Chapter 37: The Preparation Before Meeting The Mortals

Today, is very much the day where most unexpected things happened.

The mortals was talking and chatting among themselves in harmony and glee, not expecting a sudden burst at the door.

Which actually a child, holding bombs in his little hands. He also have a small sticker of an elf red little girl on his bombs.
(who is it from genshin?)

"Daddy! Daddy! Look at what I made!"

The boy said excitedly while running toward Adam, who's looking baffled and his brain is loading...

"A-ah, yes. They look great Axel!" Adam stammered as he caught his son, who suddenly flew toward him like a bullet.

"Let's try them on something huge!" Adam said cheerfully while carrying his son and exit the room, which cause the others to be very relieved.

And then another chaos appear.

Someone shout in horror while pointing at the direction behind the room.

"Isn't that the ghost?!"

"Hm? Ghost? Where?"
The 'ghost' asked back while mischievously lick his finger as if ready to meet... The ghost the mortals talking about.

"Oh my go-"
The mortal who pointed his finger at the 'ghost' fainted as his complexion turned white as snow.

"Hey! Wake up dude!" his friend caught him and immediately brought him somewhere to rest.

The others, are just baffled, seeing the 'ghost' floating in air right a real ghost do. While the said 'ghost' look a them on confusion before giggling like a mischievous little boy.

"Ah~ are yall perhaps the guest my master told me about~? Nice to meet ya~!" He leisurely wave his hand at them in friendliness and sat on top of the big screen.

He then continue on with the introduction while the baffled audience awkwardly wave back at him.

" Aaa~nyway... I'm Lex... And I'm a guardian soul of my master! "
He really look like he doesn't notice of the confused and baffled mortals, or he's just feigning ignorance..

'Who the hell is this?' Toonka thought in his head while crossing his arms and look bored just watching this guy. He was interested earlier because of how 'ghostly' he look.

Ws*, feeling annoyed, decide to ask while raising his hand. Which he very much hate cause he's being polite.

Lex just let him ask anything with a nod since Ws* being polite enough..

"Who the hell are you? What the f*ck is a guardian soul? And who is this master you're talking about?"

Though his way of speaking is very rude. Lex ignore that and smile, a very.... Dark smile.

"That will be reveal soon enough... Or never at all~"

"What did you f*cking s-"

Before Ws* could even get his answer, Lex disappear into thin air and left the enrage Ws* destroying the furnitures in anger with his destructive APs.

The others just ignore it while thinking through about what just happen.
'I can only put it in one word... That Lex guy-'

"Is a lunatic and delusional."

Bud thought he was saying it out loud, but it seem everyone have the same thought that they all said the same thing at the same time.

Before being able to speak another word, Venti appear with his lyre and sing a short verse.

"Mortals, Mortals, here I am,
Arriving with my lyre,
To entertain you people! Ehe~"

At this point, they're not surprise anymore seeing a god behaving like a child. Even the dragons can atleast act more mature infront of others, but the gods surely are carefree as ever.

Couldn't take anymore of this BS, Thanatos just started the screen without any more explaining.

["Are you sure this will be a good idea?"
The first person to speak was Adam, who's looking at Marina with uncertainty.
But Marina just look at him in excitement and smirk.

"Of course. It's my idea after all."
"Oh my g- haaa....."]

"Wait, when is this-?" Cale asked in half shock as he stare at the screen then at Venti whose smile is full of positiveness.

The others also look quite shock seeing Adam, and who rarely appear, Marina, in the screen together. Though this doesn't seem like what happen currently.

"Oh dear mortals~ this is a clip of the past if you're curious!"

Still confused, Venti just giggled seeing their expressions and continue explaining.

"This clip will be showing you about how much of a mess it is for our dear Adam and his friends for bringing you people here!"

'He seem as if this is funny and entertaining-' some thought in baffledness, but the mcs and their families just ignore it since they already got an answer.

["Aigo.... This one will be the most stressful..."
"But aren't you the one who was the most excited earlier when we discuss about bringing your 'brothers' here?"
"You need to understand that I'm not ready to meet them yet!"

Marina laugh at how ridiculous Adam look when he talk about it, as if earlier he wasn't excited and happy that his 'brothers' will be brought here soon.

He put his face in his palms and mumble with a grunt.
"It's not like they will know who I am..."]

