Chapter 38: Random Reaction

Oh right, since I was a new writer, Idk the basic of writing. Let me put this to avoid a bit confusion

"Talk"= normal mortal talking
'Think'=normal mortal thinking
"God"= higher beings/gods talking
'God'= higher being/gods thinking
"..." = Adam talking
"..." = lex talking/ ghost

Anyway, thank you to all the readers and votes! I feel like I'm famous when I saw how many have read my story here TvT
(delulu is solulu)


Tap tap tap-


'Dammit dammit dammit! Why is everyone looking for me?! Save me someone!' Adam cry internally while hiding in one of the hidden corridor that no one have ever walk through before.

Firstly, yall still remember how he was chased before right? Because of what people is trying to do to him and all-

Unfortunately, he doesn't have anyone to help him except...

"Why are you hiding in such an obvious place master?"
Lex ask innocently as if he never did anything wrong.

Adam glare at him before kicking him right in the face.
"This is all your fault you useless ghost!"

"Ouch... Why is it MY fault? I didn't put that clip-"

"You were there and know what's happening but doesn't stop it. Is it still not your fault?" Adam spoke in a dark tone while Lex imitate Venti's 'ehe'.

Lex was about to speak before Adam grabbing Lex by the collar and throw him to a wall.

Poor Lex being beaten for the next few minutes before they were found by the mortals...

Cale's eyes was shining while Roksoo is grinning ear to ear and the others are just as the same.
Smiling brightly at the two of them who stop fighting (more like one sided beating) when they were suddenly founded by the mortals.

"Oh my d-dear mortals! How have you be-"
"You don't need to greet us so formally your excellency."
"I-I see..."

'But aren't you the one who's speaking formally right now Eruhaben-nim?'

Adam thought while awkwardly releasing Lex who already disappear back to thin air. Even if Adam is much older than the dragon's in age, he can't help but call him with respect since he's feeling uneasy about ALL this mortals staring at him.

Adam take a step back while smiling and waving at them.
"Oh dear, I just remember something urgent to do. I'll take my leave h-"

Before he knew it, upon Cale's order, everyone pull out some kind of glowing ropes and bind Adam with it. He can't even move since he's being tied from shoulders to toe.
(like literally).

"M-my dear brothers-"
"No need to speak our dear, lovable, cute, brother. We just want to talk."

Adam laugh awkwardly but feel even more scared when he saw that 'smile' on everyone's face.
Why are their face so dark? Did I do something wrong? What's with the sudden sweet words? W-why are the children also doing it and holding jars?

Little did Adam know, at that moment, will be the started of his 'torture'...



Jk yall that was a joke-


"I think he's dead."

The gods and the other divine/higher beings are staring at the pale looking Adam, who's lying like a dead person on the sofa in the recording room.
He really look like he's dead cause his chest is not moving.

But since Lex is still here, they know Adam is alive.

Poke poke.

Lex, out of boredom, poke Adam's cheek with his finger while waiting for his master to wake up, but it doesn't seem like Adam will be back in a few more hours...

'Damn. The mortals are ruthless.' Thanatos thought while feeling goosebumps. He hopes his 'children' won't do that to him too...
It's not like they know his weakness, heh.
(ohoho, in the future-)

Back at the reaction room*.

The mortals look... Satisfied. No, more like they look happy. Like they're the happiest in the world!

Some are smirking of course. And one of that is none other than Ws* and Rion.

'I didn't expect I also get to shove some sweets into the mouth of a being who's higher than gods..'

They both giggles quietly as possible, but the people around them look at them both in confusion and at Ws* as if he is the strangest thing in the world.

Continue on the reaction...

Venti, now with the help of Ei, the God of Eternity, start the new recording without any further waiting..

Everyine just sat down with popcorn this time since they already satisfied enough 'torturing' Adam earlier.

@credit to the creator

Cough cough-

Cale cough so loudly that people started thinking whether he's going to throw out blood again or not. But some others already laugh.

"Hahahhaha-! Cale, it seem someone have a crush on you!"
"Your highness, that is not the case right now."

