonna lie, it was actually pretty good. Then Hailee got up and left to go to the kitchen. Maybe she was thirsty.

I pressed play on the next episode, but Hailee didn't show up so I just just kept watching it.

Hailee's pov
"Do you need any help?" I asked walking towards Chris as he was cracking some eggs into a bowl.

"Oh yeah could you mix these eggs for me?" He asked giving me a fork.

"Yeah sure" I said mixing the eggs then he told me to add flower and whatever you use for pancakes.

I was actually having fun for the first time my parents died. "Hey!" Chris said laughing as I threw some flower on him and he threw some back at me.

"Having fun?" Chris and I turned around seeing Scarlett sitting on one of the chairs around the kitchen island.

Scarlett's pov
I could hear Hailee and Chris laughing at something so I got up to see what was going on and why it was taking five whole hours to make breakfast.

"Hey!" I heard Chris shout then laughed. I walked in the kitchen seeing egg shells everywhere and spoons laying on the counter. Practically it was a whole mess.

I sat down making sure not to touch anything and watched them have some fun. "Having fun?" I said and Hailee and Chris turned around.

"Yeah" Chris said turning back around, so did Hailee. I heard her laugh at something Chris said and I just ignored it since they don't want to talk to me right now.

After a while, breakfast was finally made and we all sat down at the table. Chris and Hailee were sitting beside each other on one side of the table and I was on the other.

They talked about random stuff and things that they want to do later. I just sat there minding my own business.

After we all finished eating, Hailee was about to take our plates and put them away but I stopped her. "I got it" I said grabbing hers and Chris's plate.

"Why don't you go and get ready for the mall" Chris said making her smile and she ran upstairs to get ready.

"You have an affect on her" i said putting the plates away as Chris followed me.

"I'm just special" he laughed but I didn't and he noticed that. "Scarlett don't worry, she will warm up to you. Just give her time" he said helping me clean the kitchen.

Should I tell him about her nightmare? No, she can tell him when she wants to.

Chris noticed my mood so he connected his phone to a Bluetooth speaker and plaid some music.

"Dance with me!" Chris said dancing and i just laughed then eventually joined him.

"Just like old times" I said after the song finished.

"Just like old times" he repeated and hugged me.
