Chapter 40: A Sweet Dream...

This is an idea from a reader.
Credit to NgnTrn446250 👍

Thanks for the idea 💖

Anyway, I hope you won't get confused while reading this haha TvT



The mcs are in their eldest room.
But they didn't see him. So they look for him too.
In the end, they got tired and sat down on their eldest' bed.


"so... Are we going to-"

Krs* sigh when Cale* refuse to get up and continue searching, but still, they're all are tired enough with their families.

All of their families and people from their worlds are in the reaction room, and oddly, their eldest aren't there like usual.
So that's the reason they were searching for him..


Choi Han enter the room and Cale* immediately hide under the bed, which doesn't go unnoticed by the other three but they ignore it.

"I couldn't find him Cale-nim. It's as if he's already vanished..."
"No traces at all?"

When Krs suddenly ask, Choi Han shake his head as an answer. They all let out a sigh of disappointment.

In the end, they had to react without their Hyung right now...


"So, you all must've been wondering what we will react to this time right?"

"Please cut it short childish alcoholic god."


At this moment, even the gods gasp when they heard a commoner child, a LITERAL CHILD insulting a god directly like that.

Fortunately, Venti doesn't take it to heart since he is INDEED an alcoholic.
Though he did feels offended at the childish part.

"Hehe, Alright then! We'll be reacting to one of the future! Of our mcs again of course.."

Venti's wink isn't reassuring at all.
But they decided to trust this drunk god for the time being....

[The 5 of the brothers, Adam, Roksoo, Henituse, young Roksoo and Thames are in the Palace of Azmare and receiving another mission from Marina.

This time, the mission is quite odd... They have to defeat someone with the name of 'Sweet Dream'. Like the name, he have the power to make anyone falling asleep and make them doesn't want to wake up anymore and got stuck in their dreams forever.

"Pfft. What a ridiculous name."

No one expect Rocky to scoff at the name, but they agree nonetheless. It is indeed ridiculous.

"Unfortunately, this will be quite difficult for yall. So please be extra careful."

Marina is speaking seriously, but she can't keep up the serious face because of how leisure the four are acting.
'Is this really their serious face or its just their usual stoic face?'

It left a bitter reaction on her face.

"Aigo, don't worry. We're always careful!"
"Hmm... Yeah. Said by the guy who always end up being the captive one."
"Wha- hey!"

While Marina and Adam are busy bickering, Henituse' s face is full of discomfort

'Why do I have a bad feeling about it...?']

Some can think, but some are busy with the ridiculous name. Especially seeing two higher beings bickering while their young master is thinking about something serious.

"If the future me think there's something bad about it, that means it really is something bad."
"Can't agree more dongsaeng."

Even though Cale is still annoyed being called that, he try to think calmly of many possibilities of what might happened in the future.

Krs isn't playing around either. He is staring at the screen intently, trying to figure out what's happening.

Even the Molan duo. Their instinct is just too sharp that they also could sense the overwhelming discomfort coming from their young masters at the front.


"What's this?"
"Human! Lemonade Gramps told me you might need it! Are you sick human? I'll loot everything in the infirmary for you!"

'what kind of-'
Cale doesn't want to think about it anymore and take the teacup Raon brought for him. His chubby paws still chubby as ever.

Which mean he have been eating well even in here.
Cale smile after a sip of the tea.

'it's sweet. Guess that old man knows when to give up.'

Not knowing, Ron is staring at his back in satisfaction now that his young master doesn't seem tense anymore.

Krs actually thought its a lemon tea, but when Cale smile, he snatched the teacup and take a sip too.
Which lead to a small fight...

[Not long after, Adam and the other four teleport to Sweet Dream's base.

'I still think the name is ridiculous though.'
If possible, Roksoo want to laugh at the name right infront of the owner of that name.

If POSSIBLE that is.]

"You're the ridiculous one."
"Oh come on! Don't tell me you doesn't feel the same dongsaeng!"

Krs smile is convincing, but unfortunately Cale* doesn't feel the same.

'I also think it's ridiculous, but I want to throw a bottle at the owner instead of laughing at him. Who the hell make that name as a villain name? Tsk tsk'

Cale* shake his head while clicking his tounge.
Krs just look at him in confusion and sigh since the answer he wanted to hear won't come out of that little mouth of his dongsaeng.

