Vol 2 Part 3

(Your POV)

Class was really long. You looked over to see Team RWBY, sitting there, all with different levels of involvement in the class. Weiss seems especially out of it today, which wasn't like her, as all she did was stare at a holographic clock on her desk.

You tuned out Port's long lecture, when you saw Jaune slide up next to Weiss and begin to talk to her. He was probably trying to ask her out again, which never seemed to go well for him.

Jaune: So, Weiss, y'know, uh, I... I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?

Jaune turned to the teacher, Professor Port, for a second, then turned back around to face Weiss again.

Jaune: And, uh um, I... I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome.

Jaune then paused, looking expectantly, but his words had no effect

Jaune: And maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know.

Finally, the clock in front of Weiss gave a shrill beep as it changed from 3:59 to 4:00, and she dismissed it with a wave of her hand. Port was temporarily unaware of the alarm, trying to continue on with his story, with wild gestures and towering movements.

He posed as a towering monster about to attack something.

Port: And then I... Oh.

He straightened his stance as the students started to leave.

Port: Timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!

Jaune watched Weiss as she packed up her Scroll, and got up to leave.

Jaune: Weiss? Did you hear me?

Weiss continued to not face Jaune, as she walked out of class.

Weiss: No, no, no, yes.

(Y/N): That was unnecessarily harsh.

Ajax: It seems like it.

(Y/N): Not that I don't miss these talks or anything... But why are you still in my head?

Ajax: I'm gathering information.

(Y/N): On who?

Ajax: On Salem's lackeys. Shh, I'm making psychological profiles for all of them.

Upon hearing this, Jaune groaned and did a face plant into his desk.

As the rest of Team RWBY walked out of class, following Weiss, Yang ruffled Jaune's hair without looking at him. You picked up your stuff and walked over to Jaune who still lied on the desk.

Yang: One day.

You walked up to Jaune, sat on the desk and looked at him.

(Y/N): You know, Edel wasn't wrong about what he said.

Jaune: Of course he was. Pyrrha is an amazing warrior and I'm just...

He sat up and gestured to himself.

Jaune: Me.

(Y/N): Okay, Jaune, you know I love you, no homo...

Jaune: What?

(Y/N): But aren't Pyrrha and Weiss both on celebrity status?

Jaune: I mean yeah, bu...

(Y/N): So you saying you're not good enough for Pyrrha means that you also shouldn't be good enough for Weiss, right?

Jaune: No...

(Y/N): Why?

Jaune: Because...

Edel: Jaune...

You looked up and saw that Edel had walked up to you and Jaune, nodding at you in a hello.

Edel: Can I be honest?

Jaune: Sure, looks like everyone else is.

Edel: Great. So, from what I've seen and heard, you're not the greatest fighter.

Jaune: That's an understatement.

Edel: I'm not a good fighter either. And so I turned to what I was good at.

Jaune: You're an actor right?

Edel: Correct. I was with lots of higher up people like the Schnee Family. I learned to read people. I can tell you now, that Pyrrha does like you, and you are good enough for her. Don't give up, and you'll be successful.

Jaune: Yeah.

(Y/N): Jaune, you're the team leader, you can't give up. That would be a huge disservice to your team and Remnant as a whole. You have to keep on going.

Jaune: You're right. Thanks guys!

He ran off out of the classroom, slamming the door closed.

Edel: He didn't listen to us.

(Y/N): Nope. He's definitely going to keep on pursuing Weiss.

Edel: Yep. Anyways, are you following Team RWBY?

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Edel: All I do is read people. You're no different. Hop to it.

(Y/N): Whatever.

(3rd Person POV)

Ruby was trying on her new outfit that she was going to be using that night. She strapped the red laces on her shoes, and then looked over to Weiss. She was gripping Myrtenaster, as it was strapped to her side. Yang was sliding the chambers of Ember Celica as they were set on her forearms. Blake was tightening the ribbons around her arms.

