Chapter 43

I woke up with a jerk, cold sweat dripping from me as I panted heavily. I was in Draco's room. The door screeched open. I turned my head to the noise. It was Draco.

"Are you alright?" he asked, coming to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Just a nightmare." My breathing became normal.

"Are you feeling any better?" he questioned.

"Yeah, a wee bit." I commented.

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"Umm, I think some tea will do. Do you have any spare Strengthening Solution lying around?" I sat up on the bed.

"Umm, I dunno." He snapped his fingers and an elf appeared.

"Hello Master Malfoy, what may Balkis do for you sir?" he bowed.

"I want you to make same tea and check to see if we have any Strengthening Solution, bring them both back up here." He demanded.

"Yes Master." The elf snapped its fingers and disappeared.

"So how are things going here?" I asked closing my eyes and resting my head on the backboard.

"Same as always. We don't really have any control in this house whatsoever." He muttered.

"I bet Narcissa's gone ballistic, she has no control over anything now."

"Yeah." He lowered his voice. Just then, Balkis came into the room.

"Here is your tea and Strengthening Solution, Master Malfoy." The little elf said setting a tray down on the nightstand. Draco nodded, dismissing the elf.

"Have I gotten any owls?" I asked him as he poured some tea.

"Yes, actually. They came last night, while everyone was sleeping." He explained, getting up to hand me the letters. The handwriting was all too familiar. I opened the letter quickly and scanned through it.


I don't know if this is safe or not but we just wanted to tell you that we are getting close and to not lose hope. Ron's been a pain, but we're alright now. We have a bizarre plan, but it's the only idea so far, you'll be hearing much about it soon. I hope you're well. Draco better be keeping you safe. Be careful, Nyx. Burn this after you've read it.


At least the trio was getting closer to ending this goddamn war. I sat up and got out of bed wincing in pain while Draco helped me. I soon realized I got up a little too quickly and my vision started blurring and blackening. I clutched my head and closed my eyes. I felt myself begin to sway. I opened my eyes again and could see.

"Maybe it would be better if you stayed in bed." Draco suggested, helping me sit on the edge of the bed. "Who were the letters from anyway?"

"It's a secret. I was going to put them in the fire, could you for me?" I held the letters out for him.

"Of course." He took the letters and bent down close to the fireplace that was in his room. He gently threw them in. I sat silently thinking about everyone I've ever known. What will happen when this war finally comes to an end? Who will be dead? Seamus, Dean, Neville, Remus, Tonks, The Weasley's, Hermione, Viktor, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy? Except I would be okay with Pansy. I never really liked her, but what about all of my friends? I couldn't bear to see one of them hurt or worse, dead.

"What are you thinking about?" Draco snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing important." I answered.

"Nyx, you know you can tell me anything. What were you thinking about?" he asked again. I sighed.

"About everyone. What's going to happen when this war comes to end? Who will be dead, who will win? It's only a matter of time."

He came over to sit next to me. He wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his shoulder and he rocked me gently.

"Shh, don't cry. You have no reason to." He whispered against my hair.

"I just don't want anyone to get hurt because of me, I know it will happen." I cried.

"Nothing is your fault, you didn't ask for this, it's all a big test to see if you'll pull through, and I know you will, because I'll be with you along the way and make sure you do."

I cuddled up to him more. "You know Draco? If someone were to tell me back in second year that I'd be right here with you now, I wouldn't have believed them." I say and he lightly chuckles.

"I wouldn't have either, but I'm glad we're here with each other. I wouldn't have it any other way." He kisses my head. We stay silent for a moment, cuddled in each other's arm.

"Nyx, I need to tell you-" someone bursts through the door. We both turn around and see Narcissa standing in the doorway.

"You both are needed downstairs in the drawing room." She tells us.

"Alright." Draco mumbles sitting up and pulling me to my feet. We walk down the many flights of stairs, following Narcissa. I changed into my death eater clothes before we went, we have to be dressed properly for things like these. She stopped in front of the door and slowly opened it.

"Well?" Bellatrix asked Draco as he entered the room. He faced Harry while Bellatrix held Harry's head up harshly. She smiles hopingly.

"I can't be sure." Draco speaks up.

"Draco." Lucius steps forward to his son grasping his neck rather hard. "Listen, if we are the ones to hand him over to the Dark Lord, everything will be as it once was." He tells his son in a nice manner. Draco nods his head at his father.

"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught them, I hope Mr. Malfoy." One of the snatchers says loudly.

"You dare talk to me like that in my own house!" Lucius raises his voice.

"Lucius!" Narcissa comes up to both Draco and him. She pulls Lucius away from Draco.

"Don't be shy sweetie. Come over." Bellatrix chimes in, taking Draco's hand and pulling him towards Harry. Draco kneels down on the ground to eye level with Harry. "Now, if this isn't who we think it is and we call him, he'll kill us all. You need to be sure." Bellatrix says. I watch as Draco studies him.

"What's wrong with his face?" Draco questions.

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Bellatrix directs to the snatchers.

