Vol 9 Part 3

(3rd Person POV)

Lenna looked around the clearing that the five of them occupied.

The father, Aasim, and his daughter, Masoumeh, sat on a log on the opposite side of the fire as her. He had his arm around her, pulling her in close to him as she stared into the fire, where the bird was cooking.

The archer girl, who still refused to give her name, had suddenly left the group after they killed the monster. As the four others waited she hunted for food, proclaiming that she was hungry.

She had quickly set up the fire, which had been lit by (Y/N), who had now also left without so much as a word.

Suddenly, the archer girl stood up from her spot, looking at Lenna.

Archer: Can you finish cooking?

Lenna: Umm...

To be honest, Lenna had never cooked a meal in her life. Having grown up in her... situation, she never had to, and even when she had left, she was with Ignatius, and the two of them had more than enough money to eat wherever they wanted.

Aasim: I can tend to it.

The archer turned to look at the tall man, who had lifted his hand up.

Archer: Good. I don't wanna eat charcoal tonight.

With that, the girl grabbed her bow and turned to leave the site, disappearing into the forest.

On the path to the Crimson Castle, a toy soldier, who was drumming, led Team RWBY, who were followed by three more toy soldiers.

Yang: Uh, are we sure we should do this?

Ruby: Well, the Red King helped Alyx.

Weiss: We aren't Alyx.

As they walked, a turquoise butterfly landed on top of a stone pillar.

Entering a courtyard, they saw many Toy Guards lined up along the pathway. A soldier did a drumroll, and the soldiers along the path played an extravagant fanfare. 

Pair by pair, they stepped aside, making way for a rather short-statured, crowned figure dressed in royal garments who walked down to Team RWBY. He posed dramatically as the fanfare came to an end, and Team RWBY looked on, flabbergasted.

Ruby: You're the Red King?

Red Prince: How dare you! There is no King! I'm the Red Prince. Hmph! Why, I never! Coming to someone's castle without even knowing who they are, and on my birthday!

Toy Guards: Happy Birthday, Your Majesty!

A soldier was distracted by the butterfly from earlier, before his fellow soldiers nudged him.

Toy Guard 01: Happy Birthday, Your Majesty!

He stood at attention again as The Prince looked on with a slight anger in his eyes, before calming his composure.

Red Prince: Yes, yes. A joyous occasion, thank you very much.

Blake whispered to Ruby.

Blake: Red Prince?

Yang: The King wasn't nearly as rude, or small, or loud.

Toy Guard 02: Well, if it hadn't been for your kind, the King would still be here!

The Toy Guards shushed him. Ruby sighed and stepped forward, smiling and curtsying.

Ruby: Happy birthday, Your Majesty.

Little: Happy birthday!

Yang: Ugh, happy birthday...

Blake: Happy birthday.

Weiss: Happy birthday, I guess...

The Prince gasped in shock.

Red Prince: How do you know such privileged information?!

He climbed on a soldier.

Red Prince: You must be infiltrators! Here to steal my crown!

Weiss facepalmed.

Yang: You literally just told us.

Weiss: Also, we saw advertisements for your party... everywhere.

Red Prince: SILENCE!!! You are in the presence of royalty!

One of the guards kissed his hand.

Red Prince: That's me, thank you very much. 

His temper grew hot once again.

Red Prince: The heir to the Crimson Castle!

Weiss: Ew. 

Weiss then spoke to Blake.

Weiss: Did I used to be this unbearably pompous?

They were shoved out of the way by the soldier escorting them.

Toy Soldier 02: Your majesty! We have brought you a magnificent gift, befitting of the royal birthday! 

He stepped forward and knelt, as another soldier presented the gift, wrapped in a deep red cloth.

Toy Soldier 01: It is very rare! The weapon of the greatest warrior to ever live!

Toy Soldier 02: Acquired by us and only us with no help at all.

Weiss scoffed.

Weiss: But we're the ones who gave it to you... Ow!

Weiss was shoved back by another soldier.

Toy Soldier 01: No help at all.

The Red Prince jumped off the guard and eagerly unwrapped his gift, revealing Penny's sword. The prince's expression quickly turned to disappointment.

Red Prince: Uh green...? Why. Is. It. GREEN?!

The Prince angrily kicked the sword over a red hedge nearby. Ruby gasped and tried to go after it, but was stopped by a guard, speaking in a disheartened tone.

