Vol 8 Part 2

(3rd Person POV)

Qrow was holding Clover's bloodied pin in his hand, staring somberly at it, while sitting in a prison cell made of Hard-Light Dust. Footsteps could be heard pacing, as Robyn sighed.

Robyn: This is your fault. You realize that, don't you? All I wanted was to bring people together, to give them a chance at a better life. But you...

She angrily glared to the individual in the next cell over.

Jacques: Me? I am a victim!

Robyn scoffed upon hearing his remark.

Jacques: I'll admit I was duped. Used! And although my hands may not be clean, at least I am not...

He slightly turned to Qrow.

Jacques: A murderer!

Qrow looked up upon hearing that. Robyn gave him a sympathetic look.

Robyn: He didn't kill anybody...

As she spoke, she raised her voice.

Robyn: And I'm not gonna stand here and be lectured by some snake with a mustache who helped that man tear us all apart!

Qrow and Jacques looked over to another adjacent cell, where said man was revealed as Arthur Watts, shown contently lying down on his bench with his hands propped behind his head, as he raised his hand and spoke.

Watts: Yes, well... I suppose we're all stuck in it together now.

Jacques: Speak for yourself, I know the right people. I'm sure Whitley has reached out to my legal team and will have me out of here before you can say--

Robyn: SHUT UP!

Robyn punched the Hard-Light Dust wall, startling Jacques.

Suddenly, a buzzer sound was heard, getting the prisoners' attention. Qrow hid Clover's pin as a squad of Atlesian military soldiers entered the room and disabled the hard-light Dust for Watts' cell and entered.

Watts: You do realize you already caught me?

One of the soldiers used his gun to bash Watts' head, knocking him out and startling Jacques. The prisoners watched on as the soldiers dragged Watts away and out of the room, Robyn sighing.

Robyn: I hate not being able to do anything...

She then sat back down on her bench.

Qrow: We can do something...

He lifted his head up with a dark look in his eyes.

Qrow: We can kill the man who put us here...

The small girl ran away from the pursuing kids, making her way into the alley, until finally she had no more to run to, the rain having matted her long hair to her face, however now she was shielded by an overhang.

She turned to face them as they slowly walked, small concealed weapons being drawn, as they drew closer and closer.

Street Boy: We want no trouble, just give us the things you stole...

The girl reached out her hand as if to stop them, no words escaping her mouth.

Street Girl: Alright then. We'll take it regardless. More trouble for you I suppose.

Street Boy: And more fun.

They started to close in, when there was a tapping sound that echoed down the alley.

The two turned around to look at the figure at the narrow opening in between the buildings, slowly walking towards them.

His grey trench coat was immediately apparent to anyone living on the streets, and many more around Remnant, but the strange thing was the ice cream cone in his hand, as he stood under an overhang to shield it from the rain.

(Y/N): Well, now, what have we here? Two people on my turf?

The two froze, fear clear on their faces, as (Y/N) stepped forward, lifting his chin, displaying the confidence he clearly felt.

Street Boy: Just passing through...

Street Girl: Meaning no disrespect.

(Y/N): Yeah? Well, I mark it different.

He continued stepping forward, as he made it to within a few paces of the two, and a bit more than the smaller girl.

(Y/N): You've been taking from some people in the streets. I've been watching you two for a while.

He stopped, pulling his wrist with the watch out of his pocket, a smirk coming over his face.

(Y/N): I could've stopped you well before, but I wanted to see what you'd do. Clearly, you're poor at your job.

Street Boy: Why? What's up then?

(Y/N) said nothing, keeping the smirk over his expression.

Street Boy: You've plenty. We know you have stashes of diamonds and rubies and gold pieces, everyone talks about it.

(Y/N) sighed, and came, swaggering down the alley, drawing his knife in one hand.

(Y/N): Step away, or I'll carve up your face, and leave you alive for Ironwood to experiment, torture, and scramble your brains...

His smirk faded, as he let the blade catch the moonlight, the boy finally gathering courage.

Street Boy: Get away, the girls ours.

(Y/N): Nuh-uh, kid. I saw the girlie first. Not much on her, but she's pretty at least.

