Chapter 4 (meet)

"Nya... He still hasn't wake up yet.." Hong's ears droop while he look at his fathe- human, still sleeping.

"I'm sure human just sleeping because he feel tired. So you need no fear because the great and mighty Raon Miru is here to look after our human!"
Raon puff up his chest to look majestic but to others, he look cute.

On just ignored her brothers antics as she check on the redhead's breathing.
'It seems his breathing is going back to normal' On let out a sigh of relief after making sure the redhead's breathing is fine and let him rest.
"It's seem I wake up faster than him.", Sgt! KRS look at the sleeping tcf! Cale with heavy eyes as he still feeling tired and lazy.

"I should get up no-" a hand suddenly push his body back lying on the bed as the person let out a bit of his dragon fear.
"You should rest for a bit more before you could get out of bed" Sgt! KRS obediently lay back as he got chills from Tcf! Eruhaben and Grandma Kim's cold glare.

"I can get you whatever you want, so please just rest here and do nothing abodiently Hyung." Sgt! Lee Seung Won speak to Sgt! KRS with a look of anticipation as he is waiting for his Hyung to ask him for anything.
Sgt! Lee Seung won became more excited and curious as to what his Hyung would ask him to bring as Sgt! KRS open his mouth to speak.

"Than, could you bring me something to eat? I'm quite hungry..." Sgt! Lee Seung Won and his sister quickly ran out of the bedroom to the kitchen and look for foods and drinks.
"Make sure to bring him the most luxurious food you can find! We need to serve our Roksoo the best treatment!" Both Sgt Lee Jin Joo and Lee Seung Won started to search for foods faster after hearing Sgt! Lee soo Hyuk's order.

"Aigoo... Did you see how much they love you Roksoo? So hurry up on getting better" Sgt! KRS look at Grandma Kim with an odd look after hearing her statement. 'Why would they love someone like me so much? I didn't do much for them to love me..'
Still, he gave her a gentle smile as he thought about something that could get him scolded by his family figures.

*Meanwhile, in the recording room*
"Adam, my son!" The god of death proceed to hug Adam as soon as Adam enter the room.
"He isn't your child, if you may accept the reality. He is mine." The Sun God snatch Adam away from The GOD and hug him tight.
"Hah! As if he accept you as his mother!" The Sun God look at The GOD with a displeasure face and respond with a sarcastic tone.

"Did he ever say you are his only guardian? I'm sure he said I'm his mother and you're only a GUARDIAN" The sun god look at the GOD with a mocking face.

"Hahaha, Death-nim, Sun-nim, please stop fighting..." Adam look at both of the gods with an awkward expression as he still hasn't got used to it.

'They would actually destroy this room if they fight here' his eyes were full of terror at the thought as he still keeping his smiling face.

" I would like to start the reaction now, but they are still sleeping and doing their own activities. Huu.. I want to show them a very interesting record of the young cale..." Lena let out a sigh as she find it boring waiting for the humans.

"Ah right! Let's have a spar Adam! I wanna see if I get stronger or not!"
"We always got a tie. Aren't you tired of it? We already spar for about 7109 times." Adam look at Lena with a very tired expression as Lena's excitement quickly disappear.

"You don't need to remind me of that you beach..." she mumbled as she went to the mic to make an announcement.

"Ah ah, 1 2 3,testing testing. OK everyone, are you ready for another reaction?" 'I'm getting bored right now.' of course she didn't said the last part.

"Nya! But, human still hasn't wake up yet!" Raon imitated his siblings sounds as he speak. 'I want to react with human'

"Hahaha, sorry can't do. We need to start now or you will need to stay here longer" Nela let out an awkward laugh as she worry that they would be angry at them.
'I really hope I can stay here longer. I want to slack off from my works' Lena laugh inwardly at both Alberu's thought.