["Muehehehhe... Let's go find him shall we?"

Adam's sinister smile is already a bad starting but they just nod.
It's not like there's something bad would happen right?]


Everytime there's that sentence, there always something bad happen.

" I don't know whether to laugh or being sympathetical right now."
Hannah* sigh shakily while shaking her head also.
Her shaky sigh show how much she's holding her laughter though.


They arrived somewhere after walking for so long.

"This place is so dark that i can't see properly dammit."
"Oh shut up, don't complaint now."

Roksoo and Thames glare at each other but quickly regain their stoic face when Adam turn around to look at them.

Crick crick.

The cricket sound just came out of nowhere and make it more awkward for the confused Adam.]

" Poor Hyung... He had to get such a troublesome dongsaneg like you-"
"You have a problem old man?"

If Hyun-Ok didn't step in, they would've fight and cause another destruction again.

People already learned to ignore them after being in the dimension for so long, but some still enjoy watching them fight.
It's oddly... Entertaining.

'I really pity you too Adam-nim. Fighting.'
Even Alberu is cheering for Adam internally.

[Roksoo continue to look around, then speak

"I think this is the center-"
He suddenly stop speaking when the lights suddenly turned on and his eyes widen in shock by what he's seeing.

"Why the hell did you go silent suddenly old ma-"
Thames stop his words there and his eyes also widen in shock.]

Everyone's reaction is just the same.

Cale want to ask whether what he's seeing is just imagination, but... It's real.

"What the fuck?"

No one cares that Basen cuss for the first time. It's not like they don't care, but they were just too focused and shock.

['What the fuck is this?'

They all were thinking the same thing, except Adam.
While the others look shock, he's as calm as ever.

Before their eyes, we're the cages of millions of victims, imprisoned in a huge secret place.

"There's so many victims. Maybe millions, or even more."
"Just how the hell did he captured all of them?!"

Thames is looking at all this in disbelief. It doesn't make sense.
Millions of victims, in just a few months.

This problematic villain have just appeared about a few months ago prior their first meeting with their eldest.]

" Wait, so they never bother to capture him after all this time? Are they dumping their works on us?"

Cale* is starting to get angry, but his anger immediately turn to nervousness when someone pat his shoulder.

"Cale-nim, please calm down. They might be too busy at the time and had to delay it till then."
"R-right. I shouldn't get angry easily."

Choi Han*'s innocent puppy smile make Cale* want to get far away as possible. He want to slap the hand on his shoulder away, but too scared to do so.

Even though he's stronger, getting beaten up still hurt ya know.

[ While they were busy looking around and examining the sleeping victims, they doesn't realise another presence behind them, ready to attack.

Adam could felt it, but he stay silent for the time being.

"Hyung? What is it?"

Adam's smile doesn't look convincing, but Rocky ignore it for the time being.]

"That's the newest smile! Human, your brother have your scammy smile too!"
"Yes Raon..."
Cale just go along with what Raon said, but doesn't notice his group are laughing at the back.

'It's more unsettling if he smile like that.'
Krs* shiver seeing that smile. Honestly, that smile remind him of Ron more than Cale's scammy smile.


A dagger fly toward Rocky. It was so fast he couldn't react in time, but Adam was right beside him.


Adam parried the dagger with his sword and attack the shadowy figure with a quick lightning ball.

The shadowy figure dodge it while laughing like a maniac.

"HAHAHAHHA! I have some interesting dolls here~!"

"What kind of crazy BS is he spouting?"

Henituse scoff in disgust while preparing to attack.
Krs already charge in and attack the villain head on, using a mixture of his Thames power and the swords he receive as a support item.]

"Another villain like White star appear!"
"Go Young masters! Kill that bastard!"

The people are cheering so loudly that Cale felt like all his life have been drained out of him.

Some even call him 'Young master silver shield' and some (definitely his followers) call him 'legend'.

His brothers pity him, but they can't do anything about it since they're also being cheered on.


