Part 4

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Jess POV

I'm 4 months pregnant, my stomach is fully showing now, I go to the races with lando, I see lewis around but we completely ignore each other, I spent a lot of my time with Isa in McLaren hospitality.

" so when we're you going to tell me you and lando are dating?" Isa asked "haha, we're not, he's my best friend, I've known him forever, he's also been amazing with me and baba" isa looked shocked "you're not? I coulda sworn Carlos told me you were" I laughed " no just best friends"
Lando and Carlos came up to join us and lando sat next to me and put his arm around me, I saw a little look between isa and Carlos. Are we dating? The only couply thing we do is hug and cuddle up on the sofa. But I have found myself getting butterflies around his more. The way he takes care of me, he's even decorated his spare room for baby. A baby that's not even his, he bought a new car for us All. As I stare into the distance wondering my feelings for lando I felt his arm pull away " you okay bab?" Lando asked "yeah I'm good thanks" I smiled back.

It was Sunday, race day, lando came 2nd and Lewis came 1st and Charles came 3rd. This isn't going to end well. They all got out there cars, between the accident and now Lewis and lando have managed to avoid each other, this is the first time they'll have to interact. Lando walked straight past Lewis and congratulated Charles and then walked past him again but this time with a little shove, Lewis looked at him but Charles had already intervened before anything could happen. Everyone knew they weren't on talking terms because of me. They both got on the podium and still completely ignored each other until the celebrating champagne happened, I'm unsure what was said but it caused lando and Lewis to fight, Charles and Will managed to pull them apart and they were sent straight to the stewards and FIA.

Lando POV

I got on the podium and was about to pop my champagne when I hear lewis calling jess fat and ugly and it made me so angry I punched him. We ended up getting into a fight.

"Never in my 30 years have I see 2 drivers fighting in the podium!" Steve shouted at us both "sorry" I said "sorry is not good enough! You are both in so much trouble. I want you both back at your hotel rooms and you must not leave! I want you both here at 8.30am sharp!" He said with a sharp tone. We both walked out ignoring each other. I met up with Jess and we went back he asked me what happened and I just ignored her and hugged her, I can't tell her.

We ordered food and then go into bed and watched a movie.
It was 7.30. I got up and got dressed and left a note to Jess. I got to the FIA.

"Right, lando. I understand your feelings for Lewis are not very good. I understand this but you under any certain circumstance cannot hit him in plain view of the public. Or at all. I've given him to same punishment, you're both to attend meetings to fix some sort of civil partnership, I don't care you hate each other but you're working, you're also both on a race ban so you will both miss Monza. Do you understand?" I nodded "fully" and I walked out. I saw him chatting to Seb and Fernando. They called me over. I shook my head and walked back to the hotel.

I decided that tonight I was going to tell Jess how I felt, I love her, I want to be there for her and for baby, I wanna help raise the baby. I headed to the shops to buy flowers and some chocolates.
I got back to the hotel room and it was empty, I called Jess but she didn't reply.
2 hours later she replied back to say she'd gone back home to her parents for a couple of days

Jess POV

I woke up to see lando gone, I hate that this is all because of me. He barley spoke to me last night. I realised I can't be selfish anymore, I need to leave him. I need to be away from this world of f1, I packed up my stuff and headed to the airport, I decided to go back home to my parents.

I arrive back in the uk and my parents picked me up. They were unfortunately having lunch with the Norris family. I hope lando isn't here.
Luckily he didn't turn up.
"How you doing darling" Cisca asked me " I'm okay" I gave her a half hearted smile " I'm glad you and lando have stuck together, he cares so much about you and baby Haker. He wants to be there for you both" I looked down, he's cares so much about me and I just left him dry in Austria.
I drove back home, I opened the door to see no lights on except one, landos bedroom I can hear talking I hear max F " are you still going to tell her?" "No, I don't think she feels the same, I can't lose her, i love her too much" I heard lando. "I've loved her since the day I met her, I cannot lose her now, she's my best friend, she's about to be a mother. She needs me as a friend" I then heard a quiet sob "mate it'll be okay. Trust me" I ran into my room crying, I made him cry. I made my best friend cry because he was in love with me but he didn't want to lose us. I think it's time I told him how I feel

I heard the front door go and max car leaving, I got out my room and went downstairs and starting playing the piano, me and lando always played when we were kids and we even made a song, I started playing mine and landos song, I heard his door open, he walked over to the piano and sat down next to me, after playing I put my head on his shoulder "I'm sorry you got into trouble, it's all my fault" I said "it's not your fault, Lewis is the blame in all of this" he kiss the top of my head as he didn't that baby kicked and lando felt it. "What a kick" lando said and we both laughed. We had a small moment of looking into each other eyes and we were getting closer and for the first time we kissed. It wasn't a hard passionate it was soft and calming. We both pulled away smiling, "do you have any idea how long I've wanted to that?" He asked I shook my head "Jess, I've loved you for a very long time. I want to be with you and your baby *cough* girl" he said with a giggle "me too lando" we kissed again and I felt baby kicking but happily.