'isnt he the one that stalk me in the previous vid?!'
(I forgot which chapter is it, but I certainly put that vid)

Then come our innocent Raon~

"Human, can a guy date a guy? Isn't that against the law of nature?"
'Oh dear-'

Cale already become nervous just from the first reaction vid, and even more flabbergasted that Sheritt have the gut to laugh at her son's innocent question.
They will just kept him curious till he grow up...

@credit to creator

"Nya! It's us nya!"
"We look cool!"
"Human, human, let's do that too!"

The children are already excited to try that idea they got from the vid, but Cale seem a bit... Reluctant.
Not because he doesn't want to, but because..

'Is there even a size for them? I need a tailor to make clothes like mine for their size. Just where can I find a great tailor...'

The others already knew he's thinking hard about that, and the only thing they cna do is..

Alberu put his hand on Cale's shoulder and put a small pouch on his lap.

"Here dongsaeng, I'll give you extra money and find the most greatest tailor in this room."
Alberu said with a shiny smile.
He's being genuine right now, but that look on cale's face-

'just what is wrong with him?'

-'Human, is the prince's brain damaged? Why did he suddenly give you money when you didn't even scam him?'


Even raon is surprised and confused by this, adding the father also confused, they can't do anything about it other then letting the misunderstanding go on...

@credit to creator
-light yellow hair: Adam
-Dark brown hair: Lena
-white hair: Reynold
-lighter brown hair: Thanatos
- the girl: Nela


Lena awkwardly look away and pretend as if nothing happen, though she feels uneasy when the mortals are glaring at her asking for explaination.

"Hey, pretend as if you didn't 'torture' him earlier. I'm not at the wrong."
"Yeah right"
'This brat-'

Lena scoff in amusement and annoyance When Rion* Even roll his eyes in sarcasm toward her.

Ohohooho, she would literally give him the worst nightmare ever that he won't even be able to look at her-

Ei grab Lena by the back of her collar and drag her away before she do something she's gonna regret later.

@credit to creator


"I have no comment."
"Same bud, same."

This is the first time ever Glenn is speaking so nicely to Bud. Which make Bud smile with a teary eyes but end up getting a smack.

The others... Just have a deadpan look. They know how much Cale like to sleep in his free time if possible. He's like a bear and sleep 13 hours or more!

But they didn't expect the other two suicidal bastards from diff dimension also are the same.

'I don't know how to react.'
Clopeh thought. Yes, he's back to the rasional side and also finally became not-a-obsessed-legend-fanatic right now.

@credit to creator

-white hair: Lex
-the girl: Nela
-the black hair: Reynold

"Pfft- his face-"
"This is a very big misunderstanding."
"We need the god of misunderstanding to explain this!"

Everyone laugh while some looking at Cale with a teasing smirk.

'What are they talking about? Is there such god exist?'
He was dumbfounded and people laugh even more.

"Oh my poor, dear dongsaeng. This Hyung can't get enough of you." Sui Khan wipe his crocodile tear with a smile and Lsh is flashing a very bright smile at Cale.

Cale almost go blind.

[A spacious white place with nothing in it.

Adam is standing in the middle, but he have company....

"Huu.... It's very... Peaceful."
Adam mumble with a face full of peace.]

"Ah right, I wonder how he is doing right now."
Krs* mumble in curiosity but continue to react in silence.

'This seems to be normal.'
Alberu* thought with a bored look.

[he was having his peace... His own peace, but a certain bastard just interrupt it!

" Huh? "
"Fireball coming right up!"

Adam immediately dodge and pull out his weapon, which kinda get stuck since he didn't notice the chains surrounding him and now binding him.

"Well well, now I got what I want, can I do whatever I want?"

Light appear out of nowhere while smiling like a charming prince, but not Adam. He certainly look piss.]

"I take it back. It's not normal."
Alberu* suddenly speak it out loud with a deadpan face.

No one react to that, but they certainly can't get any peace if it were to come to this chaotic bros.

'Nothing around them are normal.'

Eruhaben thought with a sigh, but then realise he's included too.
Eh, I'm atleast the normal one in the group.'

["You piece of sh-"


The chains instantly binding around his limbs tighter, his torso also got binded and his mouth was shut by a sealing spell.