Ruby: How could you...?

Toy Soldier 02: Forgive us, your majesty! We didn't know it was green!

Toy Soldier 01: Please, please forgive us!

The soldiers continued to beg pathetically as the prince walked away from them, sighing.

Red Prince: Take them away...

A couple of guards grabbed the begging soldiers and dragged them away.

Toy Soldier 01: Your Majesty, please!

Toy Soldier 02: They gave it to us!

Their cries were heard on deaf ears, and they were dragged behind a red hedge.

Toy Soldiers PLEASE!!!

A pair of axes were raised, before swiftly swinging down, and silence followed. Team RWBY looked on with horrified expressions, as Ruby turned and ran to the prince.

Ruby: No, wait! Maybe we can help cheer you up!

The Red Prince touched his chin in thought.

Red Prince: Hm. Beheading people does cheer me up... But, go on...

Ruby: We heard you like to play games...

Ruby gave a mischievous smile, which was returned by the Prince as he turned around.

She was used to the strangeness of the celestial bodies in the sky. Or, perhaps they weren't strange. When she read stories as a child, the far away lands would always have a single sun, and a single moon. It wasn't often that these were altered.

It was a strange fact considering Remnant's moon was shattered. She wasn't entirely sure what had caused it, but according to Mrs. Branwen, the moon was broken when the God of Darkness left the planet. Trusting Raven, however, was always a difficult topic.

She gazed at the ocean, watching as the suns reflected off of the surface, casting a harsh glare on  the world around them.

Two suns was certainly something new.

But then again, this entire world was new. 

Where were they? Why would falling down into a seemingly endless abyss send them to this world which had its own sky.

It was something laughable... from a children's story. It was uncomfortable. Being in this stupid world while her own home planet was most likely being ravaged by that evil monster.

In her anger, she felt the comforting warmth of Ember, wanting to be released. She pulled the front of her tunic down slightly, and Ember leapt forward from her skin, balancing on her outstretched forearm and hand.

He quickly scampered up her arm, draping himself around her neck. The warmth of his skin was comforting in this strange, and unfamiliar world,  with unfamiliar creatures and people...

Well, perhaps that wasn't entirely true.

???: Gemma.

Her head wrenched to the side, as she looked at the young man. In one hand, he held a part of the bird, a few bites already taken out of his portion, and in his outstretched hand, he offered what she was allotted. 

(Y/N): Edel's sister. That's why you were familiar to me.

Gemma took the bird from his hand, and looked down at his piece, her mind racing. She needed time.

Gemma: Is it any good?

He stared at her for a moment, as if he didn't understand her question, before following her gaze to the food in his hand.

(Y/N): Oh, of course. Well... it's not my favorite, but I've certainly had worse.

He took a small bite, and she watched as his mouth worked, chewing it. His tongue darted out, rubbing over his lip as he finished, his head moving as if he was listening to some beat in his head.

(Y/N): No one else wanted to eat, so I just grabbed a piece and took a bite.

Gemma studied her portion, finding it to look fine enough.

Gemma: At least he didn't let it burn too much.

(Y/N): He seems competent enough. Apparently he's a doctor, so he might prove himself useful down here.

Gemma scoffed.

Gemma: We'll see.

She looked away from the bird, and to (Y/N), who seemed lost in thought, his gaze unfocused as he looked out at the ocean.

Gemma: Why did it take you so long to recognize me?

He continued looking out at the view for a moment, before shaking his head, as his gaze returned to hers.

(Y/N): It's nothing against you. My brain's been scrambled more than a few times.

When she didn't respond for a few moments, he continued on.

(Y/N): All of my early memories are... foggy. They're more like dreams than memories.

He now turned his entire body to face her, as opposed to just his face.

(Y/N): You ever have those dreams where you feel so... lethargic. Where it's like the sun is shining brighter than it ever has before? Where your body barely responds to you, and it's like you're not even you?

When she shook her head no, he let out a small chuckle.

(Y/N): Well, it's hard to explain, I suppose.

Gemma: How early?

She desperately needed this conversation to keep going.

(Y/N): That... is a wonderful question. I can tell you the first event that I was clearly me, that feels like an actual memory... I was in Atlas, chained to a chair. They used some device to erase my early memories and replace them with fake, created ones.

Gemma: But you don't know when that was?