He stood watching the two for a moment, and they shifted away, walking back down to the mouth of the alley, and disappearing into the street crowd.

(Y/N) sighed, turning back to the girl.

(Y/N): Something off about you girlie. Mind revealing?

The two stood at each other for a moment, before the disguise fell away, the girl standing small, with her long, unruly pink hair in her face, with rain, dripping on her hair, and on her face to make it look as if she was crying.

She wore a grey, off the top, shirt, dirtied, and simple black pants, with no shoes in sight.

(Y/N) walked forward, kneeling down in front of her, just below her height as he held out the ice cream to her.

(Y/N): It's my favorite ice cream. I'm not sure if you would like it or not...

She slowly reached out to take it, wrapping her smaller hands around the cone, her hands brushing against his own as he smiled at her.

She gently pulled away, holding it in front of her as they looked at each other, the sad look on her face slowly starting to fade away.

(Y/N): What's your name, girlie?

A news report was playing, showing a picture of James Ironwood with the symbol of Atlas behind him. The news network Atlas Eye had the subtitle "DEVELOPING STORY: GENERAL IRONWOOD HALTS MANTLE EVACUATIONS" displayed on the bottom of the screen.

Reporter: With still no word from General Ironwood, Mantle citizens are frightened and perplexed by the sudden withdrawal of military personnel, especially given the massive Grimm horde outside the kingdom.

Images of various flying Grimm as well as the Monstra were shown on screen.

Reporter: I've... never seen anything quite like this.

In the background, civilians were evacuating in the streets. Joanna was looking over it before turning around to notice the news team.

Reporter: It truly feels like the end of days, but the Atlas Eye is committed to updating the public, until our dying--

Suddenly, Joanna grabbed the microphone from the reporter.

Reporter: Wha--? Hey, wait!

Joanna stabbed her weapon in the ground and glared at the reporter, startling him. She then looked to the camera and started speaking.

Joanna: Citizens of Mantle, General Ironwood has abandoned you, but we have not! If you can hear this, gather any food and supplies you need to stay warm, then head to the Mantle crater.

While she spoke, Mantle citizens were leaving their homes and making their way down the streets to safety. 

A pair of Atlesian Knight-130s were investigating Pietro's pharmacy, but they were gunned down by Yang, accompanied by Jaune, Ren and Oscar.

Joanna: The Grimm are starting to make their way back into the city, but we can hold the line if we all come together. If we don't, well... you've all seen what's waiting for us out in the storm. It's time to show your teeth, Mantle.

She walked away from the camera and shoved the microphone back into the reporter's hands.

At Pietro's pharmacy, Yang opened a door to a darkened room. Jaune found the light switch to turn it on. Yang gasped and smiled in glee upon seeing what was in the room, with Ren and Oscar peeking over too.

Yang: Alright, the others are definitely missing out.

Out in the streets, Yang, Jaune, and Ren piloted a triplet of hoverbikes, with Oscar riding backseat with Yang. Yang then noticed a ramp she wanted to jump off of, with Oscar panicking.

Oscar: Yang! Yang, no! No!

He was too late. Yang jumped off the ramp and used Ember Celica to fire a round off the wall and did a flip in midair on the hoverbike. As Yang smiled at the thrill, some of her hair got caught in Oscar's mouth, which he tried to spit out. They landed safely back on the ground. 

Jaune and Ren exchanged a look, with Jaune bumping over a piece of debris. As the three continued their ride through the Mantle streets, they were unwarily being watched by the Hound, perched on a bridge overhead.

Later on, Ren was shooting a security camera with StormFlower, disabling it. Oscar helped evacuate people, knocking on the doors of people's homes. They gathered a large group of civilians. Jaune was seen doing a fist bump handshake with a child, before looking to his parent.

Jaune: Only take what you need.

Yang was standing before the large group of civilians.

Mother: The crater? Are you sure it's safe out there?

Yang: Absolutely ma'am.

Suddenly, she heard people screaming behind her. They were running away from a pair of Sabyrs. They charged forward. Jaune ran up and took out a unique device that charged up.

Jaune: Heads up!