"Mm.." Everyone in the bedroom turn their head to see that the redhead is about to wake up. "No! Human, you should sleep more!" "Nya! Our human need to rest more! Quick Choi Han, Knock him out!" Tcf! Choi Han was contemplating whether he should knock Cale out before he was stopped by the scary assassin.
"It is time for young master to wake up. Little Hong, you shouldn't ever suggest such thing if you want to let the young master to rest properly."
Tcf! Ron speak with a benign smile that give chills to the kittens.

'Scary old man' Tcf! Cale shiver as his eyes still close while contemplate whether he should wake up or not.
" You don't need to act anymore, just quickly get up and eat something unlucky bastard" Tcf! Eruhaben speak while bringing a plate of steak to Tcf! Cale.

<Time skip, 20 minutes later~>

"Everyone already seated? Did you guys have a great time?" Nela asked with her holy looking smile.
'Damn, she look too holy' thought the main characters of this event.
'This lady is so beautiful'
'I wonder if I could be as graceful as her one day'
'She look like a nice lady..' some commoner and nobles children was mesmerised by the lady's beauty before turning their heads at the shining screen.

[ The scene show a redhead and three children currently sleeping on a king size bed. They all sleep peacefully in this peaceful night.

The redhead, Cale Henituse has seen sleeping peacefully on his bed with his childrens sleeping on his chest.

But what he dreamt of wasn't like any ordinary dreams he ever had...]

"Hm? Maybe he dream of his slacker life finally agreeing to be part of his life?"
"Nah, I think the dream is about his miserable life" KRS and Tboah! Cale snicker while talking about Tcf! Cale's dream.

"How would you know that's me and not you?" ask Tcf! Cale as he didn't want to lose to their teasing.
"Because I dont have kittens and a Dragon as my children." answered tboah! Cale with a mocking smile while tcf! Cale couldn't think of anything to reply him back.

[ In his dream...

He was in a space where everything is white, "Huh? Wait, Kim Rok Soo? What are you doing here?" ask Cale henituse as he look at the black hair guy in front of him with shock.

"what? I was about to ask the same thing. Did you perhaps faint again?"
Krs than ask cale henituse back while inspecting his body.
"Eh? Who are you guys? And why does you look like me?" they than turn their head to see another Cale but younger.

"H-huh? Cale Hyung? How did you-"
"Wait, are you Rok Soo from the sealed god test?"
All four of them look at each other in confusion when suddenly a purplish-blue hair guy walk toward them.]

"Don't tell me what I think it is" KRS look at the screen with a stiff face.
'I got a bad feeling about this'

[ "Welcome my dear brothers from different worlds!" said the guy with a big bright smile.
"What the..."
All four of them had a dumbfounded look as they were thinking who this guy is to call them brothers]

"What the f-" all the main characters also had the same reaction as in the screen. "No cussing!"

'Pfft- their reactions are priceless.' half of the audience's shoulders are shaking as they are holding their laugh.

[ They continue to stare at the guy for explanation.
"Ah, you guys must had not recognize who I am since I usually use my disguise around you guys. I am known as Kang Jung won." the Kims shoulder flinched after hearing a familiar name. 'No way, he is the new friend we met?'

"And I am also known as Kallen but of course I use the form of a child." The man's body suddenly cover by a purple fog. Than a little boy was seen after the fog disappear.

"No way, you're that kid?!" the younger cale look at the boy in shock.
"Hmm? You know him?" Cale henituse ask as he could see the young cale's face became pale after seeing the boy.]

"Hmmm.... So SUS~" Tboah Bud said his thought with a very Sus tone.
"Can you not say it like that? It sound more weird when you said it." the purple hair mage look at his alcoholic friend before turning back to the screen.