"Now now, isn't it you who said 'We need to always talk in a respectful and polite manner'? Are you going back on your words?"

Light look amused by Adam's attempt to keep cussing at him.
That's what make him loveable by the other pillars.

'Ah~ isn't he's cute like this?'.]

" Well damn, your eldest seem to be dealing with a psycho."
Hannah* comment with a disgusted look and even Jack* agree with a worried look.

"We can't do anything about it."
"Those brothers just tend to attract a lot of psychos, weirdos and all types of people around them except normal people."

Robbit* is taken aback by how one of the marquis boldly said it and admit it was him when the mcs are glaring and asking who said it.

The Chois are laughing as quietly as possible, but the hyungs are laughing like crazy, like they don't care whether they lose their head or something.


Another figure appear behind Light, looking excited while... Holding Lex.

Just how his name is Light, his soul was named dark as the opposite.

Light supposed to have white, a  bit greyish hair, but he use a different  hair colour to not look so obvious.

Dark look at his master with excitement in his eyes, while his face just look stoic.

"Master... Allow me to take this 'trophy' with us."

Lex groan and about to wake up again, but Dark knock him out again and hold him tighter with sparkling eyes.

'Stay strong comrade.' Adam thought with a cheering smile though sobbing inside. Jus thow the hell did that ghost caught his guardian???]

Yep. They aren't normal.

"It seem both master and guardian got the same problem."
"Keekekeke, true."
The Thames can't stop cackling and the mcs are pitying their eldest but also laughing at his guardian.

Would the fate of the soul be the same with the contractor/master once they make their contracts? Who knows.

"Why don't we stop it here before we got another brain damages?"
Ws* try to said it with a polite smile, but Venti smirk back.

"Nuh uh."
"The fuck you mean 'Nuh uh'?"

'those two...'

Eros can't help but sigh in resignation seeing a mortal and a god about to start a fight of mockness against each other.
The others are still focus on the screen though. Which show that Lex got taken away first with the ghost called 'Dark'.

No one knows what happened to him. May the poor soul rest in peace...

Wait, he's already a ghost-

"Alright! Last one to ease the mood!"

'Ease the mood he say...'
Gashan* just got a bad feeling about it.

@credit to creator

Alberu just left the chat.

Tasha chuckle, seeing how pale her nephew had become. She swear she could see his soul leaving his body just now.

'I hope you didn't loss a finger my counterpart..'
Alberu* sympathy didn't reach him, but his sense are tingling from it.

Cale look like he just got an idea from it, and Choi Han look like he's ready to prepare everything for Cale.

'I hope you survive my destructive dongsaeng your highness.'

Krs thought in sympathy but couldn't take his eyes off the water knife that appears in Cale's hand.

'oh no-'

You're wondering where Adam is right now right?

Well, the reaction vid that was shown before wasn't a clip of the past, but what currently happening after Adam woke up and went to isolation.

Yeah, he got caught again but will escape soon. The gods are trying to help too, but Lena seems to want to annoy Adam even more and hindering the gods from doing so.

It's amusing for her, but not for Adam.
Adam (and lex) only could wait for rescue to come since they aren't tied in a certain place-

Nah, I will just tell you.

Adam like usual is like being kidnapped and tied on Light's bed. (don't worry, Light just want to keep him there and want to talk in peace without being cuss at.)

And lex... Well, let's just say his situation are worse. His limbs are tied and the only thing he could move is his head. Unfortunately, he can't disappear to thin air again cause Dark is holding him so tightly and even wrap him with a blanket that have a sealing spell on it.

Let's pray for this two poor souls to be saved soon...


Hey there! Been a long time since I updated. For me atleast.

And this chap is just for fun, and the Adam and Lex part, don't think too much about it.

It's their daily life being kidnapped, tied, fighting, cussing, etc... It's their daily life okay? This include Lena who add oil to the fire.

Aaanyway. See you guys next time! I really just make this chap to be short cause the next one might be long.
I will see whether I have a much busier schedule or much lesser busy schedule.

I want a week or two of holiday teach-

Again, tysm for reading! 💖💖💖

