13 years later...

Scarlett's pov

"Hello?" I said picking up my phone that has been ringing none stop for the past five minutes.

"Is this Scarlett Johansson?" The person spoke through the phone.

"Yes, this is she" who on earth could be calling me? It's probably not important so I could hang up...

"Oh thank god! I have a Hailee Smith that needs you" Is she important? No? Don't even know who that is.

"I don't know a Hailee Smith" I deadpanned her. 

"Oh yes you do. Hailee is your daughter" when she said that, I froze. My daughter? "If you could come and get her, it would be amazing" she said snapping me out of my dream.

"Oh yes of course" I said and she gave me the address to pick her up.

After I hung up, I got a text from Chris saying that he will pick me up because he got the same call earlier. Apparently, Chris didn't sign the paper to give our daughter away. So here we are.

"You ready?" Chris said walking in my house and I just stood there thinking of what's going to happen.

"Chris...I'm not ready for this. That's why we did this in the first place" I told him while putting my shoes on.

"I know but we have to. She is our daughter after all" he said closing the door behind me and locking it.

"I've always thought about how weird it is since we're best friends" I said getting in the car and Chris just laughed.

Chris started to drive to the address the lady gave us and I started to get anxious. "Relax" Chris said putting his right hand on my knee and massaging it.

"She's going to hate us" I said looking out the window. "She will never forgive us for what we did to her" I mumble.

"Everything will be okay" he said and we got to the place. I sat there debating if I should run or not. Running won't do anything, Chris is way faster than me anyways and he will easily catch up to me.

"Here goes nothing" I said getting out of the car and walking up the stairs with Chris beside me. I knew deep down she will hate us no matter what.

"Ah you must be Mr. Evans and Ms. Johansson" the young lady said opening the door for us and I notice a girl with dirty blond hair behind the lady chewing gum, looking us up and down. "Come in" she opened the door wider for us and we walked in.

I notice that the girl had my green eyes, Chris face structure and my lips. She's beautiful. "This is Hailee, she's 13 as you guys would know" the lady said getting some papers. "I need you two to signs these" she handed us some papers.

They were papers about having Hailee in our custody and stuff like that. After we all signed the papers, the lady told Hailee to get her things.

"Okay" that's what she said before leaving to get her stuff.

Soon later, she came back with only a backpack and a small suitcase. "Are you ready?" Chris said taking her suitcase.

"I guess" she eyes me up and down once more then rolls her eyes and walked out to the car.

"Call if you need anything" the lady said before closing the door.

"She already hates me" I whispered to Chris.

"It will take time" he said before getting in the car and driving away.

The ride back to my house was quiet. And awkward. No one said anything. I finally decided to say something because the silence was so loud.

"So, Hailee, what's your favorite color?" I asked and she just rolled her eyes. I guess I'll have to get use to that.

"Why do you care what I like?" She said looking at her phone.

"Good talk" I said sarcastically and turned around facing the window.

Well, I knew she has our genes but I wouldn't think she would get my attitude. Like damn. Anyways, we finally arrive to my house and Chris helped her get her stuff inside.

"So...where am I sleeping?" the kid asked popping her gum that she was chewing on.

"Um here let me show you" I said walking up the stairs and she was following behind me. "This is going to be your room" I said opening the door.

"Cool" she said walking in and sitting on the bed forgetting that I'm standing right there.

"Um I'll come and get you when supper is ready" I told her walking out and closing the door behind me.

"How is she?" Chris said getting some salad out of the fridge.

"She hasn't change since the ride here" I told him sitting down on a chair putting my head in my hands.

"It's okay she'll warm up to us" Chris said. Bullshit. 

After Chris finished getting supper ready, I went upstairs to let Hailee know that it was ready. "Hey Hailee" I said knocking on the door.

"What" she said opening the door. Her gum still in her mouth.

"Supper is ready" I smiled at her.

"I'm not hungry" she said closing the door in face.

I sighed and went downstairs. "Where's the kid" Chris asked taking a sip of his water. 

"She's not hungry so I guess it's just us" I said sitting down in front of him and started eating. Five minutes in, Chris stood up and started to walk upstairs. "Where are you going?"

"To get our daughter to eat something" he said walking upstairs and I just sat there wishing him good luck.

Hailee's pov
I heard someone knock on my door again and I rolled my eyes while getting up from my bed. "Yes?"

"Hailee you have to eat something" it was Chris this time.

"No thanks" I left the door open if he wanted to come in. Which he did.

"Let's make a deal here" he said and I looked up at him. "If you come down and eat with us, then you can chose what we do tomorrow"

"Really!" I said getting up.

