Chapter 9

Aurora's P.O.V

I sighed getting out of bed, still emotionally exhausted and now sore. I winced touching the bruises on my wrists, "I hate him." I whispered to myself as I went into the bathroom, turning on the water for my shower I tied my hair up because I just washed it yesterday. Taking my clothes off quickly I got in the shower wanting to feel the warm water. I jumped slightly as I felt the bruise on the back of my leg get hit with water, I sighed shaking my head and turned around to wash myself off.


"I'm coming!" I shouted down to Scott as he kept calling me, I finished covering up my wrist bruises and rushed downstairs as he started calling me again, "Are we taking your bike or is Stiles driving?" I asked taking a bite of an apple. "Stiles." He answered seeing Stiles pull up, "Come on, you can eat in the car." He said grabbing my wrist to pull me along, "Ouch!" I said immediately pulling my arm back, "I forgot I'm sorry!" He said as he turned around to face me, "It's okay." I sighed grabbing my apple and following him to the jeep. "Good morning." Stiles said as we climbed in, "Yeah." I mumbled under my breath.


"Aurora." Brett said as he tried to help me with my homework, I keep zoning out, "Uh sorry." I replied looking at him, "What did you say?" I asked trying to figure out what subject we were on, "Scott told me you only had half an apple this morning and I saw you didn't even finish lunch either, what about dinner? Have you even eaten yet?" He asked quietly, I couldn't bare to look at him. "I just wasn't hungry today." I stated as I stared at the wall in front of me, "I know that wall isn't that interesting." He sighed, glancing at the clock, "It's almost seven." He added on, "I'll eat with you." He bargained trying to get me to eat dinner, "I'm not that hungry." I said, obviously I was lying. I'm starving but I can't be bothered with going to eat, all I've wanted to do was sleep all day.

I bit my lip as I continued to stare at the wall, I didn't realize I had a few tears running down my face until I felt Brett's thumb wiping them away. "What's wro-" He started but I cut him off as I practically threw myself on him. My body shook as strangled sobs escaped my mouth.

Brett's P.O.V

"What's wro-" Aurora cut me off as she wrapped her arms around my neck hugging herself to me, easily I pulled her over so she was sitting on my lap. I held her tighter in hopes of keeping her from shaking so much but it didn't work, sighing I ran my hands up and down her back, occasionally kissing the side of her head.

Aurora's P.O.V

"I'm so scared." I whispered as my tears slowed down, "Of what?" He replied as he continued rubbing my back, "Everything, life, school, every dang supernatural creature that comes to Beacon Hills. I'm afraid of losing you, Scott, everyone I care about. I'm scared to treat my dad like he is my dad because I know he's just going to leave again soon, I already heard my mom talking to him about when he leaves." I said, my hands tightening their grip on his shirt. He leaned back and turned his head slightly to look at me.

"I'm not going anywhere, Scott's not going anywhere, anyone who is worth being in your life will try everything in their power to stay here with you." He paused gathering his words, "Everyone's scared of life and school, I'll help you keep your grades up," he moved a piece of stray hair behind my ear, "I'm not letting any supernatural creature near you." He finished with a smile, "What about my dad? What about me being a banshee? I still can't even scream like one." I said getting up frustratedly, not at him but just in general.

"Your dad loves you, you know that. It's okay not being able to scream like it yet, you have to learn and that's fine." He said standing in front of me to keep me from pacing. "You've got a way with words Talbot." I said looking up at him, he smiled, "Are you okay?" He asked cupping my face, I smiled at how warm his hands are compared to how cold I am, "I will be. It just gets to be too much sometimes." I sighed closing my eyes. "I say you hold up pretty good." He answered placing a kiss on my forehead. "You're just saying that." I responded making him raise an eyebrow, "I don't just say things." He said using air quotes.

A small smile tugged on my lips as I realized he was messing around, "But you do." I told him acting like I didn't know what he's doing, he followed me as I walked over to my mirror to tie my hair up. "Stop." He whined poking my sides making me squirm, "You stop." I laughed as I turned around, he shook his head a smile forming on his lips, "Come on." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me along. "Where are we going?" I asked as we walked downstairs. "We," he paused motioning between the both of us, "Are going to eat." He finished pulling us into the kitchen, "Good." I replied pushing my self up to sit on the counter.

