Part 5

*november 2020*
*last weekend before last race*

Jess POV

I was 8 1/2 months pregnant, Im not able to fly to Abu Dhabi so me and lando are having a staycation in England, lando whispered in my ear "date night tonight" he then kissed my neck. I smiled "can't wait"  During date night lando seem to have gotten 4 miss calls from Max F do during the 5th one I told him to answer it as it could be important.

After half an hour lando walked in and he didn't look happy. "You okay babe?" I asked "hmm, yeah I'm fine. When we get home I've got to go and sort some stuff out, you going to be okay on your own?" I nodded "yeah of course what's happened?"

"Nothing. Don't worry"

Lando POV

I was out for dinner with Jess when my phone kept ringing after. A few miss called I answered it "max dude; I'm out for dinner what's wrong?"

"I've been sent a video from the night of Jess crash" he said to me "what? What do you mean" I asked " a fan has sent me a video of the crash that Jess was in, I've watched it 10 times, I think I know who was driving" he explain "fuck, when we get back I'll come over and we'll sort it"

Couple of days later we got home and Jess went up to the bedroom as she'd been feeling a bit off last day or so, I got into my car and drove to max to see this guide.

"Lando, when you watch it I need you to promise you won't fly off" max said as he gave me a serious look "I'll try" I said as he handed me the phone. As I watched it I knew that face, I couldn't quite picture it but I knew it. I asked max to send me the video, I drove home thinking about who he could be. I knew him from somewhere.
As I got home I started to pack for the last race of the season. Jess was on the bed trying to get comfy, it wasn't going to be long till baby was here, her mum and my mum were going to move in while I was away in case she goes into labour early which hopefully doesn't happen. We made a deal that she'd tell me she was in labour but I was to stay and continue racing and be home as soon as I could. I really didn't want to leave her and peanut

Jess POV

Lando was in Abu Dhabi and I've got my mum and landos mum coming to stay, peanut is really giving me the run round. I think baby might come this weekend but I'll be gutted if Lando misses it. I sat on the sofa and got a tub of ice cream and got comfy and watched qualifying, all of sudden I got sharp shooting pain. It'll be okay

Lando POV

I landed in Abu Dhabi, I hated leaving Jess especially while she was so near to birth.
I bumped into Lewis. He had the cheek to ask me how Jess was I completely ignored him and walked away, he doesn't deserve to know. Mum text me saying she was on the way to mine. As I was getting into bed I kept re watching the video.

Couple of days later it was race day, I was starting 4th in front of lewis next to Carlos.
The race went well I came 3rd and my phone rang while I was on the podium, Jon my trainer answered it, he smiled up at me with thumbs up. I know what that meant Jess was in Labour, I ran down to call back and her mum answered

"She's 6 cm dialated, I'll call you back when she's closer" her mum explain, I told her I'd be on the next flight home. I called my manager to get me on a flight and headed straight to the hotel to pack, Max Verstappen called me and overheard my manager asking for a flight home (we share managers) and he offered me a seat on his plane and he'd drop me off first, I thanked him and we made our way to the hotel