'That bastard doesn't look like me at all. Why does they said that ugly villain look like me?'
Ws* click his tounge in annoyance and receive a mirror from Venti.

Then he take off his mask secretly under his cloak and check his face.

'See? I'm hotter than that villain I don't understand why we are similar.'

His two subordinates just stay silent as they've given up on this long ago...

[Sweet Dream's gaze suddenly turn to Henituse. Which in return receive a disgusted groan.

'Why the hell is that crazy bitch looking at me like that? Those eyes- I wish I could gouge them out.'

He glare back at Sweet Dream with a cold gaze.

Sweet Dream started cackling and a moment alter, he finally speak.

"Oh my, you will be my favourite doll~."]

"Ew. Another pervert."

Cale* groan in disgust.
'I know my face is pretty and hot and whatever, but I didn't knew it could attract a lot of perverts.'

As if knowing what his younger self thinking, Krs chuckle and pat his back.

"The four of us just have that charm that could attract anyone."
"No wonder we have a lot of crazy fans out there."
"Excuse me?"

Krs look at Roksoo* in confusion but Krs* just shrug.

While they are chatting so leisurely, their families at the back are holding their murderous aura..

[At such a fast speed that Henituse can't catch up, Sweet Dream moved close to him, right in front of him and touch his cheeks.

With a crazy gaze.

"Get your filthy hands off me pervert."
Henituse face is already scary enough as he slap away the hands touching cheeks.

Sweet Dream chuckled, "You're so cute..."
His gaze make Henituse feels even uneasy.]


"Yes mother?"
"Make sure to wear a cloak whenever you went out from now on."

Cale is totally confused, but the look on Violan's face is so serious and stern.


Even Deruth, his siblings, and the adults in his group are staring at him with the same expression.

"Yes mother."
Cale just go along with it.

His answer made everyone smile so brightly so suddenly. As if they're very satisfied with his answer.

'Thats a good idea too. That way, no one will recognise me. I should ask Raon to dye my hair too.' Cale thought with a satisfied face also.

[A stone spear suddenly came toward Sweet Dream from behind.

The owner of that stone spear is....

"You scum. Don't you even think about it."
Enraged Adam.

His voice send chills to the three behind them, even the villain.
The three are also in battle mode.]

'Go Hyung!'
Basen* smile excitedly while cheering for Adam.

Same as Lily* but she just cheer it out loud instead.

If Adam is the eldest brother of their hyungs, he's also THEIR Hyung.

[ "Tsk. How annoying."

The villain is annoyed now and charge toward Rocky.

"You'll be my first target!"

Rocky wasn't prepared for that, and when the attack from the villain came close to him, a shiny shield appear and protected Rocky.

"Nice try you little shit."

Henituse sneered with the most evil smirk he got.]


the shouting are loud enough to make the people in the room go deaf, but they're also cheering.

Of course some members of the families. Some are holding their laugh.

Cale doesn't know the feeling he got right now is either embarassment or pride. He could only stare at the screen blankly while ignoring the shouting and cheering behind his back.

He couldn't even hear Alberu's laughter inside this chaotic room.


He started to feel weird when Sweet Dream suddenly started laughing instead of having that defeated look.

"You think your shield is enough to block my power? How naive! I can control the direction where its heading! Hehehehe-"

Henituse were in a state of disbelief that he doesn't notice the power is going to the direction behind his back.


The last thing he heard was Adam's yelling at him, before everything turned black.]


Everyone were in the state of shock. The screen is also black.

They all are so shocked that they didn't even realise they were out of their seats.

"H-Human! You said you won't get hurt again! You promised!"
"But I-"

Raon was on the verge of crying and Cale can't do anything about it.

Before everyone talk out their complaints, the scene change.

[ When Henituse open his eyes, everything is dark.

'Where the hell am I??'

He look around but can't see anything.
He then remember what Marina said before and he instantly frown again.

'I need to get out if here fast.'
He started to walk in the dark place, not knowing where he might go.]

A lot of sigh of relief was heard behind Cale.

Guess everyone is relief he's alive and not hurt, but just got trapped in one of the sweet dream...

Wait, trapped?

"Young master-!"
"I know Hilsman.."

