Vol 6 Part 4

(Your POV)

You suddenly found yourself in a dark area, trees hanging over you, snow on the ground.

You looked around, trying to find something, but only found red eyes staring at you, in the trees, seeming to watch you.

You gasped as you turned again to see Jinn only a few feet from you, as you recoiled.

Jinn: That was interesting, wasn't it?

You shook your head.

(Y/N): I'm starting to expect it.

Jinn hummed, floating around you, growing closer to her original size.

Jinn: Do you think you are special?

You shook your head.

(Y/N): No.

Jinn: No? The powers of a god don't empower you with confidence?

(Y/N): No. It's just like another semblance.

Jinn: It's much more than that.

You didn't say anything, just listened.

Jinn: In ancient times, Remnant was a land of misery, where the shadows of evil loomed large. With no huntsmen or huntresses, there was not much hope for mankind. The vengeful wrath of the God of Darkness manifested in infernal forms.

She paused, as if waiting for a reaction, but when you didn't offer anything she continued.

Jinn: Demons infested the land, a more powerful version of the Grimm, more closely aligned with the God of Darkness... even more than the Grimm. Ozma would create a group of warriors that went nameless, to vanquish the demons from which they came.

She held her hand out to you, as if gesturing.

Jinn: A group of five, led by the God of the Aether. They swore an oath to 'restore order through slaughter.' Years and years later, one turned on the others, and a battle ensued between the five of them.

She paused, as you took in the story of Ozma.

Jinn: Death came to three. The Wind imprisoned the Fire. The Bane of All Evil, the Conqueror of the Demonic, remains the sole surviving member of that group, that lives in this world today. He has since shouldered the task on himself, picking up the work of the other four.

(Y/N): Edel...

Jinn: Yes.

(Y/N): How did he... survive?

Jinn: He is a god. You saw him in the vision... he is a child of the gods.

(Y/N): Who is Aloysius, then?

Jinn: Aloysius is a mortal. His backstory was true. You have not seen Edel for quite some time... longer than you think.

You were suddenly thrown out of the vision, thrown onto the snow. You stood up, looking at Ozma, at Oscar, who was on the ground.

Yang: Salem can't be killed... you all heard her too, right?

Team RWBY all angrily glared at Ozpin, whose head was still down. He looked up, with tears streaming down his face. Qrow just looked away, while you tried to wrap your head around the situation.

Ozpin: I--

Yang was enraged, screaming at Ozpin.

Yang: There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?

Ozpin didn't say anything, he just hung his head back down in shame.

Ruby: Professor...

Ozpin looked up at her.

Ruby: What is your plan to defeat Salem?

Ozpin: I... don't have one...

Suddenly, Qrow punched Ozpin in the face, sending him into a nearby tree trunk.

Qrow: No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...

Ozpin tearfully responded to him.

Ozpin: But, you are!

Qrow: Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life...

Ozpin stared back in disbelief upon hearing Qrow say that, before looking down dejected.

Ozpin: Maybe you're right...

Before he could leave you called out to him.

(Y/N): Ozma.

He looked back up one last time at you, and you walked over, kneeling in front of him.

(Y/N): Was it true? Everything she said, was it true?

Ozpin looked past you, seemingly at Qrow, before looking back to you.

Ozpin: If Jinn told you something... then yes it was true.

(Y/N): Is it still?

Ozpin said nothing for a few moments, looking down at his hands.

Ozpin: Yes.

Ozpin looked up, almost as if he was scared, but all you did was nod, solemnly, and put your hand on his shoulder, lowering your voice.

(Y/N): Disappearing won't help. As much as they're my friends, only one of them is truly important, right?

Ozpin said nothing, only nodded.

(Y/N): You can't make up for your mistakes by disappearing and hiding. Whether or not they like it, you know best. You're the only one that knows what to do, even if you haven't finalized the plan.

Ozpin said nothing for a few moments, before he shook his head.

Ozpin: You shouldn't forgive me. No one should have ever.

With that, Ozpin's eyes glowed as control was transferred back to Oscar. He held his cheek in pain from the effects of Qrow's punch, as you stood up, walking a few paces away.

Ruby: What happened?

Oscar: He's... gone.

Yang: That bastard! Tell him we're not done yet!

(Y/N): Shut up.

Yang: What'd you say?