Jaune threw the device a distance away, with it activating a large hard light shield upon impact that prevented the Sabyrs from going any further. As they tried to claw at it, Ren came in from above and stabbed them with his blades, causing them to dissipate. 

The shield deactivated and Ren kicked the device back to Jaune's shield, which used gravity dust to make the device stick to it, Jaune smirking.

Jaune: Way better than a hover bike.

Oscar: Have the Grimm already pushed this far in?

Yang: No, I think those were more from last night. Still... Ren! If Jaune hits you with his Aura Amp, think you can mask everyone?

Ren: We can give it a shot, but it is a lengthy trip through Mantle.

Jaune did not reply immediately, as he got distracted by a crying child.

Jaune: No, no, that's a great idea. We'll have a Grimm free journey all the way to the crater.

Disgruntled Grandmother: Do we really gotta shack up with those animals down in the slums? I'd feel a lot safer being up in Atlas.

Yang: Yeah, I'm sure you would. But the people up top have decided you're not worth the trouble. The Faunus, on the other hand, have been willing to lend all the help they can. Regardless of whether or not you deserve it.

The Disgruntled Grandmother looked at the ground.

Mother: So, I'll just... I'll just go get our things then.

Yang, Jaune, Ren, and Oscar guided the people throughout the streets of Mantle using Ren's semblance.

Disgruntled Grandmother: I don't want to go to the slums.

Mother: Mother!

Disgruntled Grandmother: General Ironwood said we were going to Atlas.

Mother: You're setting a bad example!

Disgruntled Grandmother: Those kids should... 

She trailed off, sprouting unintelligible words.

Oscar: It should not be this hard getting people to just cooperate.

Disgruntled Grandmother: She didn't need to yell at me.

Mother: Mother, it's fine. It's fine.

Ozpin: And yet, it's something I'm becoming increasingly concerned about.

Oscar: You know I really don't need your additional commentary right now.

Ozpin: You all have every right to be upset, especially you Oscar. I'm sorry I left you.

Oscar: I'm not upset that you left. I'm upset you came back. I started to feel like me. Not the same me I was before all of this but, the me I always wanted to be. I felt, like I was actually part of the team.

As the two continued to converse, the Hound from earlier observed the group from atop a faraway tower.

Ozpin: I understand. But even though it may not have felt like I was with you, I was never truly gone.

Oscar pulled out the cane.

Ozpin: You're gaining control of my remaining magic, recollecting my longest held memories. Which means our two souls are still on the inevitable path to becoming one.

Oscar: But. I don't want that.

Ozpin: Neither do I.

Ahead of Oscar, Ren's aura became sporadically visible around the people. Jaune looked at Ren, who was holding on to Jaune's shoulder in order to enhance his semblance.

Jaune: Hey, you good?

Ren: It's just a lot to focus on.

Jaune: You can do it Ren. We're almost to the Crater-

Ren: I don't need a pep talk. I need to focus.

Jaune looked away from Ren.

Jaune: Right.

Ozpin: We need to find a way to work together, not just the two of us. All of us.

Elsewhere in Mantle, Penny was standing on a rooftop, taking a long look at the civilians making their way to the crater. Behind her, May was removing the chain to a fence with a label that said Authorized Personnel Only. Weiss, Ruby, Blake and Nora watched May as she opened the gate.

May: Alright, come on.

Penny turned around as Weiss and Ruby walked in, following them. Nora, Blake and May soon followed, Nora pausing next to May.

Nora: Thanks again for coming.

May: Don't mention it. Once Robyn learned about Amity Tower, she wouldn't shut up about it. Wherever she is, I'm sure she would want us doing what we can to get it up in the air and get the world talking again.

May closed the gate once everyone was on the other side.

May: Besides, Fiona's got your friends helping out in my stead.

Nora looked away.

Nora: Yeah.

The group headed towards what looked like a factory.

Ruby: Are you sure this is safe?

Inside, numerous robots were manning devices next to large, slightly transparent tubes. A package went up one of the tubes with an audible whoosh. The robots did not react as the group walked in.