"Hyung.." Krs* mumble with a frown before going back to a stoic face.

It's not like he was angry to be brought here, and even if their first meet wasn't much as he expected, it's still nice to get to know him.

Cale* and Krs hide a smile of glee seeing how much their eldest care about them. And definitely amused by how nervous he look before meeting them.
They seriously couldn't sense a feeling of nervousness at all from him from the start!

The brothers can't help but laugh at the nervous looking Adam in the screen. They never knew their eldest was like this.

["Aigo, don't be such a pesimist now! I'm sure you'll be able to get it perfectly done when you meet them!"

Adam just let out a much longer sigh and stood up from the chair and look at all the computer screens infront of him.

A lot of complicated codes and data are divided in each screens, and each one are much different than the others.

But only four screens, that shows aย  picture- not pictures, but more like a recording.

One screen show a frail looking Korean in it.
One screen show a drunk redhair boy.
The other screen show an older version of the Korean guy.
And the last screen show a redhead with three children with him on the bed.

Adam look at each one of them with a loving tender gaze. Before going back to his normal gaze when he heard Marina scoffing.]

"Wait- wasn't that-"
"Yeah. I clearly remember when that time is."

The brothers just look shock, as well as the others. They never knew the higher beings have been watching/monitoring them for quite a long time.

Cause the recording in each of the screens.... Was from a year ago.
Probably 2 years ago for some.

'Hyung must have been watching us for a long time... I just can feel it. He have been watching for much longer than in the screen.'

Krs* kept his thought in silence as he knew some would theorise it far from the fact and some rumors might appear.

Knowing that no one would answer their questions, they just continue on reacting/watching.

["You should relax more brother. They won't react negatively, I just knew it."
Marina try to reassure Adam but fail when she sigh with a not caring look.

Adam yet again let out another sigh and leave the room, ignoring Marina who was pissed by Adam when he suddenly ignoring her-]

"Guess even the ruler of gods can be pissed at something"
"It's Adam-nim we're talking about."

Someone's sarcastic comment cause the children to snicker before putting on their innocent facade yet again when their parents look at them in confusion.

Honestly, even Krs try to suppress his laugh from coming out.

'That's foul-'

A beautifully, elegant crafted door open and close once Adam enter it.
The room is obviously his.

Not many know this but, he and his friends, including family, live in one place.
A very big palace that can even say as big and wide like a kingdom. And it's really just a palace.

This palace is called the Palace of Azmare. Each one of them have their own rooms and areas.]


"Wait wait wait. So you're telling me-"

"That the chaotic demon woman live in the same place as Adam-nim?!"

"Why are you even more focus on that?!"

The others are shocked by the size of the palace.
'Ain't no way that is still counted as a palace-'

Alberu thought with a baffled and shock face, which he then fainted from thinking how much money that might be needed if he ever build such a gigantic palace.

Cale's eyes already shining seeing the palace in the screen. It's not like he liked it, he doesn't want such a big place for himself cause it will be annoying if someone ever get lost in it.

He's excited thinking how much money he will get from looting that palace.
Though his intention were discovered and got smack in the head by Jour.

The royals, the nobles and even the dragons, all look defeated when thinking how much richer Adam and his friends actually is.
Let's just ignore that part-

[He enter his room with such a calm look on his face, but somehow also look irritated.

He lazily jump onto the bed and bury himself in the comfortable pillows and blanket....
Not until he grumble in annoyance so suddenly. And even spoke to thin air.

"You can stop watching me now...
Just come out you annoying bastard."
"As you wish master."

Lex appear from the shadows on the floor and bow toward Adam who's on the bed still. He look and act like a servant. Though Adam ignore him completely and doesn't even look at him.]

"Hah, so that sh*try ghost can act so humble and polite? But not to me?!"
"Calm down my liege!"

Ws* went on a riot and almost destroy the area for villains with his AP.
Fortunately the disaster was prevent by his trusted subordinates before it even happen.

Ws* sat back down with a 'hmph' and cross his arms in sulking. I mean, literally SULKING.

'Oh god... Please give us back our cruel, heartless, emotionless leader...'

The subordinates even praying at this point, don't know why they prefer the previous leader's personality over thisย  'childish' one. Although he's still evil, he's not as cruel as before.