He shook his head.

(Y/N): For example, when I first attended Beacon, I wrote down that I was 16 years old. That is what age I believed I was.

He grimaced as he spoke, and she could see his jaw clench as he spoke.

(Y/N): I have reason to believe I was older than that. A couple years, at least...

This time when he laughed, it was hollow, with no emotion behind it.

She couldn't believe it when her left hand started to reach towards him, and even as she tried to stop her arm, it didn't work.

Her hand reached up to the side of his face, and as it made contact, she could feel the warmth that emanated from his body.

Gemma: Why are you so angry?

She could feel his jaw work underneath her hand, before it slowly relaxed. He reached his own hand up, and placed it over her own. The warmth of his hand was much more than his cheek. He cupped her hand slowly, before pulling it off of his face, and letting her hand fall down.

(Y/N): I should've said something...

She was content to sit in silence, to let him work through his thoughts, and it wasn't long before he continued.

(Y/N): I've put aside everything for the girl I love. Every thought in my head that screamed out, I shoved it down, and I followed her.

He took a deep breath, and she looked to his hand, fist clenched so hard his knuckles were white.

(Y/N): The world may end, and instead of stepping in to do something, I followed along like an obedient dog.

She could now feel the heat that came from his body, even when she was not in direct contact with him.

(Y/N): When I was a child, I had an illusion of immortality. That every battle I went into, that ever scuffle, every scrap I was in, I would come out on top. Others fall... I wouldn't. Then, I was betrayed by my mother, by my guardian, by everyone. Everyone left me and I lost that illusion. I knew that one day I would fall, that everything I did would not be the right thing.

A shaky breath left his lips, and it almost seemed to become a growl.

(Y/N): They pretend as if they are heroes. They've damned the world, and they think of themselves as bettering anyone's lives...

He stopped. He paused. He looked as if the weight of the world had been removed from atop his shoulders. He stood taller, and his anger dissipated.

(Y/N): These are not your problems. Let us return to the group.

And with that, he turned and left, back towards the campfire.

And she was left alone, once more. Ember produced heat, but it was not enough to replace that which radiated from his person.

The turquoise butterfly flew down the ringing bell tower over the castle, and into a large room below. The floor was checker-patterned with a six-pointed star, with winding staircases at each corner. 

In the center, a game table lay with a throne-like seat at one end. Many soldiers stood guard, and The Prince and Team RWBY entered the room.

Red Prince: So, what exactly do you desire from me in exchange for playing my game?

He took a seat on his throne, adjusting his crown.

Red Prince: There's always a catch.

Ruby: Your Majesty, you are as wise as you are... uh...

Little whispered into Ruby's ear, and she smiled.

Ruby: Small!

Ruby cringed upon hearing what she said, and the rest of Team RWBY groaned at their leader's choice of words. However, The Prince gasped, and bowed.

Red Prince: Thank you!

Little: Yes!

Ruby: If we win, our only request is that you help us get to... the tree.

Red Prince: The tree? It's so... far away.

Ruby: That's uh... why we're asking.

She smiled sheepishly.

Red Prince: Hmm...

He hummed to himself as he looked at Weiss, Blake, and Yang. He then stood up on his throne.

Red Prince: If you win, I will help you with what you ask.

And then, he sat back down, as Ruby sighed in relief.

Ruby: Great!

She sat down at her end of the game table.

Ruby: So, uh... how do we play?

Suddenly, the prince and the guards burst out laughing hearing her question.

Red Prince: Rule one!

The guards hupped and stood at attention again. The pawns on the game board suddenly came to life.

Red Prince: Each player may move every pawn one space each turn. Rule two!

Little yelped, and the guards hupped again, causing one of the pawns to fall over.

Red Prince: Whoever gets the most pawns to the other side of the board wins. Rule three!

The guards hupped one more time.

Red Prince: To take over a space, you must dispose of whoever occupies it...

Ruby: Dispose of?

The Prince snapped his fingers, and the red pawns on his side of the game board drew their weapons and organized themselves into formation. The white pawns on Ruby's side of the board all groaned, already looking roughed up.

Ruby: Okay... um... I think I'm missing some pawns...

Red Prince: Hmm... How perfect that you brought along friends to play then...

Ruby gasped in realization. The Prince snapped his fingers, and suddenly, red dust surrounded and shrunk Weiss, Blake and Yang, transporting them onto the game board, now the same size as the other pawns.