Ruby looked around at everyone's outfits as they finished.

Ruby: We look good.

Blake approached her bunk bed as she continued to tighten her wraps.

Blake: I thought that class would never end.

Ruby kicked her feet forward on top of the bunk bed.

Ruby: Alright, guys, today's the day! The investigation begins!

Ruby happily leapt off of her mattress and onto the floor, arms raised excitedly. She almost landed on Weiss, who was on the bottom bunk.

Weiss: I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously.

Yang: Hey, we've got a plan! That's... moderately serious.

Ruby: Right!

Ruby looked around at her teammates: Team RWBY.

Ruby: Everyone remembers their roles?

Weiss stood up from her bed.

Weiss: You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake: The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.

Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard...

Ruby: Great! We'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we found.

Ruby pumped her fist in the air, excited.

Ruby: Let's do this!

Sun: Yeah!

Ruby, surprised, looked out the window to see Sun smiling as he was hung upside-down by his tail. Her entire team was taken back by his sudden appearance.

Blake: Sun!

Yang: How did you get up there?

Sun: Ah, it's easy; I do it all the time.

Weiss: You do what?

Sun: I climb trees all the time!

Weiss scowled at him. Without reacting to Weiss' scowl, he flipped into the dorm room.

Sun: So, are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?

Blake: We are going to investigate the situation... as a team.

Ruby: Sorry, Sun. We don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to.

Sun: Psh! That's dumb! We should always get friends involved! That's why I brought Neptune!

He gestured out towards the window, and they leaned out the window on top of one another to see the aforementioned teammate of Sun's standing outside, cool as can be.

Neptune: 'Sup?

Ruby: How did you even get up here?

Neptune: I have my ways.

Neptune: Seriously, though, can I come in? We're like, really high up right now.

(Y/N): Are you really afraid of water and heights?

(Your POV)

Ironwood: You'll find the White Fang location and let us know, alright?

(Y/N): Of course sir. Should I go in, or just provide recon?

Ironwood: You said your friends are going. Don't disappoint them, and just stick to whatever they say.

(Y/N): It will be done.

You hung up, and grabbed your new pistols. Your older pistols had been retired to permanent knives, strapped to your legs, unless they were needed in pistol form. You strapped them to your waist, and headed up to Team RWBY's dorm.

As you were walking in the Courtyard you saw Sun and Neptune scaling the building where the dormitories were.

(Y/N): Weirdos.

You headed up to Team RWBY's room and opened the door, seeing Sun in the dorm, and Team RWBY looking outside at something.

Neptune: Seriously, though, can I come in? We're like, really high up right now.

(Y/N): Wow, he's afraid of heights as well.

Ajax: He doesn't seem very useful in a fight. He has many fears.

(Y/N): No comment.

(Y/N): Are you really afraid of water and heights?

Ruby turned around surprised to see you standing in the doorway, dressed up in your combat suit, ready to go.

Ruby: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey Rubes.

Ajax: You guys going to get a room soon?

(Y/N): What? She's like fifteen.

Ajax: Where's your mind headed? Creep.

(Y/N): Oh shut up.

Ajax: I'm joking. Hey pay attention to your girlfriend.

Ruby: What are you doing here?

(Y/N): I was there when you guys were talking about the plan.

Ruby: Oh yeah...

Inside the dorm room, the group was standing in a circle as Ruby laid down the new plan.

Ruby: Alright, I'll go with Weiss; Sun, you can go with Blake.

As she pushed Neptune past Weiss, he slipped her a wink. Weiss looked mildly shocked but then came to her senses quickly.

Ruby: And Neptune, you can go with Yang since she doesn't have a partner. (Y/N) you'll come with me and Weiss and then head to Sun and Blake to help in case they get caught. Anyone can call (Y/N) if they need help. Everyone good?