Usually, he would've sent a few subordinates flying whenever he got frustrated even just a little-

'Must be a handful to deal with such leader. Tsk tsk.'
Bud click his tounge internally while pitying the villains


Lex stare at Adam's sleeping figure. He doesn't even budge from his spot and only watch his 'master' sleep. Silently.

He doesn't even make any noise.
He just watch Adam sleeping, like how a ghost/creepy ass stalker would when they watch their victim's sleeping-]

Idk what to say anymore but-

Some of the audience are holding their laugh with how Lex is being narrated in the recording.

"He really got called a 'creepy ass stalker' pfft-"
Even Archie* having a hard time to hold his laugh.

Ws* smirk in slight satisfaction seeing how the ghost he deem as annoying and a trash being narrated in the recording.
'B deserve it-'

He cackled like a real, evil witch while his subordinates watch in dread.

'But it's still creepy...???'
'Kinda remind me of Clopeh a little-'

Krs* and Cale doesn't speak up, but their thoughts are very much obvious to the children and Choi Han, which cause them to sigh in agreement.

They are amused, but they also could feel how creepy it would be if it were them.


"Quiet. Just, quiet."

"But Master-"
"Shut up."

"Master, you-"

Lex instantly close his mouth back after receiving a devastated glare from Adam, who look like he was crying instead of sleeping just now-]

"Holy f- ahahhahahha-!"
"I can't-! Just look at how different he is being treated compare to us! Ahahhha!"

They, of course, pity Lex a little. But the situation is VERY amusing and entertaining to watch. With just how much of a different it is to how gentle Adam treat them compare to how Adam is treating Lex right now.

Surprisingly, even Ws* laugh. No one can be shock anymore at this point with just how much absurd they've watched these past few weeks.

(yes it's been weeks, actually months if they count correctly adding the days they were resting and all without any reaction.)

Even the mcs was amused seeing this scene.

'Doesn't anyone feel curious what that ghost wanted to say?'
Rasheel* thought in baffledness and just go back to sleep.

[Lex frown and just speak without caring whether he will be scold again by Adam.

"But master-"
"The preparations are half-way completed."

Adam instantly jump on the bed and look at Lex with a shocked look.

"What do you mean?"
"As I said, the preparation are half-completed."
"When did-"

Lex sigh and shook his head, looking at his supposedly 'master' with a deadpan face.
Adam on the contrary, is panicking inside.

'Who the hell did the preparations without my consent?! And half-?! That means I'll meet them in a few more days!'

He's literally having a nervous breakdown and on the verge of crying with how nervous he is to meet the mortals they will be brining soon.]


"Forgive me for laughing-*wheeze*"
"D-don't mind u-us- pffft-"

Bud* and Hannah are suffering to hold their laugh in but ending up laughing it out loud while holding their stomach, havinf a stomachache after laughing a lot of times these days.

The others look at them in annoyance, though they're actually laughing on the inside too.

'It's just too funny seeing how nervous Adam-nim actually is contrary to how he appear calm infront of us.'
Basen thought with a small smile that contains a sense of glee in it.

'Imagine how nervous he actually is on the inside while talking to us on the first day.'
Lock* can't help but chuckle at how absurd the situation actually is contrary to reality.

Guess the reality are much different than what they see.

["Ehem- L-lex."
"Yes master?"

Adam try to look serious but end up having his eyes full of tears as he kneel down infront of Lex while gripping Lex's hands tightly.
Which cause Lex to be dumbfounded and loading.

Adam ignore it all and continue asking like what he's doing is normal.]

Their honest reaction was... Quite amusing actually.

Some gasp in absurdity.
Some laugh even more seeing how Adam is acting when he's nervous.
Some are pitying the both of them.

One of those who pity Adam is, of course On.
'Uncle Adam is much worse at dealing with his anxiety than Cale-nya. No, actually, Cale-nya and other uncles are much better at dealing it than Uncle Adam.'

Cale was confused when On suddenly pat his shoulder with her hand while sighing.

'I never knew there will be a day where I see a higher being looking pathetic in my life. Aigo, it seem i might see more shocking things in the future...'
Eruhaben sigh in resignation and sip his tea that he got from the God of Freedom as a gift from mondstadt.

The tea is very much to his liking. Anyone can see it by how delighted Eruhaben looked whenever he take a sip of the tea.

[Adam look up at Lex with a teary eyes.

'Oh please. Not that look-'

"Can you... Ask young miss to postponed it?"