He hummed turning around to look at me, he laughed seeing me swinging my legs, "What do you want?" He asked as he put one of his hands next to each side of me. "Honestly?" I asked, he nodded suspiciously, "Just order a pizza, I don't feel like cleaning up from cooking something." I laughed, he laughed but agreed.


"Hello brother!" I sang as Scott walked in, he rolled his eyes, "Have you eaten?" He asked directing the question at both Brett and I. "Pizza's on the way." I laughed, "I'm starving." He said dropping himself on the couch by my feet. "Who said you get any?" I teased, he glared at me, "I did." He replied causing me to laugh. "How's Kira?" I asked as I remembered she's been having problems controlling herself. "The same, maybe a little worse." He sighed, "She'll be okay." I said as the doorbell rang, I got up grabbing some money at the same time, "Thank you." I said politely as I took the pizza, in return I handed him the money. As I went to close the door I squinted my eyes to focus on who was across the street.

Immediately I swung the door shut, making sure it was locked at least four times before I convinced myself to walk to the living room. "What took so long?" Scott asked as I set the pizza down. "Nothing, can one of you help me get drinks and plates." I stated rather than ask as I went to the kitchen, I stopped as I peeked out the window and still saw him there, "What are you looking at?" Brett asked coming up behind me, I tilted my head up to look at him before immediately looking back, he was gone.

"I swear that Theo was right there, right across the street." I said not moving my eyes from the spot, "Babe, there is no one there." He said gently pulling me away from the window. "He was." I told him as I stalked off to the kitchen, "You don't believe me." I stated as I grabbed cups out of the cabinet, "I never said that." He whispered wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, "You didn't have to." I shrugged out of his grip, knowing I'm over reacting but I can't help it, I always push people away when I need them most. "Aurora." He sighed blocking my way out to the living room, "What?" I asked, "I do believe you." He said, I sighed looking up at him, "Thank you." I replied and finally went to sit down, he followed behind me with paper plates.

I practically moaned as I bit into the pizza, "So good." I laughed at myself, Brett and Scott both shook their heads laughing. "Shut it." I glared at them, "Yes ma'am." Brett smiled, I chuckled before finishing my food.


"Bye, baby." Brett said kissing me before he left, "Bye." I smiled up at him after I pulled back, standing at the door I looked across the street, I took a breath of relief, I didn't see Theo again. I waved as Brett pulled out of the driveway in his car. Sighing I shut the door - locking it - I turned to go to the living room, I froze, "Scott!" I shrieked. I heard running as he smirked coming closer to me, "Aurora! What's wrong?" Scott asked running into the area I was in, he disappeared right in front of me, "T-T-Theo." I stuttered out, "What are you talking about?" Scott asked coming over to me, I backed myself up so I was against the front door, "He was right there!" I shouted pointing in front of me, "The only people in here are me and you." Scott said calmly.

I shook my head, pulling at my hair, "You walked in and he disappeared I literally watched him dissipate." I said wide eyed, "What if this is a sign?" I mumbled sliding down the door until I was sat on the ground. "Like what?" Scott asked sitting next to me, "The night when he attacked me, I was in the school to use the bathroom but when I looked up thinking I was at the bathroom I was in the library, I walked there to the complete other side of the school from the bathroom. Only to be attacked by Theo. What if I was supposed to die that night, what if that's why I keep seeing him." I said.

Scott looked over at me, "You weren't supposed to die that night." He stated as he watched my expression change. "How do you know?" I sassed, "You're too young." He replied, mostly sounding like he was convincing himself. "Scott, we both know that doesn't mean anything." I sighed staring at the wall across from us, "Too many people my age have died already. I would just be added to the list." I added on feeling a single tear run down my face, "Don't talk like that." He said pulling me into his side, "I'm crazy." I whispered, "No you're not." He replied in the same hushed voice...

A/N: Please, please, please comment your honest opinions on this, I always work so hard on my books but this chapter in particular I worked extremely hard on, I want to know what you think of the storyline taking this route.
