Vol 3 Part 7

(A/N: 20K Reads and #1 in Ruby. Cool)

(Your POV)

A shotgun blast. The horrifying snapping of bones. Silence. And a scream.

They kept on playing, over and over in your head. Although it was different now. You could see something. Yang and Mercury. The Vytal Festival Tournament no doubt. You hadn't ever attended one, but you knew of the tournament aspect.

It was meant to judge the students of the academies. The age of the competitors didn't matter. It all came down to the skill levels of the students. That's why Ruby fought against students a few years above her.

You had always wanted to be the winner of the Vytal Festival Tournament. As the Heroes of Remnant, you and Neo had been more of symbols, figures that people could look up to. However, you wanted your name to mean something, your real name.

And so when you were invited to Beacon, it was your chance. A chance for the (L/N) family to be more than some villager. It could be something greater than just a footnote in history.

Neo had always said you would win it. She would spin stories about you and her winning it together. You weren't sure why she said it, perhaps just to cheer you up.

But you knew looking back that she was just passing the time. Days on the streets got boring when you were waiting for the plan to go into action. The two of you had played games, told stories, among others.

The real big one though was singing.

For some reason, Neo had always wanted to sing. Each time you asked her why, she changed the subject or shook off the answer.

Perhaps you would never know the reason why.

But each thought you had, each string of thoughts you had, was interrupted by the snapping sound. The terrible sound of snapping bones, created a silence that filled the area. What happened next was Mercury's screams of pain, withering on the ground.

Strangely enough, you only could see the two fighters. There was no one else in the area, just the two of them surrounded by a ring of darkness. It almost was surreal, the bright clothing of Yang clashing with the dull colors of Mercury on a background of black.

So how did you know that the fight took place in the Vytal Festival Tournament? 

It seemed to be something of an instinct. Perhaps it was something of a feeling, that seemed obvious in the moment. With your Semblance, you had learned to trust any off feelings that you had. It has served you well.

So as your body was being dragged away by the Atlesian Knights in the real world, you wondered why you chose to trust Ironwood. Did you think that he might have made good on his promise, that it would erase everything that had happened in the past?

Perhaps it was the feeling that you couldn't be touched. Perhaps the idea of your Semblance had gotten into your head. Perhaps you would be tortured until you couldn't think anymore and you would never know.

You felt bad for Weiss though. She seemed to genuinely care for Edel, even if he was fighting for the opposite side. Why had you made that promise to her?

Perhaps it was out of ignorance. Perhaps it was due to the bond that you had built with both Weiss and Edel. Two different people, two different kinds of relationships that you had built.

So many questions. Why did you have so many questions at this time? Perhaps it was just passing the time as you were dragged to what would be your death.

You weren't dumb, you knew that going against Ironwood wouldn't be good, but he seemed prepared for you going against his wishes. You had known people that had been executed by Ironwood, you would certainly be high up that list, especially now.

Maybe there would be no answers. That would make it easier to close up the loose ends.


You hadn't talked to Yang. How did you know what she experienced?

Perhaps you were imagining things. You knew that Neo had been on the train with Yang, and Edel had been with Yang at the end...

You didn't know. Why did that seem to be a recurring theme?

(3rd Person POV)

Yang, still in the dorm sat on Blake's bed, looked out the window at the members of JNPR walking in the courtyard outside, Nora marching alongside Ren with Jaune and Pyrrha in the back, all of them looking happy to be with each other.

Behind her, Qrow was leaning against the door, arms crossed and a small smile on his face.

Qrow: Hey there, firecracker.

Yang, not surprised enough to turn around, gazed down.

Yang: Hey, Qrow.

Qrow snorted like her response was funny, before quickly becoming serious.

Qrow: So, why'd you do it?

Yang took a second to respond to his question.

Yang: You know why.

Qrow uncrossed his arms as he leered at her.

Qrow: All I know is that you attacked a helpless kid. So either you're lying or you're crazy.

Yang stared resolutely at row.

Yang: I'm not lying.

Qrow made somewhat of a disappointed noise.

Qrow: Crazy, got it.

He walked to the center of the room, hands in his pockets.

Yang: Who knows? Maybe I am.

Qrow shook his head, as he continued pacing around the room.

Qrow: And here I thought your dark-haired friend was the emo one.

Yang: I saw my mom.

She looked at Qrow's sudden stop and shocked reaction from the corner of her eye.