Even Cale is tired by all this already.
He want to rest, but the previous break already long enough and they can't delay this reaction.

Everyone just got worried again. Even anxious.

['Hmm... Where should I go now?'

He stopped his steps suddenly and his eyes widen.
His eyes are shaking seeing the most unbelievable thing infront of him.

His lips shaking as he utter the words from his mouth, in the most lowest voice, he could muster.

"Eo-Eomma? A-appa?"

His voice was shaky as he call someone in Korean after a long time...

A beautiful woman name Kim A Young stood there with a gentle smile on her face, and a strong man name Kim Saem look at him with a gentle gaze.]

Everyone was in awe seeing the two Korean people... Until their heads all turn to the sound of faint sobbing.

"Y-young master Cale?"

Rosalyn was in surprise, actually, everyone is surprised.

Cale and Krs*... Are crying.
This is the second time Cale cry in front of them.

Even when the children are asking him what's wrong, both of them are still staring at the screen while tears wetting their cheeks.

'Ah, I see....'
Fredo want to speak, but he doesn't feel like it's a good time.

And so he motion to Choi Han, who notice his gaze, and immediately went to Cale's side and comfort him.

Lsh* and Cjs* came to Krs*'s side and comfort him instead.
Of course, knowing Cjs* who's dumb in this subject, he make some weird ass jokes but still it help calming them down.

'... They must've miss their parents a lot... I can understand that..'

Choi Han* can eventually understand it because he was brought into the tboah world without his consent, and abruptly. He doesn't even have the time to say goodbye to his family, nor even seeing their faces for the last time...

Now he doesn't even remember their faces, but still remember their names.
(from this point on I will use Cale since only Cale is involved in this part)

[ "Hey there Roksoo, how have you been lately?"

Kim Saem, his father, said to him with a playful voice while smiling like a young mischievous guy.

Contrary to his mother who's sweet and gentle in every way,

"My dear son, let's have a talk shall we? You must have been tired after all that..."

Cale felt like he wanted to cry, but he couldn't. He wanted to stay strong and still think this is just a dream. An illusion.
He wanted to speak, but he felt like there's a lump in his throat.

Kim Roksoo lost his parents when he was just 4 years old. Then he suffered violence from his abusive uncle for years after being adopted.

Although he doesn't talk much about his parents, he still miss them very much, even though he can't clearly remember much from the age of 1 to 4.]

Ws* woke up from his short slumber an look around, getting flabbergasted.

'Why is everyone crying? Sayeru? Hello?'

He again became a lost duckling looking around confused why everyone is crying.

Except the two face Adin* and some villains.

The Henituse family very much helping to comfort Cale and Krs* through this.
It's such a wonderful and touching scene, but they couldn't bear the sharp pain in their heart seeing someone they care for are crying.

But even while sobbing a little, Cale and Krs* still looking at the screen. Wanting to listen and watch every single things that will be shown.

[ Cale just nod to his mother's invitation. He can't thing strangely right now.
He doesn't even know how to act infront of them that they're here right now.

His ancient powers are saying something, but he can't hear them as its too faint far in the back of his mind.

He started to feel his eyes getting wet. He's crying. He knew he's crying. No one can stop crying if they were in this situation.

Both the parents were surprised when their child suddenly start crying, and like a good parents, they're trying to help comfort him.

"What's wrong my dear?"

His mother's voice, still as gentle as ever..]

-It's comforting...

Super Rock become silent again and didn't answer the cheapskate.

Cale and Krs*, their tears had dried up, but they clearly can see their eyes are now red from the little crying just now.

They felt... Oddly relax. Seeing their mother once again, and even listening to her voice, make them feel calm.

This fact make everyone know just how much they live their parents.

'May you both rest in peace ma'am, mister.'

Lily and Maes smile while praying for the dead peace in the after life.

Gashan also felt calm listening to the voice of their mother.

'The nature will surely love it. It suit the calmness of nature..'

[Cale started to calm down. He was about to wipe his own tears, but was a little surprised when his father came and wipe the tears away for him.

He raised his head and saw the most brightest smile he could ever seen.

"Hehe, my son need to be strong! Don't breakdown that easily young man!"