Weiss: Snow Shoe Shipping is an SDC subsidiary, meaning all the drones here report to the company, not the general. The pneumatic tubes allow for Dust refined in the crater to be sent straight up to Atlas. We just need to find the one for the military base.

Blake: Are there any buildings in Atlas that your family doesn't own?

Nora giggled at the comment, as Weiss looked at Blake with her eyes half closed.

Weiss: That, isn't relevant at the moment.

Blake giggled as well before the group dispersed. Penny stopped to stare at a panel that said Terminal Destination: Atlas Academy.

Ruby: Hey.

Penny turned her head to look at Ruby, who approached her.

Penny: I do not like it when friends fight.

Ruby: I know. Yang and I may not agree on how best to save Mantle... and (Y/N), but-

Penny: No. I mean Winter. The general. They were our friends. But then the Ace Ops attacked you.

Penny looked at the ground.

Penny: And the general, he said people were going to die, because of me.

Ruby turned Penny around to look her in the eye.

Ruby: That was a lie. And he was only saying it to hurt you.

Penny: I was the protector of Mantle, but now, I am much more than that, and I wish I was not.

Ruby: But, you're still you Penny. By becoming the Winter Maiden you did protect Mantle.

Penny: Thank you Ruby.

Ruby gave Penny a hug.

Nora: I found it!

Slowly, the group made their way to Nora.

Blake: I suppose there's no turning back now.

May pointed at Penny as she spoke.

May: Between our secret weapon, and my semblance...

May then became invisible for a second.

May: You all couldn't be in better hands.

Nora: So how do we use this thing?

Weiss made her way to the tube and sat where the cargo was loaded.

Weiss: It should be simple. If you lie back in the tube and press launch-

Nora pressed a button on the nearby console, sending Weiss up the tube, causing her to scream in surprise. As the others looked on with bewildered expressions, Nora expressed joy at the sight.

Back at the crater, a group of civilians were brought down to the crater via an elevator, as Joanna made her way inside a tent. Inside, Fiona was writing notes on a map while talking to someone through her earpiece.

Fiona: No Crimson, I need you and your team over in Sector 11. Mantle police are helping us clear the hospital, but they're going to need backup.

Once the conversation was done, Fiona sat down with a sigh, while Joanna threw some fire dust at a small furnace.

Joanna: You're doing great Fi. Robyn would be proud.

Fiona used her semblance to store the map.

Fiona: I feel like you should be doing this after flexing on the news like that.

Joanna chuckled.

Joanna: How else was I supposed to get the word out? Besides it seems to be working.

The two eventually made their way out of the tent to inspect the latest group of civilians.

Fiona: Where's this group coming in from?

Jaune, Yang, Ren and Oscar made their way towards them.

Yang: That would be Sector 7.

Fiona: You cleared 7 already? That's great! To be honest, I wasn't sure how you'd be doing without all of your teammates.

Ren turned around and walked away from the group while Jaune watched him go.

Yang: Well, as you can see we're doing just fine.

Oscar: But where are you putting everyone?

Fiona looked at Joanna, who gave her a nod.

Fiona: We're working to get most of them settled in houses or other shelters. A large portion of the community is also trying to get old mine shafts into a livable condition.

Various civilians were settling in while they talked.

Joanna: We've got a lot of people to keep warm. Looting the SDC refineries is our best source of Dust. Fortunately no one's getting arrested during the apocalypse.

Joanna looked up at Atlas.

Joanna: Just knowing those Grimm are circling out there doesn't feel great. What are they waiting for?

Fiona's uncle walked up to the group in a panic.

Fiona's Uncle: Fi! We got another fight breaking out.

Fiona: Crap. Thanks uncle! We'll handle it...

Joanna put a hand on Fiona's shoulder.

Joanna: I'll handle it. You've got enough to worry about.

Joanna walked away while cracking her knuckles before a voice was heard from Fiona's earpiece.

Crimson: Fiona? Crimson again. We spotted a decent sized group of Grimm moving in from the east. Can't take them with all these civvies.

Fiona pulled the map out with her semblance to inspect it.

Fiona: Oh, for crying out loud.

Jaune, Yang and Oscar looked at each other.

Yang: Did he say east?