Yang: I... I was in a lot of trouble. Took a pretty hard hit. But when I came to, the person attacking me was gone. And I thought I saw... her. Her sword, like the one in you and dad's old picture.

Qrow laughed at Yang's hesitance.

Qrow: You're not crazy, Yang.

He turned and nodded, smiling sadly.

Qrow: That was your mom, all right. Let me guess... she didn't say a word, did she?

Yang looked up as he walked up to her between the sets of bunk beds.

Yang: How did you know that?

Qrow: I don't see my sister very often, but she does try to keep in touch... whenever it suits her.

Yang shook her head at the revelation Qrow gave her.

Yang: Wait. You mean you talk to her? That was real?

Qrow: Yeah, she found me. Had a tip from my most recent assignment and wanted me to give you a message.

Yang: Why didn't you tell me sooner!?

Qrow let out a sigh as he went over to the window, refusing to look at Yang.

Qrow: I was tryin' to wait for the right time, and this sure ain't it. But I guess you deserve to know.

He looked back at Yang, gravely solemn.

Qrow: She wanted me to tell you that she saved you once, but you shouldn't expect that kindness again. Raven's got an interesting way of looking at the world that I don't particularly agree with. And she's dangerous.

He pointed at her, back to smirking again.

Qrow: But you're a tough egg, kiddo. Shouldn't let this tournament thing get'cha down. You had a slip-up, sometimes bad things just happen. I say it's time you move on.

Yang stared up at Qrow.

Yang: Move on to what?

Qrow leaned down on the dresser under the window.

Qrow: Well... Raven let some info slip before she took off. If you ever wanna track her down, I think I might be able to help.

He glances back at Yang, who looks at him with her full attention.

Qrow: But first... tell me of your little meeting with that Edel kid.

Yang was shocked to say the least, glancing away and then back at Qrow.

Qrow: He's not what you think he is.

Yang: Oh no, I know.

Qrow: No, you don't. He's not a criminal, he's something else.

Yang narrowed her eyes, seeming to challenge Qrow.

Qrow: Now I want to know what he wanted... and what you got out of it.

Yang finally relented, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Yang: Fine.

At the cliff side docking bays down the main alleyway and under the floating Amity Colosseum, Ruby walked up to the end of the line waiting to get in the transport up to the arena. She turned her head to see Brawnz and Nolan talking outside the line, and beyond that, Sun walking away, Ruyi and Jingu over his shoulder, with a familiar rabbit Faunus snapping photos of him.

Ruby stepped out of line and approached her from behind as she continued taking pictures with her camera until she noticed who's behind her. She turned around, greeting the younger girl.

Velvet: Ruby, how are you doing?

Ruby raised her hand in greeting.

Ruby: Hi, Velvet! What're you up to?

Velvet rolled her eyes happily.

Velvet: Oh, you know. Just working on my photography. Do you wanna see?

She offered her camera to Ruby, looking extremely delighted. Ruby immediately noticed that Velvet didn't even get all of Sun in her picture, cutting out his head and feet.

Ruby: That's... better.

She stepped away as she grinned in forced approval. Velvet then decided to change the tone to a sadder one.

Velvet: I'm... sorry to hear about your sister. Is she doing okay?

Ruby looked away, saddened.

Ruby: Yeah, she's fine, heh. Thanks.

Velvet started to put Anesidora away in the box on her back.

Velvet: I think it's just awful what people are saying about her. Yang's such a nice person.

Ruby laughed a little as she rubbed the back of her head.

Ruby: Well, I'm glad someone thinks so.

Velvet shook her head, arms crossed.

Velvet: Most people don't know what it's like on the battlefield. I mean, even experienced fighters can get scared and start seeing things. If it happened to Coco, it can happen to anyone.

Ruby cocked her head to the side in confusion.

Ruby: Coco?

Velvet: Yeah. She swore she saw Yatsu with her in the forest during the fight with Emerald and Mercury, but he never even made it out of the geyser fields. Stress-induced hallucinations, apparently.

Ruby: Yeah...

She turned her head away in thought, only to look back at Velvet after a quick flash startled her. Velvet lowered the camera from her face, smiling apologetically.

Velvet: Oh! Sorry.

Ruby: Oh, it's okay.

Velvet smiled, before her eyes got larger, almost in surprise.

Velvet: Oh, I wanted to ask you something. Weiss said you probably wouldn't know, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Ruby: Weiss said I wouldn't know?