["Oh, Cale Thames help me in the woods before when he was running away fro-" before he could finish speaking, young Cale cut him off.
"I helped this boy before although I cannot say he is a little boy after seeing him transform"

"OK then." they look at Cale who had a satisfied smile on his face after reading the generous explanation about how to receive the treasures who turn back into his original form sitting on a chair that appear out of who knows where.
"I'll say the list of common things you all had first, ehem." they stare at the list the man's holding as they still processing what the he-- is happening.

"1. You guys have low self-esteemed."
 the four felt like the words hit them as the man continue speaking.

" guys have a sacrificing tendencies."
Second hit.

"3. You guys have a bad childhood and sad life" third hit

"4. You guys have communication problems and lead people to misunderstood you" fourth hit

"5. You guys are dense regarding people concerns toward you. 6, You guys-"

"OK, please stop. All the things you're saying aren't even correct about us" "6. You guys deny about the truth and reality because you guys are dense and etc."

The man finally stop and look at them with a big smile while the four said guys look at him in disbelief.]

"Aren't all that true?" Tcf! Shickler said and others start to share their opinions.

"Everything the blue dude said is true lol. You guys only didn't want to accept the truth"
"My friend is truly a nice guy"
"Young masters seems to be dense about his own self" Tcf bud, toonka and Litanas share their honest thoughts as others nod their head in agreements.

"Dont you dare to cough up blood and faint again human!"
"That's right nya! We will destroy the world if you sacrifice yourself again!"
TCF! Cale let the children's ranting in from one ear and out another ear.'But I don't sacrifice myself?'

-Aigoo.. This punk
-Hahahha! I like that blue hair guy!
He ignored the Super Rock and the cheapskate. (as usual~)

[" Excluding Kim Dokja and Han Yoojin, you guys really are my soul brothers!" the man said in an excited tone.

"Excuse me, but could you atleast tell us your name? And please explain everything you just said. It's so confusi-" before young KRS could finish, a sudden pain struck his head. Not just him, KRS, Cale Thames and Cale Henituse, all four of them hold their heads as they suddenly had a painful headache.]

"My Naru!"
Some of the audience shout in unison as they look at the four in worry.

"Please seat back and just watch. This happen in the near future, so none of us know what happen." everyone sit back and calming down a little after hearing Tboah! Cale's statement.

"But, isn't it weird? Mr Adam call the younger young master cale by using Thames surname while Henituse surname were use for our young master cale" some started become more curious after hearing Tcf! King Zed's statement and pay more attention to the screen.

["Ugh... What's, this?" Cale Thames speak in confusion while he try to focus his eyes.

"W-wait. Who's, who's memories is this?" they all start to see all kind of different memories. It's like, they were seeing each others memories.

After an hour, the pain finally subsided. the man than once again started to explain. "Those memories that you see are mine and also yours. I made you guys watch each others memories from the moment they were born, until this moment. Now you guys would know why I said we are brothers right?" the man said with a fake bright smile while the other four look at each other in disbelief. They just saw, watch, feel and share their painful and happy memories with each other.

They somehow felt a sense of kinship after seeing each others life.]

" Woah! That's amazing! They just saw each others life and could feel it too! I wanna tr-!" Tboah! Bud suddenly got hit by a flying(?) rock at the back of his neck and lose consciousness.

Everyone was quite shocked at this and try to find the culprit. They could only see the innocent tboah! Saint Jack smiling at them when they look at the direction the rock fly from. They shrugged it off because, who would believe an innocent guy like that, throw a rock at others right?

'He shouldn't said something that he would regret.' tboah! Saint Jack glare at tboah! Bud while keeping his Saint smile and his sister cheering him at the back.

"Let's stop here for now. Its actually quite boring for me to watch that bi- I mean that guy's life. You mortals can rest for a while. Enjoy your 5 hours break~"

Everyone, including the villains move to their respective place to rest or play.


I'm so sorry for updating later than usual. I am quite busy today as I have classes in this beautiful holiday. (f**k you headaches)

I may not be able to post on Sunday because I have a music contest. 💀Welp. See ya and thank you for reading~