Weiss: Actually, Ruby, why don't you go with Yang? After all, she is your sister.

Ruby pushed Neptune, who was stiff as a board, up next to Yang. When she was done pushing him, he rocked back and forth looking nervous. Yang put her hand on his shoulder to stop him from rocking.

Ruby: But, Weiss, who would go with you, then?

Weiss: Well... I guess Neptune could come with me.

Neptune put on a suave look and pointed at Weiss as the team leader cracked up.

Ruby: Hahaha, nah!

Weiss was obviously less than amused, yet was powerless to stop Ruby from pulling her by the back out the door. You followed having to walk faster as Ruby powered on. Weiss stuck her arms out fruitlessly trying to get back to Neptune.

Weiss: But! But!

(Y/N): Ah young love.

Weiss: I will seriously freeze you and leave you in the forest!

You finally reached the bottom of a monumental tower that loomed over the sparse trees growing around the crossroads below.

Ruby: Woooow! I forget how big the Transmit tower looks up close!

Weiss: You should see the one in Atlas!

Ruby: That was the first one, right?

Weiss: Correct.

(Y/N): How do you remember this stuff?

Weiss: It's important to know the history of Remnant. I'm sure Edel would know everything about it.

(Y/N): Is that why you like him and Neptune? Because they're nerds.

Weiss: No, I absolutely despise Edel.

(Y/N): What about Neptune?

Weiss threw her hands up in the air, and turned to Ruby who was still staring at the tower.

Weiss: Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit System to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another. It was their gift to the world after the Great War.

She then looked at you and gestured towards the tower.

Weiss: History is important!

Ruby: Oooh, look at me! My name's Weiss! I know facts! I'm rich!

She then snorted into her hands at Weiss' frown, but you put an arm around her, ruffling her hair.

(Y/N): Spot on impression.

Weiss: Don't encourage her, and don't be a pest! Besides, the only reason we're here is because you like the tower so much! We could have just as easily made a call from the library!

Ruby: I know, but it's so cool! Ooh, I'm going to take a picture!

She wrenched out of your hug and grabbed her Scroll from a pocket on her clothes, but in her excitement, the device was launched from her hands, bouncing along the pavement until it landed at Penny's feet.

Penny: Oh!

She picked up the Scroll and extended it towards Ruby.

Penny: You dropped this.

Ruby: Penny?

(Y/N): I haven't seen you since last semester at the docks.

Penny: Uuuh...

Ruby: Where have you been? We haven't seen you since that night at the docks!

(Y/N): That's what I just said.

Weiss then saddled next to you, mocking you by wrapping her arm around you, but it didn't work very well since she was not tall enough.

Weiss: It's called karma.

Penny: S... Sorry. I think you're confused.

She suddenly hiccupped, throwing the Scroll into Ruby's hands.

(Y/N): I think that might be her tell. Whenever she lies she hiccups.

Ajax: Yeah, but we couldn't prove it last time. I think now we can.

Penny: Uh... I've got to go!

She turned quickly and walked away. Weiss then walked over to Ruby, with a questioning look.

Weiss: What was that about?

Ruby: I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

Ruby started walking in Penny's direction as she shouted back to her partner.

Ruby: You go make your call! I'll meet up with you later!

Weiss reached towards Ruby, as the latter walked away.

Weiss: Wait!

Seeing the futility of stopping her teammate, she lowered her hand and sighed angrily. You walked over to follow Ruby, but you were pulled back by Weiss as she dragged you towards the building.

(Y/N): Why cruel world?

Weiss: You're going to learn something. And I need help.

You finally stood fully up, and walked with Weiss towards the tower. You and Weiss walked through the grand, glowing lobby of the tower with pride.

Under Weiss' direction you avoided the central terminal and headed straight for the elevator doors, which slid open automatically and closed when you were both inside. The voice of the CCT AI was projected from a panel near the door.

CCT AI: Hello. Welcome to the CCT. How may I help you?