Velvet: Yeah, she skipped the details, but said you probably wouldn't know.

Why had Weiss said that? Ruby thought that they were past that stage. It was supposed to be cleared up a long while ago.

Ruby: Well what was the question?

Velvet: She was asking if you knew where (Y/N) was.

Ruby: (Y/N)?

Velvet: Yeah, she said that he had gone missing, and hasn't returned yet. You guys had been with each other a lot before the Vytal Tournament, so I figured I should ask you.

Ruby: No, I don't know.

Velvet: Oh. Well can you help me find him?

Ruby hesitated. While she wouldn't say no to Velvet in a situation like this...

Ruby: Sorry, I have to make sure that Yang is okay.

Velvet: Oh... Yeah, Yang should be first. Thanks anyway.

Back in the Colosseum, people were back in the stands cheering and ready for entertainment as Ruby descended down the steps to an open seat.

Despite everything that has been happening, she was smiling widely, looking around at the assembled crowds... until her stupefied eyes saw a familiar, glaring face on the other side of the arena.

Ruby: Emerald's... here?

As if sensing she was being watched, Emerald leaned forward to glare at Ruby, who suddenly got up with a worried expression and ran towards the exit tunnel.

Checking to see if no one was around, she entered a door labeled with a yellow maintenance sign and found herself inside of the Colosseum. She walked forward with determination as the announcers' voices were heard, muffled behind the brick walls.

Oobleck: All right, it's now time to begin the randomization process for our next fight!

The sound of the roulette was heard faintly, but what made Ruby stop in her tracks was the sight of another unexpected "friend" stepping out from a nearby tunnel, completely unharmed and definitely not going home.

Ruby squinted, as if to make sure that she was seeing reality correctly.

Ruby: Mercury?

Port: It looks like our first contender is... Penny Polendina from Atlas...

Ruby's attention went from the broadcast and the voices to the fraud in front of her.

Ruby: What are you doing?

Port: And her opponent will be... Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!

Ruby's head dipped in thought until she realized the awful truth of the situation at hand.

Ruby: No...

Mercury mockingly put a hands to his chin.

Mercury: Ooh, polarity versus metal. That could be bad.

Ruby glared at her new opponent. She reached back to grab Crescent Rose, only to remember she didn't have it on her. Mercury simply grinned maliciously and set himself up in a fighting pose.

(Your POV)


What was that?


Your mind was always dragged back to her. The girl that had changed everything for you. She was the one that made you make the choices you did.

While being with Neo had been all made up of reactive actions, Ruby made you want to do everything first. Do it before she could ask you to.

Maybe that was why you liked Ruby so fast. She was like Neo before you had gotten long into your relationship. Neo had hardened, turned from the cute ice cream themed girl to a hardened criminal with you.

Ruby was like the perfect version of Neo. She wasn't the hardened person that had a chip on their shoulder. She was innocent, free of the evils of the world, although that was quickly changing. She had a perfect view of the world... Those were all truly endearing.

You suddenly screamed. Although, not in pain. At least, you didn't feel the pain. Why was that? What happened?

Why were you talking in circles? What was wrong?

Edel: You clearly have gone insane.

You whipped your head around to see Edel. He had the same dark hair and amber eyes, wearing the same clothes.

Edel: Right now, you need to survive. Ironwood wants to kill you.

(Y/N): What about you?

Edel: I've survived worse. I'll be fine, you should return to Beacon, things are heating up.

(Y/N): No, I have to chase after you.

Edel: Now why is that?

(Y/N): I made a promise to Weiss.

Edel: Ugh...

He stood up from his rock, walking around in a circle.

Edel: Focus on what really matters.

(Y/N): Care to elaborate?

Edel: No.

He then lied down on the ground looking at the ceiling which seemed to be just nothing.

Edel: There was a human race before yours. They lived peacefully, but there was one bad apple. Salem. She tried to get all of the humans to destroy the Gods.

(Y/N): Light and Darkness.

Edel: Yes. Of course, they failed. They were nothing compared to them. The God of Darkness took their gift, and killed them with it. There were only a few survivors.

(Y/N): Why?

Edel: Father wanted her to suffer, to learn.

Edel sighed, looking at you.

Edel: You need to run away.

(Y/N): What?

Edel: You know of course, the Anomaly, yes?

(Y/N): Yeah. I thought there were two.