Yang was riding her hover bike in the city while being chased by a Teryx. Ren and Oscar were following them on a side street while sharing another hover bike, with Ren as the driver.

Oscar: Ready?

Oscar pulled out a device that looked like a stick grenade. Yang took a couple of shots at the Teryx to slow it down.

Yang: Now!

Yang passed a rock bridge where the Hound was perched. It decided to quickly dash off of the bridge before the Teryx collided with it.

Ren turned right and cut in between Yang and the Teryx, allowing Oscar to throw the grenade in the Grimm's path. It exploded in a flash of wind dust, launching the Teryx into the stone bridge, breaking one of its wings and knocking it to the ground.

Yang turned her bike around and smirked at the Grimm. She moved the bike to the side, allowing Jaune to charge at the Teryx while standing on his hover bike, with the barrier dust on his shield active. 

He successfully decapitated the Grimm, after which he had some trouble maintaining his balance on the bike. He landed on it properly while giving a nervous chuckle. Yang contacted Fiona with a sigh.

Yang: Okay, Fiona. That's one more problem taken care of.

Fiona: Good, cause we're getting reports of more Grimm coming in from the west. The Huntsmen there could really use some backup.

Yang sighed as she slumped in her seat.

Yang: Okay. We're on our way.

Oscar: It's all the negativity. Salem's forces aren't moving in, but it's enough to start attracting the stragglers.

Ren: Guys, we're not finished.

Three Sabyr appeared and charged towards the group.

Yang: All right. We need to hurry this up and take-

The Sabyr's looked to their right before turning back and running in the opposite direction.

Ren: What just happened?

Jaune: They ran. I've never seen Grimm act that way before.

Oscar: But what were they running fro-

Oscar was suddenly tackled from above by the Hound, knocking both him and Ren off the bike. Oscar tried to stand up only to be bitten by the arm and get flung to the ground once more.

Ren: Oscar!

The Grimm pounced on Oscar with all its weight, causing his aura to shimmer. Oscar tried to kick one of it's legs away, only for the Hound to bite it and knock him to the ground a third time. With a final swipe with its paw, Oscar's aura broke and he went unconscious.

The Hound howled, before its body began to twitch and spasm. It's body pulsed and morphed, as Jaune looked on in horror. The Hound stood up, revealing that he assumed a bipedal form in order to lift and hold the unconscious Oscar with one hand.

Yang finally woke up from her stupor and charged the beast, preparing to punch it.

Yang: Oscar!

A look of panic crossed her face before she grabbed the handle in order to try to turn away from the Grimm. The Hound caught her with it's other hand and threw her at a nearby wall, cracking it.

Ren took a couple of shots at the Hound's back, causing it to turn around and be stabbed by the grappling hooks of Ren's guns. Ren reeled the hooks in, intending to kick the Grimm. 

The Hound's right hand pulsed before it grew longer, allowing it to whip Ren off of his bike and into another wall. Jaune prepared to charge in as well, before the Hound lifted Oscar in between it and Jaune

Yang: Wait! It's using Oscar as a shield.

Jaune: But Grimm aren't that smart.

Ren picked up his guns and aimed at the Grimm. The Hound overheard and placed Oscar in between it and Ren.

Ren: Give him back!

The Hound's neck pulsed and shifted.

The Hound: No.

Ren, Jaune and Yang looked on in shock as the Hound started to walk away from the group.

Jaune: Did it just...?

The Hound paused, it's back pulsing and morphing again. Several cracks could be heard as it twitched and howled. With a final roar, black ooze erupted from it's back to reveal wings. One such drop fell on Oscar's face.

It grabbed Oscar with it's mouth, before taking off to the skies. Yang lifted herself up as Fiona contacted them through her earpiece.

Fiona: Kids, what's your status? West side's taking damage.

Ren: What do we do?

Fiona:  Kids. What's your status?

Yang, Ren and Jaune scrambled in order to follow the Hound on their hover bikes.

Yang: We've got an emergency, we're not going to make it.

Fiona: What? What kind of emergency?

Yang: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

The Hound was flying away, as they followed Oscar.

Until next time!