Weiss: I'd like to go to the communications room, please.

CCT AI: Absolutely. Could you please place your Scroll on the terminal to verify your identities?

Weiss retrieved her Scroll and placed it as directed. The machine beeped.

CCT AI: Perfect! Thank you, Miss Schnee. Next.

You took out your personal Scroll and placed it on the panel. It stopped for a second, before asking for confirmation.

CCT AI: Place your other Scroll on the wall.

(Y/N): Seriously?

CCT AI: Yes, At...

(Y/N): Of course!

You took out your Atlas Scroll and placed it as directed.

CCT AI: Perfect! Thank you Mr. (L/N)!

Upon the elevator's ascent, Weiss' expressions shifted from pleasant to serious. Upon entering the room, four symbols were seen on a computer: twin axes and wreaths, three flying swords pointed down, a spear and a shield inside a fragmented circle, and a precise wing shape.

Weiss then turned towards you, a questioning look in her eyes.

Weiss: Since when do you have two Scrolls?

(Y/N): I got another one from Atlas. Ironwood used it to try and bribe me to work with him.

Weiss: And you accepted?

(Y/N): Princess...

Weiss: Heiress...

(Y/N): Whatever.

You grabbed Weiss' hands in your own and looked at her.

(Y/N): It was either that or be arrested. We all play our parts in this larger play. Some play it better than others, but we're all acting at the end of the day.

Weiss frowned, thinking for a second.

Weiss: That's what Edel said as a kid.

(Y/N): Yep.

Weiss: Okay. Either I tell everyone about your Scroll... or you give me Edel's Scroll number.

(Y/N): What... Are you blackmailing me?

Weiss then took her hands away, crossing her arms over her chest, and glaring at you.

Weiss: Yes.

(Y/N): Whatever, I'll get it to you.

You took out your Scroll and sent Edel's old number to Weiss. When she got the notification she brightened slightly.

(Y/N): That's his old one, so if it doesn't work tell me.

Suddenly the doors opened, as you reached our destination. Weiss walked up to the front desk where a holographic secretary appeared in the seat. You suddenly heard beeps before the projection spoke.

CCT AI: Welcome to the Beacon Cross Continental Transmit center. How may I help you?

Weiss: I need to make a call to Schnee Company World Headquarters in Atlas.

CCT AI: Absolutely. If you could head over to Terminal 3, I'll patch you through.

Weiss: Thank you!

Weiss smiled and nodded before walking over to her assigned cubicle like computer, passing a few Beacon students in uniform. 

You sat down out of view of the screen but still able to see, not wanting to be seen. She sat at her own display, taking a deep, unhappy breath to prepare for the call ahead.

The face of a short-haired brunette appeared on the monitor with the Schnee snowflake rotating behind her. She did not realize who she was talking to until she looked up.

Schnee Corp Operator: Thank you for calling the Atlas... Oh! Miss Schnee! Good afternoon! Would you like me to patch you through to your father? I think your sister Winter might be here as well.

Weiss: No, thank you! I was actually wondering if you could find some files for me. I've compiled a short list.

Weiss produced her Scroll, placing it into a slot on the keyboard, creating a series of noises as the Operator looked at the data from her side of the screen.

Operator: I see. If you don't mind... what may I ask is this for?

Weiss: School project.

Operator: Um... There are some sensitive documents on this list, ma'am.

Weiss: Well, then, I'll be sure to treat them with care.

Operator: Right... Very well. The data is being transferred to your Scroll now.

Weiss: Wonderful! That will be all, then.

Operator: Are you sure you wouldn't like me to patch you through to your father before you go?

Weiss lost her smile, but quickly replaced it.

Weiss: Yes, I'm sure.

Operator: Well, then... Have a nice day!

The call was dropped, and so too was Weiss' happy act, seen in the screen's reflection. You stepped behind, putting a hand on Weiss' shoulder as she stood up.