Edel: The anomaly is something else. They are reincarnates of past beings. But Ajax, or whatever he calls himself, is not it.

(Y/N): Wait... I thought that Ajax was...

Edel: No, he's...something different.

(Y/N): Then what is he?

Edel: He's a being of darkness, one of the Demonic.

You turned away from him, walking away.

(Y/N): Let me out.

Edel: Hmm?

(Y/N): You've put me here. Let me out.

Edel let a smirk come over his face.

Edel: Very well.

Suddenly the world disappeared around you, as you found yourself in a chair, tied down. You looked up to see Ironwood across the table.

Ironwood: Took you long enough.

(Y/N): Nope. I should have kept on sleeping.

You look around. The white walls, and sleek designs reminds you of Ironwood's ship. If not his ship, you were definitely in another Atlas institution.

(Y/N): Let me out.

Ironwood: No.

You groaned before slamming your head back against the chair. Your head was ringing as more straps came around your head and neck, keeping you in place.

Ironwood: You're acting like a child.

(Y/N): I am a child. Remember, the 'Heroes of Remnant?'

Ironwood: Unfortunately. You see, you thought you could back out of the deal whenever you wanted. However... you can't.

(Y/N): So what are you going to do?

Ironwood: Nothing. Eventually you'll lose your mind. Imagine you can have glimpses into the future, but you can't do anything about it. It will drive you mad.

(Y/N): I'll get out before then.

Ironwood: Sure you will.

He paused, pressing a button on his Scroll. Your suit came out of the floor, the changes you made still there.

Ironwood: Why?

(Y/N): You're evil. You do things out of fear, and you only worsen it. You're scared because you keep on failing.

Ironwood: Crime rates have fallen. The villains include your friend in Team RWBY.

(Y/N): We both know that wasn't her.

Ironwood: No. You think you know the truth. But... you don't.

(Y/N): You're an idiot then.

Ironwood: No, you're a child that doesn't know what is going on.

(Y/N): That's what you're mad about.

Ironwood: Hmm?

(Y/N): You're mad because I did the things that you want to do.

Ironwood: You're delusional.

(Y/N): No. I did everything you want to do, better than you, and the people liked me, thought I was their hero.

Ironwood: We're done.

(Y/N): No. Come on. I know you want to take a swing at me. Come on.

Ironwood: I'm done.

(Y/N): What? Only brave enough to shoot people in the back?

Ironwood: Every one of your friends was just one less scum that lived in this world.

You clenched your fist, spitting in his face.

That seemed to break his resolve. His right fist hit you hard across the jaw, and your head snapped to the side. Spots exploded before your eyes.

Ironwood: You think you're a star, don't you? Just because you did some things that made you popular.

You shook your head, closing your eyes. He was mad. That was good. He would make more mistakes, be less careful.

Ironwood: I'll be looking forward to your execution date.

With that you heard the door open, and close as you relaxed yourself into your seat. Your eyes, already closed, flashed as you forced your eyes open.

You looked around. It was dark outside, time had passed. You didn't know how long, but you knew it was at least a few hours.

In front of you, a red portal was opened up to you, a person who looked familiar stood in the middle.

(Y/N): Raven.

She walked towards you, taking her blade, now glowing red, and slashing through the glass.

The light filled your eyes, you weren't ready for it, as your head started to throb. When you looked back you saw that the door was frozen shut, and Raven was standing in front of you.

With two quick slashes, the restraints were off, as you stumbled to your feet. Raven held out her arm for you to take. You did so, shaking your head.

Raven: Come with me.

(Y/N): What?

Raven: Come with me. I can help you unlock your powers and tell you the truth about everything.

She paused, pulling away her arm, as you stumbled, but steadied yourself.

Raven: Additionally, you can choose to return to Beacon, seeking to fight a monster that you can't beat.

(Y/N): Who? Salem?

Raven: Perhaps. Perhaps the one you're trying to seek.

(Y/N): Edel?

Raven: Aloysius, Edel, two people, same person.

You paused, letting that sink in. What would you do?

Raven: Or, you could go seeking for the one you call a friend. You'll die, but at least you'll fulfill your suicidal tendencies.

You looked up at the ceiling, then back at Raven.

Raven: Your father, and your mother, would've wanted you to come with me...

What do you choose?

1. Go with Raven.

2. Return to Beacon.

3. Go alone after Edel.

Thanks and until next time!
