Part 7

Jess POV

Ava woke at 4am so once I fed her I got up and started Christmas shopping, I decided to get lando some new trainers and Ava got him a new game for the pc. I cannot wait for my baby girls first Christmas
Lando came down and gave me a kiss and started making breakfast. " so I was thinking we could go into town and do some Christmas shopping today?" He asked I nodded "yeah I'm up for that, it'll be good for Ava to get out"

We all got dressed and ready for the day, Jess put Ava into a cute McLaren Norris all in one that Carlos has bought her and headed to town.
We got the supermarket to buy more nappies and wipes and lando was spotted by a few fans so while he met with them me and Ava went shopping. I ended up bumping into Lewis brother Nick, he asked how I was and he was disappointed in his brother, he asked to see Ava I decided to allow as it wasn't his fault his brother was a self arrogant prick "she's beautiful, my dad and mum have ask if they can meet her?" He asked "I'll have to think about, it's nothing against you all it's just I don't want it to be complicated for her, her dad isn't intrested in knowing her, I'm sorry, if you give me your contact I'll get in touch after Christmas if that's okay?" He nodded "I understand, here's my number" he added his number and walks off, I feel bad. Lando finally caught up to me " did I just see Nick Hamilton?" He asked "yeah, he's ask for contact with his mum and dad, they really wanna know her, I'm it sure tbh ouch, I'll think about it" he kissed my cheek "your choice baby'

We got back and unpacked shopping and got comfy, we decided to order takeaway and watch a movie, I fed Ava while lando ordered dinner, and I got her into her pjs and put her down. I can't believe how amazing my life is with my daughter and boyfriend.