(Y/N): I know, I'm not exactly your best friend, but you can talk to me if something is wrong.

Weiss: It's just...

She sighed and then turned to look at you.

Weiss: I'm fine.

Ajax: Pro tip: She's not fine.

You decided not even to honor his statement with a reaction. You rolled your eyes and looked at her.

(Y/N): You're clearly not.

Weiss: Why do you care?

(Y/N): Because, as much as you want to be the tough, smart girl, you're still my friend.

Weiss: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Also Ruby's not here and she told me to be nicer to you.

Weiss: And you threw it all down the drain.

She turned to leave, and you walked to catch up to her.

(Y/N): Come on Weiss, it was a joke.

Weiss: Fine.

Weiss turned back to you as she entered the elevator. You stepped in as it started to descend.

Weiss: We'll talk, but I'm hungry.

(Y/N): You want to go to a steakhouse?

Weiss: No, a coffee shop will do.

(Y/N): Alright.

As the elevator opened, you and Weiss walked out, to see Ruby and Penny still gone. Weiss looked around for them, and then turned to you.

Weiss: Where could they be?

You shrugged, not able to see them.

(Y/N): No idea. But Ruby said to call me if anyone needed help, so I'm sure they're fine.

Weiss: Or they're kidnapped, or died and can't get to her Scroll.

(Y/N): Do you want food?

Weiss: Yes...

(Y/N): Then shush. I'm making excuses to eat. Lead the way.

She rolled her eyes, but nodded. She pulled out her Scroll, searching for a few moments, before taking off in the direction of the Town Center. You reached a Coffee Shop, and Weiss walked outside, to get two seats.

You waited in line before ordering two coffees, and an assortment of small foods. You waited off to the side, getting your Scroll out and checking your messages. No one had contacted you yet, but when you looked at your Atlas Scroll you saw that Winter had messaged you.

You groaned, closing the message, and putting your Scroll away, when you heard your name called.

Clerk: (L/N)!

Once you heard that, you grabbed the drinks and food, and headed outside. You spotted Weiss, who was sitting up straight at a table for two. You placed her coffee in front of her, bowing your head in mockery.

(Y/N): Ms. Schnee, your coffee is served.

Weiss: Thank you... (Y/N).

You narrowed your eyes slightly, but brushed it off, placing the rest of the food on the table, and started to drink your coffee.

You looked over at Weiss, obviously preoccupied with something else. You decided though, to be nice and let her start to dig in, before you would ask her questions.

Ajax: Such a gentleman. Is this your test run for Ruby?

(Y/N): What? Of course not, Ruby would be nothing like this.

Ajax: You're right. Ruby would've wasted all of your lien on cookies, leaving you broke.

(Y/N): Probably.

You looked over to Weiss to see her eating the food slowly. She took little sips of her coffee, and then a small bite of food. She looked up to see you staring at her, and she narrowed her eyes slightly before continuing on.

She took one final sip of her drink, and then leaned back to look at you.

Weiss: So, what do you want?

(Y/N): Well I thought that we could talk.

Weiss: About what?

(Y/N): I think you know what.

Weiss: Fine. I feel like my father wants to talk with me all the time.

(Y/N): Is that bad?

She looked up from her drink, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Weiss: Have you ever felt afraid of your parents?

(Y/N): No...

Weiss must've noticed the look on your face because she immediately reached out.

Weiss: I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry.

You waved her off, taking a bagel from the table.

(Y/N): You apologize to someone, that's new. But, it's good, I've learned to not let it bother me as much. At the start though, I almost went insane. If it wasn't for Neo I do...

You then looked up to Weiss, who was looking at you, an interested look on her face. You stopped talking, in fear of getting Neo in any more trouble if Weiss or anyone else made the connection.

(Y/N): But I know the feel of having someone watch over you, trying to control your every move.

Weiss sighed, a happy smile on her face as you said that.

