Chapter 4

Aurora's P.O.V

"Morning." I muttered to Liam and Mason. "I mean I know it's Monday and all but thats no reason to sound like that is it?" Mason asked laughing, "I got like no sleep last night." I said laying my head on Liam's shoulder, "Oh how will you live?" Liam asked over dramatically, they both seemed oddly happy, "Why are you guys smiling like that?" I asked looking around, I was about to look behind me when Liam grabbed my shoulders and yanked me back around, "Ow! Liam, what was that for?" I asked grabbing my shoulder.

"I told you not to let her see me coming, you didn't have to try and break her in half in the process." I heard someone say behind me, I turned and saw Brett. "What are you doing here?" I asked smiling, "Oh did I not tell you?" He asked looking down at me, "Tell me what?" I whined hugging him, "I moved, I live right here in beacon hills now." He answered wrapping his arms around me, I pulled back and slapped his arm, "Why didn't you tell me!?" I laughed, "Because I wanted to surprise you." He whined pulling me back to him, I noticed Liam and Mason went on there way. "You did good then." I replied wrapping my arms around his neck. I pouted my lips out at him and pointed to them.

"If I have to." He said jokingly, I gasped. He smiled before leaning down and kissing me, I smiled at him after he pulled away. "You've got plans for tonight." He stated as he walked me to class. "Oh do I?" I asked, "Yep." He paused, "You need to wear a bathing suit." He added on. "You're taking me all the way to the beach on a Monday night?" I asked shocked, he hummed in response, "You're so lucky Scott is so easygoing about you, you'd never see me if he wasn't." I laughed, "And you say we need to stop." I said to Stiles as we passed him kissing Malia, "I'm older!" He replied as we kept walking, "Not an excuse!" I called out to him.

"You have to change your address in my phone." I said handing him my phone before I went to class, he started typing away and before I knew it he was handing me my phone back. "Thanks." I smiled. "We've got to go to class, bye babe." He said kissing me quickly and rushing off. I smiled walking into my class, despite everything that goes on, he always manages to keep his grades up. I blushed as the teacher scolded me for not paying attention, "She's so weird." I heard some of the students mumble, I tensed but shrugged it off, "It's nothing I can't handle." I thought to myself.

I shut my locker and jumped seeing Theo standing right there. "Um hi." I said awkwardly backing up a bit. "Hey, beautiful." He smirked, I rolled my eyes at him, "I've got a boyfriend." I stated even though he already knew. "But I can treat you better than he can." He said a devilish look in his eyes, "No." I said backing up again. I turned around and rushed to lunch, "Hey guys." I sighed sitting down with my food, which honestly didn't seem the slightest bit appealing right now. "You okay? You like you've just seen a ghost." Scott asked concerned. "I'm okay, don't worry." I said forcing a smile. Inwardly I had a small breakdown, Theo has been doing stuff like this to me for weeks, ever since he first showed up he's been doing it.

"Hey, Scott. Is it okay if I sit here?" Theo asked showing up out of nowhere. I slid closer to Brett as I saw my brother nod his head, how could he be so oblivious to the fact that he's not a good guy. Brett put his arm around me in a comforting way, the whole time for lunch we stayed like that, eating our food in silence as Theo and Scott talked.

"Why did you do that when Theo sat down?" Brett asked once we got out of lunch, "Because I don't like him." I said truthfully, he nodded skeptically, "Okay, let me know if he bothers you." He answered, concern in his voice. "I will I promise, what time are you picking me up?" I asked lacing my fingers with his. "5:00." He answered, "Just enough time to get ready." I said, a small laugh coming out. He smiled at me, "I'll see you later." He said kissing my forehead, "Okay." I said, I mentally prepared myself for my next class.

I scoffed seeing Theo by Scott's bike, "Hurry up Scott." I thought to myself. "What do you want?" I asked as I stood a decent distance away from him. "What? I can't talk to a pretty girl like you?" He asked faking innocence, "No, you can't." I answered looking around for Scott or anyone I know really. I groaned to myself knowing Brett already went home, "Why not?" He asked. I turned and saw Scott coming over, I sighed a breath of relief, "Scott!" I called out, "What's wrong? Oh hi Theo." He greeted, I rolled my eyes. "Can we just go please." I said a slight trace of urgency in my voice, "Yeah, of course." He replied, "Sorry." He added on to Theo, "No problem." Theo said smiling, when he looked at me he smirked.

"What was that with Theo? You looked ready to rip him in half!" Scott said to me as soon as we got home. "He's such a jerk! How have you not noticed!?" I answered, mad that he was being so harsh with me about it. "Not you too. Maybe you should try and get to know someone before you judge them so quickly." He snapped, "Maybe you should stop being so quick to trust people!" I shouted, I shook my head at him and went upstairs to my room.

"Hey, do you think we could leave a little bit earlier, like 4:30 if possible?" I sent to Brett, it was 4:00 already.

Message from Brett: Yes, I could come over now?


Message from Brett: Okay, is everything alright?

"Yes, I'll tell you when you get here."