Yang stormed over to you, activating Ember Celica, as she fired a shot at you, which you simply moved around.

(Y/N): What the fuck is your issue?

Yang: My issue is that we have people doing whatever they think is right!

(Y/N): Isn't that exactly what you're doing?

Yang: Don't lecture me!

(Y/N): Don't lecture you? You sound like a child throwing a temper tantrum right n...

Yang: We're stuck in the middle of nowhere, and no one knows what to do!

(Y/N): No one knows what to do? Did you listen to anything that Jinn said? We may not know how to defeat her right now, but we know what to do.

Yang: And what is that? We don't know how to def...

(Y/N): Is that seriously all that's on your mind? You just want the glory of beating the big bad guy?

Yang: That's what we train to do.

(Y/N): No. We train to protect the people, to help them. We serve the citizens of Remnant.

Yang: That's what the soldiers do. That's what the police do. Th...

(Y/N): No. We have our job. Salem wants to destroy humanity, right?

Yang: Correct.

(Y/N): If she can't be beat, then why would she be so secretive? Why wouldn't she attack Remnant head on?

A silence fell over the group as you began to pick up momentum.

(Y/N): She clearly wants the Relics. She wants to bring them together and end humanity that way. Why?

Another silence fell over the group as you looked around, no one meeting your gaze.

(Y/N): No one?

Ruby: She's immortal right?

Weiss: Maybe she hopes the Gods will wipe her out too...

You thought about it for a moment, considering the thought.

(Y/N): Last time humanity was wiped out she wasn't. But let's go off of that logic. If she wants to end her life, and she can't be killed normally, then she wants the Gods to do it. That's our mission.

Ruby: We keep the Relic away from her.

You turned to Ruby, nodding, giving her a small smile.

(Y/N): That's our job.

You now turned to Yang, glaring at her.

(Y/N): When you took that Relic from the vault, you accepted the responsibility. If you're not going to do that, then you're not helping us. If you're not going to help, if you're going to yell at everybody, and everything, then you might as well leave.

You turned away from Yang, and back to Oscar.

(Y/N): Can you get him back?

Oscar shook his head from his spot on the ground.

Oscar: He's gone. It-- It's like he's locked himself deep inside my head. Our head?

He grunted as he held his head in pain.

Oscar: I hate this! I want it to stop!

Weiss: He just left us?

Blake: What are we gonna do now?

(Y/N): We keep the Relic from her.

Yang growled in anger.

Maria: Enough! We need to get a move on. It'll be dark before we know it, and every one of you is spewing negativity!

She helped Oscar up with her cane.

Maria: There's a trail over there, trails usually lead somewhere.

Yang: Lady, I don't know who you think you are but--

Maria slammed her cane down, silencing Yang.

Maria: No buts! I understand that you're upset. Honestly, I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanity's second time around. But, if we don't move, we die. And I'll be damned if I've lived this long just to die out here in the cold!

Ruby: She's right. Come on.

Everyone grabbed their belongings and whatever dust they could carry with them. You double checked the two rings in your parka before looking up at the group.

Maria sat on Bumblebee as Yang walked her bike. Ruby walked over to Oscar and handed over the handle of his cane, the latter grabbing it from her.

Oscar: I'm just going to be another one of his lives, aren't I?

Ruby, comfortingly, put her hand on his.

Ruby: Of course not. You're your own person.

Qrow: Don't lie to him, Ruby.

He took a drink from his flask, as you looked at your father with concern.

Qrow: We're better than that.

Ruby and Oscar looked down sadly before walking to join the others, as you stayed a moment longer, before heading off to join them.

(Y/N): Are they?

(3rd Person POV)

In the Land of Darkness, five Nevermores were perched on a rocky outcropping with large purple crystals. They flew away when an airship flew by them heading towards a large purple structure in the distance. 

The airship lowered down to an outcropping that served as a dock, and Hazel, Mercury, and Emerald hopped out. As they proceeded forward, they noticed Tyrian leaning against the entrance at the bottom of the stairs. His scorpion tail now had a spiked, metal tip covering it from where it was cut off, laughing as he welcomed them.

Tyrian: Welcome back, welcome back! I do hope you missed us as much as we missed you.

Emerald and Mercury glared at Tyrian.

Hazel: Let's go.

The three proceeded forward past Tyrian.

Tyrian: Speaking of which, where is our Fall Maiden?

