⚠️mild gun violence⚠️

Hailee's pov
I was sleeping on mom when I felt someone shake us both up gently. "Guys wake up" I heard mommas voice so I woke up. Still kinda tired. "Your dads here" she said and I got off from mom without waking her. I took mommas hand and we walked downstairs. "Hey pumpkin" dad said and I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Hi dad" i sad and be gave me a kiss on the head. "Where's your mom?" He looks around. "She's still sleeping" I told him and momma went upstairs to wake her up.

Dad and I walked to the living room and we wanted fo play twisters but then we figured out we needed more than two players so we just played uno while we waited. I then heard someone knock at the door so I got up to see who it was. I walked to the door and opened it to reveal the man at the store. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. "I-um" I didn't know what to say. I was scared for my life. I then decide just to close the door so I tried but he kept it open. I was panicking now so I backed up and accidentally backed up in the coat hanger.

Scarlett's pov
I heard a knock at the door downstairs after Lizzie woke my up so I was going down to see who it was but I heard silence. Then someone backing up into the coat hanger. I ran downstairs to see what was going on and I saw Hailee frozen in place. "Haiz?" I run up to her and help her up but I feel her tense up. Why? I look over and see the man from the store. I immediately push Hailee behind me. "Can I help you?" I said I'm a cold way. "Yes I'm here for Hailee" he said. That's gross the way he said her name.

Chris' pov
I heard a man say "I'm here for Hailee" and I immediately got up and walked to the door. It was the fucking man from the store. I swear I will actually kill him. "Hailee go see liz" I told her and she immediately ran away. I was now standing in front of Scarlett so that he wouldn't try to think of doing anything to her. I know we aren't together but we did have a kid together and I still love her no matter what so I will protect her just like I'm protecting Liz and Hailee. "You better leave before we call the police" i told him but he didn't care. "I will once I have Hailee" he said. "Well your not getting her so leave" I say but he still doesn't care. This is going to be a long talk.

Hailee's pov
Dad told me to look for liz and I immediately did. I didn't want him to hurt me again. "Momma?" I go upstairs to her room and I see her talking on the phone and I run up to her and hug her. "Yes please hurry" she says and hangs up. "Baby it's okay, he's going to be gone soon" she tells me as I'm crying. "M-momma I'm s-scared" I said cradling her and she's hugging me as tight as she can. "I know I know but I'm here. Your okay" she tells me which calms me down a bit. Momma calms me down until we hear police sirens and some shouting. I get scared so I start crying. "Sh it's okay" momma gets up with me still hanging on to her and she closes the door.

Chris' pov
We told him to leave a bunch of times but he just wouldn't then we heard police sirens and the cars pulling up to the house. They ran to the house towards us but what I didn't notice until now is that the man had a gun in his hands. "Let me see Hailee or I shoot the beautiful young lady" he points the gun to Scarlett but I immediately run in front of her not wanting her to get shot. "Put the gun down and get on the ground!" We heard police officers shout and the next thing I know, the man was getting tazed. The gun fell out of his hands and they police ran to him and cuffed him.

I turn around to see Scarlett crying. I quickly run up to her and pull her to another room to calm her down. "Hey shhh it's okay. Hailee's okay" I tell her pulling her into a hug and let her cry.

Lizzie's pov
I could hear police officers shouting to put the gun down. WHO HAD A GUN!? I was so close to run downstairs but I remember that I need to take care of Hailee right now. She's my first priority. I think she also heard that and now she's panicking. "Hey it's okay"I pull her to the bathroom so it would be more quiet. "Momma I'm scared" she says burying her head in my neck. "I know. I am too but it will be okay" I tell her reassuring her and myself.

Hailee's pov
Momma makes me feel safe and I like it. Even when stuff is going on downstairs. "Momma mg stomach hurts" I told her and she looks for some medicine but it wasn't that kind of hurting. I look down to my stomach and lift my shirt up a bit to reveal a scar that used to have stitches in it. "Okay here-" momma says but turns around and see my scar. "What happened!?" She runs and look at it. "He shot me that one time. That's one other reason" I told her and she was now crying. "I swear I'm going to kill him" I heard her whisper but I didn't say anything. "I got something for that" she said and looked in the cabinet and pulled out a cream thing. "Can I?" She looks up at me and I nod my head. She puts the cream on my stomach and it already feels better. I'm happy I have parents that care for me.