"Yes really" he said leaving and I ran after him. But I threw my gum out first. I think Scarlett hate when I had it in my mouth.

Scarlett's pov
I heard Chris and Hailee talking upstairs and I couldn't help but to feel jealous. Why is she getting along with him and not me. Am I that bad of a person? Yes.

"You, can sit by your mother" Chris said walking towards me with Hailee beside him.

"She's not my mother" she said sitting beside me and I smiled a little but she ignored me completely during the whole supper time.

"So do you have any idea what you want to do tomorrow?" Chris asked her and I just sat there looking at my food while they got along.

"Um can we go to the mall?" Hailee asked shyly. And that's where she gets her shyness from. Chris.

"Yeah of course, I'll take you unless Scarlett wants to" Chris looked over at me and I just shook my head knowing that Hailee wants Chris to take her and not me.

"Excuse me" I said getting up and I notice that Chris was looking at me, worried.

"Scar, you okay?"

"Yeah I just need some air" I lied. I grab my jacket and walk out the front door.

Hailee's pov
"I'm sorry if I said something that was mean" I said looking at the door that just closed a second ago.

"You didn't say anything wrong. Scarlett is just upset but she will be okay soon" he said and I couldn't help but feel bad for her now. Why am I feeling like that? She's the one who left me.

"Why did you guys leave me?" I said after a few moment silence.

"We were young then and we didn't know how to take care of a newborn. Especially with our work and stuff. So we decided to find you parents who will actually take care of you" he said and I nod my head.

"Do you regret doing that?" I asked taking a sip of my water.

"Everyday" he said smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back at him. Maybe this won't be that bad.

After that, I helped him clean the table the went upstairs to work on my homework. I was doing math and I was stuck on this stupid question so I decided to ask for some help.

"Hey Chris, can you help me with this math problem?" I said walking up to him and I notice the Scarlett was there this time drinking some hot chocolate or something.

"Yeah sure let me see" he said and I gave him my math book. "Hmm" he said taking out a piece of paper and writing down on it. "X will be 5"

"Thanks" i said grabbing my stuff and going back upstairs to my room not paying any attention to Scarlett.

I finally finished some math and it was now 9:45 so I decided to call it a night. I was getting tired especially after the day I had. I don't think they know the actual reason why I'm here. Whatever.  I don't need to tell them anything.

I got ready for bed and just as I was going to climb in bed, I heard a knock. "Come in" I said finally getting in my bed.

"Do you need anything else?" Chris asked me as he poked his head inside my room.

"No thanks" I said smiling at him.

"Okay I'm going to leave but Scarlett will be here if you need anything" he said and I frowned. "Just give a chance" he said before leaving. Not a chance. 

I waited until I heard the front door close so that I can get my laptop from downstairs and talk to my friend.

I went downstairs and saw Scarlett sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone. I tried sneaking past her but she caught me. Like how? Her back was to me.

"What are you doing?" She ask not looking up from her phone.

"I just came here to grab my laptop" I answered getting it from the counter then walking back upstairs.

"Don't stay up too late" she said following me.

"Why, I can do what I want. Last time I checked your not my mother" I said coldly.

"Actually I am your mother and I'm telling you to go to bed soon or else I'm taking your laptop" she can't do that right? 

"You can't do that" I said getting angry.

"Oh yes I can" she said and I just turned around and walked upstairs slamming my door.

I know Chris told me to give her a chance but not when she's like this. She doesn't deserve a chance. Not until she says sorry at least.

I sat down on my bed and opened my laptop and face timed my best friend, Kaylee.

"What's up girl" Kaylee said probably doing some homework that she didn't do.

"I wish I could live with you instead" I said getting comfier.

"Why? Your actual parents can't be that bad" she said writing stuff down.

"Well Chris is okay, it's Scarlett that I hate" I said. She hums and writes stuff down.

We then talk about random stuff and that we should hang soon.

Scarlett's pov
After a while of trying to calm myself down, I went upstairs and I heard Hailee talking to someone.

"Well Chris is okay, it's Scarlett that I hate" I heard her say and I couldn't deal with it anymore.

I walked to my room and slammed the door shut. I went to my bed and laid there, crying. Why does she hate me so much? I don't know how long I've been crying, but I finally didn't have any tears left.

I eventually got up and got ready for bed. It was now 11:36 when I put some shorts and a t-shirt on them went to bed.

I thought about all the ways that I could make it up to her. But I couldn't find a way. She will always hate me no matter what I do. I guess I will have to live with that.