"He came to us like that, something he picked up in the forest."

"Or ran into a stinging jinx." Bellatrix mumbles.

"Let's see these two." She motions towards Hermione and Ron. She walks towards them. "Give me your wand."

I zoned out as I watched Draco look Harry in the eyes. He knew that it was him. I hear Bellatrix cackle. "Got you!" she cheers and then gasps. "What is that?" she points to a sword one of the snatchers has. "Where'd you get that from?"

"It was in her bag when we searched her, reckon it's mine now." He smiles. The next thing you know, Bellatrix is shooting spells at the snatchers, killing one of them in the process. I bury my face in Draco's chest.

"GO, GO!" she yells at them. They leave slowly. She grabs Ron forcefully. "Cissy! Put the boys in the cellar!" she hisses. "I'm going to have a conversation with this one, girl to girl." She puts her hand on Hermione's neck. I squeeze into Draco more. What is she going to do to Hermione? Once the boys were down in the dungeons she pushes Hermione to the ground and pins her.

"That sword is meant to be in my vault. Where'd you get it? What did you and your friends take from my vault?!" she screams and Hermione whimpers.

"I didn't take anything." She stutters.

"Draco." I whisper into his chest.

"Shh, just be quiet love." He whispers back in a shaky voice.

"I don't believe it." Bellatrix says. She leans over one of her arms and starts biting something into it. Hermione screams bloody murder and I squeeze Draco the tightest I can, trying to hide my swollen wet eyes from everyone. Watching this was torture. Once Bellatrix was done Hermione lay on the floor whimpering from the pain. Bellatrix turns to face me.

"What's wrong with her?" she asks Draco.

"She's just tired, she did get a pretty foul treatment the night before." He lied.

"Why is she crying? Is it because she's actually her friend!" she raises her voice and points at Hermione. "Is it because she's betrayed the Dark Lord?!" She marches up to us and grabs me violently. I try to stay brave, glaring at her while she holds her dagger to my throat.

"Bella!" Draco shouts.

"What? You don't want me to hurt her? Are you in love Draco?" He stays silent. "Are you in love with her! How could you fall for such scum, such a blood traitor!" she taunts and laughs. She grabs my hair violently and brings her mouth up to my ear.

"I shall rather enjoy killing you little Anyxus." She says raising her knife.

"Stop!" Draco yells. Bellatrix looks at him with crazy eyes.

"You should be ashamed of yourself Draco. She's just a good for nothing whore."

"If you hurt her in any way I swear I'll-"

"You'll kill me!" she mocks. "I'd like to see you try you coward!"

She just smirks and throws me to the ground, making me hit my head on the wood floor. She points her wand at me, but it's flung out of her hand. I look over to Draco whose wand is raised. He comes to me and helps me up. My head is throbbing like crazy now. I guess Bellatrix ignored us now. Next was the goblin's turn to be questioned. He got several cuts from Bellatrix. Suddenly Ron and Harry jump into the room and have their wands out shooting spells at everyone. Before I know it, Draco and Narcissa are battling them.

"Stop!" Hermione screams. I look over to her and see that Bellatrix has her dagger up to her throat.

"Drop your wands." She commands. "I said drop em!" she yells. They drop their wands looking at their friend. "Pick them up Draco." He does as he's told. I grip my wand tighter through my long sleeved sweatshirt.

"Lookie what we have here. It's Harry Potter, he's all bright shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord." She pauses and looks at Draco. "Call him." She tells him. Draco glances at me, shaking slightly at what she's asked him to do. "Call him!" she shouts. Lucius steps forward and lifts up his sleeve. We all see the deranged man's tattoo. I suddenly hear a creaking sound coming from above. We all look up and don't really see anything. The chandelier comes crashing down and Draco grabs me and pushes me away before it lands to the ground.

Harry comes up to Draco and tries to pull their wands out of his hand. Watching Draco, he practically gives them to him on purpose. We both pant and stare at the scene. Ron, Hermione, Harry and Dobby were gathered together.

"Stupid elf! You could've killed me!" she screams.

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure." His high pitched voice says. Narcissa points her wand at Dobby, but he snaps his fingers and the wand is his.

"How dare you take a witches wand! How dare you defy your masters!" Bellatrix gasps.

"Dobby has no master. He is a free elf and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends." He puffs his chest out.

"Nyx!" Harry shouts and takes my hand. Before I know it, the all too familiar feeling of being sucked through tube courses through my body.

I hit damp sandy ground and pant trying to get my breath back again. I didn't want to come here! I needed to be with Draco! I get up off the sand and look around. I start to cry as I think of Draco.

"I need to go back!" I tell them. "I need to go back."

"Nyx, calm down, you're safe now." A voice says and wraps his arms around me. It was Charlie.

"But he's not, you don't know what they'll do to him." I cry. "They'll torture him, please, I need to go back. He needs me, I need him." I stutter. Charlie comforts me as I cry, oblivious to my surroundings. "I need to go back." I whisper. "I love him." I say before my eyelids shut.