Emerald stopped upon hearing this, prompting Tyrian to giggle, causing Emerald to growl at his reaction.

Mercury: Emerald, come on.

Tyrian then spoke in a mocking tone to her.

Tyrian: Don't tell me something happened to her?

He laughed maniacally, as Emerald turned around and drew her weapons, pointing them at Tyrian.

Emerald: I will cut off more than just your tail.

Tyrian chuckled as he slowly walked towards Emerald.

Tyrian: Careful, little girl. Cinder isn't here to protect you anymore.

Tyrian got close to Emerald's face, causing her to back away. Tyrian intentionally cut his cheek with the blade of Emerald's weapon. Emerald had a disturbed expression on her face upon seeing this, and Mercury stepped up to hold Emerald's shoulder and scare Tyrian away from her, glaring at the Faunus.

Mercury: Back off, freak.

Tyrian: Oh, don't misunderstand, I am in mourning just as you. Because it appears you've failed our Queen, and that is a tragedy. Renata is still facing the consequences... and she isn't having much fun...

A moment later, Tyrian dropped his sympathetic façade and started to laugh maniacally. Mercury looked back at him in disgust while Emerald had a fearful expression on her face. The two of them and Hazel turned around to proceed up the stairs as Tyrian continued laughing.

In the meeting room, Salem opened her eyes and glared at her subordinates. Tyrian and Arthur Watts were seen fearfully sitting at the table while Hazel, Emerald and Mercury were kneeling at the other end of the room.

Salem: I would like you to explain to me... how it is you failed so spectacularly?

Hazel: The Faunus Militia split our forces--

Salem: Stop.

Hazel remained silent with a fearful expression on his face.

Salem: Let me rephrase the question - who is responsible for your defeat?

Emerald and Mercury stayed kneeling as Hazel stood up to give his answer, Salem listening intently.

Hazel: I take full responsibility.

Suddenly, Salem flipped the table over, knocking Tyrian off his chair. Watts hastily stood up from his seat and backed away, as Salem approached angrily. 

Salem: But that wouldn't be fair now, would it? We all know who's truly to blame...

Salem walked forward and menacingly held her hand out in front of her.

Hazel: I don't--

Salem motioned her hand, and a glyph with her symbol appeared underneath Hazel. Multiple Grimm arms came out from it and grabbed Hazel, forcing him down on all fours and suffocating him.

Salem: Emerald...

Salem looked over to Emerald, who was still staring down with a fearful expression.

Salem: I want you to tell me whose fault this was.

Salem slowly walked over to Emerald as she breathed heavily.

Salem: Now.

Emerald closed her eyes in fear.

Emerald: Cinder! We failed because of Cinder...

Salem: That's right.

She placed a hand on Emerald's shoulder.

Salem: I want you to understand that failure. I want you to understand why Cinder must be left to toil in her isolation until she redeems herself.

Salem walked away from Emerald. Both her and Mercury looked up in surprise.

Mercury: You mean--

Emerald: She's alive?

Watts: You're joking, how could you know that?

Tyrian: Are you questioning our divine savior?

Watts reeled back.

Watts: I...

Salem looked over to Watts and glared at him as he chuckled nervously.

Watts: Of course not, forgive me.

Salem proceeded to address her subordinates.

Salem: It's important not to lose sight of what drives us: Love, justice, reverence... but the moment you put your desires before my own... they will be lost to you.

Salem released Hazel from her grasp and walked back to the other side of the room. Hazel caught his breath.

Salem: This isn't a threat, this is simply the truth. The path to your desires is only found... through me.

She turned her head to glare back at them as Hazel stood back up. Tyrian let out a small chuckle, and Watts straightened his coat. Salem looked outside the window and watched the Nevermores fly before looking down.

Salem: And so we must press on.

She turned around to face her subjects.

Salem: The Sword under Vacuo's academy, Shade--

Hazel: Ma'am.

Everyone in the room looked at him.

Hazel: I have... more to report.

Salem glared at Hazel for interrupting her, and had the Grimm arms ready under him. Hazel looked down at them in fear before explaining himself.

Hazel: Qrow, the reincarnate, and the children are taking the Lamp to Atlas.

Tyrian laughed.

Tyrian: Not if I can help it.

Hazel: And they're being led... by Ozpin.

At this, everyone slowly looked toward Salem with fearful expressions on their faces and Mercury noticed the windows starting to crack.