Ruby: Hey! What are you doing?! Weiss?! Yang?! Blake?!

Little: Now we're all Littles!

Yang: We're okay!

Yang gave a thumbs up.

Blake: Ruby! The most important thing is winning this game!

White Pawn 01: What's wrong with them?

White Pawn 02: I dunno, they look stupid.

Weiss sighed.

Weiss: I guess these are our teammates...

She drew Myrtenaster.

Ruby: No one's going to get hurt... right?

The Red Prince smiled smugly.

Red Prince: As I am a gracious ruler, the white team may go first. Begin!

The lights around the room suddenly went out, and a single spotlight shone only on the game table at the center of the room. Ruby tried to think of her first move.

Ruby: Uh... Can you advance one space forward please?

The white pawn groaned as they faced the red pawn in front of them, who was clearly larger than them. The white pawn charged forward and engaged in a duel with the red pawn, but got knocked down, and "died."

Red Prince: Victory for me!

Ruby winced. A stretcher appeared next to the downed white pawn, and they rolled onto it. It floated away and the pawn on it stretched its arms and yawned, as Weiss scoffed at them, and Ruby sighed.

Ruby: Okay... How about you three?

She pointed to the three white pawns in front of Blake and Yang. They charged forward, but got easily knocked down. Ruby groaned and Little facepalmed.

Ruby: Weiss, do you think you can take that space?

Weiss smiled, readying Myrtenaster.

Weiss: Have some faith!

Weiss went forward, easily dispatching the red pawn with Myrtenaster in front of her. The white pawns gasped.

Little: Go Weiss!

Weiss curtsied. The prince gasped as he watched his pawn float away on a stretcher. He then regained his composure.

Red Prince: Beginner's luck. Doesn't bother me!

Ruby looked back down on the game board. The prince's expression turned from a smile to a serious face.

Red Prince: So... tell me, why do you want to go to the tree?

Ruby: We want to go home, and we believe the tree can get us there. Yang, you're up!

Yang: All over it!

Yang cocked Ember Celica and went forward. She flipped into the air and knocked another red pawn to the ground, delivering a barrage of blows. The white team cheered her on as she took in the glory, Blake giving a small clap at her.

Red Pawn 01: Who are these people?

Yang smugly rubbed her chin with her thumb. The prince growled and nearly balled his hand into a fist, before calming himself down again.

Red Prince: And how do you know this?

Ruby: Well, it... worked for someone we know.

She rubbed the back of her head nervously.

Ruby: Uh... Blake, your turn!

Blake then went forward, easily taking down another red pawn with Gambol Shroud. The crowd cheered for her.

Yang: Yeah!

Blake turned around and blushed from the compliment. Some of the white pawns murmured amongst each other, and The Prince looked livid.

Red Prince: Someone you know, hm...?

White Pawn 03: Hey, hey! What about us? What do you want us to do?

Ruby pointed forward, and the white pawn charged forward, taking down another red pawn.

Red Prince: ENOUGH! It's my turn! ATTACK!!! Full speed ahead!

All the red team charged forward and clashed with the white team, leading to an all out battle. Weiss, Blake and Yang helped take down some pawns too. Some pawns were sent away on stretchers, and The Prince slammed his fist against the armrest.

Red Prince: No!

He kicked his throne.

Red Prince: This is not how it's supposed to go! This isn't right! This isn't fair!

He fell to his knees.

Red Prince: You're... you! Wait... what type of creatures did you say you are again...?

Ruby: Well, uh... Blake is a Faunus, Little's a mouse, at least I think...

Little: Sure!

Ruby: And the rest of us are human?

Suddenly, a pair of turquoise eyes appeared behind Ruby. The pawns gasped, and some of the red pawns raised their weapons at Weiss, Blake, and Yang. The Prince's porcelain head suddenly cracked upon hearing this.

Red Prince: Human...? HUMAN?!! I KNEW IT!!! You must've cheated!

He hopped onto the table.


Suddenly, both the red team and white team charged towards Weiss, Blake, and Yang, as the three prepared to fight. 

Blake swung Yang around with Gambol Shroud, knocking some pawns down. Weiss swiftly dodged and quickly moved around with her Glyphs, taking down more pawns. Weiss then leapt off a sword that flung backwards to knock three white pawns down. 