I changed into my bathing suit and put a tank top and shorts on top. Sunglasses, sunscreen and my phone were all put in my bag and I went downstairs to wait for Brett. "I'm sorry, Aurora." Scott said as soon as he saw me, "It's okay, I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled." I said. "Oh and Brett's about to pick me up." I added on, he nodded, "Okay. Have fun." He said kissing the top of my head before going to his room. I was about to sit down when I heard a car outside, "The perks of your boyfriend being a year older." I mumbled going to the door, "Bye Scott!" I yelled, "Bye!" He replied.

"Hey, gorgeous." Brett greeted. "Hi." I smiled, "So tell me, why'd you want to leave early? Not that I mind." He answered holding my hand with his free one. "When I texted you me and Scott we're kind of mad at each other. It's okay now, plus I just wanted to get away for a couple hours." I said truthfully. He nodded, eyes still focused on the road. "Why were you and Scott mad? Were you arguing?" He asked. "Yeah." I sighed watching the trees go by. "What were you arguing about?" He asked gently, I smiled at him, "Theo, he said I need to stop judging so quickly and I told him he needs to stop trusting so quickly.." I trailed off, "Can I tell you something without you freaking out?" I asked, a nervous laugh escaping my mouth.

"Of course." He answered pulling my hand up to his lips, "Theo has been hitting on me. I'm so sick of it he's been doing it since he got back and-and I hate it so much." I stuttered out my stress getting the best of me. I felt him tense at my words, "I'm sorry, babe. I'll talk to him, don't worry." He said softly, "Thank you." I sighed resting my head against the seat. "Baby, can I turn the radio on?" I whined, he laughed, "Yeah." He said smiling. "Ooh I love this song!" I cheered hearing In The Night by The Weeknd.

"In the night she hears him calling" I sang along, I saw Brett smirk at me out of the corner of my eye, "In the night she's dancing to relieve the pain" I kept singing along to the radio until we arrived at the beach.

"It's so empty." I said looking around, "Hmm." He hummed wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "It is a Monday night." He added on, I nodded, "I bet I can beat you to the water." I said already taking my tank top and shorts off, "Cheater!" He shouted as I started running, I turned and saw him pull his shirt off before following me. "No!" I shrieked when he pulled me under the water with him. "Jerk." I laughed pushing him back into the water. "Brett?" I asked looking around, he still hasn't come up, "Brett it's not funny." I said annoyed, I jumped feeling him behind me.

"It's not funny." I said straight faced, he laughed harder. "Aw come on." He said after I turned my back to him, "Nope." I said walking back to our stuff, "Baby." He whined pulling me back to him, I tripped making us both fall over, I blushed seeing the position we were in. I was straddling him well he was laying down. I started laughing and rolled off of him. "Oh my god." I said covering my face well I laughed. He started laughing with me, "What's so funny?" He asked rolling over on top of me. "Stop." I whined when he laid on top of me. "I can't breathe you giant!" I said laughing harder.

"No." He said kissing me, I smiled causing him to pull back, he shook his head smiling and rolled off of me. "You're so cute you know that?" He asked looking at me, "No, I only think you've told me twenty times in three days." I said sarcastically. "Shhhh." He shushed me and pointed up at the sky, "Just be cute and look at the sky." He said laughing. "You're so annoying." I groaned, "Am not." He said like a child. I hummed laying my head on his chest, "What time is it?" I asked actually noticing how dark it has gotten. "8:00." He answered pulling me closer, "When are we going to leave?" I asked looking at him.

"We should probably get going, you'll be exhausted by the time we get back." He answered sitting up, pulling me along. I nodded following him, I pulled my shorts on and put my shirt back on. "I had so much fun." I told him as I got in his car, "Me too." He replied starting the drive home, that's the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.

*next morning*

I groaned into my pillow hearing my alarm go off, I sat up quickly, "How did I get up here?" I asked myself, I shrugged it off, I'll ask Brett at school. Blah blah blah I did my morning routine.

I gasped seeing a bunch of blown up pictures of Brett and I at the beach attached to my locker and the ones surrounding it, "What the?" Scott mumbled seeing what I'm seeing, I rushed over there taking them down as quickly as possible. I've never been so embarrassed, "Who did this?" Brett asked pulling the rest of them off, I shook my head, "I don't know!" I said pulling at my hair. That's when I saw him standing there with his signature smirk. I pushed passed Brett, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I snapped at him.

"What? The whole school doesn't deserve to know what kind of girl you are?" Theo replied, I was about to lose it but Brett beat me to it, "Don't come near her again!" Brett snapped almost punching him. Stiles came over, putting his arm around my shoulder, "Brett, man, come on." He said, Brett turned around and saw people staring me included. He nodded, Stiles looked at me questioningly before going over to Scott and Liam who were giving Theo death glares. "Calm down." I said softly grabbing Brett's hand. He nodded taking a deep breath.

"Thanks." I said and hugged him like my life depended on it. "Don't thank me, baby." He whispered, "Don't let him get it to you, okay? Just brush him off, don't take crap from anyone." He added on leaning back to look at me, "Okay." I told him, "Time for another day of fun." I said sarcastically, "Bye." I kissed him, "Bye." He replied.