Tyrian: So soon?

Watts: He's the only man with a chance of getting through to Ironwood. If that happens...

Watts suddenly stopped as he and everyone else noticed the windows cracking. They then looked at Salem, and dark smoke emanated from her, furiously.

Salem: Leave...

Tyrian: Your Grace, I can...

Salem glared at Tyrian, causing him to reel back. Emerald looked on in fear before Hazel put a hand on her shoulder.

Hazel: Come on.

Everyone quickly proceeded to exit the room as the windows started to crack even more. Emerald took one last look behind her as the doors closed. 

Salem, left alone, seethed with anger before calming herself down. Everything was seemingly quiet, but then all of a sudden, Salem yelled out in rage and the windows shattered violently.

(Your POV)

You, Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar and Maria proceeded on the trail. The snow started to pick up even more as you walked for more time, Qrow sighing.

Qrow: Doesn't look like this is gonna let up.

Blake: Just wanna get this stupid Relic to Atlas.

Weiss: Let's hope we don't have to walk all the way there.

Yang then spoke to Maria, sarcastically.

Yang: I thought trails led somewhere.

Maria: Do you have nothing better to do than to harass a defenseless old lady?

You suddenly paused, as you narrowed your eyes, looking through the snow.

Ruby: Everyone, quiet. Do you hear that?

Everyone stopped in their tracks, alongside you. You heard a metallic squeaking. A large farm could be seen, one of the front gates swinging back and forth with the wind. A large sign above the entrance read "BRUNSWICK FARMS". Everyone arrived at the gate.

Blake: Well, at least one good thing happened today.

Weiss: It looks abandoned.

Ruby: It's still better than this.

Qrow: Come on, I think we could all use some rest.

Everyone proceeded through the farm's gates, with Qrow being the last to enter, as you turned around to see the snow start to pick up even more as the gate closed with a metallic clang.

(3rd Person POV)

Edel stalked back and forth, waiting for his captives to wake up.

He had taken two people from the larger group, the one that had been sent out to check the derailed train for any survivors. 

He looked around the small room, the two people in the center of it, back to back, both tied down to their own chair.

He heard the stirring of one and walked over to the girl as she opened her eyes.

Edel: Took you long enough.

The guard looked around, before focusing on Edel.

Female Guard: Wh... Where am I?

Edel said nothing, before walking over to the other guard. He knelt down to his level before slamming his fist into his face several times, shrills screams coming from him.

After a few more hits he stopped, returning back to the female, holding out his left arm. He formed a map, holding it out to the guard, which detailed the area, updating live.

Edel pointed to the derailed train.

Edel: This is the train.

He then pointed to the middle of nowhere, a far distance from the train.

Edel: This is where I took you from. Now... Where are they?

Female Guard: What group? We searched the train... found no survivors.

Edel shook his head, before putting his index finger on her, as it trembled, the skin ripping open as her blood was used to pierce her own skin. She screamed in pain before Edel snapped his fingers a few times.

Edel: Focus on the pain... Where are they?

Female Guard: I sw... I swear... I kn... I know nothing.

Edel sighed, before he grabbed her face with his hand, making sure that she looked at him.

Edel: In a single moment I can stop your blood from flowing. You'll die in a matter of moments with no oxygen, suffering every last moment. Or... you could walk free...

The girl said nothing, recoiling from the pain. He then untied one of her arms, her blood flowing to surround it.

Edel: Point on this map. Point to where you last saw the group.

The girl struggled to point, but eventually pointed in the middle of nowhere, though close to a few structures around.

Female Guard: It's right there. Right there, that's where the footprints disappeared from. I swear, I swear. He'll tell you the same thing.

Edel nodded, walking away before the blood poured out of her, seeping onto the ground, as it knocked over the over chair, the man scrambling away as far as he could, screaming.

Male Guard: She told you what you wanted! I'm not falling for that. I'm not telling you shit.

Edel sighed.

Edel: You're brave, aren't you?

The man stared him down, not saying anything as Edel nodded.

Edel: You have my respect. 

Edel formed a bat made of the guard's blood, twisting it in his hands.

Edel: Let's see how long that'll last.

Her blood rushed over to the guard, covering his mouth as Edel swung the bat into the side of his head.

Leave any suggestions or questions, if you wish to.

Until next time!
