Part 11

*skip to 2023* Spanish GP

Jess POV 

It's been nearly 3 years since everything happened, Ava is 2 1/2. Me and lando have been together nearly 3 years. I'm 8 months pregnant . I'm still waiting for that ring. Lando is driving for Redbull along side Max, he's 2nd in the championship.

"Go go daddy" Ava screaming at the tv wearing everything redbull, even her socks and pant are redbull, this girl adores her dad. She ran up to me "mummy, baby love daddy too" she said with a big smile "yes baby will love daddy" she ran back to the tv and stared at it and jumped up and down in excitement, Lando was in 1st place. " daddy, you go fast"

Lando won, Charles came 2nd and Max came 3rd, this means Lando takes the lead in the championship.

"DADDY WON" Ava jumped up and down and ran around the house screaming it. I laughed and took videos and sent them to lando.

Couple of hours later lando came home, Ava was fast asleep in bed and I was watching tv. "Hey baby" lando walked in and gave me a kiss and then kissed my bump. He sat down next to me and we talked about the race and how excited Ava gets.

"Right? It's Silverstone next weekend, you're both coming right?" Lando asked "of course" lando looked at me with some concerns " so, Lewis is going to be there, there's talk he's allowed to race again and he joining McLaren again" I took at lando with no emotions "tbh Lan, I don't care, along as he doesn't speak to us, he's nothing to us, but you must behave" lando nodded "I promise"

*skip to the weekend*

We all got ready to go to the track, I've not told lando but I'm actually a bit scared of seeing Lewis, but I put on a brave face and we head to the track, Ava is very excited in her full red bull jumper and hat LN4 of course. We arrive at the track and lando has to rush off to do media stuff so me and Ava wonder the paddock, we bump into everyone saying hello, Ava is very social so she's says hello to everyone including mechanics.
Few paddock hospitalities down and I came face to face with him, we both stared at each other and he looked at Ava, he started to walk towards me so and picked up Ava with great difficulty and ran into Ferrari, a very confused Charles approached us. "Wrong garage Jess?" I looked at him "sorry, hiding from Lewis" Charles nodded and walked me through to his drivers room where his girlfriend Alex was, Ava ran straight up to her and talked non stop while I called lando to tell him where I was. Charles stood next to me and smiled because of how amazing his Girlfriend was with kids. Lando called me and told me to come out and he'd walk me back to redbull, i thanks Charles and Alex and headed out "no worries, always welcome"

As I got out of Ferrari it was bad timing, lando and Lewis has bumped into each other and started a shouting match " I want to meet my daughter!" Lewis screamed "over my dead body, you deserve nothing" during all this shouting Ava heard and started crying "daddy no, daddy shh, daddy" lando stopped and ran over to us "baby I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" he kissed her head and gave her a cuddles "oh baby, I'm sorry I scared you, daddy won't shout anymore" Ava cuddled into lando and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Louve you daddy" " I love you too my princess, how about we go see daddy's car, better then these red ones" lando said with a cheeky grin aimed at Charles and Carlos, they both laughed back "alright Norris" and we walked back, j looked behind to see Lewis very defeated, he knew that he'd never see Ava and it was his own fault. I nearly felt sorry for him but remembered the past and he doesn't deserve it, landos right, if he had it his way, I wouldn't have Ava.

It's finally Sunday and race day. Lando was 3rd in the grid line up with max in 1st and Mick in 2nd, it was lights out, we decided to let ava watch from the redbull garage and she was very excited, we were joined by Max Girlfriend Kelly and her daughter P, they get along amazingly so they were glued to the tv "GO DADDY" lando was making his way up to 1st place and he won.
I took Ava down to parc ferme so she could watch the podium, lando came running out to us and gave us both big cuddles and kisses, he asked to take Ava with him. "Wanna come with daddy to get the trophy?" Ava smiled wide "YES", they went up to the cool room and then to the podium, Ava was so excited, she helped hold his trophy and was brought back down by Jon the red bull mechanic before the champagne celebration. She was so happy. As lando did all his media and picture me and Ava walked to redbull, as we walked along we bumped into Lewis "Jess, I'm sorry, I am, I just want to know my daughter?" I took a deep breath and finally got my courage to reply " no, you lost the right to know your daughter years ago. If it was your way I wouldn't have ava, I do not want you around me or her. Lando is her dad" and I walked away. Something tells me this isn't the end. I told myself I'd tell lando when I saw him but I completely forgot.