Weiss: Exactly. Since my sister left to go to the military for Atlas, I've been in line to take the Schnee Dust Company. My father is constantly looking over me, trying to make sure that I do everything he wants. I've been trying to avoid him but...

She trailed off, running a hand down her arm. You then looked at her face more closely, taking notice of the scar that ran down her eye. You had noticed the detail before, but hadn't placed much importance on it.

You thought back to tips that Edel had told you before about reading people. You noticed her discomfort, feeling for a past injury on her arm, probably being dragged. No one under her would drag her in their right mind, so it being her father would make sense.

You pointed to her face, and then ran your hand down your face where her scar would be.

(Y/N): Was that him?

She subconsciously rubbed her thumb across it, and then looked back at you.

Weiss: No... Well, in a way. I got it while doing a test to gain his approval. If I beat the suit of armor I could go to Beacon, and well...

She motioned to herself, seated in the chair.

Weiss: You see how that turned out.

You nodded, relieved that her father didn't hurt her.

(Y/N): So what are you going to do?

Weiss: What?

(Y/N): Well there are two options here, right? You can listen to your father and do as he says...

You took a bite of food, to let it sink in with Weiss.

(Y/N): Or, you could stay with your friends and teammates who are ready to fight for and with you.

Weiss: Of course I know that. The issue is...

(Y/N): You don't know what to pick.

She nodded, and you rested your eyes for a second, before looking back.

(Y/N): You know, before I came to Beacon, I had one real friend. You know the so-called "Heroes of Remnant"?

Weiss: I know of them.

(Y/N): That was me and my friend.

She looked shocked for a second, but quickly recovered.

(Y/N): Being on the road was far less enjoyable then what I've enjoyed here at Beacon for the few months that I've been here. I know what I would do in your situation, but it's up to you to decide.

You looked at the crowd gathering, past them and at the stage. The platform in the center of the plaza showed a holographic image of Ironwood before six AK-130 Androids, who were in turn standing in front of two large metal storage cases with the spear-and-shield emblem on their doors.

Ironwood: The AK-130 has been a standard security model of Remnant for several years, and they have done a fine job. Wouldn't you agree? Wouldn't you agree?

The crowd clapped, and in turn the drones took a jerky bow.

Ironwood: But... the kingdom of Atlas is a kingdom of innovation, and fine... Well, that's just not good enough, is it? Presenting... the Atlesian Knight-200!

The doors to the cases rolled up, and six new, bulkier, shinier automatons stood at attention before knocking their obsolete predecessors down to the applause of the watchers.

Ironwood: Smarter, sleeker, and admittedly, a little less scary.

The robots flexed and posed as a demonstration. You felt yourself laugh and heard Weiss let out a small chuckle.

Ironwood: These models will become active later this year, but they won't be alone! Now, the Atlesian Military has always supported the idea of removing men from the dangers of the battlefield. However, there are still many situations that will undoubtedly require... a human touch. So, our kingdom's greatest minds, in cooperation with the Schnee Dust Company, are proud to introduce... the Atlesian Paladin!

You looked over to Weiss who cringed at the mention of the Schnee Dust Company, but recovered quickly. 

Ironwood's image was replaced with the hologram of a robotic white behemoth, featuring hinged piston legs, large guns for hands, and a rectangular head, standing at least twice as tall as the Knights below it.

Ironwood: Now, we couldn't have them here for you today, but these mechanized battle suits will be seen defending the borders of our kingdom within the year!

The crowd continued to clap, happy with the developments from Atlas. You pulled out your Scroll, checking it, and noticed the time getting later and later.

(Y/N): Well I got to head over to Blake and Sun, do you mind?

Weiss: Of course not.

(Y/N): That's the good old Weiss I know. See you.

You jumped over the gate, heading towards a warehouse, using the coordinates Blake sent you.

Leave any suggestions if you have them.

Until next time!
