Part 10

* March 2021*

Jess POV

I was called into the police and found out that Lewis was the one who caused the crash that night. It's now become a massive investigation. It was about to become the start of the racing season, I put on sky sports news to see if any updates

Sky sports :
"Welcome, first top story today, Lewis Hamilton has been dropped by Mercedes and will
Not be driving in the 2021 season, the driver is currently in jail for drink driving in June 2020 causing a crash, which left his girlfriend at the time and unborn child in hospital fighting there lives. Both mother and baby are okay and she is now dating McLaren driver Lando Norris. It's been said Lewis has a ban from racing for 18 months and no longer has a seat, it is yet to go to court to whether the driver will face prison chargers for reckless driving, more on this story to come"

"Fucking hell , what a mess" I said, I walked out of the police station and headed home. I had about 6 photographers following me, I got 10 minutes into the walk home and saw George Russell, he offered me a lift home which I took. "Are you okay?" He asked "im not too sure George, between the break up, the pregnancy and being with lando and now this, it's a lot" George nodded "do you think it was intentional?" He asked, I shook my head " we may have broken up on bad terms but I don't think he'd wanted to have killed me, I think" from then it got awkward "here we go Jess, look after yourself and give miss Avs a cuddles from uncle G." I got out "thanks George and I will do"

I got it and saw lando changing ava, clearly not quite used to the smell of baby poo, I laughed and went to join them "what does this girl eat?" Lando asked while laughing " milk babe, milk" I replied just taking off my shoes, he got up and kissed me. I got down to Ava giving her big cuddles and kisses. she's started getting all her features, her beautiful brown hair with the little curls, her eyes are turning to a beautiful hazel green, I see so much of Lewis in her. I started blowing raspberries on her belly and she gave such an infectious laugh which caused me to laugh, lando came in and joined us.
It was getting close to 8pm " Lan, I'm starving, what we eating?" He pretended to think by stroking his invisible beard " tacos?" I grinned, "im in" he got up and started cooking dinner. I fed Ava and put her to bed.

I came downstairs and lando was just plating up our dinner, I snuck in and put my arms around his waist and kissed his side " I love you, I'm so grateful for you" he turned to look and me and kissed me "I love you too, both of you, dinners also ready" i smiled and grabbed my plate and went to the table. I'm glad they finally have answers to my crash, it's a shit situation but what me and lando have is pretty perfect.