Blake and Yang took on more pawns. Yang delivered a series of blows onto a white pawn, planting explosive rounds on them in process and blowing them up. Blake tried to go help Yang, but got knocked back into a wall near the edge of the board.

Ruby: Hey! Leave them alone! You're going to hurt them!

Red Prince: It's my royal birthday! And I can do whatever I like!

Some of the eliminated pawns returned to the board on the stretchers. Yang got dogpiled by some white pawns. Weiss and Blake ended up getting cornered at the top of a cubed hill near the edge of the table. Blake tried to fire some rounds with Gambol Shroud's pistol form, but quickly ran out of ammo. Ruby helplessly watched as she put her head in her hands.

Red Prince: I've won! Give up already...

Ruby: We. Won't...

Ruby stood up.

Ruby: Kick their WOODEN BUTTS!!!

Now motivated, Team RWBY got back into battle, Weiss prepared a series of black glyphs, allowing Blake to run over to her. Weiss then used a summoning Glyph to sprout Nevermore wings, shooting feathers at the pawns. 

Yang activated her Semblance, knocking off the pawns that dogpiled her. She propelled herself into the air. Weiss and Blake, on a black Glyph each, held an end of Gambol Shroud's ribbon. 

Yang went to the center of the ribbon, and another summoning Glyph appeared above her. The Arma Gigas' sword then appeared in Yang's hands. Ruby cheered them on as the Prince looked on in shock, the former pumping her fists.

Ruby: Yeah!

With assistance from Weiss and Blake pulling the ribbon, Yang was flung downwards and she delivered a slam onto the ground with the sword, knocking back all the pawns.

Suddenly, the Red Prince angrily flipped the table, sending Weiss, Blake, Yang, and the pawns flying. Ruby quickly dashed over with her Semblance, reaching her shrunken teammates in time. Weiss and Yang landed in her hands, while Little helped pull up Blake.

Red Prince: If you won't concede, then I will have you beheaded!

Ruby: You can throw a tantrum if you want, but we won! Take us to the tree!!

The toy soldiers surrounded them, pointing their weapons.

Red Prince: Guards! THEIR HEADS!!

???: Your Majesty!

The Prince suddenly stopped and turned around, the turquoise eyes from before appearing on the overturned table, as it manifested itself.

Curious Cat: Oh, you must be so distraught. Not able to do the one thing you were put on this acre to do. I understand. Surely you don't want to behead them, they are but fragile things without a head. If you get angry and break them, they might not ever come back...

The cat caused its head to disappear, startling Ruby.

Red Prince: Bu- bu- bu- but-- it's my birthday! And they wouldn't let me--

Curious Cat: I know, Your Majesty, it truly isn't fair. You must play your game and win at any cost. It must hurt your heart. Let me help.

The cat had a part of itself near the Red Prince's heart.

Red Prince: Fine! I won't behead them... BUT I NEVER WANT TO SEE THEM AGAIN!!!

The Prince proceeded to throw a tantrum, crying like a spoiled child.

Toy Guards: Your Majesty!

The guards rushed over to console him.

Ruby: What about my friends? They're still tiny! And he promised he would--

Curious Cat: Promises are like birds, they taste great, but always escape.

He whispered into Ruby's ear.

Curious Cat: You should go, before he changes his mind...

Red Prince: Don't touch me! 

Curious Cat: Come! Quickly!

Red Prince: You're... BANISHED!

Toy Guards: Banish them!

The guards proceeded to chase after them. Ruby and the cat went up one of the winding stairs. The hallways of the castle were very confusing, twisting and turning, and some had Ruby run on the walls.

Toy Guard: Come on, men! They went this way!

Ruby: Whoa!

Toy Soldier: There they go!

Toy Soldier: I see them!

Toy Soldier: They went that way!

Toy Soldier: Get them!

Toy Soldier: Not a single one gets out of here!

Toy Soldier: This way!

Toy Soldier: Your Majesty!

Toy Soldiers: Banish!

The cat continued to lead the way and avoided the soldiers stationed around the castle at every turn. Ruby leapt through a door, barely dodging the swing of the soldiers' axes.

Toy Soldier: Go, go, go, go!

Toy Soldier: They went this way!

Ruby ran down another hallway, but the cat stopped them.

Curious Cat: Here! This is the way.

Toy Soldier: Where'd the red one go?!