Cale tears turn into a smile. How funny it is to be called a young man by his parents when he is a 38 years old man inside.
He wanted to laugh at it, but the feeling of warmth from his parents prevent him to do so.

He just.. Can't do anything other than smiling and crying right now.]

The little joke make Krs* chuckle a little.
Man... His father really is the one who always lighten up the mood whenever he and his mother were in a bad mood.

He suddenly felt a small tug on his sleeve.

"Hey Rocky, if your parents are like that, from who do you inherit your stoic and boring persona from then?"
"I can't even imagine you making a joke."

Krs and Cale* snicker while having a high five between them.
Usually, Krs* would've been offended by it, but no, right now, he felt like laughing.

'He's got a point... I wonder from who did I receive this type of personality from..'

That was a joke Cale* and Krs made to lighten his mood, he knew.
And it works.

[ "It's... Nothing. I'm just happy to see you two again.."

He said it with a small smile of relief. Even if this is a dream, and he need to get out of it before it's too late, he's still glad he was able to meet his parents again.

He was taken into a state of shock when his father suddenly hug him.

"Look how big this child have grown. I still remember the days when you asked me to hold you or cry because of things you're afraid of. It felt like they all were happening just yesterday!"

Kim Saem said it in a playful voice. This is a rare chance he have to tease his son.]


Cale and Krs* are groaning in embarassment. Must he said that loudly?

They could even swear they heard giggling and teasing snickering.

But the most annoying of all are...

The two idiots who's laughing like crazy beside them.

"Kahahahsha! You're expose!"
"I didn't know you act like that!"

They were laughing before their worse nightmare happened.

"I do remember the young masters used to cry so loudly just because the previous ma'am aren't around-"


Both Ron are smiling benignly but one of them are chuckling.
Though that chuckle look horrifying to the mcs.

'never in my life I would expect that-'

Their paled face make it even better and amusing for both Ron who were just planning to tease them.

["Appa! I-I never-"

Cale subconciously shout out of shock and embarassment. It's in the past, but still embarassing when someone bring it up.

Kim A Young just giggle with the interaction between the father and son.]

"She's real for that."

"Not necessary Bud."

"Hmph. Said by the mage who's doing an experiment while reacting to something wholesome and fluffy."


Bud swear he heard Glenn's glasses crack and the test tube and beaker in his hands are shaking violently.

'I'm going to get hit again aren't I?'

The moment he thought that was the moment everything turn black for him.

[" Roksoo, it's been so long since the last time we talked. Can you tell me what happened since we died until recently?"

His mother tried to be as calm and gentle as possible so she won't make her dear son's mood change to the worst.]


The cheerful and playful atmosphere turned a little grim at the mention of what happened after they died.

'They suffered enough. But...'

Jour smile and asked Venti to bring some wind elementals to the mcs side.

Cale felt some gentle wind around him, the breeze make him feel calm...

'Sometimes, you have to talked out your problem or traumas to others-'

"That way, you'll feel better."

Basen soft mumble didn't go unheard by some, but they chose to feign ignorance. They agreed after all.

[ Cale was a bit reluctant to do so, as he doesn't want his parents to be more worried, but...

' It's for the better. It's not like I'll get this kind of chance again...'

He smile before he told them everything about his life in his previous world as Kim Roksoo.

He doesn't left out any detail, and even told them about the apocalypse, transmigration and the events that happened after.]

Some feels uncomfortable about it, but it's their young masters choices.

They're free to do what they want.

'I probably should talk to him more and listen to his complaints.'

'Alright then. I won't die so soon and will live a long life... Then when I retire, Jungsu and Roksoo can work together as new team leader.'

Alberu feels something spark in him and have the determination to be Cale's therapist.

While Lsh* were planning and thinking about something that Krs* might just faint for.

To be continued....

Sorry, but I will cut this in half.

I'll do another half when I'm free again.
Currently, my siblings are sick (including me)

And my school suddenly have a lot of events and works to do.
(but I'm willing to do a project cause its regarding supports for Palestine)

Anyway, if anyone have a difficult day, I wish you a better tomorrow!

Tomorrow is always better than today!
(I know this is cringe-)

Tysm for reading 💖💖💖💖💖💖