Adam said in a pleading tone, but Lex knew it is fake. He sigh, feeling tired all of a sudden and help Adam to stand up.

"Master. I don't have to remind you that I am in no position to do so-"
"I'll let you use my favourite gadget."

"Ain't no way he would fall for that-"
Dodori mumble in certainty which cause his mother to chuckle at how cute he look while doing so.

The other mortals are just silent and watching the recording with a baffled look.


Lex stare at Adam for a while, before he start to speak.

"Not enough."
"You can wear any of my clothes for a week."
"Still not enough."

Adam click his tounge and grip Lex shoulder with a serious face.

"A week of eating my meals."
"Still no."
"A week of using my car!"

Adam bite his lips, before reluctantly speak.

"A-alright. You can sleep beside me for a week."

Lex finally smile and pat his Master's shoulder with a wide grin before bowing.

"I'll do my best Master."
'This piece of sh-']

No one could say anything. Actually, no one can even speak a thing with how wide their jaws are dropped.

The absurdity of the situation...

Even Venti dropped his wine and some wine dripping down his open mouth while staring at the screen.

Even Thanatos and Eros, who just appear in the room, stare at the screen with the most shocked face by the unexpected clip they see when they just appear in the room.

"Uh... Should i-"
"Let's just stay quiet."

And even the usually chaotic alcoholics doesn't dare to say a word about this.

(O-O Pls don't misunderstand anything about the relationship between Lex and Adam- they just always like that OยฌO)

[Adam sigh as he furrowed his eyebrows while Lex happily leave the room and went to do what Adam ask him to do.

'Just when can I pass him to someone else-???'
Adam thought while massaging the bridge of his nose in a stressful manner.

Lex is his Guardian Soul that he made a contract with at the age of 4.
Only the Pillars can have a Guardian Soul, which protected them when they're unconcious or protecting their soul from any harm.

Adam was fine with having Lex as his Guardian, but who would expect that Lex is clingy as F when it came to Adam?

He still wanted to sleep, take a shower, eat and do everything together with Adam just like how he accompany Adam every day and night (more like every second) and never leave his side once.

Yeah. He's one of a hella annoying 'ghost' that Adam wanted to seal long ago but couldn't cause he needed Lex.]

"No one gonna-"
"Let us process things first Bud."

Even Cage* is looking serious about this. Not serious, but, dumbfounded.

'Sleep, take a shower, eat and do everything together... Doing the same thing in his daily life... Isn't that a whole another level of clingy?'

Cage* then turn and look at Clopeh who's... Sulking?
Yeah, he must be jealous of Lex cause he couldn't do something like that with Cale.

Since Cale would definitely blow him up instantly.

'Even Clopeh atleast act much more appropriate around the young master....'

The alcoholics have turned into the brainy as they think of how much suffering Adam must have been through with Lex.

Even Cale pity him more and relate himself with Clopeh. Though he knew Adam's had it much worse with his ghost servant-

'Fighting Hyung/Uncle!'
The mcs and the two Lily cheering for Adam inside while feeling sympathy for him even more.

Lets just say the others doesn't want to think about it anymore and just smile it through.


The screen suddenly turn off on its own.
The gods thought it was Venti, but they all, including audience, froze seeing who had press the turn off button.

The one who turn off the screen was Adam who's face is as red as tomato.

No one realise when he appear. But one thing for sure...

"He's running away-!"

Everyone (including Venti and Lena) chase after Adam who's running away while crying with a very embarassed face.

'So they've been watching that clip the whole time im not here?! This is so embarassing and humiliating!'

He suddenly vanish into thin air, teleporting somewhere that he could cry and comforting himself all alone.

They of course doesn't gave up and separate into groups and look around the whole dimension. Their intentions weren't evil...
They just want to comfort him. Yea.... Absolutely that...

And now, everyone is in a 'searching spree', searching for Adam with different kinds of intentions, whether it's the good one, or the evil one...


I'm sorry if this chapter is short, but most of my ideas are for another chapter โœ‹

Thank you all for worrying and caring about me! And thank you for continuing to read my story! You're all are so sweet and nice! ๐Ÿ’–

Even if our religions and origins are different, I hope we can all keep this kind of peace and stay kind to each other๐Ÿ’–
Anyway, small Adam!

Thank you for reading๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

8. 10. 2023