Ruby entered the secret passage with the cat, closing the doors behind them. The soldiers continued to run, searching and shouting at each other.

Toy Soldier: They're out here somewhere!

Toy Soldier: Keep searching!

Toy Soldier: Who saw her?!

Toy Soldier: Where did she go?!

Inside the passage, Ruby sighed in relief. Her shrunken teammates and Little rested in her hood near her neck.

Ruby: I don't know how that went so wrong... but thank you for saving us.

Ruby and the cat proceeded to crawl through the passageway.

Curious Cat: Good thing I dropped by the Prince's party when I did. I usually hate parties. How did you end up in his game anyway?

Blake: We wanted to speak to the Red King, but he wasn't there. And, now we're back to where we started.

Curious Cat: The King?! How did you know him? Well, time's changed, you know. And so do we when it's our time to change. Don't you?

A light then appeared at the end of the passage, engulfing them. Ruby and her companions found themselves outside in the forest again.

Yang: Did you hear that? There was a Red King.

Blake: Right. But something's changed since then...

Weiss: Great! So we're not in the stupid story after all. We're in its stupid sequel!

Little, asleep again, snored and leaned into Weiss, much to her chagrin.

Curious Cat: First things first. What are you? What did you need to talk to the King about? And what... is your favorite dessert?

Ruby: What, again? We're humans, and--

Curious Cat: Ugh, I must say, you're not nearly as interesting as the others I've met. What about... Hold that thought.

The cat spotted a butterfly landing in the bushes, and proceeded to chase after it.

Weiss: What's the deal with this cat? Can't anyone here be normal?

Blake: That's not just any cat. When Alyx was lost, she met the Curious Cat, who loved to ask questions.

Yang: And the Curious Cat helped Alyx find the tree.

Weiss: Wait, so the cat is our ticket out of here?

Yang: Rubes, don't let that cat get away!

Little: Cat! What cat?! Oh goodness... Now I need a nap.

Ruby quickly chased after the Curious Cat.

Elsewhere, the Jabberwalker ran to a new acre of the Ever After; a purple wasteland with a thunderstorm casting over it.

Jabberwalker: Go... Run...

The Jabberwalker ran past some sharp plants, leaving drops of blood behind. It then stopped to pick up something.

Jabberwalker: Fix...

A pink-colored light crashed onto the wasteland. The Jabberwalker turned around. Neo was on her knees before she angrily used her Semblance to transform as Ruby. The Jabberwalker climbed and observed Neo, who then transformed into Cinder Fall.

Jabberwalker: Find...

Neo stood up and looked up to see the Jabberwalker. As the Jabberwalker approached Neo, she transformed back to herself and confronted it. 

Suddenly, Neo noticed a clone in her image appearing by her right side. Neo then noticed another clone appearing to her left, as multiple clones appeared.

Jabberwalker: Stop... It...

Neo stared at her clones from left to right; the clones did the same thing. Neo opened Hush and snapped her fingers. The clones then intimidatingly approached the Jabberwalker with Hush in their hands.

Jabberwalker: Cease! No! NO! NOOOOOO!

As the Neo clones cornered the Jabberwalker, Neo sharply grinned.

The two of them reached the campfire once more, where Lenna spoke to Masoumeh, as Aasim looked at his daughter.

(Y/N): I used to eat like this as a kid, I think. Kind of brings back some memories... Hmm...

Gemma looked to (Y/N), who's gaze was unfocused once more, as if he was looking at some other scene in front of him.

(Y/N): Did you eat like this, too?

Gemma's eyes widened, as she turned to see (Y/N), with a genuinely curious expression on his face.

She sniffed as she sat around the campfire with the two other kids around her age. The girl, known as Vernal, had refused to share food with Gemma, and feasted on what she had gotten.

???: Here, I got some for you! Stop crying now, okay?

She turned to see the boy, the other of their little trio, holding out some of his own food to her.

Gemma: O-okay...

Gemma: ...Yes.

Now she knew that it was her gaze that was unfocused, staring at the father, daughter, and the stranger around the campfire, reminded so much of her past in the Mistral woods.

She had loved to speak to the boy. He was so beautiful, a beacon of happiness and kindness next to the curt nature of who she knew as Vernal.

And how fitting it was that he was beautiful without compare...

Because Rose was such a beautiful name.

Until next time.
